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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


So I just realized the location where Luke loses his arm in episode V is shaped like the tail of a WWII aeroplane.

That's intentional correct?
I should be watching in the theater in about 6 hours if all goes well and it's not sold out. I'm going to watch some of The Clone Wars now. It's the only SW on Netflix.


Art of The Force Awakens is really fucking good. Big fan of Kylo Rens design so it was interesting to see the process how they got there. They had some pretty wild ideas for him early on. Really cool to see the evolution of Rey, Finn and Poe as well. Kinda crazy to see how wildly different the concepts they had going not even 2 years ago from what we got in TFA.


Saw it last night, Wow, JJ really did it. It was amazing. Crazy that a movie this hyped up actually exceeded my expectations

Super excited to see more of this trilogy
Art of The Force Awakens is really fucking good. Big fan of Kylo Rens design so it was interesting to see the process how they got there. They had some pretty wild ideas for him early on. Really cool to see the evolution of Rey, Finn and Poe as well. Kinda crazy to see how wildly different the concepts they had going not even 2 years ago from what we got in TFA.

The preview pages on Amazon look great. Have to wait to read it though as it's a Christmas present. :(


The preview pages on Amazon look great. Have to wait to read it though as it's a Christmas present. :(

Less than a week, it's worth the wait trust me! :)

It said in the book that there is going to be a Making of book out sometime in 2016 so I checked Amazon and it's listed for October? wtf gimme that shit now.
Less than a week, it's worth the wait trust me! :)

It said in the book that there is going to be a Making of book out sometime in 2016 so I checked Amazon and it's listed for October? wtf gimme that shit now.

Yeah, Mark Cotta Vaz is doing it. Shame it's such a wait for it.


Yeah, Mark Cotta Vaz is doing it. Shame it's such a wait for it.

It's a bummer because there is a lot of production notes in the art book that lay down a lot of the ideas they had before shooting, I want some more of that and how they tackled nailing down the script in such a short space of time.

Least we'll have something to read before Rogue One :D

Speaking of reading guess I can finally read Aftermath now.


I was expecting to be blown away. I was blown away twice and back again. Ti's legit. I really love Daisy Ridley. Good god.


Saw TFA this aft so I no longer care about prerelease promo spoilers and whatnot which means I can come back to this thread. I've missed it but I had to bail when all the commercials started getting posted. I'm too weak not to click.
I was never really into movie soundtracks, but damn...after TFA and re-listening to some of William's score from the other movies, I realized just how perfect the Force theme is. Stirring, thrilling, emotional, heroic...it's just perfect


Art of The Force Awakens is really fucking good. Big fan of Kylo Rens design so it was interesting to see the process how they got there. They had some pretty wild ideas for him early on. Really cool to see the evolution of Rey, Finn and Poe as well. Kinda crazy to see how wildly different the concepts they had going not even 2 years ago from what we got in TFA.

Yeah I flipped through mine this morning but couldn't really read it given that Amazon fucked it up and this is how my copy arrived...

Now have to wait until Sunday for the replacement. As a consolation I did pick up the Souvenir LF Insider magazine that surprisingly has a lot of production and universe information in it.
Yeah I flipped through mine this morning but couldn't really read it given that Amazon fucked it up and this is how my copy arrived...

Now have to wait until Sunday for the replacement. As a consolation I did pick up the Souvenir LF Insider magazine that surprisingly has a lot of production and universe information in it.

Geez. What the hell did they do to it? Hope mine's in better condition.

I received my visual dictionary today. It really brings me back to my childhood looking through this. I spent hours poring over the prequel and original trilogy ones when I was a kid. Some nice details in there about the state of the Republic and a few other background details.


Geez. What the hell did they do to it? Hope mine's in better condition.

Pretty much they threw it in a box 3 times the size of the book with a single line of that bubble packaging shit so as a result the book just bounced around in transit and got caught in the flaps of the cardboard packaging folding the pages.
What are good Star Wars comics to check out? EU or current canon, doesn't matter. Just that it's relatively recent. The Omnibuses are on sale on Comixology, but I can't stand that old school art and format
What are good Star Wars comics to check out? EU or current canon, doesn't matter. Just that it's relatively recent. The Omnibuses are on sale on Comixology, but I can't stand that old school art and format

Current canon, Darth Vader is very good (though it gets wrapped up in a crossover towards the end), the main Star Wars book is good, and Lando is supposed to be amazing.
For those that saw the Saga marathon, what version of the OT did they show. Was it the 97 special editions or the 2011 Blu-ray versions?

And for a random thought, I would love a home video release that includes all versions of the films. The original theatrical (branching with the slightly altered 81 release), the 97 special edition, the 2004 DVD, and the 2011 Blu-ray. Not to mention the different versions of the prequels. I'd love to have the ability to see all the different versions and I probably wouldn't strictly watch any version, it would depend on my mood. If I'm watching the complete saga, probably I'd go with the 2011 release, but if I just want the OT I'd go theatrical. The 97 release holds a special place because that's the first time I saw them on the big screen so I'd be interested in revisiting that version. Not to mention all the weird little things that have changed with each home release. For instance the delay between Greedo and Han shooting got shorter with each home release to the point were the blu-ray is nearly simultaneous.


Pretty much they threw it in a box 3 times the size of the book with a single line of that bubble packaging shit so as a result the book just bounced around in transit and got caught in the flaps of the cardboard packaging folding the pages.

Yeesh guess I'm lucky mine was okay because it was just in a box with some brown paper. Hopefully you get a quick replacement because I'd be super pissed.

Geez. What the hell did they do to it? Hope mine's in better condition.

I received my visual dictionary today. It really brings me back to my childhood looking through this. I spent hours poring over the prequel and original trilogy ones when I was a kid. Some nice details in there about the state of the Republic and a few other background details.

Does this have a a lot of stuff in it? looked pretty cool so I was going to get it plus it's cheap lol


For those that saw the Saga marathon, what version of the OT did they show. Was it the 97 special editions or the 2011 Blu-ray versions?

And for a random thought, I would love a home video release that includes all versions of the films. The original theatrical (branching with the slightly altered 81 release), the 97 special edition, the 2004 DVD, and the 2011 Blu-ray. Not to mention the different versions of the prequels. I'd love to have the ability to see all the different versions and I probably wouldn't strictly watch any version, it would depend on my mood. If I'm watching the complete saga, probably I'd go with the 2011 release, but if I just want the OT I'd go theatrical. The 97 release holds a special place because that's the first time I saw them on the big screen so I'd be interested in revisiting that version. Not to mention all the weird little things that have changed with each home release. For instance the delay between Greedo and Han shooting got shorter with each home release to the point were the blu-ray is nearly simultaneous.
It was the Blu-Ray versions.


So I watched the new Star Wars, it was both great and extremely disappointing at the same time.
It's a rehash more than anything, heck this is the second A New Hope rehash Star Wars has done. I hope the next two movies have the bravery to take risks. Kylo Ren, while I really liked embodiment of rage use of the dark force and the contrast with Darth Vader in that he is unexperienced and out of his depth, overall he was one of the dodgiest part of the movie, and a certain revelation took a page out of one of the worst part of the Expanded Universe. The new cast are great and likeable, but their development and characterization are uneven, with Rey getting the bulk of the focus, and even then her powers developed too fast. The soundtrack itself, while using some of the excellent ones from the older movies, it didn't have any memorable one that it introduces.
So the whole movie is like that, with me really liking some things and really disliking some other things about it. At least I can say that throughout the whole thing, Abram's direction was really good.
Does this have a a lot of stuff in it? looked pretty cool so I was going to get it plus it's cheap lol

Yeah, definitely worth the six quid I paid for it on Amazon. Obviously a few key characters are missing such as Snoke and Luke but it's definitely a nice little reference book for the film. I love that they've included a few references to Lost Stars and Shattered Empire in it too.


Just got back from vacation, saw TFA twice, know I missed some other stuff. Aside from the Vader Annual and Before the Awakening, was there anything else? Not counting the "extra" stuff like the visual dictionary, TFA novel, etc.
Just got back from vacation, saw TFA twice, know I missed some other stuff. Aside from the Vader Annual and Before the Awakening, was there anything else? Not counting the "extra" stuff like the visual dictionary, TFA novel, etc.

Not sure if you're following the series but Kanan #9 came out. It's ending with #12 as well.


Not sure if you're following the series but Kanan #9 came out. It's ending with #12 as well.

Thanks, knew I forgot something. Too bad to hear that it's ending but I kind of figured that would happen since Rebels isn't the franchise's prime focus anymore. Wonder if they're going to replace it with a different ongoing series. Personally I'd like something that finishes adapting the unfinished Clone Wars scripts, but I figure most stuff coming out from this point on will be dealing with the RotJ-TFA gap.


Thanks, knew I forgot something. Too bad to hear that it's ending but I kind of figured that would happen since Rebels isn't the franchise's prime focus anymore. Wonder if they're going to replace it with a different ongoing series. Personally I'd like something that finishes adapting the unfinished Clone Wars scripts, but I figure most stuff coming out from this point on will be dealing with the RotJ-TFA gap.

After seeing TFA there is so much I want during that time. The movie makes the gap seem so much larger than I thought it would.


I'd actually rather have them hold off on delving into that time period too much yet since I think it would be perfect ground for an animated series after Rebels ends.


I'd actually rather have them hold off on delving into that time period too much yet since I think it would be perfect ground for an animated series after Rebels ends.

I don't really care when and how they do it but I really hope they get into certain events referenced in the film at some point.


Just ordered The Clone Wars boxset. I haven't seen it and have heard really really good things about it so I'm looking forward to going through that during the Holidays.

Is Rebels worth it? At face value it looks a bit...eh... but if it's legitimately good story-wise then I'll jump on that too.

Any other good canon pieces from a book perspective to look in to as well? Want to explore other areas of the official canon.


Just ordered The Clone Wars boxset. I haven't seen it and have heard really really good things about it so I'm looking forward to going through that during the Holidays.

Is Rebels worth it? At face value it looks a bit...eh... but if it's legitimately good story-wise then I'll jump on that too.

Any other good canon pieces from a book perspective to look in to as well? Want to explore other areas of the official canon.

Rebels is pretty good though not as good as Clone Wars. But don't watch them simultaneously. Watch Clone Wars first, then Rebels. Rebels is in many ways a sequel series to Clone Wars.
Any other good canon pieces from a book perspective to look in to as well? Want to explore other areas of the official canon.

The young adult books are proving very reliable. Lost Stars is good and the Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens character adventures are fun little chunks of Star Wars too.


The score for The Force Awakens really got me to listen to some of the soundtracks to the other movies, and I've only now come to really appreciate Across the Stars from Attack of the Clones. What a great track.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Just ordered The Clone Wars boxset. I haven't seen it and have heard really really good things about it so I'm looking forward to going through that during the Holidays.

Is Rebels worth it? At face value it looks a bit...eh... but if it's legitimately good story-wise then I'll jump on that too.

Any other good canon pieces from a book perspective to look in to as well? Want to explore other areas of the official canon.

You're in for a treat. If you want there's a guide for essential episodes, but if you have the time I'd recommend to just watch everything. Season 1 isn't that great, but from s2 onwards the show hits its stride.

I have that s1-5 set too, but remember there's also a 6th season, which are basically all the episodes they could still finish before they got cancelled.


Any other good canon pieces from a book perspective to look in to as well? Want to explore other areas of the official canon.

For books, the guaranteed go-to things are Lost Stars and the Servants of the Empire series (4 books), both of which are young adult novels but much better than the regular "adult" novels. Servants of the Empire interweaves with Rebels though so you'd have to watch season 1 of the show alongside or before it. The Journey to the Force Awakens books are also fun (Smuggler's Run, The Weapon of a Jedi, and Moving Target). I'd also recommend The Princess, the Smuggler, and the Farm Boy which is a great retelling of A New Hope with extra scenes added in.

For the "regular" novels, Battlefront: Twilight Company is probably the best. The others all have mixed reactions. Tarkin is slow and dreary, heavily based on the Imperial military and court intrigues, but I liked it a lot. Heir to the Jedi is...ok. Lords of the Sith is much more action based but has some pacing issues. Dark Disciple is eight unfinished Clone Wars episodes smushed together but it's essential reading after you finish TCW if you want to see how her story continues. Aftermath isn't bad but it's written in second person present tense, so for many people it's difficult to get through.

In terms of the comics, Kanan and Lando are the best ones.


Just ordered The Clone Wars boxset. I haven't seen it and have heard really really good things about it so I'm looking forward to going through that during the Holidays.

Is Rebels worth it? At face value it looks a bit...eh... but if it's legitimately good story-wise then I'll jump on that too.

Any other good canon pieces from a book perspective to look in to as well? Want to explore other areas of the official canon.

Rebels is slower and more of a firefly kind of series, The Clone Wars is bombastic action, drama and mysteries

Rebels is not as good as the Clone Wars, but it's really good as a pseudo sequel


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
When is the next big book to come out besides TFA novel?

Also my Star Wars Google Cardboard came in this weekend.




What? The only way this could be done is if Anakin had to participate in a Podrace tournament...and that sounds pretty boring.

some type of fighting tournament held in the outer rim, where the prize is a rare jedi or sith artifact that could help in the war. I mean this is show that had a kaiju episode.
When is the next big book to come out besides TFA novel?

New Republic: Bloodline's out in March. Claudia Gray's writing it and if Lost Stars is any indication, it should be great. It's set six years before the film as well so it'll be the closest adult novel to the film time-wise, apart from the film's obviously.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
figured this is a good place to ask - i know the current timeline doesn't take these into account but when do the Darth Bane books & KOTOR game take place in relation to one another?
figured this is a good place to ask - i know the current timeline doesn't take these into account but when do the Darth Bane books & KOTOR game take place in relation to one another?

KOTOR was about 4000 BBY and the Bane books were 980-1003 BBY according to Wookieepedia. So around 3000 years.
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