Can you spoil it?Phasma, curiously enough, gives us an interesting look into the thought processes of what the First Order is and their raison d'etre.
Can you spoil it?Phasma, curiously enough, gives us an interesting look into the thought processes of what the First Order is and their raison d'etre.
Can you spoil it?
It's not one thing, it's based on conversations two characters are having at the last 1/3 of the book about the philosophy of the Resistance vs. that of the First Order. There's some language at play with "First Order" - we've seen it in (I think) the last Aftermath book too. It's not spoiling anything to suggest that without a Sith Lord (AFAIK) at the helm, the FO is really looking to establish order and prevent chaos in the galaxy. The character of Cardinal in the book really believes that to his core.
"We got the whole story of Palpatine's rise to power in the prequels, but in the original films he's exactly what he needs to be, which is just ‘The Emperor'" Johnson tells Empire in the new October issue. "He's a dark force: the scary thing behind the thing. That was entirely how I approached Snoke. I wasn't interested in explaining where he came from or telling his history, except where it serves this story."
”Writing Kylo Ren is just so much fun," says Johnson ”Star Wars boils down to the transition from adolescence into adulthood. That's the heart of these films and Rey is most obviously the one that hangs on. But it's also Kylo. In the originals you project entirely onto Luke, while Vader is the scary other — he's the minotaur. The fascinating thing about Kylo and Rey is that they're two sides of something. We can all relate to Kylo: to that anger of being in the turmoil of adolescence and figuring out who he's going to be as a man; dealing with anger and wanting to separate from his family. He's not Vader — at least, he's not Vader yet — and that's something I really wanted to get into."
Empire have posted another mini-article on The Last Jedi. Rian reiterates that he doesn't explore much of Snoke's background in the film.
And writing Kylo is fun:
Empire have posted another mini-article on The Last Jedi. Rian reiterates that he doesn't explore much of Snoke's background in the film.
And writing Kylo is fun:
Trust me, Han won't mind.They really need to differentiate Poe and Finn just a little bit more. It's like they both raided Han's closet.
Imma need Poe's jacket.
Also, Luke in black screams to me travelling gear for going offworld.
It's not one thing, it's based on conversations two characters are having at the last 1/3 of the book about the philosophy of the Resistance vs. that of the First Order. There's some language at play with "First Order" - we've seen it in (I think) the last Aftermath book too. It's not spoiling anything to suggest that without a Sith Lord (AFAIK) at the helm, the FO is really looking to establish order and prevent chaos in the galaxy. The character of Cardinal in the book really believes that to his core.
Phasma really feels like an epilogue to Aftermath among other things. The philosophy of the First Order fascinates me. They are people who don't see themselves as evil, but rather a force for structure in the chaos of the galaxy.
Bye bye Colin!
I must admit I was expecting Kennedy to stick with Treverrow. She seemed like a big fan of his.Bye bye Colin!
I must admit I was expecting Kennedy to stick with Treverrow. She seemed like a big fan of his.
Past tense
I've written enough about his sexism that nah, I don't really feel bad at all. Dude has some pretty deep issues and the idea of him handling the closer of Rey's story made me pretty uh, not happy. I genuinely do not like him.Can't help but feel a little bad for Trevorrow. But my god did this need to happen so desperately
I've written enough about his sexism that nah, I don't really feel bad at all. Dude has some pretty deep issues and the idea of him handling the closer of Rey's story made me pretty uh, not happy. I genuinely do not like him.
Older post of mine, which links to yet another older post of mine:Never heard of him being sexist. What's it about?
Maybe its just that one small area and the other are bigger and more destinct looking?Hmm. Really pictured the canto blight casinos as something more opulent... like Vegas in space. Guess not?
Bye bye Colin!
Just woke (night shift) and seen the news
Think we all saw this coming, right? Thankful its not halfway through filming
Who's the running contender to takeover?
Surely it will be Rian but guess that would depend on scheduling. I hope it's him.
I liked the idea of Alfonso Cuaron doing it though.
And Han Solo returns as a Force ghost?
Han Solo as a Force ghost, obviously. And Jar Jar, hes Snoke. Everything Im dropping is gold, right here.
Deadline says that Rian is the frontrunner.
I think Rian just because of how high Kathleen seems to be on him right now. There's just something different about the way she talks about Rian's work on TLJ than she did with JJ's work on TFA. I liked the idea of Alfonso Cuaron doing it though.
Dream pick is David Lynch but it'll never happen.
You just want to watch theworldfranchise burn
I dunno if you guys have been paying attention
But I'm doing it.
Kennedy passed the torch to me.
I'ma cowrite with ya cause I don't trust ya.
I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far. I mean, I've been dropping some juicy info in the other thread.
Don't worry. I'm not a self-insert kinda guy.
I been watching. Hence the concern.
All joking aside, as someone whose dream job is to eventually get a writing gig someday when I can afford to move, it's insane to even think about writing a Star Wars film. I legit don't think I could do it, not that I'd ever be asked, but still.
"Where is luke?" Reminds me of the TFA posters lmao.I guess I'll ask here too:
I saw this poster on sale:
Where is the art from? Google-ty hasn't shown me it anywhere else. I bought the poster regardless, it looks pretty nice.
Then you fail to see the greatness.
But seriously, I'm here in LA and I'm vying to hurry up and get my BioChem degree so I can afford a home here. I feel like I'm wasting the time here not getting into the entertainment industry, especially as a fan of it all.
We'll make the best-worst Star Wars spin-off of all time.Lol I have a creative writing degree which is good for about fuck all if you want to make money, but I made some decent contacts while going through the program that I'm trying to stay in touch with. Current job in IT is great for pay though so saving up to hopefully move somewhere to pursue it. We can write together!