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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...



Shamelessly stolen from Imgur.
Doing my rewatch and tonight we're on EBS. Sarcastic Leia is Best Leia. In fact, between this and Carrie Fisher on the red carpet last night, I'm convinced she's a goddamned gift to mankind.

Key scenes from the film have apparently been captured. There are a few in the Spoiler thread. They are out there. Almost came across some on reddit.


My current ranking:

1. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
2. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
3. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

4. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
5. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

6. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
7. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

I will have to rewatch The Empire Strikes back tonight though. I'm not yet sure which of V and VII is the better one.
My impressions from the TFA OT, spoiler free ofc:

Very good movie, very good Star Wars. It was a new version of ANH for those who haven't seen it yet (or more precisely, those who hadn't had the chance to experience it at its release), and the beginning of a new trilogy. The new characters are good, Rey is awesome, Finn and Poe are both fine. The bonding between these young people is so natural, it looked like an awesome summer camp adventure. You can feel the kind of buddy vibe that was in ANH. A lot of humor, enough dramatic tension. A hell of a lightsaber battle.
Kylo Ren and Snoke are interesting characters. I think I haven't had the opportunity to really evaluate Adam's performance, the french dubbing takes a little bit out of the character.
Story wise, it's good or more precisely efficient, there are things I am not to fond about, but the good largely outweight the "bad". It was a safe bet, I wouldn't have minded more daring things tho.
It's a great introduction (maybe too much of an introduction?) to the new trilogy. I have a very good feeling for EP8.

If you want more specific details about the movie (without spoilers or without much spoilers), I am at your disposal. :)
My current ranking:

1. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
2. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
3. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

4. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
5. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

6. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
7. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

I will have to rewatch The Empire Strikes back tonight though. I'm not yet sure which of V and VII is the better one.

I haven't seen TFA yet, but I can't begin to imagine how it would surpass ESB. That movie is almost perfect.

However, if it even matches ANH and Jedi, I'll be absolutely thrilled.
Just got home from seeing it. It's 3am here and I'm totally exhausted from no sleep, but it was worth it. I am smiling from ear to ear. I hope everyone here enjoys it.
Okay, I'm watching AotC for the first time in years tonight. You know, there's nothing wrong with the first 25 minutes at all (the beginning up until where the assassin dies). There are a couple of bits of silly dialogue, but not too bad, and Hayden is fine up until this point. The lack of music in the club is a bit jarring too. But otherwise, the first 25 minutes are like a decent episode of CW.


Okay, I'm watching AotC for the first time in years tonight. You know, there's nothing wrong with the first 25 minutes at all (the beginning up until where the assassin dies). There are a couple of bits of silly dialogue, but not too bad, and Hayden is fine up until this point. The lack of music in the club is a bit jarring too. But otherwise, the first 25 minutes are like a decent episode of CW.
AOTC is good until Dexter Jettster appears. Then the rest is horrible.
In my head, the slightly older, pre teen youngling that Madame Librarian talks to right after talking to Obi Wan is in fact Caleb/Kanan.

Edit: Arrrrrrgh fuck me, I'd forgotten that the Anakin/Padme scenes really are that embarrassingly bad. I'm watching this by myself and I still feel awkward. It's like The Office or something. Holy moly.

Edit: Obi Wan's whole arc is fine, though. I'd kind of forgotten how dumb the Kaminos design is, lol. They look like when you're playing a game with a create a character mode and you crank all the dials to different extremes to see the goofiest thing you can create.

Aaaaaggg the field scene

Aaaaaaaaahhhggg the pear eating scene why am I doing this

Aaaaaggghh the fireside scene haha

Obi Wan vs Jango verbally, then in the rain, then in space is pretty good. You can quit hitting me over the head with the ESB symmetry though, Lucas, I get it.

Obi Wan eavesdropping on Genosis is pretty good.

Anakin and Padme's thread gets better when they return to Tatooine. The sand people scene is a lot more believable and intense than I'd made it in my head. Edit: Ugh. Then the A&P dialogue in the tool shed. Damn it.

WAIT... Why does Dooku straight up tell Obi Wan that the senate is being controlled by Sidious, considering the overall storyline?? How does this make any damned sense? Why would he tip Sheev's hand at this point, is he going rogue, briefly? He never shows any sign of it again, that I can remember. Is he really just trying to flip Obi Wan? And if so, why, considering he just met him? Why would he give away the biggest secret of all, before the war even starts? And why the hell doesn't Obi Wan at least mention it to Yoda/the council after this? What a weird scene.

Edit: at the end, Obi Wan does indeed tell Mace and Yoda. And Mace briefly seems concerned, but Yoda tells them to forget it, Dooku is just a big fibber. So basically, Yoda is kind of a dumbass here. That's ridiculous. And the question remains, why would Dooku spill the beans? He's lucky Yoda blew it off, but none of it makes sense. I mean Yoda knows there's a Sith Lord lurking about, since ten years prior one was involved in the Naboo incident, and the perpetrators of it are in the middle of this.

And speaking of that, Dooku also tells Gunray and his buddies that he does indeed answer to a higher master... Do they know that it's their old boss? Dooku seems aware that the war is a sham, but he acts surprised that the republic has put together an army, at least in front of them.

Oh, and Yoda and the Jedi ALSO know that the clones were commissioned ten years prior by someone who knew a war would eventually be fought. They don't know who but around that time, the Naboo incident happened. So how could they NOT realize the same person was playing both sides, especially in light of Dooku's revelations? They don't figure out how the clones got ordered, but just say "fuck it" and use them to fight a war the next three years anyway.

Anyway, the whole Genosis sequence was fine. The battles still look great, and since Anakin keeps his stupid mouth shut for most of the final hour, things get better.

Overall, a lot of the movie is better than I remember, and Obi Wan's whole arc from beginning to end is pretty good, actually. But holy shit, the parts that are bad are rock bottom. And those parts can pretty much be boiled down to Anakin and Padme. The worst.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
So now TFA is over and I loved it I'm ready to consume stuff surrounding the movie - I held back on stories and merch until I saw the movie, didn't wanna splash on it only for it to be bad.

Are those short stories any good? The Crimson Corsair/etc? Might go get those today.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
For who people who have seen it. How is the score?

I honestly didnt notice it, maybe repeat viewings would make it easier to hear but as someone who went in hoping for some new great tunes, honestly only found one. Its serviceable.
My non-spoilery impressions:

I loved it. Few minor quibbles but I was grinning from ear to ear for the vast majority of it. Rey, Finn and Kylo were all better than I was expecting and Harrison did a really great job as well. The chemistry between the characters was electric and much more in line with the OT. A lot of the reviews said it had a great sense of humour - they weren't kidding.

I need to see it a few more times but my ranking would probably be:
1. Empire
2. A New Hope
3. The Force Awakens
4. Jedi
5. Sith
6. TPM
7. Clones


Now that I have had a day to think about it, I also think my ranking goes like this:

1. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
2. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
3. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
4. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
5. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
6. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
7. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Will go watch The Force Awakens a second time though.


Gonna take over GAMEPROFF quick here...



I'm watching TFA in under 10 hours. Work can't go any slower right now.


Watching Empire Strikes Back Despecialized in preperation for tomorrow
Did Leia kiss Luke on the cheek or...french kiss him XP
Hey, another thing that just occurred to me this morning... I don't know how many years Schmi lived with the Lars', but however long it was, C3PO lived there the whole time. Never mind the "why doesn't Vader remember the droids" question... why don't Lars and Beru remember 3PO?

I mean, for poor desert people, a talking droid who is part of the household for probably half a decade or more SEEMS like it should be at least as memorable as a pet or something. And one of them actually did some pretty substantial work on him; they put his whole casing on! When the Jawas come rolling through later hawking thier wares, why doesn't Owen say something more like "oh, holy shit... it's Threepio!"

EDIT: I guess his casing looked pretty different in ANH. So Owen wouldn't have known him on sight. But don't 3PO units all have different voices and mannerisms? It seems like as soon as C3PO started blathering, he'd recognize him pretty quick.


Hey, another thing that just occurred to me this morning... I don't know how many years Schmi lived with the Lars', but however long it was, C3PO lived there the whole time. Never mind the "why doesn't Vader remember the droids" question... why don't Lars and Beru remember 3PO?

I mean, for poor desert people, a talking droid who is part of the household for probably half a decade or more SEEMS like it should be at least as memorable as a pet or something. And one of them actually did some pretty substantial work on him; they put his whole casing on! When the Jawas come rolling through later hawking thier wares, why doesn't Owen say something more like "oh, holy shit... it's Threepio!"

In Lucas' defense, C3PO didn't actually introduce himself to Lars, just told him what he can do. No names. Probably thought it was coincidental that he sounded like his old one.

And the last time he saw Threepio was when he was silver, not gold.

He probably doesn't remember R2D2 too well, either.
Hey, another thing that just occurred to me this morning... I don't know how many years Schmi lived with the Lars', but however long it was, C3PO lived there the whole time. Never mind the "why doesn't Vader remember the droids" question... why don't Lars and Beru remember 3PO?

I mean, for poor desert people, a talking droid who is part of the household for probably half a decade or more SEEMS like it should be at least as memorable as a pet or something. And one of them actually did some pretty substantial work on him; they put his whole casing on! When the Jawas come rolling through later hawking thier wares, why doesn't Owen say something more like "oh, holy shit... it's Threepio!"

EDIT: I guess his casing looked pretty different in ANH. So Owen wouldn't have known him on sight. But don't 3PO units all have different voices and mannerisms? It seems like as soon as C3PO started blathering, he'd recognize him pretty quick.

Owen seemed particularly uncaring about droids except for what they could do for him. They were more like appliances than pets. So it would be like recognizing your vacuum, with a new casing, from 20+ years ago.


Vader never really comes in contact with the droids ever again does he?

I think the bigger question is why doesn't Kenobi acknowledge R2?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Vader never really comes in contact with the droids ever again does he?

I think the bigger question is why doesn't Kenobi acknowledge R2?

Because R2 was shoehorned into the PT, and they never had it all in mind whilst making the films, thats why small stuff like this is missed
Ah, I guess that makes sense on Owen. And no, I don't think Vader comes in contact with the droids again except when he shoots R2 in the trench run at the end of ANH, but I can see why he wouldn't stop and think it was HIS R2. And I guess that brief moment in Bespin 3PO walks in behind Han into the banquet room. Vader doesn't hear him talk or anything there, either.

Kenobi actually isn't around 3PO at all in TPM or AotC. Or the first season of Clone Wars. I haven't seen RotS in a while, and I'm going to finish CW first, but I can't really remember them having much interaction.

But R2? He should TOTALLY remember him. They share scenes extensively in every single movie. In fact, come to think of it, R2 is even right there every time Kenobi appears as a ghost in ESB and RotJ! I guess the easy explanation is that he DOES recognize R2, and when he flat out says he doesn't, he's just being full of shit like he is with everything else he says to Luke.


Just came out from a second viewing. It is still as enjoyable and entertaining. This has settled it. To me The Force Awakens is the second best Star Wars. Everyone from Leia, Han, BB-8, Poe, Finn, Kylo, Hux and Rey were perfect. The only one I didn't really like were Snoke.


Because R2 was shoehorned into the PT, and they never had it all in mind whilst making the films, thats why small stuff like this is missed

Well obviously all of this is just fan wank but it's not anymore so than why didn't Owen recognize 3PO.

And I wouldn't call R2 "shoehorned in". He is after all the real hero of the saga and Lucas has said before that the movies were, in-universe, R2's retelling of the events.
So it paid off not using the internet at all this week with all the spoilers going around. its good to be back. Got to see it tonight in a VIP room, which was amazing. Going to a 3d viewing tomorrow, then another regular viewing Saturday.
Are those short stories any good? The Crimson Corsair/etc? Might go get those today.
If you can get it cheap, I would say its okay. I didn't really like it. Mainly the writing style.

My current ranking:

1. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
2. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
3. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

4. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
5. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

6. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
7. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

I will have to rewatch The Empire Strikes back tonight though. I'm not yet sure which of V and VII is the better one.
I would put it the same with me, but I would put Episode 2 before 1.
My current ranking:

1. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
2. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
3. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

4. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
5. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

6. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
7. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

I will have to rewatch The Empire Strikes back tonight though. I'm not yet sure which of V and VII is the better one.

As of right now, I probably agree completely with this ordering. I'm just blown away by the new one.
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