Lord Phol said:
Wish I could show you with a replay, but i normally start by building about 2-3 probes -> get a pylon by the ramp -> some more probes -> a gateway next to the pylon -> send probe for scouting -> build more probes -> get my zealot -> another gateway -> more zealots -> pylon -> either forge with cannons/another gateway or core so I can get a sentry and some stalkers.
most people will probably feel this is a strange build, but it's something i've been playing around with. it's best used against terran.
don't spend the first 50 minerals you're given at the beginning on a worker, save it for a pylon.
2. As soon as you hit 100 minerals put a pylon down and send probe back to minerals.
3. As soon as pylon is warped in and you're at 150 minerals, put a Gateway down.
4. Send that probe you used to make the gateway off to scout and find where your opponents are.
4.2 Scout for an enemy that hasn't blocked the ramp perfectly (this build is only effective as a rush if you can get up the ramp). As soon as you've found the base send the probe back to mine minerals, or you can leave it around the ensure the ramp doesn't get blocked.
5. If you hit 150 minerals while waiting for the gateway to spawn, produce a worker, but you must always have 100 minerals ready to go so that when the gateway is warped in you can immediately start producing a zealot.
6. Once gateway has warped in immediately produce a zealot and crono boost the gateway.
7. Set the Gateway's rally point to your opponents base.
8. Again, if you ever hit 150+ minerals, produce another worker.
8.2 The second the first zealot runs from the gateway produce another and crono boost immediately. keep doing this. your gateway should constantly be producing a zealot.
9. Let the first zealot go into the base solo, there should only be 1 or 2 marines produced and the zealot should be able to kill them both if they aren't barricaded behind supply depots and barracks.
10. By the time you kill the two marines your second zealot should be arriving. Set them both onto any barracks and any supply depots.
10.2 kill any marines that pop out before you destroy the barracks.
11. Soon your third zealot will arrive and you just need to keep them destroying marines, barracks, supply depots, scvs as the zealots keep streaming in and reinforcing your little harassment group.
Even if you don't wipe him out completely, the harassment will screw his economy especially if he's having to rebuild barracks, supply depots, scvs, or even if he's pulling the scvs off the mineral line to take you out. the main thing is since you're harassing him, he is not harassing you.
anyway, the key step in that whole thing is not spending your first 50 minerals on a worker and saving it for a pylon instead so you can get a power grid out ASAP for the gateway to be placed on. makes a big difference to how quickly you can get that first zealot out and if you're lucky to find a ramp that isn't blocked yet, your zealot can get in and cause your opponent a lot of headaches.