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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

AbortedWalrusFetus said:
You just sort of have to react quickly. A small handful of marines is enough to take out the worm, you just have to get it early. I keep a sensor tower up so that if he tried to sneak it in fog I'll see it right away. You could achieve the same thing with a supply depot in the back corner of your base. The key is seeing it right away and getting units there.

Late game if you have expansions to worry about keep a few vikings in close range to your bases so that you can attack the worm as soon as you see it.

It's like a drop, except anti-air won't do the work for you, so it's a little tougher to defend in some ways. I think it should require creep, but we'll see what bliz does.

Edit: I believe they also need vision to do a nydus drop. If you have a sensor tower you'll be able to spy any overlords that may be providing it and have a hint as to what is coming.
Okay thanks. So basically I just need to be careful of Overlords lurking nearby as it's possible for them to drop the worm in my base.


MeshuggahMan said:
Just found out yesterday that a few of my friends have been in the beta for a while now. They had no idea I was interested in the beta and would have given me a friend invite.. WHAT KIND OF FRIENDS DO THEY THINK THEY ARE!!!!!!!!

I've been watching so many youtube videos lately that I almost feel like I could jump right into the game right now and be relatively decent... I know that isn't true though. Oh well, guess I'll just pray for another wave of friend invites :D

Dude they are awesome friends, I have 2 friends interested in the beta and they expect me to provide keys :mad:, 1 has signed up for the beta like me. the other hasn't even bothered to find his copy of diablo 2 to create a bt.net account!
The Lamonster said:
Okay thanks. So basically I just need to be careful of Overlords lurking nearby as it's possible for them to drop the worm in my base.

More or less. They don't drop it, it just gets constructed, and to construct it you need vision I think. You have 20 seconds to kill it before units pop out. They pop out one at a time, so it's best to just hit the worm until it's dead before dealing with the units. I still have a lot of trouble with it, personally, but I'm not that good. This is just what I've read on the subject.

If you have two siege tanks blanketing your main, and a siege tank at each expo, they will take out the nydus before it finishes building, so long as they are in range.
AbortedWalrusFetus said:
More or less. They don't drop it, it just gets constructed, and to construct it you need vision I think. You have 20 seconds to kill it before units pop out. They pop out one at a time, so it's best to just hit the worm until it's dead before dealing with the units. I still have a lot of trouble with it, personally, but I'm not that good. This is just what I've read on the subject.

If you have two siege tanks blanketing your main, and a siege tank at each expo, they will take out the nydus before it finishes building, so long as they are in range.
Oh nice, I'm kind of anal about base defense (sometimes turtling leads to my downfall)...so I always have a couple seige tanks guarding my stuff.


Damn. All this drama over people not playing in these GAF games. Whenever I get invited to them and am not one of the people that gets to play, I just leave. :lol

I'd much rather play than spectate!

I feel like I have watched enough games/replays by now that it won't help me anymore. I mean obviously it will help when new strats begin to come out, but it gets to that point where eventually you are only going to get better by actually playing.
The Lamonster said:
Oh nice, I'm kind of anal about base defense (sometimes turtling leads to my downfall)...so I always have a couple seige tanks guarding my stuff.

The only thing that sucks is then your army is a bit short on siege. But 3 or 4 siege tanks short shouldn't break your assault.


Trasher said:
Damn. All this drama over people not playing in these GAF games. Whenever I get invited to them and am not one of the people that gets to play, I just leave. :lol

I'd much rather play than spectate!

I feel like I have watched enough games/replays by now that it won't help me anymore. I mean obviously it will help when new strats begin to come out, but it gets to that point where eventually you are only going to get better by actually playing.
Yea I feel like that now too, I don't care if I'm playing someone who's 1000x better than me... it's only going to make my play better if I keep at it.


Spectating is fine, having 1,2 maybe even 3 people watching the game is alright, but when we have 4 players and double digit spectators things get absurd. Going more than one game not playing is just not right when we are pulling those numbers and can split the lobbies. Worse is the more spectators the longer the down time between games as we decide who is playing, who is sitting and what teams are fair.

Splitting the lobby has proven difficult for a few reasons. There are only a few of us who have everyone added to their list. Its rude to say who should stay and who should go. Its counterproductive to split people up by perceived skill since playing vs various skill is how people learn and why they observe in the first place.


Just wait for 3v3 or 4v4..it'll end the mess between who plays and who doesn't. As for the players who always wants to sit their butts down and just watch, hey, its their loss. :lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wow, so much drama.

Ice, I really wish you would play with us. Regardless of the circumstances, it's always nice to have more people willing to play. And honestly, you're not so bad at the game that your presence horribly lopsides the battles like when I was teamed with Dopey.

Further, I think it's a bit unfair to the people without keys that you can log on and play and yet actively choose not to. If all you want to do is watch matches, there are plenty of replays on YouTube. If you don't want to play, give your account to somebody who wants to.

Turtle, you're overreacting and creating much more drama than there needs to be. This thread already went to hell with mint's clusterfuck of a situation, we don't need to bog down this thread anymore. You didn't need to drag this issue through the mud.


JWong said:
Can you spectate a real-time game?

I'd like to just do that for a bit on the higher league matches.
Yeah you can, either as a ref or spec.

Zealous you hypocrite, don't think you didn't hype the drama :lol
valenti said:
Yeah you can, either as a ref or spec.

Zealous you hypocrite, don't think you didn't hype the drama :lol
As in, join a random platinum league game as a spectator? I think that's what he means...

That would be a pretty interesting feature hmm
JWong said:
First ranked match!

My partner leaves in 4 minutes! What a loss. douchebag
I still remember my first online game of starctaft classic. I'd played the hell out of, lol, starcraft 64 so it was like a game at 100x speed haha.

I also remember asking what brb means because I thought it meant burp :p


Milabrega said:
For anyone wondering, there are two people on the SC2 Beta forums saying they got an email and the thread was only just made.

Great news.

Now, the question is it is people that got invites in the last round, or only the few that missed out for whatever reason?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
valenti said:
Zealous you hypocrite, don't think you didn't hype the drama :lol

Certainly not on this issue. I'm trying to say it was bad enough we had to go through all that crap with mint, we don't need a much less serious issue shitting up the thread.
So I actually won two games in a row :D I have been experimenting with different Protoss builds and I got one that I am liking quite a bit in PvT. Basically I am just getting to Immortals ASAP and it works wonders if I see the Terran player trying to get quick Starports. If I get the right timing a group of Stalkers, Zealots, and Immortals just decimate a base in seconds with basically no resistance from ground units. Although I am sure that this probably only works as well as it has so far if you are in the 99th Division of Copper League like I am. :lol


valenti said:
Oh that there's no option for it.

I heard a 2nd wave of friend invites just hit.
valenti said:
Oh that there's no option for it.

I heard a 2nd wave of friend invites just hit.
Are they going to people that already got an invite-a-friend key? As in, I already got one, will they send me another?


aznpxdd said:
WAT? What did I miss?!?!?!??!

I can't find it in my cache but pretty much it breaks down to:

Desert Tile set

4 shared bases NorthEast vs SouthWest

Canyon in the middle

Ground ramps on the two edges leading into the 4 shared bases

One Natty outside each ramp

High Yield expansion in the top left and bottom right corner accessible by ground

One lower level expansion on each side of the canyon


The Lamonster said:
Are they going to people that already got an invite-a-friend key? As in, I already got one, will they send me another?

Nobody knows yet.

I still want more proof that another wave is heading out. Some people on the official forums are clearly liars.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
darkressurection said:
So I actually won two games in a row :D I have been experimenting with different Protoss builds and I got one that I am liking quite a bit in PvT. Basically I am just getting to Immortals ASAP and it works wonders if I see the Terran player trying to get quick Starports. If I get the right timing a group of Stalkers, Zealots, and Immortals just decimate a base in seconds with basically no resistance from ground units. Although I am sure that this probably only works as well as it has so far if you are in the 99th Division of Copper League like I am. :lol

Seems like this only works if your opponent is fast teching to battlecruisers...


Yaweee said:
Nobody knows yet.

I still want more proof that another wave is heading out. Some people on the official forums are clearly liars.
Nah people are getting it, you're just ignorant :lol
Mil that mint comment was gold.

I've slept on it. I'm actually sick today ugh but my apologies to those I pissed off. The whole not playing and BETA TESTING the game that they have privledge too is baffling. I'm also gonna start trying other races in Gaf games. I wanna learn them :)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
TurtleSnatcher said:
I'm also gonna start trying other races in Gaf games. I wanna learn them :)

Yeah I've been doing random basically every single game. Not only is it great for learning the races for your own benefit, but it helps you learn what your opponent's weaknesses are and the counter to any strategy.
ZealousD said:
Yeah I've been doing random basically every single game. Not only is it great for learning the races for your own benefit, but it helps you learn what your opponent's weaknesses are and the counter to any strategy.
Random .. Good idea!

Thats what Im doing tonight!


There are now 4 people in that Bnet Beta thread saying they were just sent keys, and no other thread on any of the other SC related forums. Two said they received a key first time around, two say they just got into beta from using a key from last week.

So of the frequent posters in this thread the ones still without keys are:


?? Hopefully if there is another wave going out we can get you all keys by days end, and in Yaweee's case before Lost starts.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Mil that mint comment was gold.

I've slept on it. I'm actually sick today ugh but my apologies to those I pissed off. The whole not playing and BETA TESTING the game that they have privledge too is baffling. I'm also gonna start trying other races in Gaf games. I wanna learn them :)
Someone's gotta test the spectator part of the game though right? :)


My last match was really nice. Opponent went fast/mass phoenix and destroyed my overlords and queens... I barely got to his base in time and destroyed his pylons with mah roaches and lings. Put a hatchery up in his natural, went against his workers and he came back with the phoenixes and actually destroyed like 10 roaches with them :eek:

But as soon as he returned to my base I had the hatchery cooking up roaches on his front yard. We both even commended each other which is really rare... I usually get insulted no matter if I win or not. And I don't even cheese roach often :/


Milabrega said:
There are now 4 people in that Bnet Beta thread saying they were just sent keys, and no other thread on any of the other SC related forums. Two said they received a key first time around, two say they just got into beta from using a key from last week.

So of the frequent posters in this thread the ones still without keys are:


?? Hopefully if there is another wave going out we can get you all keys by days end, and in Yaweee's case before Lost starts.


I don't think I've ever seen you post in the Lost threads. Are you just a lurker there?


This 4v4 map is not bad at all, as mila said it is a desert map, man this is reminding me of wc3 4v4s..nostalgia rules
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