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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...


Curb, I felt the same when I watched it without sound. With sound its an excellent trailer.

I know it is. It's great.

I was at peace with no new footage until the movie though. Seeing anything new felt like some spoiling to me after coming to terms with the previous trailer being it before December 18th.

One view is all I'm allowing myself. Nothing more until the movie.


Looks like no new chapter for The Story Before The Force Awakens this week. I would assume there's a week long break since he just finished ESB, like how there was a break after ANH, so next week we should be back with RotJ.

I'm about halfway through Battlefront: Twilight Company and it definitely is very good so far. I think I've assembled a logical timeline of events for the Galactic Civil War going off of when things in the book happen in relation to the Battle of Hoth, since it provides the exact amount of days since the beginning of the Mid-Rim Retreat at the start of the book. If I'm right, it should look something like this (using the LSG's internal chronology instead of BBY/ABY since they seem to have abandoned that):

Late 32 - Theft of the Death Star plans (Rogue One) and destruction of Alderaan; Battle of Yavin
Late 32/Early 33 - Leia rescues Alderaanians, Han and Chewie rescue Ematt, Luke flies multiple missions with Wedge and Red Squadron including a "diplomatic mission to Circarpous"; Luke and Nakari rescue Drusil (whose knowledge may be useful for the upcoming campaign?) while the rebels still try to find a new base but train on Orto Plutonia; Luke finds the Jedi Temple on Eedit
"Spring" 33 - Mid-Rim Campaign begins; Twilight Company acts the the vanguard as the Alliance seizes planets across the galaxy; Leia's team performs covert operations while otherwise remaining with high command; destruction of Cymoon-1 and Vader's demotion; Luke fights Boba Fett and Vader learns of Dr. Cylo's plans and Luke's identity; Sana reappears; Luke gets abducted on Nar Shaddaa; Vader and Aphra burglarize a ship and deal with the cover up against Thanoth
Late "fall" 33 - Mid-Rim Campaign stalls
Late "summer"/early "fall" 34 - Mid-Rim Retreat begins
"November/December" 34 - Retreat from Haidoral Prime and "capture" of Everi Chalis; Battle of Coyerti; Vader must have the Executor by this point because Chalis knows of it
"January" 35 - Battle of Hoth
Early 35 - Han is captured on Bespin, Luke trains with Yoda but is defeated by Vader
Early (?) 36 - Operation Yellow Moon, rescue of Han, Battle of Endor
Mid-36: Iron Blockade, Operation Cinder, Akiva conference, institution of the New Republic
Early 37: Battle of Jakku
I know! I wish I hadn't seen it but that image popped up in my Twitter feed so it was unavoidable for me. I watched the trailer once but that's it. I need to get more into media blackout mode now.

I tried not watching it. I was strong. I lasted about 45 minutes before I gave in.
Bought Battlefront: Twilight Company on Audible today, going to start it tomorrow.


We don't need this kind of detail in a Star Wars thread.

Love the new footage. I thought I would explode when it was under 30 days to go until the movie. It's 39 days left today and the new trailer has killed me.


OK so this might seem very far fetched but I have this idea in my head of what Luke would be like in his older years.

I could imagine Luke secluding himself because he has become crazy powerful to a point where he has to go into hiding because he doesn't trust himself. He would have a constant inner battle with himself that he is good but the dark side within him is rising to almost uncontrollable levels. I could also see something filling him with anger/pain and him clenching his fists and you could see sparks from his fingertips, like force lightning was running through him. Therefore the argument if he is good or bad would not have a definitive answer.

Is there some old comic or novel from the EU with this version of him? I would be interested in that.


Accepting your Dark side is part of being a true master.

I doubt they'd go that route as it implies Luke hasn't reached Obi Wan level
Has some of the Journey content suggested that Luke and Leia learned details about their mom after the Battle of Endor?

I haven't encountered anything so far.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Has some of the Journey content suggested that Luke and Leia learned details about their mom after the Battle of Endor?

I haven't encountered anything so far.

I haven't heard anything, but all the new canon books I've read have had 0 to do with any of the main cast.
Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Nothing beats a good blaster at your side
Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Adventure. Excitement. A Jedi craves not these things
Star Wars Battlefront |OT| Your weapons, you're definitely going to need them


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I've started watching Clone Wars, only 4 eps left of the first season. It's pretty uneven so far, there were some standout eps (Rookies and Lair of Grievous in particular), but past the midway point there are some weaker arcs, like the Blue Shadow Virus one I just watched. Have to say that even the weaker eps are already way better than anything in the prequels, surprised by the quality.

I love that they take some of the Jedi we see in split second shots in AOTC and make real characters out of them (which was probably done in comics/novels already, but never read any of them). The Yoda-centric episode was also great, because they included his 'lighter' side again that was completely missing in the prequel films. Of course you could say that it was his mask to reveal his true self, but I always liked his lighthearted side and I loved how the cartoon ran with that. It's part of what makes Yoda a great character.

I'm aware of the essentials list, but I'm watching everything and not skipping a single ep. Even in the less remarkable eps there are great touches, like when Anakin
is hooked up to a breathing machine that makes the exact Vader sound.

I'm also watching most of the making of docus, since they're pretty interesting and it's obvious the people in charge were hardcore SW fans ánd still have a good sense of humor about it.

Considered making a thread to post impressions as I went along in the show, but there are too many SW threads already so I'll probably post here time and again


Looks like we're getting a new children's book series, but the details are kind of confusing because the article is in German and has been translated through Google:


Jedi-Bibliothek.de said:
The British publisher Egmont starts in 2016 with a new young adult novel series called Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space by the author Scott Cavan. In addition to the four main volumes of the series, the one according to Egmont editor will appear with two volumes in March and July 2016 there is also a 96-page history called The Escape, which will be commercially seen from February 25 2016th The four Hauptb # NDE are approximately twice as many pages and have to be continuous black illustrated. Cavan Scott himself has revealed the cover that of David Buisan originates. and the website of the "World Book Day" provides a table of contents. Both we present to you below.

When her parents are trapped by the evil Galactic Empire, Count Milo and his sister Lina must embark on an epic adventure to rescue them. Threatened by Imperial agents, bounty hunters and gangsters they will have to travel the galaxy to uncover clues to rescue their parents and to help the rebellion in the fight against the Empire ...

The series takes our Egmont Contact According to the Dark Ages, about 4 years after seizing power of the Emperor (ie 15 BBY).

I'm assuming this means it's a 4 volume series with the first two books coming out in March and July, and a shorter preview book coming out in February.


I've started watching Clone Wars, only 4 eps left of the first season. It's pretty uneven so far, there were some standout eps (Rookies and Lair of Grievous in particular), but past the midway point there are some weaker arcs, like the Blue Shadow Virus one I just watched. Have to say that even the weaker eps are already way better than anything in the prequels, surprised by the quality.

I love that they take some of the Jedi we see in split second shots in AOTC and make real characters out of them (which was probably done in comics/novels already, but never read any of them). The Yoda-centric episode was also great, because they included his 'lighter' side again that was completely missing in the prequel films. Of course you could say that it was his mask to reveal his true self, but I always liked his lighthearted side and I loved how the cartoon ran with that. It's part of what makes Yoda a great character.

I'm aware of the essentials list, but I'm watching everything and not skipping a single ep. Even in the less remarkable eps there are great touches, like when Anakin
is hooked up to a breathing machine that makes the exact Vader sound.

I'm also watching most of the making of docus, since they're pretty interesting and it's obvious the people in charge were hardcore SW fans ánd still have a good sense of humor about it.

Considered making a thread to post impressions as I went along in the show, but there are too many SW threads already so I'll probably post here time and again

Glad you are enjoying it. Most of us are big TCW fans here so we are always happy to talk about it. Season 2 is even stronger and it only gets better from there.


I've started watching Clone Wars, only 4 eps left of the first season. It's pretty uneven so far, there were some standout eps (Rookies and Lair of Grievous in particular), but past the midway point there are some weaker arcs, like the Blue Shadow Virus one I just watched. Have to say that even the weaker eps are already way better than anything in the prequels, surprised by the quality.

I love that they take some of the Jedi we see in split second shots in AOTC and make real characters out of them (which was probably done in comics/novels already, but never read any of them). The Yoda-centric episode was also great, because they included his 'lighter' side again that was completely missing in the prequel films. Of course you could say that it was his mask to reveal his true self, but I always liked his lighthearted side and I loved how the cartoon ran with that. It's part of what makes Yoda a great character.

I'm aware of the essentials list, but I'm watching everything and not skipping a single ep. Even in the less remarkable eps there are great touches, like when Anakin
is hooked up to a breathing machine that makes the exact Vader sound.

I'm also watching most of the making of docus, since they're pretty interesting and it's obvious the people in charge were hardcore SW fans ánd still have a good sense of humor about it.

Considered making a thread to post impressions as I went along in the show, but there are too many SW threads already so I'll probably post here time and again

I know it sounds weird, but the Clone Wars show actually made me somewhat appreciate the prequels in retrospect. After watching the PT without seeing Clone Wars, you wonder why there's so many characters jumbled around unexpectedly between Episodes II and III (Grievious, and Dooku come to mind).

TCW builds those characters a lot, as well as Anakin, that makes his eventual betrayal mean so much more in Episode III once you realize what all he's gone through in TCW.


Slowly making my way through Season 5 of Clone Wars
Currently finishing up Ep. 5 and damn is Dooku a...dick.
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