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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


101€ for a beta? How desperate can you be? You'd be able to buy 2 copies of SC2 at release and still have some left over for a pizza or something with that amount. Christ :lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Zzoram said:
I've never built or seen one, but I've only played 5 1v1 placements and 3 2v2 non-ladders.

People aren't using them as much now that the reaper rush was nerfed, but they're still damn good economy harassment.


WonkyPanda said:
Add me! ID: WonkyPanda

I am down to 2v2 but don't expect much :(. In fact, i'd love to learn the ropes with a fellow toss player because I seem to be lagging behind mostly.

You have to state your 2 part ID for us to be able to add you. I wouldn't mind playing some 1v1 tomorrow to see if we can bounce ideas off one another. My ID is elix.elix


TurtleSnatcher said:
Wut.. a group of like 4-5 reapears will rape a photon cannon in like 3 secs.

not to mention reapers can easily just run right by a photon or ignore it completely by going over a cliff >.>


You know what, after this unfunny experience @ ebay i am considering to participate in the beta. Since i have read that Blizzard is giving away keys for friends to let the players check out the social potential of the battle.net. I have played some more SC2 beta today offline and after i got familiar with the tech tree and stuff it just klicked and the game finally starts to entertain me. Altough i expect to get raped on the b.bet considering how little i know about all these fancy strategics, tactics, micro-macro-management, timing, ultra-fast-mouse-klicking etc.....

Maybe the more one plays this kind of game the better the experience gets...


Shred0r said:
You know what, after this unfunny experience @ ebay i am considering to participate in the beta. Since i have read that Blizzard is giving away keys for friends to let the players check out the social potential of the battle.net. I have played some more SC2 beta today offline and after i got familiar with the tech tree and stuff it just klicked and the game finally starts to entertain me. Altough i expect to get raped on the b.bet considering how little i know about all these fancy strategics, tactics, micro-macro-management, timing, ultra-fast-mouse-klicking etc.....

Maybe the more one plays this kind of game the better the experience gets...

That's true of all games with any real learning curve.

I'm 6-3 so far in my placement matches.


Hrm..not bad, the level of the beta players wasnt all that bad. Perhaps it was slightly exaggerated by the other forums I was on, in terms of noobs not even building more workers or whatever. But I felt pretty stiff competition, granted I'm about average, so I guess its alright.

I set the skill level to intermediate and skipped the initial practice games cause I didn't want that half speed bullshit or no rush crap. I finished my initial placement games, think I was put in silver, eventually ended the night in Platinum, something like 23-20, so not too good at all. Around 55%, so I suppose its where it should be. Heh, didn't feel like I played 43 games in a day. Some games were hit or miss, felt like it was somewhat even, a few games I got completely steam-rolled, clearly the players skill was higher calibre than my own.

Most of the losses involved things I just had literally never seen before, like warping in DT on my bases, massive expanding to gold minerals I didn't even knew existed etc.

God, just like always, I always really beat myself up after losses. Generally can always pinpoint the mistakes, lack of macro/micro so bad. Always rage-pound the keyboard as enemies forces are mopping up my forces and I see like 2k minerals in the bank, godamn. I always forget to build more buildings, end up queing my guys up like to the max, its late-game 15 minute mark and I only have 3 godamn barracks. Jesus.

Game is fun, lots of fun. Though like some people have stated, I dont like how its all one big battle type thing. Generally if my mass force kills his mass force, he'll quit, and I'll do the same. There doesnt at least to me, seem to be that back and forth dynamic that made BW so awesome.

Haha, shit brings back so many memories. The elation and exihilarition as I'm pushing up his ramp and frantically spamming the marine button to build more, the nervousness as I see him teching to muta or going DT and knowing that if I fail with the all-in, I lose and more importantly, look like an idiot, and the sheer utter rage and frustration I get when I lose and can normally pinpoint the exact reason why I lost. Fuck, its like I'm 15 again.

Nothing gets my blood pumping like guys who trash talk. I can honestly say it does get to me, and honestly, it makes the game so much more enjoyable. Its so satisfying when you manage to kill them and then do random shit on their base, basking in the sweet glow knowing that the bastard couldn't back up the smack, and its also pretty much the only time I leave without gg'ing when I lose after those kinda games. The thin line between feeling like the king and ducking out with my head between my legs is incredible. I can easily say those are my most memorable SC2 maps. One of my early games, I start out with the customary "Hello, gl" whatever bs, and guy replies, "Fuck you". Well, lets just say it was an interesting match. Had him contained in his base, was doing cutsy shit like trying to wall him in and killing him with mass scvs fucked up badly. Sadly, I ended up losing due to my own mistakes, and hearing him say "Haha, get out of here kid" as his hidden tech to mutas wiped up my forces really put me on tilt. Game is fun, and as always, competition drives the fun.

I'm on as wedge.ncn, maybe I'll see some of you around.


What's great about Starcraft (and even WC3) is just how accessible videos and strats and discussions are around the net. You don't have far to look to find extensive details on build orders and counters, etc. etc. I know right now it's a little more difficult to practice builds without facing an opponent (unless you have a bunch of GAF friends!)... but once the game reaches retail... you'll be able to pop up some v. COMP games to try build orders and timing.

Like anything other game... and maybe moreso in SC... you need to have familiarity with your hotkeys and the counters to every strat you run against. This can be as simple as what single unit counters what other single unit. Practice... so important.

I can't wait to join you guys. I miss my HoN brothers. Seems like there is more of a consistent group playing, too, which is exciting. I've always found my play schedule was a little later for most. Although... I'm not sure how interested I am in 2v2. It's a different game than 1v1. I like it and appreciate what Blizz is trying to do... but I think my interests lie more in SC's purest form which is 1v1.


ZealousD said:
And thanks again for the key aznpxdd!

No problem man. As a hardcore SC1 player, it pains me to see other SC enthusiasts without a key. I just hope people would be just as generous when I don't get into the D3 beta. :p


Insaniac said:
not to mention reapers can easily just run right by a photon or ignore it completely by going over a cliff >.>
You build it right next to the nexus. Similar in SC1 to stop zergling harassment early game.
Played for the first time yesterday, started out with Terran, lost my first two games as I was getting accustomed to everything again, then won one (but my opponent sucked so nothing to be proud of). First thing I noticed was how fucking incredibly awesome the music is. Compliments the game perfectly and has just the right amount of throwbacks to the original soundtrack and familiarity that you will feel right at home.

I moved on to Zerg next, and I just couldn't hit my stride with them like I did with Terran. Zerg used to be my favorite, but I don't know what it is about SC2, I think micromanaging all the larva seemed like more trouble than I remembered. Speaking of which, is there a hotkey or button to toggle that will change larva build mode to controlling all 3 at once? If I have all of my larvae selected, and click a unit to build, I have to click the unit 3 times. This is all well and good if I want to build 2 or 3 different units among 3 larvae, but if I'm trying to amass a force of something it for some reason just doesn't feel right giving the order over and over again. The same goes for transforming units (Zergling > Banelings, etc.). It's annoying not being able to evolve them all at the same time, my guess is that there's a hotkey or something that I'm missing. Another thing I've noticed is that roaches dominate, I haven't encountered a Zerg player yet that didn't win by amassing roaches and hydras/mutas. But then again, I've only played a handful of games.

Lastly, Protoss. I think that they are going to quickly grow to be my favorite. Warp gates are extremely cool and useful and I'm loving the new units. Sentries kick ass with their shields and force fields. Phoenix's gravity beam is also a really creative and fun ability to use, and void rays are especially baddass. Do Warp Prisms (I think that's what they are called) also double as a shuttle?

Lastly, if anyone knows how to force AA using ATI cards, I'd love to know how. Granted the game looks great without it, but I love me some AA.
MisterAnderson said:
Played for the first time yesterday, started out with Terran, lost my first two games as I was getting accustomed to everything again, then won one (but my opponent sucked so nothing to be proud of). First thing I noticed was how fucking incredibly awesome the music is. Compliments the game perfectly and has just the right amount of throwbacks to the original soundtrack and familiarity that you will feel right at home.

I moved on to Zerg next, and I just couldn't hit my stride with them like I did with Terran. Zerg used to be my favorite, but I don't know what it is about SC2, I think micromanaging all the larva seemed like more trouble than I remembered. Speaking of which, is there a hotkey or button to toggle that will change larva build mode to controlling all 3 at once? If I have all of my larvae selected, and click a unit to build, I have to click the unit 3 times. This is all well and good if I want to build 2 or 3 different units among 3 larvae, but if I'm trying to amass a force of something it for some reason just doesn't feel right giving the order over and over again. The same goes for transforming units (Zergling > Banelings, etc.). It's annoying not being able to evolve them all at the same time, my guess is that there's a hotkey or something that I'm missing. Another thing I've noticed is that roaches dominate, I haven't encountered a Zerg player yet that didn't win by amassing roaches and hydras/mutas. But then again, I've only played a handful of games.

Lastly, Protoss. I think that they are going to quickly grow to be my favorite. Warp gates are extremely cool and useful and I'm loving the new units. Sentries kick ass with their shields and force fields. Phoenix's gravity beam is also a really creative and fun ability to use, and void rays are especially baddass. Do Warp Prisms (I think that's what they are called) also double as a shuttle?

Lastly, if anyone knows how to force AA using ATI cards, I'd love to know how. Granted the game looks great without it, but I love me some AA.

just hit the build hot key for whatever unit 3 times if you want 3 of the same unit from larvae.. not that hard..

yes to warp prism question.
Question over here, is anyone playing the beta, or watching replays, or playing computers, whatever - on a laptop and with maybe around high settings or so? I'd like to know what kind of specs you've got if you are, and maybe where one might be able to procure a notebook of similar specs for sub car payment prices :D


Is there anyway to create a second profile, or delete the one you made originally? I (a) don't like the identifier I gave myself and (b) suck horribly and would rather play under a different alias until I feel alright at the game.

Doesn't seem to be an option for that though, am I missing something?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Orangepeel said:
Question over here, is anyone playing the beta, or watching replays, or playing computers, whatever - on a laptop and with maybe around high settings or so? I'd like to know what kind of specs you've got if you are, and maybe where one might be able to procure a notebook of similar specs for sub car payment prices :D

What's your definition of sub car payment prices?

LaneDS said:
Is there anyway to create a second profile, or delete the one you made originally? I (a) don't like the identifier I gave myself and (b) suck horribly and would rather play under a different alias until I feel alright at the game.

Doesn't seem to be an option for that though, am I missing something?

Blizzard is doing a full reset shortly. That includes your identifier. Once they do a reset, you'll be able to change your name and then spend some time in the practice league.
LaneDS said:
Is there anyway to create a second profile, or delete the one you made originally? I (a) don't like the identifier I gave myself and (b) suck horribly and would rather play under a different alias until I feel alright at the game.

Doesn't seem to be an option for that though, am I missing something?

They are wiping names and records soon though. Its on the Message of the Day when you log in.

Why do people never read that thing? :lol
ZealousD said:
What's your definition of sub car payment prices?

I dunoo :lol Ideally maybe $700, which is a lot of money eesh.

I've got a lappy right now that plays it essentially with everything on low or off at about 15 fps. Thing is it's a decent laptop, just integrated graphics are keeping me down from anything.


A friend of mine got a laptop a few months ago for ~270 dollars (some eMachine), and it ran the game on low with fps a little bit below 20. It didn't seem to suffer much in battles, though; definitely playable on ladder, although not the type of thing you want if you're gunning for the plat/pro leagues.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
nilbog21 said:
any1 wana play some 2v2s? :eek:

or 1v1s

I'm down. But I'm still not very good yet. Add me if you want, I'm "VertigoII.vince"

Speaking of which, does anyone have any good early strats for Protoss to counter early marine + marauder rushes against Terran? I keep getting destroyed by that combo. The only thing that comes to mind is build lots of zealots, with charge, and have a few sentries for the shield ability against ranged attacks.


Seriously. Its not about how good you are. Its about how good you communicate with your partner. Mediocre friends actually play better than good players;


MisterAnderson said:
I'm down. But I'm still not very good yet. Add me if you want, I'm "VertigoII.vince"

Speaking of which, does anyone have any good early strats for Protoss to counter early marine + marauder rushes against Terran? I keep getting destroyed by that combo. The only thing that comes to mind is build lots of zealots, with charge, and have a few sentries for the shield ability against ranged attacks.

Fast robotic.
Stalker + Immortal melt maurauders + marine with good micro.

Nobody up for 1vs1 or 2vs2 ? Europe ; ;
mint said:
Seriously. Its not about how good you are. Its about how good you communicate with your partner. Mediocre friends actually play better than good players;

Speaking of communication, when I'm testing my mic in the options I see the equalizer thing moving as I speak, but I'm not hearing my voice come through. I never have this issue with other games, the test indicates I should hear my voice, but maybe that's a typo?
mint said:
Seriously. Its not about how good you are. Its about how good you communicate with your partner. Mediocre friends actually play better than good players;

I mean mint and I blow..!

But I've noticed in replays that we listen to eachother and coordinate attacks or warn eachother of incoming attacks well ahead.

Its like scouting with my OL early on.. I can tell mint how many extractors or if they are double gatewaying etc so he doesnt have to look.


TurtleSnatcher said:

I mean mint and I blow..!

But I've noticed in replays that we listen to eachother and coordinate attacks or warn eachother of incoming attacks well ahead.

Its like scouting with my OL early on.. I can tell mint how many extractors or if they are double gatewaying etc so he doesnt have to look.

Yep. If you've notice, I never EVER scout (just a bad habit I have...carried over from SC1). So I appreciate my partner scouting and telling me shit. :D
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