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Star Wars |OT| I have a very good feeling about this...

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Due to the very secretive nature of this movie we sure won't have the kind of BTS The Hobbit had. I would love to see some reels tho, but again...

The way spoiler folk talk it doesnt appear to actually have been very well hidden, people claim to know everything from call sheets to leaked art and photos, which they then had confirmed (so they say) in the trailers.
The way spoiler folk talk it doesnt appear to actually have been very well hidden, people claim to know everything from call sheets to leaked art and photos, which they then had confirmed (so they say) in the trailers.

Wow, I knew some sensible pic from set were floating around (thanks again youtube video suggestion...) but not to that level...

I don't know what is your stance on spoiler. But I liked to have some hints about EP7 because I had no idea what it would look like (and I had crazy fanboy ideas like Cheebo) so it kind of reassured me. On the other hand, there are so many damaging speculations that could totally ruin the experience and those are sometimes just out in the mainstream media. Even EP8 has already available spoilers as it seems, lol. This is so stressful, how do you deal with it?


I am officially ready for TFA. I just finished watching the whole Saga on Blu Ray over the last 6 days (a movie a day). And yep, I still like the prequels. I'm so rebellious.


The switch to "General Leia" from "Princess Leia" makes me wonder if they're going for an overall more militaristic and less fairy tale feel than the original trilogy universe. Thinking of the change from the original Mobile Suit Gundam to Zeta Gundam.


Just finished up watching the original trilogy, after enjoying Ep 4, and it was a blast. What more can I say. The level of creativity in almost every aspect of the universe they created in the freakin late 70s-early 80's is awe inspiring, imo. The soundtrack, the exterior and interior architectural designs, the vehicles and ships, the outfits, even the cinematography..it's amazing just thinking about it.

I don't know why but Yoda's introduction was one of my favorite parts of the trilogy. After hearing and seeing so much of him through the years, I couldn't help but smirk at his "Yoda-ness" lol

I'll try to watch the originally trilogy in the next few weeks then I'll be ready for TFA whenever I decide to see it.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup

And now I'm done with the Yoda arc... That was a pretty good way to end it all, even though we know there's so much they couldn't do.

The closing featurette was pretty sad as well. If there was ever a show that deserved a natural and planned conclusion, it's this. Probably going to wait a while til I jump into Rebels.

It's going to be fun rewatching my favorite arcs down the line. I had a great time with Clone Wars and it sucks it had to end this way.


The switch to "General Leia" from "Princess Leia" makes me wonder if they're going for an overall more militaristic and less fairy tale feel than the original trilogy universe. Thinking of the change from the original Mobile Suit Gundam to Zeta Gundam.

We're getting more Wars this time!
The switch to "General Leia" from "Princess Leia" makes me wonder if they're going for an overall more militaristic and less fairy tale feel than the original trilogy universe. Thinking of the change from the original Mobile Suit Gundam to Zeta Gundam.

Probably has more to do with being politically correct these days and showing Leia has equal stature amongst the Resistance leadership. Han was called General Solo back in RotJ, after all, so that title is nothing new for a main character.


Probably has more to do with being politically correct these days and showing Leia has equal stature amongst the Resistance leadership. Han was called General Solo back in RotJ, after all, so that title is nothing new for a main character.
I dont think it has exactly something to do with political correctness, maybe she just climbed up the commando ladder.

Speaking of this, was there a EU explanation, why Han got devoted to general and Luke not? I always found this a little bit odd since Luke made the important shot in ANH.


And now I'm done with the Yoda arc... That was a pretty good way to end it all, even though we know there's so much they couldn't do.

The closing featurette was pretty sad as well. If there was ever a show that deserved a natural and planned conclusion, it's this. Probably going to wait a while til I jump into Rebels.

It's going to be fun rewatching my favorite arcs down the line. I had a great time with Clone Wars and it sucks it had to end this way.

Much as I love the show, it ended at the right time. That show was primarily about Anakin and Ahsoka and their relationship. That relationship ended in Season 5 and that to me feels like the natural end.
Man I really enjoyed the Lost Stars audio book.
Doesn't really change much but you do think about things differently.
Ending was a let down though.

As far as audio books though it was pretty damn cool with all the classic Star Wars music and sound effects inserted into the proper places(romance scenes had Han&Leia's theme and Across the Stars)
Wookiee character got some clips from Chewbacca.
Only problem I had is that the main female character should have had her own narrator.
Man I really enjoyed the Lost Stars audio book.
Doesn't really change much but you do think about things differently.
Ending was a let down though.

I asked Claudia Gray if she was doing a sequel to it and she didn't say no. Their story can't end like that. I suppose they could appear a lot older in her next book New Republic: Bloodline. If they're still alive.


Hmm, Lost Stars sounds really interesting. The YA label is a bit off-putting, though. Is it targeted towards 14-year-old girls or will it suit a 22-year-old guy(me!) just fine?


Okey I want to ask the star war masters here a question I always had that never made sense. It is said in the prequels all the time that the prophecy says that anakin will destroy the sith and thus bring balance to the force. What I never understood is how the hell is the force balanced my destroying the sith? Shouldn't both light and dark sides exist so it is balanced? Why is it balanced if only the light side exists? Then it isn't balanced but it is in light's favour.
Okey I want to ask the star war masters here a question I always had that never made sense. It is said in the prequels all the time that the prophecy says that anakin will destroy the sith and thus bring balance to the force. What I never understood is how the hell is the force balanced my destroying the sith? Shouldn't both light and dark sides exist so it is balanced? Why is it balanced if only the light side exists? Then it isn't balanced but it is in light's favour.

The Jedi Order saw balance as the absence of the dark side, not a balance between the light and dark. IIRC Lucas said Anakin brought balance to the force by killing the Sith and ridding the galaxy of evil, fulfilling the prophecy.

So it's not really a balance.

Anybody already posted this?


Short feature about the movie.

Yep, page before this. Worth watching again though!
Hmm, Lost Stars sounds really interesting. The YA label is a bit off-putting, though. Is it targeted towards 14-year-old girls or will it suit a 22-year-old guy(me!) just fine?

25 year old Male and i enjoyed it.
Now I was listening to the audio book while working a dull overnight job, so that might be part of it but i'd still say its an enjoyable book.

Definitely interested in more after that one.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Was planning on going to see the movie opening weekend here (my town will be crazy but not that crazy), but I forwent trying to get opening night tix. Then today my SO surprised me that she had gotten me two tickets for Dec 17th 9PM showing for my birthday. Damn the force is really with me!

PS: I'm a male in my 30s, and I liked Lost Stars.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
The audiobooks are so expensive on audible, i didnt realise


Okey I want to ask the star war masters here a question I always had that never made sense. It is said in the prequels all the time that the prophecy says that anakin will destroy the sith and thus bring balance to the force. What I never understood is how the hell is the force balanced my destroying the sith? Shouldn't both light and dark sides exist so it is balanced? Why is it balanced if only the light side exists? Then it isn't balanced but it is in light's favour.

Lucas has said that the existence of the Sith is an imbalance.


Okey I want to ask the star war masters here a question I always had that never made sense. It is said in the prequels all the time that the prophecy says that anakin will destroy the sith and thus bring balance to the force. What I never understood is how the hell is the force balanced my destroying the sith? Shouldn't both light and dark sides exist so it is balanced? Why is it balanced if only the light side exists? Then it isn't balanced but it is in light's favour.

The force is "in balance" when it is in its natural state. Don't think of balance as a duality of half light and half dark, think of it as "harmony". Like when people say that you have to have a balanced diet - that doesn't mean that you literally have to consume every sort of food in equal quantities, but that it has to be the correct kinds of food in correct amounts.

The Force thrives when its aspects, the Cosmic Force and the Living Force, feed back and forth between in each other in harmony. The Living Force is that which guides people, the animating element of the Force that you can perceive and feel the "will" of. The Cosmic Force is the "greater" aspect, the energy field that surrounds and penetrates everything. When living things die, their energy feeds back into the Cosmic Force, which seeds and interacts with life through the Living Force.

The dark side, while natural, is a cancer that throws this into disarray. By eliminating the cancer, you return the Force to balance. The dark side itself can't be eliminated, but its practitioners who abuse it can, thereby resetting things to their natural state.
First confirmation of the size of Snoke from Neil Scanlan in People magazine

Andy Serkis, the master of CGI characters from Gollum to King Kong, plays the still-unseen Supreme Leader Snoke who has scenes with Kylo Ren. "All I can say is that I'm involved in it," he has said. But Neal Scanlan, chief of creature and droid effects, told PEOPLE, "This character is much better executed as a CGI character. That's just a practical reality when he's 7-foot-something tall; he's very, very thin."

He's a big guy.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Little worried about all CG characters.

Will have to wait and see


25 year old Male and i enjoyed it.
Now I was listening to the audio book while working a dull overnight job, so that might be part of it but i'd still say its an enjoyable book.

Definitely interested in more after that one.

Was planning on going to see the movie opening weekend here (my town will be crazy but not that crazy), but I forwent trying to get opening night tix. Then today my SO surprised me that she had gotten me two tickets for Dec 17th 9PM showing for my birthday. Damn the force is really with me!

PS: I'm a male in my 30s, and I liked Lost Stars.

Thanks, guys. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

And that sounds like the perfect birthday, Vanilla!


Don't let the "young adult" thing scare you off, Lost Stars is much better than most of the "adult" new canon novels, with maybe the exception of Twilight Company.

And the Servants of the Empire series is also a great set of young adult novels, which are definitely better than the mainline books.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Andy Serkis and Lupita Nyong'o though. You can't really get much better than those two.

its not the acting, its the tech, it ages poorly and becomes, in time, a bit hard to view especially when compared to modern technology. CGI in particular gets outdated on a yearly basis, I look back at some films where it was revolutionised and its noticeable, one reason why I like practical effects where possible, I dont mind CGI but a whole character is going to age, its inevitable.
Little worried about all CG characters.

Will have to wait and see

These characters don't work in practical, at least their choice is justified. I saw a reportage, today, on a news channel talking about TFA (promo stuff) where a journalist was asking BB-8 questions about the mysterious plot, this thing really works (or rolls) in real life! That was like magic right there.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I am expecting some force ghosts at some point. Obviously Frank Oz, Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor are still able and willing to do the voices.

There were some rumours about Hayden a few months ago but ive heard nothing since (for a future ep im assuming since we would absolutely know if he was in this).

Id just love it, when it was first rumoured that Luke was on his own, way back when, I thought immediately "He must have council with the ghosts" but ive no indication we will see that in ep7, going forward it would be wonderful.

I want legit OT Yoda, I want pearls of wisdom


Force Yoda is the easiest to pull off since he's a CGI model with 2 available voice actors.

Ewan and Hayden would need some make up but I´m sure they can pull it off fine. I know Ewan really wants to be Obi-Wan again, but has Hayden ever shown interest in being Anakin again? It would be awful to have 3 different Anakins during the same saga.


Anyone know the recent Star Wars audio book someone was talking about on Gaf in the last day or two that supposedly has Clone Wars voice actors in it?

Dark Disciple... but I don't think it has other voices just the narrator is above average at imitating many voices. It does feature many Clone Wars characters, however. Plus like many recent audiobooks it has authentic star wars music, sound effects and the like. Good production as they attempt to make the audiobooks a lot like radio plays.

check out an audio sample on audible.
its not the acting, its the tech, it ages poorly and becomes, in time, a bit hard to view especially when compared to modern technology. CGI in particular gets outdated on a yearly basis, I look back at some films where it was revolutionised and its noticeable, one reason why I like practical effects where possible, I dont mind CGI but a whole character is going to age, its inevitable.

I see what you mean but no film's timeless. It doesn't sound like any alternative to CGI would have worked for Snoke or Maz.


New Disney XD advert with a good look at Leia and Maz. Carrie looks great.


All these 1 second new clips, almost every other day we get a new tiny shred of something visual.

But what about the audio?

Give us a taste of that new soundtrack, Disney.
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