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Star Wars X reportedly called 'A New Beginning'


Gold Member

Recent reports statw that the official title for the film is Star Wars: Episode X – A New Beginning, the Production List claims. “While some sources previously speculated on the title being “New Jedi Order,” it is now clear that the latter was simply a working title.” Neither Disney nor Lucasfilm have confirmed the new movie’s title, but A New Beginning is certainly fitting for the latest entry in the Skywalker Saga.

While the Rey movie has been colloquially called the “New Jedi Order” movie for the last 12 months, a new production report has been shared online. The report reveals that the current name of the Star Wars movie is allegedly Star Wars: Episode X — A New Beginning.


Gold Member
Production List is bullshit.

Inside the Magic is a culture war clickbait site that makes up bullshit.

It’s not Episode X. They’re only doing standalone movies now.


Gold Member
Not saying this particular rumour is true, but your brain is cooked if you think they're not going to make a Star Wars X. It's maybe the safest bet in Hollywood
They’re making 4 movies. They’re all standalone. No more trilogies.


They need to fill stop and find some writers and a director that actually respects the IP. Will never happen. But they should.

There is plenty of material there to write a deep and interesting film(s) on balance. On good and evil. They won’t. Because… lol.


They won't because Disney is now a socio-political vehicle.
Yup. And look, I think hardcore Star Wars fans are a bunch of window-lickers, but I can see how irritated they get when they see such potential still left in the IP and it gets jammed with a bunch of socio-political bs right on the nose instead of focusing on telling a great story.


Are you being serious right now? Sometimes I can't tell when people are joking.
Yes. Daisy Ridley was great as Rey but I didn't like what they did with her in the last movie. I wish there was an alternative cut of The Last Jedi with only the scenes with her, Luke and the ending.
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Worked so well for Battlestar Galactica 1980....oh wait...

I was thinking about using reboot Battlestar as an example but I thought that would be too wordy and not the target audience of this topic.

Thank you for doing the legwork here.


Gold Member
I was thinking about using reboot Battlestar as an example but I thought that would be too wordy and not the target audience of this topic.

Thank you for doing the legwork here.
Well, to be fair, the reboot of the reboot of BSG started off quite well, just that last season and a half kinda fell off the cliff.


Get ready for a whole new level of diahea. Force is female, the incredibly cringe power song, lesbians(and the social message that the world hate them) everywhere, etc. If Acolyte isn't the biggest red flag you guys ever saw, I don't know what is. Meanwhile, enjoy the part where Anakin destroyed the Death Star killing a bunch of innocents and the fact that theres no good or evil in Star Wars.


Rey was maybe the best part of the new movies so I'm somewhat interested. I didn't like what they did with her backstory.
It was much more interesting her with her being a “nobody.” Shows the story can evolve past skywalker and palpatine. Ya know, the kind of social message Disney wants to tell (and should in this regard… that you can make your own fate), but nah.
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the reboot of BSG started off quite well

"33" is one of the greatest scifi TV episodes of all time, yes agree they didn't stick the landing. Another example, Doctor Who got cancelled, sat around for a long time until it came swinging out the gates. Now it's supreme shit. Let it die. It will be back and good again but it needs the "forest fire" to burn off all the dead wood.


It was much more interesting her with her being a “nobody.” Shows the story can evolve past skywalker and palpatine. Ya know, the kind of social message Disney wants to tell (and should in this regard… that you can make your own fate), but nah.
I actually didn't really like that either. I think she should have been Obi-Wan's daughter like rumored or something else.
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