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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


So I'm housesitting for someone this week and have a lot of free time. I've heard a lot of good things about this Clone Wars show and would like to give it a shot. Is there a way for me to do that?
So I'm housesitting for someone this week and have a lot of free time. I've heard a lot of good things about this Clone Wars show and would like to give it a shot. Is there a way for me to do that?

Full thing is on Neflix. There's a whole bunch of recommended watching orders, from "best of" to chronological (the series is broke up into mini arcs that don't always necessarily follow each other neatly), so you'll want to look into that first.
So I'm housesitting for someone this week and have a lot of free time. I've heard a lot of good things about this Clone Wars show and would like to give it a shot. Is there a way for me to do that?
Netflix. Absolutely incredible series. So much better tha Rebels it's insane. Say what you want about Lucas but he at least points money into his projects.


if you don't have the room/money for the falcon there are smaller sets coming out. just no pictures of them yet.

one is Rey's speeder that you see in the trailers.

If I bought any LEGO set it'd be the Falcon. If I do end up getting it I'd probably have to build it and then take it apart and store it in a closet or something. Not ideal, but at least I'd get to build it.
Netflix. Absolutely incredible series. So much better tha Rebels it's insane. Say what you want about Lucas but he at least points money into his projects.

There is just as much crap in Clone Wars as there is great stuff. The last three seasons are mostly good though.

Since it's official canon it's probably something that people should watch. Maybe with a guide to skip certain episodes.


Is Rebels not good? I read a quick summary and it looks like the protagonist is a snarky teenage thief or something. That alone sounds horrid.


Is Rebels not good? I read a quick summary and it looks like the protagonist is a snarky teenage thief or something. That alone sounds horrid.

You read the wrong summary. Rebels is good. Not as good as Clone Wars at its best but still good. I think it's worth checking out.
Is Rebels not good? I read a quick summary and it looks like the protagonist is a snarky teenage thief or something. That alone sounds horrid.

It's really good. It doesn't have the budget that Clone Wars had but the characters are pretty endearing and it captures that Original Trilogy feel.


If you like Star Wars you should be watching Rebels, end of. Season 2 looks like it will please a lot more people this time around, though I enjoyed Season 1 too.


Is Rebels not good? I read a quick summary and it looks like the protagonist is a snarky teenage thief or something. That alone sounds horrid.

amazing series.

Also describing Ezra as snarky teenage thief is the same as describing Luke as a snarky teenage farmer.

EDIT: Holy hell....the dedicated star wars forums are at War.
Prequel fans hating on the marketing dissing the CGI
OT fans complaining about slight changes like the crossguard
EU fans hating on the new canon
And people loving everything...

Begun the fanboy wars have


amazing series.

Also describing Ezra as snarky teenage thief is the same as describing luke as a snarky teenage farmer.

EDIT: Holy hell....the dedicated star wars forums are at War.
Prequel fans hating on the marketing dissing the CGI
OT fans complaining about slight changes like the crossguard
EU fans hating on the new canon
And people like me...loving everything...

Begun the fanboy wars have
theforce.net forums? I gotta check into this :p

Let's just say I like everything canon so far. I don't yet know if I'll like EP VII but based on what we know I think I will enjoy it a lot. There is definitely a long and storied history of star wars fans hating on various aspects of star wars. Unfortunate.


theforce.net forums? I gotta check into this :p

Let's just say I like everything canon so far. I don't yet know if I'll like EP VII but based on what we know I think I will enjoy it a lot. There is definitely a long and storied history of star wars fans hating on various aspects of star wars. Unfortunate.


There are prequel trilogy fans?

I really like them, 2 is not very good though. I like it as a guilty pleasure


I admit that I was a ROTS defender for a while, but several years ago my roommate and I caught it on cable and . . . eugh.


I admit that I was a ROTS defender for a while, but several years ago my roommate and I caught it on cable and . . . eugh.

I actually liked all three of them when I first saw them. I was 13-19 when the prequels came out. By the time Revenge of the Sith premiered I was completely soured on the first two and I just saw the last one out of obligation. Just like the previous two I ended up walking out of the theater with a positive reaction. The prequel movies just don't hold up if you stop and think about what little "plot" there is. It also helps if you are a teenager when you are viewing them.


I have been a passionate episode 1 defender back in the days. it was really after episode 2, which was even much worse, where I had to admit to myself that episode 1 was really bad as well and the prequels as a concept simply failed.


So I watched the first couple of episodes of Clone Wars and I have to admit its alright. The opening narration sounds like parody though. And I still think the idea of the droid army being a bunch of klutzes makes no fucking sense (although a couple of them got a chuckle out of me).


So I watched the first couple of episodes of Clone Wars and I have to admit its alright. The opening narration sounds like parody though. And I still think the idea of the droid army being a bunch of klutzes makes no fucking sense (although a couple of them got a chuckle out of me).

Season 1 and 2 are pretty terrible compared to how amazingly good 3-6 are.

So,I finished rewatching the entire saga with my family on Blu-Ray today

My opinion remains largely the same, the saga is still amazing, my father and mother watched them for the first time and I was surprised by how much they loved TPM, they were heartbroken to see that "Cute little kid" become Darth Vader. They also seemed to really like R2D2, the Ewoks and Jar Jar and disliked characters like Lando, C3PO and Watto.

My opinion remains largely the same, I enjoyed all movies with Episode II and VI being the the ones I enjoyed the least, however Episode II is by far the lowest point of the series. No Ewok can beat the borefest of AOTC first hour.

I was also surprised as how much I enjoyed TPM and ANH in my 20's compared to back as a kid, I remembered them quite boring.

My updated order
Season 1 and 2 are pretty terrible compared to how amazingly good 3-6 are.

So,I finished rewatching the entire saga with my family on Blu-Ray today

My opinion remains largely the same, the saga is still amazing, my father and mother watched them for the first time and I was surprised by how much they loved TPM, they were heartbroken to see that "Cute little kid" become Darth Vader. They also seemed to really like R2D2, the Ewoks and Jar Jar and disliked characters like Lando, C3PO and Watto.

My opinion remains largely the same, I enjoyed all movies with Episode II and VI being the the ones I enjoyed the least, however Episode II is by far the lowest point of the series. No Ewok can beat the borefest of AOTC first hour.

I was also surprised as how much I enjoyed TPM and ANH in my 20's compared to back as a kid, I remembered them quite boring.

My updated order

A New Hope and 'boring' does not compute. I'd probably say it's the best paced film of the entire saga. You never feel stuck in one location too long and the story's always moving. Glad to see you warmed to it on another watch.

I also think you may have to consider finding new parents. Jar Jar over Lando? What kind of world are we living in?

Read an excerpt from Star Wars: Aftermath, the first post-RotJ canon novel.


Good excerpt. Like the New Dawn references, I was hoping
would return at some point but I didn't expect it to be in Aftermath.

Just found this as well - a Star Wars / Vader cross over comic has been announced. It's called Vader Down and the first oversized issue is out in November.

Seeking to bind the events of the two separate books together, this six-part series will see Star Wars writer Jason Aaron team with the Vader creative team of Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca. Mike Deodata will share art duties. The story will revolve around a do-or-die mission by the Rebels to take down a stranded and but not-so-vulnerable Vader. Described as a natural progression in regards to where the series has come so far, Gillen promised the kind of story any Star Wars fan can get behind, in addition to Wookie on Wookie action.



Pretty good interview with Gillen and Aaron here about the process of writing it too.



A New Hope and 'boring' does not compute. I'd probably say it's the best paced film of the entire saga. You never feel stuck in one location too long and the story's always moving. Glad to see you warmed to it on another watch.

I'm not going to say I agree with Fj0823 but I can see how someone would be of that opinion - especially if you're a younger person. Compared to modern, attention span challeneged movies, A New Hope could easily seem sluggish. I rewatched all six movies a couple months ago and I could really tell a difference in the OT compared to how today's movies are structured. It'll be interesting to see how Force Awakens fares in that regard.


A New Hope and 'boring' does not compute. I'd probably say it's the best paced film of the entire saga. You never feel stuck in one location too long and the story's always moving. Glad to see you warmed to it on another watch.

ANH starts off with a bang, then slows to a crawl (literally, with the Sandcrawler), and doesn't pick up the pace again until Mos Eisley. After that it's all action all the time, but the first half is definitely a much slower movie than people are used to watching today.

I have a coworker who wanted to try Star Wars because he'd never watched it before. He's 27. Because everyone recommended that he watch the OT first, he watched 4 - 6 and then quit. He found all three movies to be incredibly slow and boring and he couldn't stand it. Now obviously I think that's bizarre, but that's the mentality of a lot of people raised on faster paced movies that ANH, ironically, kickstarted.


I'm not going to say I agree with Fj0823 but I can see how someone would be of that opinion - especially if you're a younger person. Compared to modern, attention span challeneged movies, A New Hope could easily seem sluggish. I rewatched all six movies a couple months ago and I could really tell a difference in the OT compared to how today's movies are structured. It'll be interesting to see how Force Awakens fares in that regard.

This is true, also last time I watched this films I was 15, my taste was very different back then. I mean I used to think Transformers was the best movie ever made.

my first Star Wars movie was Empire, which I think has a better pacing, that probably affected how I percieved ANH.


Started with Empire - how'd that happen?

Caught it on TV. I had heard about star wars but the movies were too long for me (I had severe ADD, but It got better as I grew up)

I think I was 8 when I watched it.
After that my grandparents took me to TPM, and I became a fan after the fuel with maul.I remember closing my eyes during the kill scenes lol.

Shit, that was 14 years ago, I feel old.
theforce.net forums? I gotta check into this :p

There are literally 10 people total who are worth paying attention to over there. And they are drowned out by the other 40 who have somehow made it to their mid-30s without learning how to effectively communicate to other human beings, much less understand anything they've been watching/reading for the last two decades.

So nah, you don't have to check into it. You're better off here. Faraci wasn't lying when he said it's maybe the single dumbest community online. And that stupidity is not only protected, but rewarded by their mod/admin team - who also don't seem to understand how conversations work or how they're supposed to manage them.

It's like - what if the early 2000s internet got lost in time and has been huffing paint for 10 years.


Why the hell do they keep calling Ahsoka "sir"? Was the character originally male or something?

She's a Commander. Jedi Masters and Knights are Generals of the army, and talented Padawans are commanders.

In military, you address your higher ups with "sir", regardless of gender.
ANH starts off with a bang, then slows to a crawl (literally, with the Sandcrawler), and doesn't pick up the pace again until Mos Eisley. After that it's all action all the time, but the first half is definitely a much slower movie than people are used to watching today.

I have a coworker who wanted to try Star Wars because he'd never watched it before. He's 27. Because everyone recommended that he watch the OT first, he watched 4 - 6 and then quit. He found all three movies to be incredibly slow and boring and he couldn't stand it. Now obviously I think that's bizarre, but that's the mentality of a lot of people raised on faster paced movies that ANH, ironically, kickstarted.

Ha, I'm 22 and was raised on faster paced movies yet I still find it nicely paced. I do love a lot of older films though.

There are literally 10 people total who are worth paying attention to over there. And they are drowned out by the other 40 who have somehow made it to their mid-30s without learning how to effectively communicate to other human beings, much less understand anything they've been watching/reading for the last two decades.

So nah, you don't have to check into it. You're better off here. Faraci wasn't lying when he said it's maybe the single dumbest community online. And that stupidity is not only protected, but rewarded by their mod/admin team - who also don't seem to understand how conversations work or how they're supposed to manage them.

It's like - what if the early 2000s internet got lost in time and has been huffing paint for 10 years.

I recall the time I got chastised for calling another member's comment bitchy, which it was most certainly was. Apparently I was being sexist. I don't tend to frequent the forums as much anymore.
I recall the time I got chastised for calling another member's comment bitchy, which it was most certainly was. Apparently I was being sexist. I don't tend to frequent the forums as much anymore.

Sounds about right. Although interesting that you got hit for being sexist, as the forum was institutionally homophobic up until a couple months ago, when they finally allowed homosexual relationships to be portrayed in their fanfic section.

I re-registered last year for the first time in about a decade, more out of force of habit than anything (the forum really isn't very big anymore, or influential) because it used to be the spot you went if you wanted Star Wars discussion with a wide range of people. So I was like "well, let's get a Full of Sith presence on the boards, maybe that'll score the show a couple extra listeners" because I don't really do much for the show (some might say the sentence could stop there) but appear once or twice a month and I felt like maybe scooping up a couple extra listeners here & there through joining that community and contributing might make up for that.

But man, that place is 100% set-up to inhibit discussion and diminish community. Everything is segmented and categorized to the nth degree, so it's hard to even begin a conversation with the community (such as it is) because it's already pre-splintered into 300 tiny subgenres, and that's before you actually get to where you're going and every possible avenue of conversation is then further splintered by rigidly defined topic, and then there's the board software itself, which is bloated far beyond the point of usefulness, and implemented by an admin team who doesn't even understand how it works, and has to be advised by its userbase on how to maintain it.

So once you get past all those obstacles towards even beginning a conversation, you find yourself locked in scintillating debate with emoticon-addicts who have an abusive relationship with comprehension and language who simultaneously believe and hate EVERY rumor they blindly fish out of reddit (except for the correct ones. Those they disbelieve instantly), supported by a perpetually-snotty, overstaffed moderation team (there's basically one mod for every three posters) whose solution to a forum full of thought-impaired idiots is to lock whole conversations for days at a time as opposed to kicking out the idiots who are trainwrecking the few miracles of interesting conversation that do manage to spring out of the muck like orchids in a fetid swamp, that is when they're not openly dismissive of the mere concept that intelligent discussion is even possible at their poorly run community.

So yeah, it's a good thing it's a mostly ignored (including by its parent site, the members of which seem to have no clue the boards are even still attached to it) appendix to the body that is Star Wars fandom. Well, appendix isn't right, because an appendix could burst and kill you, and that board doesn't have anywhere near that level of influence. It's more like a skin tag, or a wart that you don't care enough to laser off. Again, there are probably 10 total people there who are intelligent, insightful, and prone to fits of really interesting conversation and debate. And then there's all that other shit.

It was a dumb year for me.
Sounds about right. Although interesting that you got hit for being sexist, as the forum was institutionally homophobic up until a couple months ago, when they finally allowed homosexual relationships to be portrayed in their fanfic section.

Huh, didn't know about this. Pretty shitty attitude to have when running a forum. You're right about it being overly segmented. Everything's just so split up it takes ages to find anything. Then there's the never ending Expanded Universe vs New Canon debate. Urgh. GAF's a lot better.
Huh, didn't know about this. Pretty shitty attitude to have when running a forum.

Yeah. I emailed the Force.net guy I was told by a couple other Force.net guys was the dude to talk to about helping whip it back into shape at one point, but I never got a response. Again - it was a dumb year for me.


I'm watching Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope through for the first time, and it has been quite the ride! I'm up at the point, where Luke and the rest of the rebels are boarding their planes to find and attack the small 2 meter wide spot on the Empire's base (Death Star?). I'm actually also surprised that Ben Kenobi turned out to be Obi-Wan.

But I'm gonna finish the last 20 minutes tomorrow, it's getting late here.

Here's to explore a whole universe of Star Wars, and I can't wait!


I'm watching Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope through for the first time, and it has been quite the ride! I'm up at the point, where Luke and the rest of the rebels are boarding their planes to find and attack the small 2 meter wide spot on the Empire's base (Death Star?). I'm actually also surprised that Ben Kenobi turned out to be Obi-Wan.

But I'm gonna finish the last 20 minutes tomorrow, it's getting late here.

Here's to explore a whole universe of Star Wars, and I can't wait!

Did you only watched the prequels before or is this your very first experience with the franchise?

That comment makes me think you already knew who Obi-Wan Kenobi was
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