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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

His backstory is actually pretty detailed thanks to Clone Wars I would say. any future Boba movie will not contradict his Jango/Clone origins.

So much time has passed since those events and the OT era that he's basically a blank slate as far as the movies are concerned, especially post Jedi. Not to mention most film goers are probably unfamiliar with the cartoon and so it'd be weird to build on them in any meaningful way. They won't contradict his backstory, but it won't matter enough anyway.


Finally finished season 5 of Clone Wars.

The ending, with
Ahsoka refusing the Jedi council's offer to come back
, was fantastic and really made me respect all the character growth that she's been through.
She saw how wrong-headed the Jedi Council had become; they were willing to throw her, a hero who had done their bidding several times, to the lions at the drop of a hat. Even with so little hard evidence against her (like, say, actual video footage of her murdering clone troopers in the many places where there should have been video footage), they turned on her and allowed her to be nearly executed. I'm guessing the only Jedi Masters not to vote against her were Plo-Koon (who always showed great faith in her) and Obi-Wan, but even they were still bound to a system more concerned with politics and protocol than trust and loyalty. So when Mace Windu gave a weak-ass apology, I'm glad she refused it. She deserved better than the Jedi Order, and as Fulcrum in Rebels it's clear she became someone greater than any of the stuffy-old men who were willing to abandon a friend and child. Also, Anakin's turn against the Jedi now has a lot more context; he had seen the worst of the Jedi Order, their blindness and dispassionate callousness. Basically, the finale of season 5 shows why the Jedi fell and why Ahsoka survived.

(Clone Wars spoilers)
I'm surprised the Seventh Sister is not Barriss considering she's a force sensitive dark side woman of the same or similar species. I'm not sure we'll see her if the writers didn't take this opportunity.

And I'm expecting Cad Bane. I'm also expecting Boba Fett in full badass mode now it's during his prime and his embarrassing teenage years are behind him. Maybe we'll see the two together, either as rivals or partners.

Good summary.
I think it's pretty clear Obi-Wan was opposed but I'm not as certain about Plo Koon. He didn't offer any resistance to the idea in the first place.

Mace and Ki-Adi were infuriating in that scene. Even Yoda never actually said "sorry". Anakin was really the only one that seemed to understand just how serious the situation was.

I'm still hopeful for a Barriss appearance in Rebels. Filoni has said he had plans for her had TCW continued, maybe full on Dark Side wasn't it. Barriss did a terrible thing but she was right about the Republic and the Jedi. I wold love a redemptive arc for her, I don't think she is a lost cause.


In my opinion Barriss could work as terrorist rebel,the kind that attacks innocent people to send her message. That makes her an interesting antagonist sibce she'd be smearing the alliances reputation


The Jango actor was already casted.
I saw this mentioned but is there evidence of that?

And besides, you could always make the case that just because they are replacing Boba (if that happens) doesn't mean Morrision wouldn't be needed for the film. What if they kill him and the other actor replaces him for example? There's many possible angles.

I don't think the recasting/replacement of Boba rumors are hard to believe. If Disney wants to milk Boba as much as I imagine they do, the sooner they replace Morrison the sooner they can get busy building up his new presence for the long haul.
I saw this mentioned but is there evidence of that?

And besides, you could always make the case that just because they are replacing Boba (if that happens) doesn't mean Morrision wouldn't be needed for the film. What if they kill him and the other actor replaces him for example? There's many possible angles.

The rumor is that the young Han and Boba movies take place at the same time and young Han will show up in Boba and Boba will show up in young Han. So whoever is playing Boba Fett in the suit will have Temuera Morrison's voice.
Thanks to TextraxShards for posting this in ComicGAF.

New prequel era comic by Charles Soule, Anakin & Obi-Wan.


"Before their military heroism in the Clone Wars, before their tragic battle on Mustafar, and many decades before their final confrontation on the Death Star... they were Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker. It's been a few years since Obi-Wan pledged to train the young "chosen one," but even as they have grown closer through training, it has been a difficult road. Now, called to a remote planet for assistance, Master and Padawan may be pushed to the breaking point. Writer Charles Soule (Lando, She-Hulk, Daredevil) and artist Marco Checchetto (Star Wars: Shattered Empire, Avengers World, Punisher) bring us a tale of the Jedi at the height of their power..."


Ooh, that sounds great. I know we won't get too much overall but I'll be all over some prequel or pre-prequel content.


So far as Anakin's turn against the Jedi: While it might seem like the events of the Season Five finale would factor in, that rough-animated version of a storyarc that happened afterwards seems to point at the idea Anakin doesn't blame the JEDI for how that went down. He's upset at the other party.

(not sure how much of what we're talking about is actually a spoiler at all, considering how openly the fact of it is discussed basically everywhere at this point)
Disappointing to hear.

Good summary.
I think it's pretty clear Obi-Wan was opposed but I'm not as certain about Plo Koon. He didn't offer any resistance to the idea in the first place.

Mace and Ki-Adi were infuriating in that scene. Even Yoda never actually said "sorry". Anakin was really the only one that seemed to understand just how serious the situation was.

I'm still hopeful for a Barriss appearance in Rebels. Filoni has said he had plans for her had TCW continued, maybe full on Dark Side wasn't it. Barriss did a terrible thing but she was right about the Republic and the Jedi. I wold love a redemptive arc for her, I don't think she is a lost cause.
For Plo-Koon, he is one of the two Jedi who goes out to find her and his previous episodes indicate he's the sort of person who would do that. He shows great faith in Ahsoka: He recruited her to the order, reassured Anakin in her ability to defend herself, and covered up her disobeying orders in the Citadel arc. He also is much more compassionate and personable than the other Jedi Masters apart from Obi-Wan, as seen when he reassured his clone troops in the Malevolence arc and how he was willing to offer mentorship to Ahsoka when she asked for help. I don't think he put up nearly as much resistance as Obi-Wan and that is still terrible, but it's just hard to imagine him agreeing with the sentence.

And yes, Mace Windu and Ki-Adi Mundi are infuriating and seem to represent the worst of the Jedi order not only in the season 5 finale but in other episodes too. Mace Windu shows no respect to droids and actively chastises Anakin for respecting Artoo. He never is shown bonding with his clones in the same way that Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, or Plo-Koon do. He assigns that asshole frog who hates droids to the Astromech mission without even trying to defuse the obvious friction. When Boba Fett is taken prisoner, he makes no attempt to reconcile with the kid. The one time he shows an ounce of compassion to the Zillo Beast, he does so in a completely dogmatic manner and barely tries to reason with the Dugs. And Ki-Adi Mundi, well, the one time he has a prominent role he orders his troops to use flamethrowers on the Geonosians, because killing your foes in a horrifyingly painful manner as you invade their planet is the Jedi way.


I've been waiting for some canon young Anakin material set between Ep 1 and 2. Glad we are getting some. Although I would be more interested in his much earlier training as he is still getting adjusted to life on Coruscant and learning the Jedi arts as a very young padawan. This will still be interesting.


Man, I really love how you guys talk about Clone Wars, everything sounds so fantastic.
I really hate that the show isnt on my local Netflix.


So far as Anakin's turn against the Jedi: While it might seem like the events of the Season Five finale would factor in, that rough-animated version of a storyarc that happened afterwards seems to point at the idea Anakin doesn't blame the JEDI for how that went down. He's upset at the other party.

(not sure how much of what we're talking about is actually a spoiler at all, considering how openly the fact of it is discussed basically everywhere at this point)

If you are referring to this conversation, I'm not sure I agree. He seems angriest at the council but that whole conversation seems to contradict itself. At first he says Ahsoka had no choice but to
walk away
but then implies that she failed.
He's basically talking himself into blaming her. And he seems to have succeded by the time that conversation ends.

Essentially, he's mad at the Jedi (but he's always, on a low level, kinda mad at the Jedi) but he's really mad that he got affected by it. He's being selfish, essentially. It's not about what actually went down, it's about how that makes him feel poopy.

He's quite the poo-poo head.


He's basically talking himself into blaming her. And he seems to have succeded by the time that conversation ends.

Essentially, he's mad at the Jedi (but he's always, on a low level, kinda mad at the Jedi) but he's really mad that he got affected by it. He's being selfish, essentially. It's not about what actually went down, it's about how that makes him feel poopy.

He's quite the poo-poo head.

That sounds like Anakin


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Thanks to TextraxShards for posting this in ComicGAF.


New prequel era comic by Charles Soule, Anakin & Obi-Wan.
That cover art looks really promising.

This is an interesting area of the prequels to explore, and there's a lot of room to show how the mentor/student relationship developed. By Episode II they're already really chummy with each other.


He's basically talking himself into blaming her. And he seems to have succeded by the time that conversation ends.

Essentially, he's mad at the Jedi (but he's always, on a low level, kinda mad at the Jedi) but he's really mad that he got affected by it. He's being selfish, essentially. It's not about what actually went down, it's about how that makes him feel poopy.

He's quite the poo-poo head.
Less disappointed now because that's basically Anakin in a nutshell.

This is the first Clone Wars era Comic, am I right?
This is technically pre-Clone Wars. :p


Less disappointed now because that's basically Anakin in a nutshell.

You can watch that clip if you haven't, Toxi. It won't spoil anything as it's not part of Season 6. It's just a story reel with some basic animation for an episode that never got finished.


Despite not being a fan of the prequel movies at all, the Jedi Apprentice and Jedi Quest YA novels are some of my favorite guilty pleasure EU books ever. I'm all for canon stuff covering that same ground.

Soule & Checchetto should make a great team.
The problem with the prequels isn't the setting. It shouldn't be a surprise anymore (especially after Clone Wars) that quality stories can occur with those characters in that time period.

It's why the adversarial sorta tone that I keep seeing coming out of NYCC regarding prequel-era stuff getting made is so befuddling to me. People aren't so much happy that cool people are being assigned to cool stories in cool settings, as they are happy to rub it in that they're happening, as if it's some sort of rebuke for daring to mention that the movies weren't good.

It's not. That's not what it means at all. New stories set in that era doesn't suddenly validate the quality of the filmmaking that preceded it. That's not how that works.


Watching the second episodes of Season 6,
Shaak-Ti put up remarkably little resistance to the idea of murdering Tup for medical research, and folded as soon as Palpatine chimed in.
I'm realizing just how important Luke's revival of the Jedi was; even before they were wiped out, they were losing sight of what the Jedi Order was actually for.

You can watch that clip if you haven't, Toxi. It won't spoil anything as it's not part of Season 6. It's just a story reel with some basic animation for an episode that never got finished.

Watching the conversation... I'm not sure what to think. Anakin's in full "all about me" mode, while
Obi-Wan's claim that Ahsoka let emotions cloud her better judgement strikes me as remarkably tone-deaf (And completely wrong in hindsight).
It's definitely showing the worse side of the two characters, but is that a bad thing?

I'm also not sure if it should be taken as part of the actual show since it was never finished.


You guys reading the Darth Vader comic series? Thoughts?

Really loving it so far. I think basing it as an anti-hero story really sells it, and the flashes to his past in context to wherever he is (Tatooine,Geonosis, or the delivery of Boba Fett's findings, etc) really seal the deal for me. You really root for the dude.


Watching the second episodes of Season 6,
Shaak-Ti put up remarkably little resistance to the idea of murdering Tup for medical research, and folded as soon as Palpatine chimed in.
I'm realizing just how important Luke's revival of the Jedi was; even before they were wiped out, they were losing sight of what the Jedi Order was actually for.


Watching the conversation... I'm not sure what to think. Anakin's in full "all about me" mode, while
Obi-Wan's claim that Ahsoka let emotions cloud her better judgement strikes me as remarkably tone-deaf (And completely wrong in hindsight).
It's definitely showing the worse side of the two characters, but is that a bad thing?

I'm also not sure if it should be taken as part of the actual show since it was never finished.

I say again,


You guys reading the Darth Vader comic series? Thoughts?

Really loving it so far. I think basing it as an anti-hero story really sells it, and the flashes to his past in context to wherever he is (Tatooine,Geonosis, or the delivery of Boba Fett's findings, etc) really seal the deal for me. You really root for the dude.

I loved the last issue

When Aphra goes "To be loved like that,She (Padme) must have been someone special"

Vader looked amazing with his "dont dare say another word" look

This comic has been the Ultimate guilt trip for him


The problem with the prequels isn't the setting. It shouldn't be a surprise anymore (especially after Clone Wars) that quality stories can occur with those characters in that time period.

It's why the adversarial sorta tone that I keep seeing coming out of NYCC regarding prequel-era stuff getting made is so befuddling to me. People aren't so much happy that cool people are being assigned to cool stories in cool settings, as they are happy to rub it in that they're happening, as if it's some sort of rebuke for daring to mention that the movies weren't good.

It's not. That's not what it means at all. New stories set in that era doesn't suddenly validate the quality of the filmmaking that preceded it. That's not how that works.
Prequel evangelizers are a strange crowd. Before this, they were taking every single Star Wars statement as a horrible slight against the prequels, to the point that some even considered the video promoting the return of the old Clone Troopers in Star Wars Rebels, which was all about how the clones are awesome, as an attack against George Lucas's vision for the prequels. Like how do they enjoy anything when their first concern is always that?

The other side of the coin are the people that immediately reject anything from the prequel setting as if the quality of any Star Wars story set 20 years before the old trilogy has to be tied to the movies. I can understand just not having interest in the setting, but a lot of people online seem to act like just having Clone Troopers or pod races immediately makes something terrible.
Prequel evangelizers are a strange crowd. Before this, they were taking every single Star Wars statement as a horrible slight against the prequels, to the point that some even considered the video promoting the return of the old Clone Troopers in Star Wars Rebels, which was all about how the clones are awesome, as an attack against George Lucas's vision for the prequels.

The other side of the coin are the people that immediately reject anything from the prequel setting as if the quality of any Star Wars story set 20 years before the old trilogy has to be tied to the movies. I can understand just not having interest in the setting, but a lot of people online seem to act like just having Clone Troopers or pod races immediately makes something terrible.

Yeah, but it really does seem at this point that it's 2/3rds former, 1/3rd latter.

I'm just feeling like it's gonna be about 3 or 4 years before this whole thing becomes so muted that people won't even be paying too much attention to it anymore. It just sucks that it's been about 10 years of this shit being the focal point EVERYTHING is filtered through.


Interesting things I noticed rewatching the Ahsoka/Jedi Council scene...

  • Anakin and Plo-Koon are the only ones who actually apologize and admit wrongdoing.
  • Mace Windu is amazingly horrible: "This was actually your great trial. Now we see that. We understand that the Force works in mysterious ways, and because of this trial, you become a greater Jedi than you would have otherwise." Like holy shit, Mace Windu just said the suffering the Jedi Council made Ahsoka endure was good for her. What a dick.
  • Understandably, Mace Windu speaking is also when Ahsoka's expression changes to a skeptical one and the music becomes more sinister.
  • Obi-Wan is the only person in the room who doesn't speak in this scene. Considering he's the third most important character present, this is definitely deliberate.
  • The music when Anakin offers the Palawan braid is a positively eerie rendition of the music that plays underwater in Naboo in the Phantom Menace.
  • Obi-Wan takes a step to stop Anakin from chasing Ahsoka, but Plo-Koon places a hand on his shoulder. Great minimalistic character interaction.
  • Anakin's dialogue is still very self-centered even when he's caring; "What about me?" As Ahsoka points out, this isn't about him.
  • The facial animation for this scene is incredible. Lots of little touches like how Anakin's eyes change when Ahsoka says "I know."
  • Unlike every other episode in the show, the credits fade in without the usual triumphant fanfare. A nice touch for such a dramatic moment.

Overall, this is my favorite scene in The Clone Wars and one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars. I wish I had watched The Clone Wars before I watched Rebels, since Ahsoka's surprise appearance is a lot more meaningful once you watch her entire story.
Yeah, but it really does seem at this point that it's 2/3rds former, 1/3rd latter.

I'm just feeling like it's gonna be about 3 or 4 years before this whole thing becomes so muted that people won't even be paying too much attention to it anymore. It just sucks that it's been about 10 years of this shit being the focal point EVERYTHING is filtered through.
What I hope is that with the new trilogy people will start looking at the prequels as just movies. Not life-changing events or personal insults or a form of self-validation, but just movies like any other. Because that's what they are. People's identities get too caught up in how they view a bunch of silly science fiction stories.


Overall, this is my favorite scene in The Clone Wars and one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars.

It's funny because you can go back through this thread and you will see many people, myself included, expressing this exact sentiment after seeing it for the first time. It's a phenomenal scene, they nailed every aspect of it: dialogue, voice acting, facial expressions, everything.

Regarding Rebels, have you watched Siege of Lothal yet or did you stop at the end of season 1?


It's funny because you can go back through this thread and you will see many people, myself included, expressing this exact sentiment after seeing it for the first time. It's a phenomenal scene, they nailed every aspect of it: dialogue, voice acting, facial expressions, everything.

Regarding Rebels, have you watched Siege of Lothal yet or did you stop at the end of season 1?
Watched Siege of Lothal. I was originally kinda negative on it, but now I'm not sure why. It's got tons of great moments and the best banter between the Ghost crew in the series.


Overall, this is my favorite scene in The Clone Wars and one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars. I wish I had watched The Clone Wars before I watched Rebels, since Ahsoka's surprise appearance is a lot more meaningful once you watch her entire story.

It has become my absolute favorite Star Wars moment ever. And yes, despite rumors about her appearance it was a fantastic surprise.


Thanks to TextraxShards for posting this in ComicGAF.

New prequel era comic by Charles Soule, Anakin & Obi-Wan.
So this is basically what we should've gotten in the prequels instead of just Anankin and Obi-Wan mentioning their bonding moments in passing (like the elevator scene in AotC? I'm in.


I am so happy about the Anakin/Obi-wan comic. That era was underutilized even in the old canon. Hopefully this opens up the time frame a bit more so we can get more stuff between TPM and AotC.


I'm coming towards the end of my first ever Star Wars novel! (Lords of the Sith).
Only got about 20 or pages left and so far I've really enjoyed it, so much so that I want to read another Star Wars novel when I'm finished.

I'm thinking about Lost Stars but really want to read something that leads into The Force Awakens - is Aftermath my best bet?

Ideally I want something that also lives up to Lords of the Sith. Any recommendations?
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