Thrawn is Snoke.
We are all Snoke
Thrawn is Snoke.
“She is absolutely a very unlikely heroine,” the actress says. “She’s someone on the edges and fringes of society. Physically, she’s smaller than everyone else around her, but… when someone has something they believe in, that’s what powers them, that’s what motivates them, that’s what can give someone enormous strength.”
Edwards says he chose Jones because she wasn’t “so kick-ass and shields-up that the audience couldn’t empathize with her.”
Last article from EW on Rogue One for the week. It's about Jyn,
Just bought the Star Wars Complete Saga Blu Ray on Amazon. It's the slipcase version with Darth Vader on the front. It was only 30$ so I figured why not. I was wondering though if this version for sure includes all the bonus features and documentaries. The info on Amazon is alil hard to judge since its describing what's included in the non slip case set.
Also is this the same as the original Blu Ray release from 2011, just with new packaging?
Awesome thanks!
Are there any really good Star Wars podcasts worth checking out? Past or present?
Looks like Tony Gilroy is officially credited as screenwriter for Rogue One with Chris Weitz now. We knew he was doing some additional dialogue but it looked like it wouldn't be credited.
The fact he's not a character repurposed from that scene makes me think he won't survive the movie.
Pretty sure that is Yularen from the Clone WarsLook at the far left side,
he could have grown a mustache!
Pretty sure that is Yularen from the Clone Wars
Look at the far left side,
he could have grown a mustache!
Or the one of the emporer.Two seats are empty. One is Vader's. The other. Could have been Krennic's.
Or the one of the emporer.
Obama has his Oval office and he has his tactical briefing room for military meetings.i highly doubt the emperor would sit at that table when he's got a throne room
Obama has his Oval office and he has his tactical briefing room for military meetings.
The Throne Room on the second Deathstar doesnt look like the room where meetings where held.
i like to think his tactical briefing room is on the Eclipse
thats canon again, right?
Eclipse is EU unless they have re-introduced it and i haven't heard. The biggest ship in the new canon is still an SSD.
Also to be totally accurate the eclipse in the old canon wasn't commissioned until ABY. So his briefing room during ANH would defo not have been there![]()
She starts with the Dreadnoughts—the Super Star Destroyers.
Thirteen were in service before the revivified Death Star was destroyed above Endor. One of those is the Ravager, the SSD from which Sloane rules the Empire (and which, strictly speaking, is now Gaelan’s command). One of those is the Executor, Vader’s command ship. The Executor was lost that day, plunging into the surface of the Death Star. Taking hundreds of thousands of the best Imperials with it.
Sloane shudders as she thinks of it.
That leaves eleven others.
Three are now in the hands of the New Republic. Two of those were from admirals willingly surrendering the ship and its people. One was taken forcibly by New Republic forces while it underwent repairs over Kuat.
Five were destroyed outright in battles across the galaxy with the New Republic—the ships were understaffed, underprotected, and on the run. (The Dreadnoughts are home to massive batteries of fleet-killing weapons, yes, but are also slow, unwieldy beasts—they hang there in the sky like bricks, and without adequate protection it is an inevitability that enemy forces could erode the ships until obliteration ensues.)
One was taken by pirates: the Annihilator. Tagge’s old ship. But who controls the Annihilator now? The reports don’t say.
Another, the Arbitrator, made a bad hyperspace calculation to escape pursuing NR ships. It evaporated when it was sucked into a gravity well.
That leaves Palpatine’s own command ship:
The Eclipse.
Records show that it, too, was destroyed by a fleet of New Republic vessels—Ackbar’s own frigate, Home One, firing the ship-killing shot.
Ah, but there’s the catch, and it’s why Sloane is here: The ships dumped data across the stars, transmitting pulses of information to this location. That provides a black-box recording of information so one could discern what exactly happened before a ship was destroyed, captured, or surrendered. All the other tracking data adds up to the known fates of each SSD. Their stories match the data for all of them—except one.
For the Eclipse, the data ends a full day-cycle before the ship was reportedly destroyed. It shows no siege by New Republic forces. It simply…drops off the star map. Gone. Vanished.
Sloane concedes that it’s possible the ship stopped reporting due to a malfunction in its data recorder. Though redundant systems were supposed to alert command if that had happened—again, bureaucracy and reiterative mechanisms should have saved the day here.
And yet they didn’t.
Is it possible that the Eclipse is still out there? Could the Ravager not be the last Super Star Destroyer in the naval arsenal?
The Eclipse has been canonized but it's classified as a SSD. We don't know if it looks like the other SSDs or if it's some special class though. It was mentioned in Life Debt. Here's the relevant passage:
The new TFA Edition will be avaiable from Force Friday to preorder, right?
Yesssss. Where is the clone wars tv show tho![]()
Netflix Netherlands <3
TFA coming tomorrow![]()
Same. Loved both of her books.Just got the big reveal in Bloodlines and it's better than I even imagined. I really hope Claudia Grey has some more Star Wars works lined up.
An alternative international trailer for Rogue One's been released. First mention of Jyn's father, Galen, and a few new shots.
Netflix Netherlands <3
TFA coming tomorrow![]()
Netflix Netherlands <3
TFA coming tomorrow![]()
These are some really odd screenshot selections.
Netflix tries a lot of different thumbnails for titles to see what attracts more user interaction.
Do they need to?
Hmm.... I wonder what this "Star Wars" film is about.
Deflector shields block solid mass moving at high velocities. In the Onderon arc of Clone Wars, it's shown you have to throw grenades slow enough to go pass through a Droideka's shield.Deflector shields seem to be used for a lot of things... not just spaceship defense, but also personal shields, defense of buildings, etc. It's demonstrated all along that they block lasers/energy weapons but not solid mass.
It seems to me that the invention of these shields in a galaxy that is constantly at war would immediately shift things away from lasers and right back to conventional projectile weapons... Bullets, missiles etc. I guess it's possible that the galaxy NEVER had such weapons. Bit even then, it seems like they'd figure it out pretty quickly.
After seeing the 10 Clover Lane international trailer I think I will stick with good old predictable US trailers.An alternative international trailer for Rogue One's been released. First mention of Jyn's father, Galen, and a few new shots.
One thing about Bloodline I meant to ask. Is there some point in the new continuity where it has already been made public that Leia's birth mother is Padme? Because in the scene whereand then again whenLady Carise finds the box and listens to it for the first time, in both cases it seems like there's an extra sentence kind of inserted to make it seem like her maternal biological lineage had already come out (but not her paternal, obviously).the secret gets revealed to the whole galaxy
I'll dig the book out and be more specific if need be.
Finished bloodline and its in my top three books so far. My new canon ranking goes
Lost Stars
New Dawn
Dark Disciple
Servants of the empire
Heir to the Jedi
Weapon of a Jedi
Lords of the sith
My ranking of new canon novels goes like this:
-The first chapter of Lost Stars
-The cover New Dawn
-The first half of Aftermath
I'm gonna actually read that Ahsoka book though!
(If you ask about the new canon comics, then I've got an actual list)