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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

He was caught red-handed.

I'm sorry

Kanan was really great this month. I think it's been a little underappreciated thus far, by myself included, but it's definitely one of the better series'.

Chewbacca was solid if unspectacular. My favourite part of the issue was the flashback to
when Chewie was enslaved by the Trandoshans.
Noto's art is still brilliant.
Kanan is my favourite of the new Marvel comics.

Shattered Empire was good - but it was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally light.

I don't know if I have any interest in the Chewbacca one, but I may have to check it out just for Noto's art than anything else.


It's insane just how long-lasting Star Wars is. At the mall today, I've seen in the past hour multiple Darth Vader's, Clone Troopers, an Obi-wan, an Luke, an Leia, an Artoo, a Jango. Still holding out for that Kylo Ren.


It's insane just how long-lasting Star Wars is. At the mall today, I've seen in the past hour multiple Darth Vader's, Clone Troopers, an Obi-wan, an Luke, an Leia, an Artoo, a Jango. Still holding out for that Kylo Ren.

I had a little Captain Phasma come to my door tonight for Halloween. Warmed my cold, little heart.
I've liked Star Wars since I was a kid and my father introduced me to the films. About a week ago, a friend of mine asked me about it and I ended up lending her my movies, but forgot to tell her about how Episode IV, V and VI were released first so she ended up watching them starting from Ep.I.

She loved the first three episodes, but got bored and had a hard time finishing Episode IV, she hasn't seen Episode V or VI yet.

Anyway, since she loved the first three she started asking questions and stuff, reigniting my love for the franchise, but now that I think about it, I've been out of the loop since they released Episode III.

I read that with the acquisition of Lucas' by Disney, they "killed" the EU, leaving only the movies and the cartoon series as canon, but I still think the EU is really interesting.
I'm really excited about the new movie this December, but I really want to "step-up my game" and delve upon the whole Star Wars Universe, so I ask, what are the must-read/watch/play/whatever in order to do so?
I read that with the acquisition of Lucas' by Disney, they "killed" the EU, leaving only the movies and the cartoon series as canon, but I still think the EU is really interesting.
I'm really excited about the new movie this December, but I really want to "step-up my game" and delve upon the whole Star Wars Universe, so I ask, what are the must-read/watch/play/whatever in order to do so?

It's not just the films and animated series that are canon. All of the media released since Lucasfilm announced that change are canon now too. The old EU has some good stuff - Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison, X-Wing and the Knights of the Old Republic comics are some of my favourites.

The comics since Marvel reacquired the rights have been great so far too. Star Wars, Vader, Lando, Kanan and Shattered Empire are all good to great.

Lost Stars is my pick of the novels released so far. It spans the original trilogy and ties quite nicely into the Battle of Jakku, the aftermath of which we can see in the Force Awakens trailers. Aftermath - the first novel that takes place entirely post RotJ - is also a decent read but don't expect it to feature the original characters much.


I thought this was a decent list of the best new characters added to the canon, though they haven't narrowed it down much. What's your favourites so far? If I had to say just one it would probably be Sloane, but Aphra, Thane and Ciena have all been great additions too.


I read that with the acquisition of Lucas' by Disney, they "killed" the EU, leaving only the movies and the cartoon series as canon, but I still think the EU is really interesting.
I'm really excited about the new movie this December, but I really want to "step-up my game" and delve upon the whole Star Wars Universe, so I ask, what are the must-read/watch/play/whatever in order to do so?

Watch The Clone Wars and Rebels.


Supposedly there will no longer be any media or merchandise featuring the Slave Leia outfit. Disney seems to want to move past it for good.

Hoard your Slave Leia merch. Maybe it will finally be worth something.


I'm okay with this. People will get their unders in a bunch of this being too "PC" but it's not like they're taking it out of the movies themselves. It is what it is as part of those films but to me it seems unnecessary to keep trotting that imagery out for marketing/merchandise.

Watch The Clone Wars and Rebels.



I don't own anyway. Only one I've ever considered was the Black Series one but I'd just be too embarrassed to own it.
I'm pretty heavy into SW collecting and I think I only own two versions of it... one is the 6" Black Series and another is a LEGO minifigure version. Yeah, i think that is way more than enough for me. It's still kind of bizarre that it even happened IMO, they could have gone with something way less provocative and gotten the point across.

Anyway, not really a fan but don't hate it either. I've honestly never met a SW fan who was a big fan of it. I think it's the novelty of such a thing even existing in an otherwise family friendly franchise that piques the interest of some.

Well okay, and the light incest themes in IV/V but those seem more easily glossed over.


I read that with the acquisition of Lucas' by Disney, they "killed" the EU, leaving only the movies and the cartoon series as canon, but I still think the EU is really interesting.
I'm really excited about the new movie this December, but I really want to "step-up my game" and delve upon the whole Star Wars Universe, so I ask, what are the must-read/watch/play/whatever in order to do so?

I really loved Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy of books.


Supposedly there will no longer be any media or merchandise featuring the Slave Leia outfit. Disney seems to want to move past it for good.

Hoard your Slave Leia merch. Maybe it will finally be worth something.

But I want my bikini Leia action figure with hutt-strangling action!

...Actually, how many official bikini Leia action figures are there? I know the Black series did one, and I'm assuming there are others.


First time I've heard of this. Apparently the Fifth Brother's design for Rebels was inspired by unused artwork for Episode VII. Art for the Knights of Ren perhaps?

Considering how many people latched onto the theory when he was first shown that the Fifth Brother is Snoke, I'm gonna take a guess that that may have been concept art for Snoke.

Ally of Justice said:
I've liked Star Wars since I was a kid and my father introduced me to the films. About a week ago, a friend of mine asked me about it and I ended up lending her my movies, but forgot to tell her about how Episode IV, V and VI were released first so she ended up watching them starting from Ep.I.

She loved the first three episodes, but got bored and had a hard time finishing Episode IV, she hasn't seen Episode V or VI yet.

Shhh!! Don't tell anyone that people can start with TPM and still get into Star Wars! It goes against the narrative!

Anyway, if you want to get into the new canon, here's the thread about it, but it doesn't get updated very often. There's a timeline that I made that got quoted in the OP but it needs to be slightly updated since there have been some announcements since that time.

And everyone remember that Battlefront: Twilight Company comes out tomorrow! The people on TFN with advanced copies have been giving it high praise.
They want it to prop up the Disney XD channel. It and the GotG show.

I dunno, it just seems weird to have 2 Disney channels, when they could combine them and put the more 'mature' shows - like Rebels and GotG - on in the afternoon.
Anyway, if you want to get into the new canon, here's the thread about it, but it doesn't get updated very often. There's a timeline that I made that got quoted in the OP but it needs to be slightly updated since there have been some announcements since that time.

And everyone remember that Battlefront: Twilight Company comes out tomorrow! The people on TFN with advanced copies have been giving it high praise.

I've updated the timeline in the OP for this thread now - I think it has the majority of what's been released/announced. I need to add a few of the Force Awakens novels/short stories though.

The extract for Twilight Company in Aftermath was really good. Definitely picking it up once I've finished Tarkin.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Ok not totally finished yet, but some thoughts on Lost Stars.

Definitely digging this way more than Aftermath. I love how it shows two sides of the coin not just from the OT or prequel point of view, but from kids growing up right when the switch to the Empire happened. You really seem to get an honest perspective on things vs people who already have entrenched ideals and loyalties.

I do sorta hate the trope used of they both end up at all of these important places and events that we all know about. Yet they end up at just enough other places to help the story and make it still believable.

Also why is it always Wedge? It was Wedge in this book. It was Wedge in Aftermath. It's like writers need someone who we know that isn't the OT crew while also not being the head of the alliance. So it's always well we got Wedge! LoL

Sorry I tried to be intentionally vague as to not spoil. :p
Ok not totally finished yet, but some thoughts on Lost Stars.

Definitely digging this way more than Aftermath. I love how it shows two sides of the coin not just from the OT or prequel point of view, but from kids growing up right when the switch to the Empire happened. You really seem to get an honest perspective on things vs people who already have entrenched ideals and loyalties.

I do sorta hate the trope used of they both end up at all of these important places and events that we all know about. Yet they end up at just enough other places to help the story and make it still believable.

Also why is it always Wedge? It was Wedge in this book. It was Wedge in Aftermath. It's like writers need someone who we know that isn't the OT crew while also not being the head of the alliance. So it's always well we got Wedge! LoL

Sorry I tried to be intentionally vague as to not spoil. :p

I think Wedge must have been cloned.

Glad you're enjoying it. It's definitely my favourite of the novels so far. Really looking forward to her next book, New Republic: Bloodline.
actually just under 40 years, 38. ezra is 15 at this point maybe 16 finally?

*assuming TAF is a full 30 no more no less

Ezra is actually one day older than Luke, which means he'd be in his 60s by TFA if he even survives until then. That was established in the first season when they say he was born on "Empire Day". The twins were born the next day.


Ezra is actually one day older than Luke, which means he'd be in his 60s by TFA if he even survives until then. That was established in the first season when they say he was born on "Empire Day". The twins were born the next day.

i know. but i'm just wondering how much time has passed since Empire Day
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