I said my piece in that thread. Up to the mods todo the rest.
If I'd had made this thread in Off Topic it would have been moved to Community anyway, so I thought I'd just post it here myself.
I said my piece in that thread. Up to the mods todo the rest.
I was floored how much I loved this.
I'll fully admit it wasn't a perfect movies but fuck it was the best cinema experience for me that I've had since Jurassic Park in the early 90s.
I liked TFA, but man I loved this on a different level.
Also while many in the main OT for the movie felt differently than me I really felt the weight of the world and felt for the whole cast of rebels by the end of the movie.
I'd also kill for a film adaptation of the Battlefront: Twilight Company book. Freed really nails the horrors of war. Seeing what Gareth Edwards did with R1 gives me a lot of hope it could be done.
Netflix mini-series.
If I'd made this thread in Off Topic it would have been moved to Community anyway, so I thought I'd just post it here myself.
Yeah, i also originally thought the other thread was going to be for something else, but it is basically this thread.
I'll be sticking to this thread going forward. Thanks Wadium.
Did anyone in here even know that Canon Thread was gonna happen?
Did anyone in here even know that Canon Thread was gonna happen?
Honestly I'm just glad that we finally have somewhere to talk about Star Wars.
Did anyone in here even know that Canon Thread was gonna happen?
True, the main reason I made this thread was because loads of people were asking for a place to talk Star Wars in the build up to TFA. It was a good idea.
I was making a joke about the Canon OT![]()
No, what proper question is what's the point of the new thread when we already have a Star Wars OT.
I would assume the other thread is to introduce people to the new canon specifically while we can also talk about Legends in here.
Malyse probably didn't known this thread existed anyway.
Anybody know how many Star Wars comics are now on Marvel Unlimited?
I have codes written down for like 6 months of MU that I have yet to use because I was just waiting for more Star Wars to be put up. Kinda want to read all of Vader Down and most of the relaunch runs, if they're all up now.
And even though I've only posted in here a handful of times, I thought the canon thread in OT is redundant and useless. I really, really doubt the OP of that even looked to see if there was a Star Wars OT. The fact that he is now ignoring criticisms in that thread is just dumb.
In the theater for my second viewing. Mission is to see Chop this time.
I doubt the entirety of Vader's on MU yet. The final issue only came out in October. It's usually a six month wait isn't it?
GLOVER I remember Lando really well. He was like the only black guy in space. And he was the cool one. I just realized, he still has to be cool. And cool is an interesting thing. It changes -
FAVREAU Yes, of course.
GLOVER I was watching Black Mirror, and there's an episode where they go through time and in the '50s, there's a nerd, and by the time he gets to the 2000s, he's just a hipster. He's not a nerd anymore. Cool changes depending on the perspective. Also, it's fun because [the Han Solo movie is set] before [Empire Strikes Back], so he's still figuring it out a little bit, which is fun.
Went to watch Rogue One, but the theater I went somehow managed to make a "3D" screen so bad that it made me ill enough to make me have to leave in the middle :/ didn't help that I was already tired. it was really weird.
guess I'll catch the movie when it gets a home release
I'm not sure what exactly was up, but that might've been it. The screen was really dark and washed out, too.
Do you think we get another Collectors Edition like we did with TFA?
There is a 3D Edition Day One now...
I was going to ask if you knew what scene he was in but it's probably too late. So instead, did you find him?
well, who knows but honestly imho they only made the CE b/c of 3D..but I wonder, with all the re-shots for this movie...will we get an extended edition? a more fleshed out first part of the movie? maybe this as a CE this time?
also proff have you seen this sexy beast? https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01D4QFZD8/ 40centimeters, led lights, not painting.
I highly doubt we will get an extended cut of the film. Disney has been treating the Lucasfilm/Marvel movies as concise 2 hour packages with one definitive version outside of resolution and 3D.
I am a sucker for extended cuts, so this bums me out a bit. I guess If they release an extended version there would be a debate over what is and is not canon.
Edit: also, Catalyst is the extended edition.
I didn't. lol. I just looked it up so I'll know where to look the next time I see it.
"Disney"I highly doubt we will get an extended cut of the film. Disney has been treating the Lucasfilm/Marvel movies as concise 2 hour packages with one definitive version outside of resolution and 3D.
I am a sucker for extended cuts, so this bums me out a bit. I guess If they release an extended version there would be a debate over what is and is not canon.
Edit: also, Catalyst is the extended edition.
In both cases Marvel and Lucasfilm could do what they want, and at least in Lucasfilm's case it might be at least partly up to the director methinks (and I'm pretty sure Joss could have done extended Avengers cuts if he really, really wanted). And Disney has only put out two Lucasfilm movies anyway, one days old, so it's kind of hard to ascribe trends. That said, I doubt anyone wishes to do extended cuts anyway.