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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


I just finished watching the prequels. I had watched them many years ago but forgot numerous details. Playing through elite squadron made me feel like watching them again.

Thoughts: I won't claim any movie as a particular good one but they do have their good parts.

The soundtrack: The soundtrack was excellent in the original trilogy, and I have few complaints regarding the three movies. My least liked one was Episode II's simply for not having a particular standout like Escape from Naboo.

Qui Gon Jinn: Simply for being the only Jedi who didn't bother with the "all emotions are bad" nonsense. He seemed more realistic, using his force powers to manipulate others, and saying psuedo-wise epigrams such as "Greed is a powerful ally". It's a shame he died. He's the reason Episode I is my favorite of the three movies.

I feel Episode I could have been improved if they made Anakin the same age as Padme and simply reduced the Attack of the Clones time-skip to 5 years.


I just finished watching the prequels. I had watched them many years ago but forgot numerous details. Playing through elite squadron made me feel like watching them again.

Thoughts: I won't claim any movie as a particular good one but they do have their good parts.

The soundtrack: The soundtrack was excellent in the original trilogy, and I have few complaints regarding the three movies. My least liked one was Episode II's simply for not having a particular standout like Escape from Naboo.

Qui Gon Jinn: Simply for being the only Jedi who didn't bother with the "all emotions are bad" nonsense. He seemed more realistic, using his force powers to manipulate others, and saying psuedo-wise epigrams such as "Greed is a powerful ally". It's a shame he died. He's the reason Episode I is my favorite of the three movies.

I feel Episode I could have been improved if they made Anakin the same age as Padme and simply reduced the Attack of the Clones time-skip to 5 years.

Qui-Gon Jinn was had the right ideas. Many of them shared by Obi-Wan, however, Obi-Wan avoided conflict with the council as much as possible. While Qui-Gon had his amazing "Fuck you Yoda" attitude.

And in the end, Qui-Gon's views on the Force were right
So Star Wars #7 was out today. I liked it, but I refuse to believe that this story took place in 5 BBY. There's no way Luke looks like a 14 year old. He doesn't look any older than Anakin did in TPM. Also, Obi-Wan still had brown hair five years prior to ANH?

It makes much more sense for this story to take place around 10 or 9 BBY. That would also make it line up properly with The Story Before The Force Awakens, where Obi-Wan saves 13-year old Luke from a krayt dragon with his lightsaber, since in the beginning of this issue he says that he hasn't used his lightsaber in years.

It looks like 5 BBY was wrong. The editor said it was about 10 years before A New Hope at a recent Marvel panel. It's about 10-11 BBY as you said.



SWCT has two new card sets debuting this weekend - one looks rather bland, but the other looks to reprints of the Rebels propaganda posters, which were part of the sticker inserts in the Rebels physical card set.


I just finished watching the prequels. I had watched them many years ago but forgot numerous details. Playing through elite squadron made me feel like watching them again.

Thoughts: I won't claim any movie as a particular good one but they do have their good parts.

The soundtrack: The soundtrack was excellent in the original trilogy, and I have few complaints regarding the three movies. My least liked one was Episode II's simply for not having a particular standout like Escape from Naboo.

Qui Gon Jinn: Simply for being the only Jedi who didn't bother with the "all emotions are bad" nonsense. He seemed more realistic, using his force powers to manipulate others, and saying psuedo-wise epigrams such as "Greed is a powerful ally". It's a shame he died. He's the reason Episode I is my favorite of the three movies.

I feel Episode I could have been improved if they made Anakin the same age as Padme and simply reduced the Attack of the Clones time-skip to 5 years.

Qui Gon is still my favourite Jedi.


GF's Reaction to "Revenge of the Sith"

Her favorite one yet (We're doing chronological) she loved every minute of it, and for some reason cheered on Mace Windu during his fight with theemperor....And then became quite angry he was killed off.

She said "Padmé should have some tits and raise the fuck out of her kids man!! You don't need no man gurl! Don't you die on me!" which made me burst laughing when she was dying.

After finishing, she noted that she now thinks of "The Phantom Menace" as the worst of the bunch by far as "It's waaaaay too boring and political compared to the excitement and misteries of the last two."

Her prequel order of favorites: 3>2>1 (Mine is 3>1>2),
Favorite Characters: 1-Padme,2-Obi-Wan,3- Windu. 4-Yoda, 5-Jar Jar Binks
Most Hated Characters: 1-Trade Federation Guys, 2-Bobba Fett, 3-Gungan King, 4-Post-Turn Anakin
Favorite Villain: Sidious. she couldn't care less about Dooku he was "That old guy Yoda fought!"


She's now super hyped for episode IV and we're staying up late to watch it, since she doesn't really like the look of older movies, we'll watch the special edition for a more "modern" feel for her, (And I actually prefer the SE for chronological 6 movie marathon so no problem from my side)

Also,she's sold on Episode VII by now,

she's one of us guys!! The Force is strong with her! :)


Favorite Characters: 1-Padme,2-Obi-Wan,3- Windu. 4-Yoda, 5-Jar Jar Binks
Most Hated Characters: 1-Trade Federation Guys, 2-Bobba Fett, 3-Gungan King, 4-Post-Turn Anakin
Favorite Villain: Sidious. she couldn't care less about Dooku he was "That old guy Yoda fought!"

You sure she didn't hate Jango Fett? It'd seem pretty odd to hate a kid who was barely in the prequel trilogy.


She said and I quote "Asshole clone kid", so I assume Bobba Fett

Haha! That is amazing.

It has been a while since I've seen the prequels, but I don't remember Boba Fett doing much of anything. What'd he do that labeled him as "asshole clone kid"?


Haha! That is amazing.

It has been a while since I've seen the prequels, but I don't remember Boba Fett doing much of anything. What'd he do that labeled him as "asshole clone kid"?

The extremely fake evil laughs he does when they try to kill Obi-Wan made her instantly hate him.

Episode IV impression.

She immediatly recognized the superiority of Episode IV compared to episode I and II, but she liked Episode III more for now.

She loves Lukes and she finds "Creative" from Lucas to draw Luke and Anakin as opposites regarding many things, she said luke was the better man for being humble compared with his deeply egotistical father. She loved that contrast. She claims Luke to be the superior male character.

However, she finds Padmé the superior female for now, she related with her more as padme was always shown as a humble, caring girl. She really disliked Leia's ego, she felt it was "Too much like her father"

She also mentioned how good Lucas's casting is. Especially since she was able to immediatl recognize Alec Guiness as Obi-Wan Kenobi despite being exposed to McGregor first.She also mentioned Hamill looking similar to Christensen.

She was pretty unresponsive to Han Solo, she just found his Greedo (Shooting simultanously in the BR version) moment cool

Overall she had a blast with the movie. And is ready for the "I am your father one"

Current Orther 3>4>2>1


From Donnie Yens official facebook and instagram


(In case you don't know thats a shot of London)

He must be on his way to either talk about or Start filming right? and it was only 2 weeks ago he posted this



Ill copy my GF's "Attack of the Clones" Impressions in here, she's watching the series for the first time as she found Episode 1 while changing channels with me, she quite liked Menace.

Shockingly she liked clones even more, I loved her being all excited about sith making (horribly wrong) theories about what will happen.

She knows about Luke and the episode 5 reveal as she's heard references from friends, but she seems genuinely intrigued by Anakin's downfall.

She said Anakin's stalkery antics are "exactly like a dumb kid in love for the first time", and actually cheered when he kissed padme. She's sure Padme is going to be a single mother raising Luke ):

I suggested CGI clone wars but she was put off by the number of episodes. She's not that big of a fan yet, so well watch clone wars 2003 to fill the movie gap. Then Ill explain how canon works if she seems interested enough.

Gotta say, watching the movie with her being all excited and interested in something I like so much made me enjoy the movie a billion times more. (Still the worst ever though xD)

I'm kind of glad you're not doing that "overbearing parent" routine that other people do with their SO/children when trying to introduce their loved ones to shit they enjoy. You're letting her do it at her own pace and it's paying off because you're not being weird about it. I'm sure she'll eventually check it out, but right now she's just putting her own mark on this series and making her own memories.

Good job!


Although I very much disagree with you showing the movies in chronological order Sj0823, I really like how you're handling it. Your write ups are fun too! Keep it up!


Blame Lucas, as usual. He should have looked at that prototype and said "nope" but he okayed it.

I don't hate it, in some ways I like it better than CGI Yoda. It's always looks better to have a real object in the scene, so I love it for that aspect. But it looks so different from Empire Yoda, I just don't know how they settled on that puppet when it should have undergone a lot more changes to get it to look right.

Yes, it should look slightly younger... but not by much. If he's roughly 900 in Jedi then he surely is not going to look too different in the Prequel era, as the difference in years is minimal for him. Not only its age, but 'healthier' if that is the right word, because this is Yoda living in a huge city with access to all the best food, medicine and care. Quite different from the limited diet he was sustaining himself with on Dagobah. And the weather on Dagobah probably had an impact too. It's so swampy and overcast, he probably wasn't getting much sunlight. ;)

Speaking of sunlight... also consider the difference in lighting between the prequel scenes of Yoda and Empire/Jedi which are not brightly lit in comparison. That has some impact on how different he looks here, too.

So, I try to use details like that to explain the difference, but even with all that accounted for it looks off in my mind.

The CGI replacement they put in for the Blue-Rays are better in that it matches the other prequels, and probably was the best choice to give everything a consistent look.
He looked bloody awful in TPM. No consistency at all. OT Yoda is the best of course but at least the Yoda in AOTC and Revenge of the Sith looked somewhat like him.


Oh yeah. One of my problems with the Prequel Trilogy was a lack of consistent villains (Outside of the shadowy Palpatine).

I actually rather liked Count Dooku, but he only really appeared by the last half of the second movie and died in the first twenty minutes of the second movie. General Grevious appears and dies in the first half of the movie. The first encounter between Jedi and Sith in forever happens by Darth Maul in a 1 minute fight in the desert. Then he disappears until that door opens in the Naboo castle and dies.

The separatists have no defined leadership who are relevant so the battles lack alot of weight. Am I to approve of the Viceroy?


Sorry for the double post.

My GF and I watched "The Empire Strikes Back". So oncce again I'll post her impressions.

She really liked it, but it's far from her favorite, and also far from her least favorite. She pointed out several things she thought could be better.

For one, she had been enjoyed C3PO in the past 4 movies and giggling with some of his antics,but she absolutely despised him in this movie, complaining that he.never.shuts.up. She mentioned that while Jar Jar Binks was annoying he was only in 1 movie and 1 movie with very little of importance or critical situations going on. So a comedic annoying character wasn't that bad

While in Empire is like, one of the most important movies, so having 3PO complaining and complaining made her VERY annoyed. She was specially annoyed when the fight with Luke and Vader starts in that amazing silent room...then cut to 3PO complaining. She actually cheered when he was turned off.....and cheered again when they blasted him off

She doesn't get the hype for Bobba Fett, "For a character that got so popular they made him an origin story...I expected a lot more. Specially after his father took a Jedi and fought freaking Obi-Wan Kenobi" ....can't wait to see her reaction to VI lol

She found Han and Leia trapped in the cave/worm to be the weakest point of the movie, she was actually pretty bored. She still hates Leia's attitude

Now on to the positives. She loved Vader and him killing all those admirals and naming the guy beside him new admiral was something "badass" for her.

She was soooo confused when she saw Yoda acting crazy she thought he was just another guy from the same species. Then his voice gets all serious and "OMG IT. IS. HIM!!!!!", I actually find curious that she mentions that "Many of the stuff he's telling Luke, is stuff he learned the hard way during the Clone Wars, this guy (Lucas) really made this character grow when it would've been so easy to just keep him the same"

Luke is now her favorite character, and she relates to him a lot.

She's now sad cause she will never get a Chewbacca hug ):

This movie did wonders for her opinion of Han Solo, from not caring about him to "NO NO NO NO LUKE COME ON SAVE HIM!" when he was about to be frozen

Also her reaction to the ending was priceless: "No way, NO WAY, NO FUCKING WAY! You can't end it here! YOU JUST CANT! I NEED TO FINISH THIS!!"

Current Order of favorites: 3>4>5>2>1


She doesn't get the hype for Bobba Fett, "For a character that got so popular they made him an origin story...I expected a lot more. Specially after his father took a Jedi and fought freaking Obi-Wan Kenobi" ....can't wait to see her reaction to VI lol

Always seemed to me that a lot of the love for Boba Fett came from fans projecting a lot of things on to him.
The main reason I've always liked Fett is because I loved his Mandalorian armour. He looked and acted badass...until ROTJ. I liked his recent appearance in Jason Aaron's Star Wars comic as well.
Always seemed to me that a lot of the love for Boba Fett came from fans projecting a lot of things on to him.

He was such a badass in ESB, and I think there were comics out with him, so naturally we made up cool shit with him. I remember having to send away for his unpainted action figure when I was a kid. Still had the working missile launcher backpack then too, before the recall.


Always seemed to me that a lot of the love for Boba Fett came from fans projecting a lot of things on to him.

Yeah, for sure. Boba Fett was an awesome, enigmatic character in ESB but the amount of love he gets is a little ridiculous. I say this being completely guilty of it myself when I was a kid. The Millenium Falcon and Slave I were the first vehicles I got for my figures. I spent many an afternoon having Boba Fett track down the obscure characters I had for bounties. One of my favorite toys when I was a kid.


The main reason I've always liked Fett is because I loved his Mandalorian armour. He looked and acted badass...until ROTJ. I liked his recent appearance in Jason Aaron's Star Wars comic as well.

I don't know, man. It is pretty badass to charge into battle against a Jedi. I mean, sure, he got his ass handed to him but still...


It didn't go too well for his dad. You would have thought he'd reconsider it.

His dad survived that fight with Obi-Wan on...Kamino(?) so he probably filled the kid with stories about how the Jedi were overrated. Who knows, it is entirely possible that old Jango had all kinds of Jedi kills under his belt.

Well, honestly. That was all before beskar was invented.

For those who don't know, beskar was a lightsaber-proof alloy that was invented later in the expanded universe novels.



His dad survived that fight with Obi-Wan on...Kamino(?) so he probably filled the kid with stories about how the Jedi were overrated. Who knows, it is entirely possible that old Jango had all kinds of Jedi kills under his belt.
Mace Windu killed him on Geonosis.


Sorry. I am stupid, I read something else them yöu have written, lol.

Did you confuse Geonosis with Kamino? Because I did that when I initially typed it. Had to go back and change it to Kamino and I'm honestly not even 100% that it is the right name for that planet. Memory is a tricky bitch sometimes.


Did you confuse Geonosis with Kamino? Because I did that when I initially typed it. Had to go back and change it to Kamino and I'm honestly not even 100% that it is the right name for that planet. Memory is a tricky bitch sometimes.
No, you are right. Obi Wan fought Jango on Kamino, he later died because of Mace Windu on Geonosis.

Just another case where I replaced words in my mind. Sorry.
No, you are right. Obi Wan fought Jango on Kamino, he later died because of Mace Windu on Geonosis.

Just another case where I replaced words in my mind. Sorry.

I've always thought Kamino would be a pretty miserable place to live. But then when I think about it, the weather's not all that different here at the moment.


No, you are right. Obi Wan fought Jango on Kamino, he later died because of Mace Windu on Geonosis.

Just another case where I replaced words in my mind. Sorry.

No need to apologize, man.

I've always thought Kamino would be a pretty miserable place to live. But then when I think about it, the weather's not all that different here at the moment.

So you live on Kamino, then? Wadium is making clones, y'all.
Kotor had those blades that could stop a lightsaber

Oh yeah, what were those called? Though I imagine it was more to prevent gameplay from being ridiculously easy. You'd be slicing through 90% of the enemies in the game in one swipe otherwise. Very few enemies actually had lightsabers.
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