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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


As a reminder, Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy and Rise of the Empire (which includes three new short stories) are out today.

Also there's a brief clip of the Seventh Sister in Rebels season 2 in this appearance by SMG on Kelly and Michael. It contains some dialogue so don't watch if you don't want mild spoilers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s28N8YTjYM

/co/ is already having a field day with that one.
Having two trailers in the span of 2 months would be just as ridiculous.

Too many trailers in a short amount of time can cause some burn out. We got way too many trailers for Age of Ultron for example.

Ultron wasn't smart. They had like 20 trailers. But there has to be a balance b/w 1 and 20. 2 or 3 would be perfect.


Wow, that's some grade-A petty shit.

I'm really enjoying some Legends EU books right now (The X-Wing books by Stackpole), and I have no problem with them not being canon. Canon is overrated anyway. Just because a story isn't "canon" doesn't mean the story stops existing for us. I think "The Last One Standing" is one of my favorite Star Wars stories, even though basically all of it was rendered non-canon by Attack of the Clones, because it's still a good story and one of the few portrayals of Boba Fett I've enjoyed (As an aging self-righteous killer trying to find his way in a galaxy where he's increasingly irrelevant). And the Legends setting still exists for any fans who want to make stories in it, it's just not the setting currently used for the movies. You want to write a story with Tycho Celchu and Mara Jade Skywalker? Go for it! Nothing's stopping you! But stop trying to ruin other people's fun because of such a meaningless problem.

Speaking of Tycho Celchu, I now fucking love Tycho Celchu, both as a character and as a pilot in the X-Wing Miniatures game (10 STRESS TOKENS YOLO). I like the concept of a formal Imperial pilot leaving after they destroyed is home planet of Alderaan, and I like how he understands why nobody trusts him and tries to handle that suspicion gracefully.


There have been jokes on 4chan ever since pictures first emerged of the Seventh Sister and Ezra in close proximity that she is interested in young men/boys, and in the clip she calls Ezra "pretty".

I did think the "pretty" line in the clip was a little odd.
I'm really enjoying some Legends EU books right now (The X-Wing books by Stackpole), and I have no problem with them not being canon. Canon is overrated anyway. Just because a story isn't "canon" doesn't mean the story stops existing for us.

Stop being so reasonable. You're supposed to be outraged or something.
Ultron wasn't smart. They had like 20 trailers. But there has to be a balance b/w 1 and 20. 2 or 3 would be perfect.
2 trailerish teasers, a behind the scenes video, 1 baby teaser, and a million different products. They are already making bank off this and we haven't even got an official trailer. I think they've figured out the balance.

People are hungry as hell for trailers, and they wanna keep them that way. None of the upset reactions to dearth of trailers are gonna kill the hype or hurt the bottom line. They'll drop a single trailer at just the right time to keep us from starving to death but leave us hungry.
I wouldn't mind a peak at this. Just a few seconds, minutes, hours.



NeoGAF is very lucky, the Star Wars sub-community here only has (had? I haven't seen him in a while) LastNac that seemed to have a hard time with the EU being wiped away and still wanted new Legends EU material.

And especially we have had no one like the crazies who try to derail cons with their rants about the EU that no one wants to hear.

Some Star Wars boards have people still unable to get over it and move on. The EU was dead the second Episode VII was green-lit, no way they'd try to keep it in line with that web of continuity that very few people read. I was shocked that many EU fans were taken by surprise when it was made official last spring. The writing was on the wall since November 2012 when we learned of the film.


NeoGAF is very lucky, the Star Wars sub-community here only has (had? I haven't seen him in a while) LastNac that seemed to have a hard time with the EU being wiped away and still wanted new Legends EU material. And especially no one like the crazies who try to derail cons with their rants about the EU that no one wants to hear.

Some Star Wars boards have people still unable to get over it and move on. The EU was dead the second Episode VII was green-lit, no way they'd try to keep it in line with that web of continuity that very few people read. I was shocked that many EU fans were taken by surprise when it was made official last spring. The writing was on the wall since November 2012 when we learned of the film.

To be honest, the EU has been dead the moment the prequels came in and stuff like the "Clonemaster" villain of the Clone Wars was replaced with the Clone Army of the Republic fighting the separatists droids for example.

Disney/Lucasfilm just had the balls to tell them all that those are not canon. They didn't dance around it, no "maybes", just a plain cold. "NOPE"

That's probably what took them by suprise
NeoGAF is very lucky, the Star Wars sub-community here only has (had? I haven't seen him in a while) LastNac that seemed to have a hard time with the EU being wiped away and still wanted new Legends EU material.

When I heard the news I was disconcerted for like, two minutes. I mean, I'm going to miss Mara and the Solo kids. But let's be honest, the Del Ray Star Wars chronology was so cramped at this point that you couldn't turn around without tripping over something. They had to box up the old EU to make room for new stories. New stories which I very much want to read.


Even as someone who was largely uninterested in the old EU, anytime I would look into what was going on I would always see shit like "the Emperor had a clone and transferred his consciousness into it and now HE'S BACK". I would see that and just think "wow, this is the most unimaginative, most up-its-own-ass plot you could have come up with, fuck that shit".

I'm sure there is good stuff too but, personally, I was glad to see it gone.


When I heard the news I was disconcerted for like, two minutes. I mean, I'm going to miss Mara and the Solo kids. But let's be honest, the Del Ray Star Wars chronology was so cramped at this point that you couldn't turn around without tripping over something. They had to box up the old EU to make room for new stories. New stories which I very much want to read.

The worst part were the "Canon tiers"...so confusing!

Even as someone who was largely uninterested in the old EU, anytime I would look into what was going on I would always see shit like "the Emperor had a clone and transferred his consciousness into it and now HE'S BACK". I would see that and just think "wow, this is the most unimaginative, most up-its-own-ass plot you could have come up with, fuck that shit".

I'm sure there is good stuff too but, personally, I was glad to see it gone.

This too, and thats precisely the problem for me. The Old EU is plagued of stuff like this.
However, I fully expect shit on that and worse levels to show its face on the new canon sooner or later


To be honest, the EU has been dead the moment the prequels came in and stuff like the "Clonemaster" villain of the Clone Wars was replaced with the Clone Army of the Republic fighting the separatists droids for example.

Disney just had the balls to tell them all that those are not canon. They didn't dance around it, no "maybes", just a plain cold. "NOPE"

That's probably what took them by suprise
Good point.

I mean the The Clone Wars animated series contradicted a bunch of the Clone Wars books but they still tried to retcon them around each-other to fit.

I would have loved to see the EU crazies try to retcon how Chewie was still alive, Luke wasn't married to Mara Jade (let alone Mara Jade even existing) and the like with the sequel trilogy.

Would have been hilarious.


Even as someone who was largely uninterested in the old EU, anytime I would look into what was going on I would always see shit like "the Emperor had a clone and transferred his consciousness into it and now HE'S BACK". I would see that and just think "wow, this is the most unimaginative, most up-its-own-ass plot you could have come up with, fuck that shit".

I'm sure there is good stuff too but, personally, I was glad to see it gone.
Trust me, the EU has far, far, far worse than that.

Like the Suncrusher, a fighter-sized ship with indestructible armor that can tank blasts from the Death Star and fires torpedoes that cause supernovas.

Or how IG-88, a background character from the Empire Strikes Back bounty hunter line-up, managed to download its brain into the Death Star 2 and take control of the ship until the Battle of Endor destroyed it.

Or that time Han and Leia's son went crazy, killed his aunt, and became a Sith Lord, and because Luke was too lazy to do something about it, they hired Boba Fett to train Han and Leia's daughter how to kill Jedi so she could murder her own brother. Because Boba Fett is just an expert at killing Jedi. Look at his amazing track record!


IG-88 being responsible for the destruction of the DS2 was the epitome of what made the EU the EU. So much absurd painfully cheesy fan service.


Trust me, the EU has far, far, far worse than that.

Like the Suncrusher, a fighter-sized ship with indestructible armor that can tank blasts from the Death Star and fires torpedoes that cause supernovas.

Or how IG-88, a background character from the Empire Strikes Back bounty hunter line-up, managed to download its brain into the Death Star 2 and take control of the ship until the Battle of Endor destroyed it.

Or that time Han and Leia's son went crazy, killed his aunt, and became a Sith Lord, and because Luke was too lazy to do something about it, they hired Boba Fett to train Han and Leia's daughter how to kill Jedi so she could murder her own brother. Because Boba Fett is just an expert at killing Jedi. Look at his amazing track record!

Jesus Christ, that makes Skippy the Droid look like a brilliant addition


IG-88 being responsible for the destruction of the DS2 was the epitome of what made the EU the EU. So much absurd painfully cheesy fan service.
My personal favorite part was when IG-88 closed the doors to the Emperor's throne room as a practical joke, keeping them shut even when Palpatine tried to use the force to pull them apart.

Yes, IG-88 punked the Emperor with a door.


Trust me, the EU has far, far, far worse than that.

Like the Suncrusher, a fighter-sized ship with indestructible armor that can tank blasts from the Death Star and fires torpedoes that cause supernovas.

Or how IG-88, a background character from the Empire Strikes Back bounty hunter line-up, managed to download its brain into the Death Star 2 and take control of the ship until the Battle of Endor destroyed it.

Or that time Han and Leia's son went crazy, killed his aunt, and became a Sith Lord, and because Luke was too lazy to do something about it, they hired Boba Fett to train Han and Leia's daughter how to kill Jedi so she could murder her own brother. Because Boba Fett is just an expert at killing Jedi. Look at his amazing track record!
Lol, what?


Trust me, the EU has far, far, far worse than that.

Like the Suncrusher, a fighter-sized ship with indestructible armor that can tank blasts from the Death Star and fires torpedoes that cause supernovas.

Or how IG-88, a background character from the Empire Strikes Back bounty hunter line-up, managed to download its brain into the Death Star 2 and take control of the ship until the Battle of Endor destroyed it.

Or that time Han and Leia's son went crazy, killed his aunt, and became a Sith Lord, and because Luke was too lazy to do something about it, they hired Boba Fett to train Han and Leia's daughter how to kill Jedi so she could murder her own brother. Because Boba Fett is just an expert at killing Jedi. Look at his amazing track record!

I don't ever want to hear anyone on this forum complain about how some episodes of The Clone Wars are "a little silly" ever again.


Knights of the old republic is the only EU stuff I really held dear but it doesn't really matter whether it's canon or not so whatever. The comics are still awesome, so are the two games and I can go back to them whenever I want. Moving on is easy.

The Marvel comics are the best thing to come from everything getting jettisoned.
The EU was mostly crap and I'm glad it's gone if only to annoy the type of imbeciles who were so attached to it that they harass actual fans. Star Wars has an incredibly social fanbase, hell it's been a talking point that has led to me making some of my best friends! The idea that these 'Bring Back Legends' fanatics may put people off the franchise really annoys me.
While yes the old EU had plenty of turds, it did also encompass 25 years. So thats a lot of time to incorporate crap.

That being said I think people are a bit too harsh. Some of the new canon already I am not overly fond of: Marvel Darth Vader, Marvel Star Wars.... surprisingly I think Lando comic is the best by a country mile.

EDIT: Did anyone read the Legacy comics? I really enjoyed those!
Don't they basically copy all their 'news' from Making Star Wars? I think they might have got those two leaked stills from VII first but that's it.
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