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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


ZealousD said:
I expected Nydus Worm would get a nerf, and the Warp Gate too.

Still expecting nerfs to MMM and Roaches, and buffs for Phoenix.
MMM is good, but banelings and psi storms put them to rest.


ZealousD said:
For zerg, wouldn't infestors with Fungal Growth work even better?

Dark Archon says "Hi".
Depends, if terrans give u ample enough time then yes, but other than that hydras/roach/banelings are really scary.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Thinking about it, buffing MMM might not be necessary. Especially given that the official stats say that Terran are weak right now. Maybe buffs to mech? Maybe giving hellions an ability and then buffing Thors?


ZealousD said:
For zerg, wouldn't infestors with Fungal Growth work even better?

Dark Archon says "Hi".

Um, its not comparable to DA's at all. DA's cost is way high compare to infestors. When was the last time you ever saw a DA in a pro match? Plus, mind control's energy was 150, double that of parasite's.

mint said:
MMM is good, but banelings and psi storms put them to rest.

You speaking from personal experience? :D


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
aznpxdd said:
Um, its not comparable to DA's at all. DA's cost is way high compare to infestors. When was the last time you ever saw a DA in a pro match? Plus, mind control's energy was 150, double that of parasite's.

And Neural Parasite also has the limit of not being able to target air units. So that means it can't control carriers, battleships, brood lords, etc. That limits its effectiveness by quite a bit.
For the infinite mind control bug - keep in mind that the unit has to be a certain distance away or else the mind control is broken. So it might not be too powerful, but in the right hands I can see it being overpowered. We'll have to see in the pro SC2 casts if the players start using it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Freakinchair said:
For the infinite mind control bug - keep in mind that the unit has to be a certain distance away or else the mind control is broken. So it might not be too powerful, but in the right hands I can see it being overpowered. We'll have to see in the pro SC2 casts if the players start using it.

I can't remember, is NP a channeled ability?


Here's what you can do with the new Neural Parasite. You can take control of any unit (other than air, I don't know about Colossi) and remain in control of that unit as long as the unit does not travel beyond the now rooted Infestors range.

You can take control of an enemy worker, It will allow you to build a Base building, Gas building, pylon/depot. If your enemy has tech'd further, it shows those later units as available but won't let you build any of it. If you build a CC you can then use the scv produced from that CC to start making Barracks and tech with that races tech. The Mind Controlled SCV can build later tech buildings once the CC SCV starts the initial tech tree beyond base buildings.

You don't get a new unit supply limit in addition to your existing one, like you did in SC1 with Dark Archons Mind control. So building Terran or protoss units count towards your zerg supply limit.


ZealousD said:
And Neural Parasite also has the limit of not being able to target air units. So that means it can't control carriers, battleships, brood lords, etc. That limits its effectiveness by quite a bit.

No offense man, but I've experienced first hand how strong Neural Parasite is pre-patch 5, regardless it can target air units or not. Now that its forever, that's just stupid. You really have to be in the beta to experience these little knicks and knacks, you can't get it from just watching streams/replays.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Milabrega said:
Here's what you can do with the new Neural Parasite. You can take control of any unit (other than air, I don't know about Colossi) and remain in control of that unit as long as the unit does not travel beyond the now rooted Infestors range.

Wait, rooted?

So an infestor can't move while it's doing NP?


aznpxdd said:
Um, its not comparable to DA's at all. DA's cost is way high compare to infestors. When was the last time you ever saw a DA in a pro match? Plus, mind control's energy was 150, double that of parasite's.

You speaking from personal experience? :D
Indeed I am :p


Minsc said:
What are average game lengths for 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 estimated to be around? Just curious.
1v1 games can last very short, like 4-5 minutes or up to around 20 or even 40. 2v2s are usually 10 minutes or longer.


3v3 is likely a long ways off. It would require new maps, when we still haven't gotten the changes based on the feedback on the existing maps in addition to more 2 and 4 player maps.
Minsc said:
Besides the one that was quoted a little bit up that nerfed Zerg and Protoss?
pshh was on a diff page.


God what terrible patch notes.. Infestors ? Barely anyone used em and they nerfed stick them except making their mind control better... I somehow doubt we will see many of these since their gas cost is ridiculous :(

Burrow nerfed.. i can kinda understand but I dont get the hydra nerf.. shoulda been roaches that got more of a delay or something.

I love how nothing happens to MMM.. argh.

EDIT2: Btw I know this is beta and they are tweaking things slowly but surely.. but I wanna bitch now :)

EDIT3: Wait Infestors can mind control while burrowed? Just heard about this...


TurtleSnatcher said:
pshh was on a diff page.


God what terrible patch notes.. Infestors ? Barely anyone used em and they nerfed stick them except making their mind control better... I somehow doubt we will see many of these since their gas cost is ridiculous :(

Burrow nerfed.. i can kinda understand but I dont get the hydra nerf.. shoulda been roaches that got more of a delay or something.

I love how nothing happens to MMM.. argh.

EDIT2: Btw I know this is beta and they are tweaking things slowly but surely.. but I wanna bitch now :)

EDIT3: Wait Infestors can mind control while burrowed? Just heard about this...

aznpxdd said:

I just saw a post on blizz forums saying that you can use its skills while burrowed..

And it explains why they nerfed its life and burow run speed because u can latch onto an enemy u are mind controlling and with the new change.. it will be yours for good as long as it stays latched on.. so someone will need to scan the area or have a detector to see where the infestor is to take him out and kill the channeling.. or just kill your own unit.

if this is the case.. then that makes complete sense and I wish I knew .. :lol


relies on auto-aim
aznpxdd said:
We NEED 3v3 unlocked already. NEEEEEEEED.
The Following Q&A is with Robert Bridenbecker, VP of Online Technology.

Q : Will the April content release include 3v3 or 4v4?
A : 3v3 and 4v4 team plays will not be released in April but will be in the official release.


People really need to start using HT's more. I honestly think feedback and storm are two of the strongest spells in the game. Feedback can outright kill casting units or make them useless, and it only costs 50 energy. It was one of my favorite spells to use in SC1 with DA...always catch people off guard.

Hazaro said:



I love how orb is both the most watched team liquid stream right now and they are trying to get him to play at that omfg.fm event thing, yet he's like the nubbiest of the platinum league streamers.


Milabrega said:
I love how orb is both the most watched team liquid stream right now and they are trying to get him to play at that omfg.fm event thing, yet he's like the nubbiest of the platinum league streamers.
Who cares, hes probably better than you anyway.

ACE 1991

Would any of you vets be interested in playing a teaching game (of sorts) with me tomorrow? I know how to play the game but not how to play the game.
mint said:
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StarCraft II Beta - Patch 5 (version


StarCraft II Beta – Patch 5 (version

The latest patch notes can always be found on the StarCraft II Beta General Discussion forum.

Balance Changes

Cybernetics Core
Warp Gate research time increased from 60 seconds to 140 seconds.

Burrow research time increased from 50 seconds to 100 seconds.
Burrow research cost increased from 50 Minerals and 50 Vespene Gas to 100 Minerals and 100 Vespene Gas.
Nydus Network
Nydus Worm build time increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds.
The delay between attacks has been increased from 0.75 seconds to 0.83 seconds.

Neural Parasite has been redesigned:
The limited duration of 10 seconds has been removed.
Can no longer target air units.
Cast range decreased from 9 to 7.
Burrowed Infestor move speed decreased from 1.5 to 1.
Infestor life decreased from 120 to 90.
Infestors that are burrowed now have the same threat level as above-ground units for the purposes of automatically acquiring targets.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with High graphics settings that could cause particles not to render.


Hydras nerfed too sweet.



TurtleSnatcher said:
pshh was on a diff page.


God what terrible patch notes.. Infestors ? Barely anyone used em and they nerfed stick them except making their mind control better... I somehow doubt we will see many of these since their gas cost is ridiculous :(

Burrow nerfed.. i can kinda understand but I dont get the hydra nerf.. shoulda been roaches that got more of a delay or something.

I love how nothing happens to MMM.. argh.

EDIT2: Btw I know this is beta and they are tweaking things slowly but surely.. but I wanna bitch now :)

EDIT3: Wait Infestors can mind control while burrowed? Just heard about this...
I don't see them often, but when I do they seem ridiculously OP. I wasn't surprised at all to see them nerfed.


Hazaro said:
It also needed to be researched and for 2 units to be made + wait for max energy + drained all shields.

Exactly. I've never seen DA in a competitive pro game, its simply not worth it for mind control. Maelstrom and Feedback are awesome, awesome spells though.


aznpxdd said:
Exactly. I've never seen DA in a competitive pro game, its simply not worth it for mind control. Maelstrom and Feedback are awesome, awesome spells though.

Dark Archons are occasionally produced in pro games. Usually as a counter to Defilers in a long game. Protoss will occasionally use them in PvP really late game too.
oh come on, am I missing something? Hydras aren't as nerfed as you guys are making out. They do like 10 attacks in the same time they used to do 11, is that really SO BAD OMFG?? I WISH my hydras would last 10 attacks before one of the two armys was clearly the winner.

build one more hydra before your push, problem solved.

Lord Phol

I kind of like the nerfs, gives you a bit more time to react to certain things, but I wouldn't have minded a buff as well. Especially to Protoss anti-air, come on stalkers!


I think Stalkers getting a +bonus vs air is inevitable. Right now Stalkers just aren't viable late game units in many situations and Protoss is lacking good antiair, so it makes sense.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Hazaro said:
It also needed to be researched and for 2 units to be made + wait for max energy + drained all shields.
yes, that's true, but the casting infestor is still un-controlled for the duration of the neural parasite right? so you're basically just trading one unit for another, and the infestor is completely vulnerable for the duration. when the mind controlled unit dies you re-gain control of the infestor, or if the infestor dies the opponent regains control of their unit. i'm assuming that's the case for this redesign... can anyone confirm?

neural parasite also doesn't target air units any more.

Lord Phol

Gwaaah vent! 5 times in a row I've bang gangrushed in 2v2, and can't do a fricking thing, protoss really don't have anything for them in the beginning like quick roaches or supply depots with marines protecting.
Please say Im doing something wrong and there's som tactic that will make me survive the first rush.

They always traget me :(.
Me wrong, this time my ally got targeted and killed, and nicely stated "my ally is an idiot, fucking idiot".
Well I happen to have an extra SCII beta key sitting around in my e-mail inbox. So, I've decided to give it away to one of you lucky GAFers. Only to people who haven't gotten into the beta yet! No greedy people! :D

First person to PM me gets it!


Everything is moe to me
HarryDemeanor said:
Well I happen to have an extra SCII beta key sitting around in my e-mail inbox. So, I've decided to give it away to one of you lucky GAFers. Only to people who haven't gotten into the beta yet! No greedy people! :D

First person to PM me gets it!
sent, oh please let it be me ;_;
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