Literally his name, or his reputation?
If the former, ugh.
Retcon: "Solo" is just his nickname! Oh boy!
Literally his name, or his reputation?
If the former, ugh.
Oh god. Please notRetcon: "Solo" is just his nickname! Oh boy!
Has Bobby Iger said something in regards of Star Wars today? Saw a newssnippet in the tube today but didnt catched the actual news and I dont find anything.
Three weeks until our first proper look at The Last Jedi.
Back on the hype train.
The planet of Dantooine has been waiting for its close-up for a long time, but it almost got that starring role in Rogue One.
Almost. But it turns out no one wanted to spend millions to explore the galactic version of the boonies.
”We did a few things to save money and one of them was they go to a Rebel base in the first half of the film, then go off on their adventure, and the second half of the film they return to a Rebel base," says Edwards. ”It used to be that the first half of the movie was not on Yavin it was Dantooine."
”We did have some other characters but the reason why they're not in the film is because any time we did something like, where I'm wearing the fanboy hat and not the professional writer's hat, someone would come along and say, let's not do that character again," Whitta says. ”We don't have to be winking at the audience all the time."
In fact, he disagrees with the decision to insert two characters from the cantina brawl in A New Hope – Ponda Baba (a.k.a. Walrus Man) and Dr. Evazan – in the streets of Rogue One's Jedha city.
”I thought having Evazan and Walrus Man was a little too much," Whitta says. ”You have to reign in that instinct to go back and put things in just because you loved them when you were a kid."
The original script also featured Admiral Ackbar, the crustacean-like fleet commander from Return of the Jedi, leading the Rebel strike on Scarif. ”I always loved Admiral Ackbar. I wanted to have him in there, but J.J. Abrams got to him first," Whitta says. ”We didn't want to use him again after The Force Awakens. So Ackbar became Admiral Raddus. You will see those little evolutions."
Thanks!Art prints for Celebration went up for order. Got the three I wanted.
Kinda of weird that Ackbar being in TFA precluded him from R1. I mean, he was barely in TFA, and Raddus was barely in R1, it would've been fine.
It's a weird idea to not include Ackbar just to include a different Mon Cal. Why not do a completely different alien? Vader, and in fact before that, when he was Anakin too, has a distinct sense of humor. He is a master of the dry understatement. Perhaps you feel youre being treated unfairly? I find your lack of faith disturbing. Dont choke on your aspirations. This is where the fun begins You will try.
I wonder if this way of talking, of being formal and minimal in his language is how he was taught to talk as a slave. He was not expected to make big observations or give big opinions. He was expected to take his cruel childhood in his stride.
But then he moves to the temple and is in the company of children who are his age but were never slaves. During his introduction to the dorms the class is told that meals will be made available every eighth of a day and every fifth of a night. Anakin says outloud How regular. and all the other kids laugh. Anakin really was marveling at food being regular. All the other children seemed to think it was a joke.
Anakin understood very quickly that he was at risk of being funny. He said things the other kids wouldnt say, and hed say them in ways they wouldnt either. He thought it better to be funny on purpose than to have funny assigned to him.
He wasnt sure which of the things he was saying were jokes. He learnt to make a smirk, one his face wasnt accustomed to; he wasnt previously allowed to be perceived as arrogant. But the smirk made people think he was being comical. People seemed a lot less stiff around him when they were laughing.
Hes in the military now. His character is criticized as being unprofessional. He is called cocky. Some say he has a disturbed sense of humour. The clone troopers like him. They talk very much like he does. They understand how property is meant to talk.
The War is over. He no longer has a mouth to smirk with. Everyone is ridged. No one laughs. He talks to everyone the way he used to talk to Watto. They all look so small from this angle. They seem afraid that hes mocking them. Threatening them? He doesnt know how to make them think hes joking. He doesnt know if hes joking.
Potential TLJ leak - Real or not - take it as you will.
Potential TLJ leak - Real or not - take it as you will.
Literally his name, or his reputation?
If the former, ugh.
Retcon: "Solo" is just his nickname! Oh boy!
Be honest much preferred Reys look in TFA than the shirt/packaging, but it might look better in motion.
There was some rumors that Fin wasn't going to be included in the initial launch wave of toys. Im beginning to think its because he's wearing the same gear as he did in TFA. Makes sense.
They could just shut his eyes for the action figure and sell him as Comatose Finn.
Going in May myself, thought the same thing haha.I know what I'm buying when I go to WDW in June.
-Obi-wan movie (1 film, no trilogy) potentially directed by Gareth Edwards - Announcement could be made at Celebration
-Boba Fett and other Bounty Hunters on an adventure
-Young Adult tragic-romance(in the vein of Han and Leia in ESB), probably a female director
-Movie hiatus after Episode 9 to not over-saturate the theaters with Star Wars
-Fourth trilogy sometime after that hiatus
-TV series likely in between sagas
Take with a grain of salt but speculation is always fun:
Take with a grain of salt but speculation is always fun:
I am sad that we wont get a Celebration next year![]()
Makes sense due the relocation on May the 4th. Would be far to near to the next movie. Promition is already in the last lap and all.I was surprised to hear they wouldn't be doing it annually now we've got a film every year. The last two have been especially good.
Makes sense due the relocation on May the 4th. Would be far to near to the next movie. Promition is already in the last lap and all.
I think the next Event is going to be in fall or winter
-Movie hiatus after Episode 9 to not over-saturate the theaters with Star Wars
-Fourth trilogy sometime after that hiatus
I hope that Luke could be some kind of Yoda Character in the Legacy Trilogy. He doesnt need to be there all the time.
I just dont want to see him die on screen, it will destroy my heart
oh thank god
Take with a grain of salt but speculation is always fun:
-Obi-wan movie (1 film, no trilogy) potentially directed by Gareth Edwards - Announcement could be made at Celebration
In other news, Saturday will be the death of me, I have to make Hard Choices about panels. Doooooom. (Battlefront? Pablo? Marvel? STAR WARS + DISNEY PARKS IE MY CATNIP KRYPTONITE?)
It's guaranteed IMO since Ewan is already onboard![]()
Literally the only thing I've wanted ever since Lucasfilm first announced they were making new Star Wars films. Please dear God let this happen.
Speaking of Celebration, are you doing the OT or should I get started on it?