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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


More Darth Vader, of course.

With Ayn Rand-esque speeches that go on for pages and pages from the master of dialogue himself, Kieron Gillen.

It's what Bobby would've wanted.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Do we still dont know whats going to replace Darth Vader?

It's being billed to comic shops as "Star Wars Classified" and the first issue will be out Dec. 7. The writer will be the same one as the Darth Vader series, Kieron Gillen. That's really all we know about it. No official announcement yet and nothing has leaked as far as I know.

Opinions vary widely on the Aftermath series, but I love Mister Bones, so I'm excited!

That would be cool to see.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
What I like about Lost Stars so far is that
it makes the destruction of Alderaan and the Death Star have real impact. In the movies these are things that just happened and were never lingered on, but at least here we see how it was dealt with by people. Ciena's rationalization is crazy though.

About 200 pages in, pleasantly surprised by it. The writing is a big simplistic, but I don't mind that right now since it's been ages since I sat down and read a novel. It may be a gateway to finally get to my reading pile again.
I like the idea of owning the physical book but I can read more if I have digital ready to go on my phone or iPad. So I'm going digital.
I'm gonna give the audiobook a go. It'll be my first audiobook as I prefer just reading hard copies when possible.

Hopefully its a good adaptation.
Lost Stars' was amazing with the music and sound effects honestly it just needed separate narrators for the two main characters.

The Rebels novel(can't remember the name) while having those things was audibly pretty bland.
it just didn't have the oomph Lost Stars did especially the music.


The book showed up on my iPad a bit after 10 PM?

I finished it. It was great. Will be entertaining to listen to the audio book version.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Oh man that Ahsoka book takes place between Order 66 and Rebels huh? Very interesting. If impressions here continue to be positive I'll get it as well


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Finished Darth Vader 25

Aphra's fate

First I was like

Then I was like


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Please Spoilers

Aphra spills the beans to Palpy on everything Vader's been up to EXCEPT for the Luke business. However, instead of giving him hell, Sheev is genuinely impressed by all of this, so much so that he gives Vader a promotion (lead the Executor, etc.). Anyway, he pats both him and Aphra on the back and goes on his merry way. Vader asks Aphra, who is obviously taken aback because she was expecting a result in her favor, to walk with him. He then promptly tosses her in an airlock and shuts her in there as she begs him to kill her with a lightsaber instead. Nope - Vader pushes the button, ejects her into outer space and goes back on his way to the beginning of ESB.

Oh wait, Aphra survives that for some reason and the droids rescue her. Wut.
I thought it was a great conclusion. Especially Vader
dealing with Tagge. Talk about digging your own grave. Haha.

I always guessed Aphra would escape but I'm glad it wasn't Vader letting her off that let her live. Leaving her to the airlock felt in character and this entire issue was essentially a victory parade for him.

I liked the backup story as well. It was really effective despite having no dialogue. I loved the little flashback where Vader's just this dark shadow with a red blade. The final page reminded me of the Wicker Man.


Han issue was ok, Vader's conclusion was great, especially that epilogue. Haven't read Ahsoka yet.

Old Canon, yes.

I mean....that's a lot of time to cover. Tens of thousands of years. Is there a certain thing about it you'd like to know? It might just be better to look up Wookieepedia's old canon timeline.


I was thinking mostly just the timeline of the games themselves. Anything related to those is fine.

I'm going to edit this post because I'm typing on a phone, but I wrote up a bunch of stuff about it for someone else in the past so I have to find it. But the first thing to know is that the Old Republic games only take place in a fraction of the time that the Old Republic existed.

Edit: actually I tried to edit this and it was too long so I'm going to post it in 2 or however many posts.


The art on Han Solo is just so damn good I just wanna stare at it.

I laughed at the end of Vader. (Not in a bad way!) Will be interesting giving the entire series a reread in the future.

Seriously wish the TFA adaptation had better art.

Really liked Ahsoka. Finally got my Rebels UK magazine and read Puffer Problems, which is a Lando story and pretty funny.

Will be out of the country and behind the Great Firewall for part of the next two weeks, so gonna be missing TWO Rebels episodes *twitch*. Well maybe by the time I get back my children's book from Australia will have arrived and by then Pablo's propaganda book will be released. Plus hey, I get to see what Star Wars at Disneyland looks like in Shanghai!
The art on Han Solo is just so damn good I just wanna stare at it.

I laughed at the end of Vader. (Not in a bad way!) Will be interesting giving the entire series a reread in the future.
Yeah, you can't blame George for wanting the Han art. I'm looking forward to a Vader re-read as well. Maybe at Christmas. I expect it'll get an omnibus.


I wrote a Legends timeline for a friend last year. I apologize for any spelling errors and bad formatting or if anything isn't 100% correct - I was mostly going off memory and I haven't kept up with the TOR MMO.


-The Rakata Infinite Empire collapses when the Rakata are struck with a mysterious plague that deprives them of the ability to use the Force.
-The human despot Xim wars with the Hutts for control of a large portion of the galaxy but is killed.
-The Jedi are thrown into chaos in the First Great Schism when Xendor, who believes the Order has become too stagnant and dogmatic, begins researching into the dark side. He and his followers are expelled and exiled to the planet Lettow, where they form the Legion of Lettow. The Legion wars with the Jedi but are annihilated.
-After reverse engineering Rakatan hyperspace technology, humans from the core worlds - led by Corellia and the human homeworld of Coruscant (formerly Notron) form the Galactic Republic. They come in contact with the Jedi Order, who agree to serve the Republic.
-The Honorable Union of Tion and Desevro becomes aware of the Galactic Republic and attempts to conquer it to prevent a rival power from growing. The Republic successfully pushes back and destroys its opponent, but the brutal manner in which it does so causes the Jedi to break from them. The Jedi eventually return to their alliance with the Republic not to act as soldiers but as watchdogs.
-At some point, a creature of the Force known as The Entity nearly conquers the galaxy but is defeated by the Jedi.

-The Republic begins an era of expansion, bringing it into contact with other civilizations.

17.5K BBY
-The Republic stumbles upon the Duinuogwuin, commonly known as "star dragons", who chase their scouts back to Coruscant and attack the planet. When the Chancellor learns that the Duinuogwuin are sentient, he establishes contact and forms peaceful relations. Philosophers of the Republic and the Duinuogwuin establish the University of Coruscant.

-The first of seventeen Alsakan conflicts - territorial disputes with the rival league headed by the planet Alsakan - occurs.

-In another galaxy, the living planet Yuuzhan'tar is invaded by two species of sentient droids - the Abominor and the Silentium. The war ravages the planet and its inhabitants, the Yuuzhan Vong, come to view non-organic technology as a heretical abomination to their religion. A civil war erupts after the successful repulson of the droids, known as the Cremlevian War, which destroys Yuuzhan'tar; as its last act, the planet severs the Yuuzhan Vong's ties to the Force. A seed of Yuuzhan'tar that becomes the planet Zonama Sekot separates from its mother and drifts through space. The Yuuzhan Vong wander through the void of intergalactic space to find a new home.

-After centuries of plotting, the radical religious movement known as Pius Dea ousts the chancellor of the Republic in a coup and installs their own leader, Contispex, as chancellor. The Jedi sever their ties with the Republic, which begins to carry out massive and zealous crusades against "heretical" worlds opposed to the order.

-The Jedi, Republican loyalists, and Renunciates (members of Pius Dea who have lost their faith) manage to overthrow Contispex XIX and return the Republic to secular rule.

-The Second Great Schism occurs when a group of Jedi desire to use the Force to create life. They succeed in creating new species of animals but the power is seen as so dangerous that the Jedi Order refuses to allow it. War breaks out between the Jedi and the rebels, who increasingly use the dark side in their quest to harness the full power of the Force, but the rogue Jedi are defeated and exiled to space.

6900 BBY
-The exiled Jedi, under the leadership of Ajunta Pall, land on Korriban, homeworld of the much more primitive Sith species. The Sith are impressed by their technology and welcome them but Pall's followers overthrow the king and subjugate the Sith race. They take up the title "Dark Lords of the Sith" and over time become associated with the name of the species itself, which mostly dies out through oppression and interbreeding. The Sith Order becomes the most notable enemy of the Jedi.
-The Sith lady Sorzus Syn creates a number of mystical amulets through Sith alchemy; using one of them, she captures the soul of the Sith lord Karness Muur. She also formulates the original version of the Sith Code.

-The half-breed Sith Lord Marka Ragnos comes to power. He is regarded as the strongest Sith of his time.

5000 BBY
-Marka Ragnos dies and the Sith Lords Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh duel while being watched by his spirit to determine who will become the new Dark Lord of the Sith. Naga Sadow is victorious and when Republic scouts accidentally discover Korriban, he gives the order to follow them back and invade Coruscant, beginning the Great Hyperspace War. The war is incredibly destructive but the Republic's superior technology and the disunity between Sadow and Kressh's forces allow the Republic to quickly defeat the Sith.

4999 BBY
-The pureblood Sith Lord Vitiate, born Tenebrae, who had been made lord of the planet Nathema by Ragnos, calls together eight thousand Sith Lords and - having perfected an extremely powerful and secret rite - murders all of them, as well as millions of other sentient beings and indeed every living thing on the planet - and absorbs their life forces, allowing him to gain immortality. Vitiate adopts the title of Sith Emperor rounds up what is left of the scattered Sith Empire. With Korriban destroyed, they set out to find a new homeworld.
-One of the ships from the exodus is lost and crashes on the world of Kesh. Over time, the people form the Lost Tribe of the Sith; although they believe themselves to be descendants of great conquerors, they are actually descendants of servants of the Sith Emperor.

4980 BBY
-The Sith Emperor's fleet arrives on Dromund Kaas and begins rebuilding the Sith Empire.

-The Jedi padawan Freedon Nadd is passed over for knighthood and in a rage murders his master. He flees to space and finds the spirit of Naga Sadow on Yavin IV, where he becomes his apprentice. Nadd learns the ways of the dark side and upon deciding that he is powerful enough he destroys Sadow's spirit. Nadd conquers the planet Onderon and makes himself king, establishing a line of dark side monarchs. He banishes criminals to the outskirts of the capital city, Iziz, who learn how to tame wild beasts. The Beast Riders begin raiding Iziz and the so-called "Beast Wars" begin.

4300 BBY
-Freedon Nadd dies

-The Third Great Schism occurs in the Jedi Order when rogue Jedi who wish to use the dark side are defeated in battle and exiled to space. They find the Vultar system and an ancient Celestial artifact - the Cosmic Turbine - but upon activating it destroy themselves and the entire solar system.

-The Great Droid Revolution occurs on Coruscant but is put down.

-The Sith Emperor begins formulating a plan to expand the ritual that granted him extended life by encompassing all life in the galaxy, with the intention of becoming a god. He waits for galactic events to align in a way that will allow him to cause a war that will allow him to absorb enough life energy from the resultant mass death. The Dark Council becomes aware of his plans and secretly tries to undermine him but he frustrates their schemes.

-After Onderon comes in contact with the Republic, the Jedi send Arca Jeth and his padawans (including Ulic Qel-Droma) to help the royal family put down the Beast Riders. However, when Princess Galia lets herself by kidnapped by a Beast Rider with the intent on marrying him, Jeth learns that the royal family under Queen Amanoa are dark side users and decides instead to help the Beast Riders overthrow the government. They succeed and Galia assumes the throne.

-The Keto cousins from the Empress Teta system, who had been on Onderon to learn dark arts from the royal family, find the spirit of Freedon Nadd and become his disciples. They return to their homeworld and take over, founding the Krath movement.
-The Freedon Nadd uprising led by king-in-exile Ommin and other loyalists begins. Ulic Qel-Droma tries to assist the royal house but is injured by Ameena Keto who poisons him with dark arts and begins to turn him to the dark side.
-Arca Jeth is killed by Krath war droids.
-A slivilith - a semi-sentient creature sent as an advance scout by the Yuuzhan Vong - enters the galaxy but flees after it is attacked.
-Ulic Qel-Droma kills Ameena Keto's partner and joins her as the head of the Krath movement. The Jedi under Nomi Sunrider stage a rescue attempt but he refuses to go with them. The power hungry Jedi Exar Kun abandons the order goes to Yavin IV to study Sith secrets. He encounters the Massassi people and traps the spirits of the ir children in a glowing golden orb to extract their powers. Kun finds Freedon Nadd's spirit in his tomb; he learns from him and then destroys him, as Nadd did to Sadow. Kun and Qel-Droma battle as rivals but the spirit of Marka Ragnos recognizes them as Sith and makes Kun the master and Qel-Droma the apprentice. They work together to create the Sith Brotherhood.
-The Jedi deploy an orbital bombardment on Yavin IV to try and kill Kun but he escapes. They build the so-called Lost City of the Jedi to help rebuild the ecosystem.
-Qel-Droma and Exar Kun lead the Krath in the Krath Holy Crusade and engage the Republic in the Great Sith War. Qel-Droma also secures the help of the Mandalorians after dueling and defeating their leader, Mandalore the Indomitable. The Great Sith War wreaks havoc across the galaxy and causes great destruction. Qel-Droma kills his own brother in battle and the Jedi Order, in an effort to stop his growing power, uses advanced Force techniques to sever Qel-Droma's connection to the Force itself. Left powerless, Qel-Droma comes to his senses and repents. He turns the war on its head and leads Republic and Jedi forces against Kun, killing him in battle. Qel-Droma goes on to retire from public life and take on a padawan but is assassinated by a space pilot named Hoggon obsessed with finding fame.
-The First Watch Circle, a small group of advanced Jedi seers, learn of the Rogue Moon prophecy that states that a figure of darkness will soon come to power and bring woe to the galaxy. Fearing that one of their padawans may be the figure, they murder them in the Padawan Massacre, but the padawan Zayne Carrick escapes.
-The Mandalorians, now under Mandalore the Ultimate, and egged on by the Sith Empire continue their skirmishes with the Republic over the next thirty years in the Mandalorian Wars, mostly raiding and conquering planets in the outskirts. After they carry out genocide against the Cathar people and begin to push inwards towards the core, a number of Jedi desire to take action. The Jedi Council prefers to stay uninvolved but some Jedi under a rogue Jedi known only as "the Revanchist" break ranks and help put down the Mandalorians. In the Battle of Malachor V, he ends the war by destroying the Mandalorian fleet - and a good portion of the Republic's - by igniting the Mass Shadow Generator, a superweapon that wipes out the entire enemy opposition and cracks the planet Malachor V. The Revanchist takes on the shortened name Revan.
-Zayne Carrick's Rogue Moon Organization uses the money that he obtains in cons and swindles while living on the run to aid survivors and refugees of the Mandalorian Wars.
-Zayne's ally, a Jedi named Celeste Morne, is possessed by the spirit of Karness Muur when she comes in contact with the Muur Talisman. Zayne seals her away in Dreypa's Oubliette, a stasis pod created by the ancient Sith lord Remulus Dreypa to preserve life indefinitely.
-Revan and his friend, a Jedi named Malak, go into the heart of the Sith Empire to confront the Emperor himself. The Emperor defeats them and corrupts them, turning them to the dark side of the Force as Darth Revan and Darth Malak.. He sends them out to find the ancient Rakatan Star Forge to use as a weapon against the Republic, but they manage to break free of his control. However, Revan and Malak determine that the Jedi are no match for the Sith Empire and desire to use the dark side to protect the Republic from the greater threat; therefore, they form their own rival Sith Empire and launch a war to conquer the Republic.
-The so-called Jedi Civil War rages for two years as Revan and Malak sway Jedi to their cause. It finally ends when the Jedi Bastila Shan captures Revan and, with the help of other Jedi, wipes his mind. Revan is "reprogrammed" to become a loyal Jedi again and leads the counterattack against Darth Malak's Sith Empire. Revan battles Darth Malak on the Star Forge and kills him.
-In the wake of Malak's death, the Sith of his empire fracture and begin fighting over territory in the Sith Civil War. Ultimately three dark lords emerge in the Sith Triumvirate - Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, and Darth Traya - who rule the tenuous empire.
-Revan retraces his steps to try and recover his memory and finds his way back to the Sith Empire. He conspires with Darth Nyssa, who wants to prevent the Emperor from going through with his plan to cause a galactic war to absorb the energies of the dead; they manage to get the Emperor's advisor Scourge on their side but when they attack the Emperor, Scourge has a vision that they will fail and another will strike down the Emperor in the future. He turns on Revan and Nyssa and helps the Sith Emperor defeat them. Nyssa is killed while the Emperor grants Scourge an extended lifespan and promotes him to the position of Emperor's Wrath. He also curses Revan with an extended lifespan and imprisons him in an impregnable Maelstrom fortress in solitary confinement.
-The Triumvirate uses Sith assassins to wipe out what Jedi remain after the devastation of the Jedi Civil War in the First Jedi Purge. When the few hundred remaining Jedi have a conclave on Katarr, the Sith bomb them and wipe out almost all remaining Jedi. Using the same technique that the Sith Emperor used to expand his lifespan, Darth Nihilus absorbs the energies of the dead Jedi.
-Meetra Surik, known as the Jedi Exile after she was kicked out of the order for aiding Revan in the Mandalorian Wars, survives the purge and kills all three members of the Sith Triumvirate in battle. She goes on to rebuild the Jedi Order while the remnants of Malak's Sith empire completely collapse and dissolve. A few Sith from Malak's line of protégées remain for some centuries in secret but eventually die out.
-The Sith Emperor desires to invade the Republic with the Jedi nearly wiped out but due to having a psychic link to Revan which allows him to extend his lifespan to torture him, Revan is able to turn the tables and influence the emperor to slow his plans. He is not able to completely stop the buildup to war, but over the next three hundred years the Republic is at peace, unaware of the growing threat.
-Without the planned war to prolong his lifespan, the Sith Emperor dies his first natural death but successfully transfers his essence into another body. The Emperor prepares a number of bodies, known as "Voices of the Emperor", so that he can transfer his essence any time he dies.



-The Sith Emperor finally launches his grand attack on the Republic beginning the Great Galactic War, having spent almost three hundred years building up the Sith Empire's military and fleet. During the interim the Empire has also undermined the political processes on various planets and installed puppet governments, made alliances, etc. to secure its position in the war. The Empire strikes first at Korriban to reclaim its ancient holy ground. During the battle, the Jedi Satele Shan duels with Darth Malgus, who has been placed in charge of the war by the Sith Emperor. The Sith manage to reclaim the planet and go on to ten straight years of conquests.
-The Mandalorian Canderous Ordo unites the feuding Mandalorian clans on the side of the Republic.
-The Sith target the Hydian Way, the main trade route for the Republic, but smugglers help the Republic get around supply constraints.
-The war drags on for nearly twenty more years with the Sith and the Republic constantly gaining and losing the upper hand. The Sith manage to push into the core worlds such as during the Battle of Alderaan, in which Satele Shan once more battles Darth Malgus, but the Republic likewise eventually comes in striking distance of Dromund Kaas.
-The Sith sue for peace but it is a ruse; while a conference is held on Alderaan, the Sith bombard Coruscant and sack the capital complex. The Jedi Temple is destroyed. The Sith do not have the strength to actually hold Coruscant or the rest of the Republic, but since they know that the Sith can penetrate their very core, the Republic gives in and signs the Treaty of Coruscant, ceding control of half the galaxy to the Sith Empire.

3653 BBY - 3640 BBY - THE COLD WAR
-The Republic and the Sith Empire enter a decade long Cold War. Satele Shan rediscovers Tython and the Jedi retreat there to reform the Order due to the destruction of the Temple on Coruscant.
-Satele Shan becomes Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.
-The Empire and Republic carry out proxy conflicts, such as the Republic's successful support of the Balmorran Resistance - an insurgency on Balmorra by Republic forces left behind who opposed the Treaty of Coruscant - and the Sith conquest of the planet Taris.
-The Dark Councillor Darth Baras enslaves The Entity.

-The spirit of Meetra Surik contacts the Jedi known as the Hero of Tython to tell him to free Revan from the Maelstrom prison complex. The Hero and others raid the prison and free Revan but the Sith Emperor captures and corrupts the rescue party. Revan goes off to find an ancient Rakatan superweapon, the Foundry, which makes extermination droids. The Sith, however, know of his intentions and Darth Malgus defeats him in battle at the Foundry and Revan disappears in a burst of light.
-The Sith Emperor declares war on the Republic, beginning the Galactic War.
-Darth Baras schemes to overthrow the Sith Emperor but is killed by his own apprentice and the Entity is freed to return to her natural state.
-The Hero of Tython breaks free of the Emperor's mind control and faces him on Dromund Kaas. He slays the Emperor in a one-on-one duel but although the Emperor's physical body is destroyed, his soul lingers, although damaged.
-With the Emperor out of the picture, the Sith begin to fracture. The Dread Masters, a Sith sect, wage a war in Hutt space but this ultimately causes the Hutts to join with the Republic in the war. They also summon an interdimensional tentacle monster known as the Terror from Beyond but it is defeated by the Jedi. The Dread Masters in the end are captured and taken into Republic captivity. Meanwhile, Darth Malgus, having felt betrayed over the Treaty of Coruscant since he desired to conquer the whole galaxy rather than half of it, declares himself the head of the New Empire, which branches off from the Sith Empire. Malgus takes over the Foundry and battles both the Republic and the Sith Empire under the Dark Council. He tries to attack Ilum, the planet from which kyber crystals necessary for lightsabers and various superweapons come, but is defeated in battle by the Jedi and the New Empire crumbles.
-The Order of Revan, a "gray" sect that believes in finding balance between light and dark and which worships Revan, schemes to resurrect the Sith Emperor after discovering his spirit lingers on Yavin IV. Revan himself proceeds to carry out a rite to awaken the Emperor's spirit, hoping to place him in a body and destroy both it and the soul at the same time, but the Sith Empire and Republic endeavor to stop him as both realize the destruction that will be wrought if the Emperor is revived. They successfully defeat and kill Revan and although the Emperor's spirit is awakened he is never able again to inhabit a body and fades away.
-The Republic overcomes what remains of the Sith Empire and destroys it, reclaiming control of nearly the entire galaxy. The Sith recede but survive in secret. A millennia and a half period of relative peace begins although there are regional conflicts.

3017 BBY
-The last of the Alsakan conflicts occurs, with the Republic as the victor.

-The Lost Tribe of the Sith on Kesh go through a period of decline in leadership known as the Time of Rot.

-The Fourth Great Schism occurs in the Jedi Order when Phanius, an Umbaran Jedi, leaves the order on amicable terms due to unspecified disagreements. In reality, however, he desires to study unorthodox arts and falls to the dark side, adopting the title Darth Ruin. Ruin organizes the remaining elements of feuding Sith and institutes an extremely solipsistic and individualistic ideology. He declares the New Sith Empire (distinct from that of Darth Malgus) and for the next one thousand years war exists in a constant if slow-burning state between the empire and the Republic. Following the death of Darth Ruin by natural causes, a mysterious figure known as the Dark Underlord takes control of the New Sith Empire's forces and is the main antagonist of the Republic for a quarter of a millennia. Rumors circulate that he is the resurrected form of the soul of Xendor of the Legions of Lettow or a manifestation of a being from Chaos, known as Hell in Correlian mythology.
-At some point during this period, the Sith offshoot branch known as the Prophets of the Dark Side is established on Kalakar Six, a moon of Dromund Kaas.

-The Dark Underlord is slayed in battle by the Jedi Master Murrtaggh, but Murrtaggh turns to the dark side to do so. What becomes of him is unknown.

-The Battle of Mirza sees 500,000 Jedi and Republic troops annihilated in the single largest Sith victory in the set of conflicts. Although the Sith have a huge victory, they lack a single leader and begin to split into various feuding factions, leading to intermittent civil wars between Sith lords. The Republic fails to capitalize on this due to the sudden onslaught of galaxy-wide Candoran Plague which wipes out up to two-thirds of many planets' populations. Combined with the collapse of a number of large industries, the Republic is forced to abandon the defense of many outlying star systems, allowing the Sith forces to push inwards and capture most of the galaxy. With civil institutions dwindling in the Republic, the Jedi step in and essentially take over the government; for four hundred years, no Chancellor is elected without being a Jedi. This makes the population of the Republic suspicious of them.
-At some point during this period and the subsequent centuries, the Zygerrian slaving empire reaches its highest peak.

-The Sith on the conquered Tython, under the Dark Lord of the Sith Belia Darzu, begin the Sictris Wars through the propagation of a virus that infuses organic life with technological elements, creating "technobeasts". She is defeated by the Jedi.

-The Republic, as a centralized entity, essentially completely collapses. The Jedi in the outlying systems take control of the planets they are tasked with protecting, sometimes by acclamation by the populations themselves, sometimes by force. An institution of hereditary baronies is instituted with Jedi Lords becoming the main line of defense against the various Sith factions.
-The Sith Lord Skere Kaan unites most of the Sith groups together in the Brotherhood of Darkness and makes a renewed push against the Jedi. Kaan bans the Sith from taking the title "Darth" and tries to encourage the Sith to think of each other as equals.
-At some point during the conflict, the Mandalorians raid Coruscant and sack the Jedi Temple. They steal an ancient lightsaber known as the darksaber.
-The Sith Darth Rivan, who took his name from a partially damaged manuscript that spoke of Darth Revan, rediscovers the concept of the "thought bomb", an ancient weapon about which Revan had learned and written that targets Force-users indiscriminately. When he dies, the knowledge is passed to Darth Bane.
-The Jedi Lords Hoth and Valenthyne Farfalla gather up the remaining Jedi and Republic forces and form the Army of Light. They go on the offensive against the Brotherhood of Darkness in the so-called War of Light and Darkness.
-The war wages for a decade until the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, in which the Brotherhood's forces - stretched to the breaking point - utilize the thought bomb on the orders of Skere Kaan due to Bane's prodding, as Bane had come to believe that the Sith could not be saved and needed to start over. Every single Force user on the battlefield, including Kaan, Lord Hoth, numerous Jedi and the entire remaining Sith army except for Darth Bane (who had escaped beforehand) are obliterated and absorbed into the bomb, which reforms as a swirling orb of silver that traps their souls in eternal torment before disappearing.
-Darth Bane finds a young girl named Zannah during his escape and takes her to be his apprentice, Darth Zannah. Bane eliminates whatever Sith may remain and institutes the Rule of Two: that only two Sith may exist at a time to prevent infighting, which allowed the Jedi to destroy them. The Sith go into hiding and slowly plot for a thousand years to conquer the galaxy by subterfuge.

-The newly elected, secular Chancellor Valorum puts forth reforms for the Republic which are adopted by the Senate following the Republic's reacquisition of liberated galactic territory. The Ruusan Reformation calls for the demilitarization and depoliticization of the Jedi, the reorganization of the electoral system, and the institution of a new galactic calendar. The Jedi are initially reluctant to give up their titles but Farfalla agrees and the Jedi Order is reinstituted as it once had been, with its temple on Coruscant and role as peacekeepers restored. The Jedi also modify their code to prevent romantic relationships and allowing only one padawan per Jedi Knight at one time as further reforms. The Republic experiences a thousand years of peace but slowly over time slips into a state of decadence. Eventually the military is phased out without any apparent Sith or other challenging power.
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