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Star Wars: In Production [Rumors/SPOILERS for All Films Past, Present, & Future]

Well didn't he technically die at the end of return of the king? ;)


Speaking of Ian McKellen dying and coming back... Anyone remember hearing about Yoda and Obi Wan coming back to help Luke face Vader and The Emperor? I'm glad that didn't happen, but I wonder if that can be an unused concept that gets used in this new trilogy?


Chewie's life debt would then transfer to the child :D

Yeah i think it'd be nice to have him along as part of the crew for at least one more movie after this one especially because it seems like the OT droids won't be significant support characters in this new trilogy.
Yeah i think it'd be nice to have him along as part of the crew for at least one more movie after this one especially because it seems like the OT droids won't be significant support characters in this new trilogy.

I wonder if they'd actually just write Artoo & Threepio out of the series after this film. Everyone knows that those two are supposed to be THE only characters that show up in every movie - but they don't HAVE to be.


I wonder if they'd actually just write Artoo & Threepio out of the series after this film. Everyone knows that those two are supposed to be THE only characters that show up in every movie - but they don't HAVE to be.
Don't know how I'd feel about that tbh. On one hand I wouldn't mind a constant, but on the other I'd understand the reasoning.


I wonder if they'd actually just write Artoo & Threepio out of the series after this film. Everyone knows that those two are supposed to be THE only characters that show up in every movie - but they don't HAVE to be.

I would eat a hat if there was ever a Star Wars film or tv show that didn't have at least a cameo. It'll be 2300 AD before they even think about it.
If Han, Leia, and Luke's characters are passing the torch to the new actors, then R2 and Threepio need to pass the torch to rolling ball droid. I love that this awakening of the force brings all kinds of possibilities in future movies of seeing a bunch of jedi/sith fighting. Fuck the rule of two.


I don't want Luke to die either. He has been my #1 favorite hero in all forms of entertainment since I was at least 6 years old. BUT, I take solace in that fact that he won't really be 'dead' as there is a 99.9% probability he'd be a force ghost for the new generation. Sure his physical self would be gone, but he won't be gone-gone (as someone like Han would).

People always say "well, that's life. No one gets out of here alive". Yes, of course. But must our heroes suffer the same inevitable fate we all share in real life? I would like to think that in a fantasy setting that our heroes live forever.


Killing Luke is the worst possible thing to do in the new trilogy.

Let him grow into a new character, like he did in the OG.
That character is gold. and keeping him alive in the new continuity will help sell more tickets for the inevitable Luke's spin-offs unless they have a great idea to milk the Skywalker's name with a new character. the old EU never managed that.
I don't think they'll kill Luke. He is the only Jedi Master alive. I see him taking on a prequel Yoda-like role where he is kind of a wise old man who only interferes when absolutely necessary.


I see it is already been brought up but Ford's performance in Crystal Skull was actually good, if not brilliant. That movies problems had nothing to do with Ford. There are moments, like when he was in the back of the truck with Marion and charms her in two lines, that still puts a smile on my face.

Outside that Harrison Ford has not put in a good performance in years. The ability is there still, he just needs to give a shit. I think he gives a shit this time, and I think the director does as well. This will be his best work since The Fugitive (unless he is really only a cameo in it)


I see it is already been brought up but Ford's performance in Crystal Skull was actually good, if not brilliant. That movies problems had nothing to do with Ford. There are moments, like when he was in the back of the truck with Marion and charms her in two lines, that still puts a smile on my face.

Outside that Harrison Ford has not put in a good performance in years. The ability is there still, he just needs to give a shit. I think he gives a shit this time, and I think the director does as well. This will be his best work since The Fugitive (unless he is really only a cameo in it)

I hope so!

And getting off topic for a minute, Crystal Skull gets a lot of hate but I didn't think it was horrible. People always make fun of the refrigerator scene but forget about the equally silly jumping from an airplane and inflating a water raft, hitting the side of a mountain, and then falling off a cliff into a river scene from Temple of Doom.

Although I can't defend the Shia swinging from the monkey's or whatever. That was pretty stupid.


Killing Luke is the worst possible thing to do in the new trilogy.

Let him grow into a new character, like he did in the OG.
That character is gold. and keeping him alive in the new continuity will help sell more tickets for the inevitable Luke's spin-offs unless they have a great idea to milk the Skywalker's name with a new character. the old EU never managed that.

I am not sure keeping him alive makes a difference for any potential younger Luke spin-offs. They are extremely likely to kill off Han but a young Han spin-off is apparently in the works as well for example.


I see it is already been brought up but Ford's performance in Crystal Skull was actually good, if not brilliant. That movies problems had nothing to do with Ford. There are moments, like when he was in the back of the truck with Marion and charms her in two lines, that still puts a smile on my face.

Outside that Harrison Ford has not put in a good performance in years. The ability is there still, he just needs to give a shit. I think he gives a shit this time, and I think the director does as well. This will be his best work since The Fugitive (unless he is really only a cameo in it)

Part of me feels like JJ would not be so adamant about giving Han a reportedly big role if Ford weren't up to actually doing it. I feel like this is also why Leia doesn't seem to have very much to do either -- because he realized that Fisher isn't really up to it anymore.

Maybe that's more self-awareness I should credit to JJ or any director for that matter, but that's my gut feeling on it.
I hope so!

And getting off topic for a minute, Crystal Skull gets a lot of hate but I didn't think it was horrible. People always make fun of the refrigerator scene but forget about the equally silly jumping from an airplane and inflating a water raft, hitting the side of a mountain, and then falling off a cliff into a river scene from Temple of Doom.

Although I can't defend the Shia swinging from the monkey's or whatever. That was pretty stupid.

Temple of Doom was widely considered the worst Indiana Jones movie before Crystal Skull came about.
It's important to remember that the main characters are Boyega and Ridley. It's going to be their story, with Han and Luke helping them along their journey.

I still think Leia is evil or compromised somehow
Modern Carrie Fisher is incapable of pulling off that level of acting. Not to mention we already have quite a few bad guys in this.

True. It's a large cast.
What's with the flashback scene where they use Fisher's real life daughter as a lookalike for her then?


I wonder how much Mayhew actually did in the movie. He has a very difficult time walking and serious limp. I have to assume any scene where he isn't sitting was done by a stunt double
I wonder how much Mayhew actually did in the movie. He has a very difficult time walking and serious limp. I have to assume any scene where he isn't sitting was done by a stunt double

I imagine they only had him in a few easier scenes purely for tradition's sake and got someone else for the bulk of it. It's probably Mayhew in the Falcon since he'd be sitting down.


do wookies age?

Chewie looks pretty much exactly the same as he did. This picture with Disney's CEO Bob Iger was confirmed to have taken place on set:

Maybe Chewbacca also has a limp. Could be that accident that also cost him his right arm.

Well Mayhew has more than a limp. He had knee surgery recently but is pretty much confined to a wheel chair and using a cane. I doubt they will have Chewie using a wheel chair and a cane.


They did something to the area around his eyes for ROTS thst destroyed that lovable sort of puppy face he had in the OT which thank god is not the case for the new movie it looks like.
Killing Luke is the worst possible thing to do in the new trilogy.

Let him grow into a new character, like he did in the OG.
That character is gold. and keeping him alive in the new continuity will help sell more tickets for the inevitable Luke's spin-offs unless they have a great idea to milk the Skywalker's name with a new character. the old EU never managed that.
No it wouldn't be. Not even close. Just remember, Obi-Wan popped up in every star wars movie despite dying in A New Hope. Force ghosts are a thing, so you can bet your booty if Luke is killed he'd probably still show up again unless his death was related to some weirdness with the force.

And Luke doesn't necessarily need to grow, he already grew. He is too old for future spin offs, and that sort of milking would be awkward and boring when they have so many fresh possibilities to continue the franchise.
One way to keep Chewie alive would be to protect one of Han's possible children? Or maybe Han tricks Chewie to keep Chewie alive when he goes on that suicide sacrifice.

"No! Stop, Chewie, stop! Chewie! Chewie this won't help me! Hey! Save your strength. There'll be another time. The Princess. You have to take care of her. You hear me? Huh?"

It's been done, they were testing the carbonite process on Han to see if it would kill him, for all Chewie knew Han was about to die, and he let it happen because Han told him to take care of Leia.

Edit : Just to clarify, pointing out I would totally buy it if they did something similar in this movie, it wouldn't be a stretch at all.

But Han's going to live.


I wonder how much Mayhew actually did in the movie. He has a very difficult time walking and serious limp. I have to assume any scene where he isn't sitting was done by a stunt double

did I dream that or was there art leaked that showed chewie with a metal leg?


Its like the Yoda puppet in episode 1, how can they get it so wrong? Was it Lucas not giving a shit and saying that looks 'good enough'?
Its like the Yoda puppet in episode 1, how can they get it so wrong? Was it Lucas not giving a shit and saying that looks 'good enough'?

I always thought he wanted that new puppet to be a bit younger and more lively, maybe to make the older Yoda look smaller and older. Either that or he looked at it once and just said 'sure, whatever'


Its like the Yoda puppet in episode 1, how can they get it so wrong? Was it Lucas not giving a shit and saying that looks 'good enough'?

I think the original episode 1 yoda (they fixed it in the later releases with CG yoda more in line with episodes 2 and 3) was way worse than episode 3 chewbacca. But yeah, odd oversights.
I always thought he wanted that new puppet to be a bit younger and more lively, maybe to make the older Yoda look smaller and older. Either that or he looked at it once and just said 'sure, whatever'

Either way they struck out with both the puppet and CG, they had three films to get it right. In non did he look like how he did it the OT. That combined the assassination of his character makes the prequel Yoda completely irreconcilable with the character in the OT. It isn't the same character. It just isn't.
Forget everything that has been said in the old EU about force ghosts, do you think we'll see force ghost Yoda or Obi Wan at all in the new trilogy?
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