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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

People on the fansites are just now circling back around to the hand-rumor stuff (and the things tangentially related to it) being possibly real again, right?

It makes sense - that stuff hit right around the same time all the other stuff this teaser proved true hit.

And yeah, Leia & Han not being together makes a ton of sense. I like it. Nobody thinks of Han & Leia and goes "OH YEAH, RETURN OF THE JEDI"

They think Han & Leia and remember them fighting with each other in Empire.
Well, it is also possible that Han see's the lightsaber, probably a rare object that few understand in this new universe, and immediately realizes something is fishy simply because of it's existence (moreso if he recognizes it as Luke's) and Luke is the only person he knows who would know a damn thing about lightsabers.

But it shouldn't matter. Like finding an old lightsaber shouldn't suddenly push Han to go find Luke. Especially when he realizes it isn't Luke's current one meaning the lightsaber really doesn't have any significance to any of the characters.

I just don't get it. Seems like poor writing to me if it does in fact set everything into motion. Unless they'll say "will of the Force" in which case ugh.

They think Han & Leia and remember them fighting with each other in Empire.

I remember the kiss and "I know" before the fighting. Those two moments are much more iconic.


...set of tools that could be perceived as evil but what if those tools were actually used for something good. I dunno. Just a thought.

That sounds just like Anakin. Don't be lured to the darkside, Boof! It's a TRAP!

So here's something I'm confused about. Han would recognize this as Luke's ANH/ESB saber right? He knew Luke has a new one, why would he suddenly be concerned with finding it?

Maybe Han takes it back as it is rightfully his. He did use it one time to cut open that Taun Taun to keep Luke from freezing to death. He then let Luke borrow it when he thawed out.

"I thought they smelled bad on the outside"
My guess on the story is that a brother and sister live on Tatooine and their father or friend is a junker guy. One day they stumble on an old relic of a ship and inside it find Jedi or Sith related material. The two then split up and go separate ways. One in search of the last known jedi, Luke Skywalker who might know something about it, and the other to someone who pays handsomely for old relics. All this against a second story of the lead up to a galactic battle with the old cast vs the new empire and the two stories cross with Boyega's character.
Count's "called" a lot of shit.

Count's best ignored.

Count and I spend a lot of time chatting about possible outcomes for this series. Some of them are bound to be true. Stories follow certain patters after all.

Here's what I just told him.

Maybe Han, who's been dragged into the war, put his daughter in hiding? That could drive Leia and Han to having a fallout. If you knew your child had potential to be force sensitive wouldn't you do your best to keep her away from your enemies?


Why are we acting like anyone "called" Han & Leia being broken up post-kids? It makes perfect sense, shouldn't really be shocking. Having Han be settled down kind of ruins his character. Look how neutered he was in Return of the Jedi, people want A New Hope/Empire Strikes Back Han. It's a much more interesting character.
Count and I spend a lot of time chatting about possible outcomes for this series.


Maybe Han, who's been dragged into the war, put his daughter in hiding? That could drive Leia and Han to having a fallout. If you knew your child had potential to be force sensitive wouldn't you do your best to keep her away from your enemies?

I do think the climax at the end of this film is going to incorporate Han and his paternal instincts in at least one way. Again - we have that description of a photo where Han is yelling at Luke with a gun drawn on him.

Is Driver his kid, or Ridley. Or both?

What if those two are only half-siblings? EH?



I can see Ridley's character assuming she is their offspring being closer to her dad and having a tense relationship with Leia.

Also what I find interesting about having Leia off being the alliance leader is it likely keeps her out of the action (no spoilers about any of the action scenes seem to involve her at all, she never was at any of the location shooting).

Carrie Fisher has gone a bit kooky over the years I am not surprised they are really kind of keeping her off to the sides unlike Harrison Ford.
I've been wondering if her role was bigger when they first started, and it got pared back as production went on, due to her personality/eccentricities.

She might as well not be in the movie for as much as we've heard.


Honestly having them stop off at the Alliance HQ and saying hi to Leia who is their leader and then going on their way like Making Star Wars is saying almost makes it seem like she is a glorified cameo, unless she has another major piece to play later. But seeing how she has not taken part in any location shooting nor seems to be part of any of the action that has leaked I am doubting it.

If I remember right she said when doing this movie she realized she is incapable of remembering lines anymore and had to write them all down on her hand....


Why are we acting like anyone "called" Han & Leia being broken up post-kids? It makes perfect sense, shouldn't really be shocking. Having Han be settled down kind of ruins his character. Look how neutered he was in Return of the Jedi, people want A New Hope/Empire Strikes Back Han. It's a much more interesting character.

ANH/TESB Han doesnt work with a 70+ year old man though, that would be Crystal Skull levels of bad.
Han needs to evolve and grow, I would not have minded him being a family father with some military command or anything, I am also fine with them being separated.
the only thing I don't want is to see him being the same scoundrel he was in ANH/TESB, flying cocky maneuvers in the millenium falcon.


Yeah I think Han and Leia being unpaired was pretty easy to call.

From a writing standpoint, they want the direction that will cause the most tension and conflict between characters, so that there's room for character arcs.

The obvious route to take it is to have the original trio at odds with each other, leading to eventual reconciliation.

I think that's sort of cheap, personally, because I'd like Han and Leia to have matured since ROTJ, but they're going a different route.
ANH/TESB Han doesnt work with a 70+ year old man though, that would be Crystal Skull levels of bad.
Han needs to evolve and grow, I would not have minded him being a family father with some military command or anything, I am also fine with them being separated.
the only thing I don't want is to see him being the same scoundrel he was in ANH/TESB, flying cocky maneuvers in the millenium falcon.

Because he's 70 he can't do cocky maneuvers in the Falcon?

What kind of logic is this? Is he just supposed to fly casual or what?
The obvious route to take it is to have the original trio at odds with each other, leading to eventual reconciliation.

Or a blow-up.

The way it's being suggested the trio is split apart, and the speculation that at least one of them is dying in this chapter - I don't think reconciliation is gonna be on the cards. Especially if it turns out Luke ends up endangering (or killing) either his nephew/niece, or their father.

Hell, considering what we know of Luke's introduction into the film - it's a pretty solid bet we won't see all three of them onscreen at the same time.

Well if that's him flying the Falcon in the teaser that is exactly what he is doing lol

I still think it might be Isaac flying it at that point.


Well if that's him flying the Falcon in the teaser that is exactly what he is doing lol

that's what I am fearing.
I doubt it though.

rumors say the millennium falcon belongs to someone else now, and since that chase is probably at the start of the movie, after boyega and ridley meet and need to escape the empire (they are probably after deserter boyega), I'd say the new owner is piloting the falcon.
if it was Han who is rescuing his daughter, that would really be super bad, just imagining him in his old outfit gives me shudders.


I've been wondering if her role was bigger when they first started, and it got pared back as production went on, due to her personality/eccentricities.

She might as well not be in the movie for as much as we've heard.

Didn't Fisher say she actually moved for filming for a six month stint? I can't imagine she essentially has a cameo for such a protracted move.


I really can't see Han making it out of the movie alive. Too much for his character arc seems set up for him to sacrifice himself .

I have been intrigued about the rumors of Luke using him as some kind of bait in his plan at the end and Han not making it out of it alive.
Respond to Bobby: speculation is fun.

Cheebo, the problem is Han can't go back to how he was when we first met him unless there's an in story explanation. RotJ established he was in it for the long haul. Although I can see him being older and tired of the BS he leaves with his daughter. The son stays to fight because he's older and has dreams of being like his Uncle.


Or a blow-up.

The way it's being suggested the trio is split apart, and the speculation that at least one of them is dying in this chapter - I don't think reconciliation is gonna be on the cards. Especially if it turns out Luke ends up endangering (or killing) either his nephew/niece, or their father.

Hell, considering what we know of Luke's introduction into the film - it's a pretty solid bet we won't see all three of them onscreen at the same time.

Yeah, I was going to address that. There is talk of that confrontation between Luke, Han, and Driver. Plus the constant rumors of Han dying.

I agree that we may not see all three together at once. And things between them may get even worse before they get better. But even if somebody dies, I do think that reconciliation/atonement will be a long-term trilogy goal.
Or a blow-up.

The way it's being suggested the trio is split apart, and the speculation that at least one of them is dying in this chapter - I don't think reconciliation is gonna be on the cards. Especially if it turns out Luke ends up endangering (or killing) either his nephew/niece, or their father.

Hell, considering what we know of Luke's introduction into the film - it's a pretty solid bet we won't see all three of them onscreen at the same time.

I still think it might be Isaac flying it at that point.
They could split the difference and kill Leia. Really send her brother and lover off into a tizzy. Like she could be on a capital ship on an important diplomatic mission and BOOM. I seem to recall concept art rumors of Han observing a space explosion (maybe I'm misremembering). WHY DIDN'T YOU FORESEE THIS LUKE. WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HER HAN. Give Han some regrets and something to atone for, kill the only person that could emotionally affect the now stoic Jedi master Luke. Leave the emotion to the only two actors with any charisma left, and sad/angry old people are easier to watch and believe than some spry and adventurous geriatric swashbuckler.

Wishful thinking of course.


I don't think reconciliation will be a long term goal. I am guessing Han dies in this and Luke is dead by the end of Episode 9.

This was the leaked Han production art being referenced. It was part of a batch of art that was later confirmed by the teaser. His snow gear is apparently meant for the snow planet we saw in the teaser.



well the snow gear sure seems to have a military rank on it's chest.
maybe he is going rogue for his daughter during the movie and steals the falcon back, and then changes in the duster outfit. I think I would be fine with that.

edit: boyega will fly it though


The Han art brings up a interesting point. It like a lot of spoilers came from reports/sources that also leaked a lot of details that were confirmed by the teaser making these other pieces also much more credible than seemed initially. And thus got kind of lost and forgotten about.

It'd be interesting if someone went through the past leaks/spoilers to kind of dig up stuff like this that are now much more likely true due to being part of leaks that we have now got confirmation on.


Remember guys, when we first heard about the planet with a snowy first waaaaaay back when the reason for the planets significance was the Empire was building a secret weapon on it capable of destroying entire solar systems.

Seeing how we did end up seeing the snowy forest planet...that part is also a lot more likely to be true too.
He's my friend.

I heard this in Leia's voice.

anyway. Makes me wonder if we start directly after the scroll - frame opens up to IMAX, hand + lightsaber drifts overhead, followed by the Falcon, being chased by TIE fighters. What if our opener is a big fat one-shot like Revenge of the Sith, but shot in IMAX and featuring the Falcon entering atmosphere, and evading/shooting down TIEs.

Go from there to the Daisy + Boyega meet cute, breaking Boyega & Isaac out of prison, have the artifact looked at by Sydow, give someone a call, Boyega gets freaked out because the ship coming to pick them up and take them to Rebel HQ is a fuckin STAR DESTROYER, only to find out Ridley's dad is Han Solo, who is pissed at Oscar Isaac because he almost ruined the Falcon, etc. etc.

I dunno, something like that.


Yeah Devin on BadassDigest suggested they were helming a Super Star Destroyer.

Which I'm... ehhhh about.

nah, that's what I always hoped for. it also makes the most sense, it's the predictable path in front of him after ROTJ. but I can definitely see him leave the republic behind for his final quest. that would match the character we know from the OT.

edit: oh you guys mean he is in an actual imperial star destroyer? not in a republic capital ship? I dont know if that makes sense unless the republic stole some of them for their own fleet. I doubt han stole one for him self or even less likely, joined the empire.
edit: oh you guys mean he is in an actual imperial star destroyer? not in a republic capital ship? I dont know if that makes sense unless the republic stole some of them for their own fleet. I doubt han stole one for him self or even less likely, joined the empire.

The empire is still around, but who is to say in what state? I'd expect after the death of the Emperor and Darth Vader, there would be more than a few higher ups willing to defect. We saw Coruscant celebrating at the end of RotJ, the rebels could have taken over part of the Empire. Maybe even kept the power structure of it in tact, just less evil? I'm not saying that is how it is, it doesn't fit perfectly with what we've heard, but there are a plethora of options.


I doubt they have "less evil" imperial power structures in place, but I guess it would make sense to use ships from a captured shipyard.
I still think it would be great if it opened with a giant Star Destroyer chasing a couple of straggling TIE fighters. A giant Star Destroyer helmed by Admiral Solo.


well it makes sense they continue it as legends, the alternative would either be to just kill SWTOR or to make it canon as a whole, both is very unlikely.

I dont think it matters though, because that time period will hardly be touched by the new films or even books.
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