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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


BB-8 toy shown at Toycon


More pics here


BB-8 toy shown at Toycon


More pics here
Update said:
We received word from Sphero commenting on the BB-8 unit that was shown at the ToyCon:

“Please note that the BB-8 spotted at ToyCon 2015 is not legitimate; it was not provided by Sphero. This is unfortunate and does not accurately represent anything our team is working on.”

Obviously the company in the Philippines is illegally using Sphero’s logo to promote an item that is not their property. We will keep you updated on this story.


Just finished Season 3 of TCW. The Asajj Ventress backstory/Savage Opress creation episode has been my favorite of the series so far. Dark and twisted. Loving what I'm getting. The philosophical trilogy that followed was almost as good too. I'm reading the comments from the old TCW OT threads and I think I'm the only person who really likes the Padmé episodes lol. I like seeing all the different political angles and it really helps flesh out this war.

I hope Luke and/or Leia get to find out what a great mom they had. Aside from the giving up from a broken heart part lol.
Now that Disney owns it, you're going to get more Star Wars than you can even stand. >:D

More Star Wars is great but my preference is anthology films based around lesser known characters ands during events we haven't seen before. I hope it turns out OK though. There's a good team working on it but they really need to get the casting right.




logo makes me suuuuper excited. I hope this is legit.

I can see it making A TON of people happy. Including me.

And I wonder if it
opens up the possibility for a live action Ahsoka to appear. There are a lot of ways they could get creative with using some existing characters.


I can see it making A TON of people happy. Including me.

And I wonder if it
opens up the possibility for a live action Ahsoka to appear. There are a lot of ways they could get creative with using some existing characters.

Especially if they do get

Oh man, don't even spark hope in my like that. Having
on film would make me happier than a standalone
I'm betting fake because the timeline doesn't match, but Zu is right it could have been an old mock up. Most interesting thing to me if it is real is that Kenobi is a separate film series from the others as it is not being billed under the anthology name.
Like Zulithe said - this would make a lot of people happy. I think it's an awesome idea and they should absolutely do it.

I think the great thing about an Obi-Wan film is that this film would be filling in the blanks between the parts of Obi-Wan's life we already know. We know his character traits and personality because it's been thoroughly covered in the prequels and Clone Wars series. With the film based on Han there's almost too much leg room with what he can do and what characters he can meet. We all have this idea of him being more of a roguish criminal and I'm a bit concerned they won't go far enough with that idea.

Plus I really want to see Ewan as Obi-Wan again.
While this thread is insultingly light on the Pre Disney EU it is worth mentioning that Star Wars.com is running a Fan's choice poll for a new figure and Revan is in the lead by a significant margin.


Which is a pretty stupid idea seeing as he looks incredibly similar to Kylo Ren, whose figure will be out before the end of the year. I voted for Lando on Making Star Wars.

In regards to the 'insultingly light' EU content in this thread, no one seemed in any rush to make this thread in the first place and I tried to prioritise what is now considered to be canon, so it's easier to get into for those who have only ever watched the films and to keep it less cluttered. If it's important to people, they can feel free to write up their own content which I will enthusiastically add to the OP.


Which is a pretty stupid idea seeing as he looks incredibly similar to Kylo Ren, whose figure will be out before the end of the year. I voted for Lando on Making Star Wars.


In regards to the 'insultingly light' EU content in this thread, no one seemed in any rush to make this thread in the first place and I tried to prioritise what is now considered to be canon, so it's easier to get into for those who have only ever watched the films and to keep it less cluttered. If it's important to people, they can feel free to write up their own content which I will enthusiastically add to the OP.

I'm personally good with this staying more on the canon side. I kinda think there could be a Legacy/Old EU thread since there's more than enough there for people who love that content to discuss.
It would go well with the Black Series Ahsoka that's coming.

No I need to know.

Vos becomes Dooku's new assassin, him and Ventress fall in love, she sacrifices herself for him at the end. So they took out Ventress being in Rebels for a shit tie up that is some of the worst EU to date from old or new.


Vos becomes Dooku's new assassin, him and Ventress fall in love, she sacrifices herself for him at the end. So they took out Ventress being in Rebels for a shit tie up that is some of the worst EU to date from old or new.

Wow. That's... something.

Sad about
. I guess I'm all in for hoping
Bariss is the female Inquisitor

That twist with
is likely going to piss of a lot of old EU fans.


Just tried the new Star Wars app sideloaded on my BlackBerry Z10 and it doesn't work *sad face*. Android apps normally work fine so this is a disappointment.


Which is a pretty stupid idea seeing as he looks incredibly similar to Kylo Ren, whose figure will be out before the end of the year. I voted for Lando on Making Star Wars.

In regards to the 'insultingly light' EU content in this thread, no one seemed in any rush to make this thread in the first place and I tried to prioritise what is now considered to be canon, so it's easier to get into for those who have only ever watched the films and to keep it less cluttered. If it's important to people, they can feel free to write up their own content which I will enthusiastically add to the OP.
Don't you mean Kylo Rem looks incredibly similar to Revan? He's the only logical choice that isn't a waste given that the others will almost certainly get made.

No one seemed in a rush because the spoiler thread was effectively acting as the OT anyway(and it ended up being thrown in the community section to boot.) You were obviously enthusiastic about the universe(as are others) but it seemed strange that the thread would be exclusive in the first place. To be honest I recall specifically requesting for Legends content at the start when there wasn't anything. I respect the fandom that drove you to create an OT, I really do, but the truth is we already have a thread specifically for both EU's. So unless we were just going to focus on the films it just baffles me why one specific subsection of the universe would be favored over the other. If your gonna make a Star Wars OT then it should celebrate the entire universe, not cherry pick specific facets that just so happen to be contemporary.
Holy persecution complex, Batman. No one is stifling discussion on the Legends EU, much less being "insulting" about it. If no one is talking about it, it's because no one is interested in talking about it at the moment.


Well I'll say this, Revan winning is a great thing for fans of the character and could/would certainly lead credence to his re-canonization. The OS's comment section mostly consists of thousands of comments that support Regan and the Old E in general. It will(hopefully) be a big symbolic victory.
While this thread is insultingly light on the Pre Disney EU it is worth mentioning that Star Wars.com is running a Fan's choice poll for a new figure and Revan is in the lead by a significant margin.


Voted for Revan. A fascinating character, even after SWTOR put him through the ringer.

If we're picking KOTOR characters to recanonize, tho, I'd almost prefer Jolee Bindo. Dude was legit, need more "gray side" force users IMO.
No one seemed in a rush because the spoiler thread was effectively acting as the OT anyway(and it ended up being thrown in the community section to boot.) You were obviously enthusiastic about the universe(as are others) but it seemed strange that the thread would be exclusive in the first place. To be honest I recall specifically requesting for Legends content at the start when there wasn't anything. I respect the fandom that drove you to create an OT, I really do, but the truth is we already have a thread specifically for both EU's. So unless we were just going to focus on the films it just baffles me why one specific subsection of the universe would be favored over the other. If your gonna make a Star Wars OT then it should celebrate the entire universe, not cherry pick specific facets that just so happen to be contemporary.

I don't believe I've ever said the thread was exclusive to the new canon. There's no problem discussing EU content in here at all. I expect very few people who visit this thread on a regular basis even look at the OP so it's content isn't the most important thing. It's supposed to be an OT for general Star Wars talk. The only thing I don't think we should really discuss is plot spoilers for the upcoming films seeing there's already a thread for that.
Question: I just started watching Clone Wars on Netflix, but the music seems kind of off. Is it supposed to have this funky EDM soundtrack, or is it a licensing issue?


Question: I just started watching Clone Wars on Netflix, but the music seems kind of off. Is it supposed to have this funky EDM soundtrack, or is it a licensing issue?

There's a lot of original music on that show. There are parts that layer in classic Star Wars pieces but it's mostly unique to Clone Wars.


Question: I just started watching Clone Wars on Netflix, but the music seems kind of off. Is it supposed to have this funky EDM soundtrack, or is it a licensing issue?

Here's the Season 1 - 6 soundtrack on Apple Music


It does sound very different from established Star Wars music at some points. But I'm happy with how it turned out overall.

Star Wars Rebels feels tonally more similar to the films. Original films, that is.

BTW check this out :) https://itun.es/us/Bmt_2?i=922563362
Thanks for the responses.

Yeah, I was watching episode 5 (I think) last night, and when Anakin was flying his ship against Grievous' fleet, the music just sounded very un-Star Wars.

I agree about Rebels feeling like the Original Trilogy, though. That's what drew me back in.


Voted for Revan, but the Snow Trooper needs to be higher up. Love Snow Troopers.

Voted for Revan. A fascinating character, even after SWTOR put him through the ringer.

If we're picking KOTOR characters to recanonize, tho, I'd almost prefer Jolee Bindo. Dude was legit, need more "gray side" force users IMO.

Jolee was one of my favourite characters as well. It was refreshing to see someone who didn't subscribe to Sith or Jedi dogma. Made the game feel somewhat introspective of Star Wars as a whole, rather than just another story about Good Vs Evil.
A rundown of all the "Journey to The Force Awakens" material coming out in September, including the first summary of Aftermath. (Wedge! The New Republic!)

As the Empire reels from its critical defeats at the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance — now a fledgling New Republic — presses its advantage by hunting down the enemy’s scattered forces before they can regroup and retaliate. But above the remote planet Akiva, an ominous show of the enemy’s strength is unfolding. Out on a lone reconnaissance mission, pilot Wedge Antilles watches Imperial Star Destroyers gather like birds of prey circling for a kill, but is taken captive before he can report back to the New Republic leaders.

Meanwhile, on the planet’s surface, former Rebel fighter Norra Wexley has returned to her native world — war weary, ready to reunite with her estranged son, and eager to build a new life in some distant place. But when Norra intercepts Wedge Antilles’s urgent distress call, she realizes her time as a freedom fighter is not yet over. What she doesn’t know is just how close the enemy is—or how decisive and dangerous her new mission will be.

Determined to preserve the Empire’s power, the surviving Imperial elite are converging on Akiva for a top-secret emergency summit — to consolidate their forces and rally for a counterstrike. But they haven’t reckoned on the Norra and her newfound allies — her technical genius son, a Zabrak bounty hunter, and a reprobate Imperial defector — who are prepared to do whatever they must to end the Empire’s oppressive reign once and for all.

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