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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

Interesting changes.. not sure if I like those factory changes..

That just means people will get to medivac faster =\

Yay for banelings I guess.. still probably be rarely used.

Glad for the slight collosus nerf.. but prob won't do much.
Wow a lota changes. Does anyone have something to show exactly they've made it easier to see units on creep and the protoss warp ins etc?
TurtleSnatcher said:
Interesting changes.. not sure if I like those factory changes..

That just means people will get to medivac faster =\

Yay for banelings I guess.. still probably be rarely used.

Glad for the slight collosus nerf.. but prob won't do much.
They should change their range from upgraded 9, jeez thats far.


Everything is moe to me
Orangepeel said:
Wow a lota changes. Does anyone have something to show exactly they've made it easier to see units on creep and the protoss warp ins etc?
i dont think the patch is live yet. i would assume they simply coloured the warpins like they do zealot deaths. [the flame is whatever colour you are]
Pandaman said:
i dont think the patch is live yet. i would assume they simply coloured the warpins like they do zealot deaths. [the flame is whatever colour you are]
It looks like the patch is live but Battle.net is still down.
Halycon said:
Only if I can uproot my zerg buildings for a WC3 style treant rush.

i think creep needs to be renamed scourge and zerg should get probe/acolyte instabuild. :lol

Pandaman said:
how about when you destroy a ghost academy, the nuke inside explodes!

this actually sounds awesome! makes sense too, blizzard must listen!


TurtleSnatcher said:
Interesting changes.. not sure if I like those factory changes..

That just means people will get to medivac faster =\

Yay for banelings I guess.. still probably be rarely used.

Glad for the slight collosus nerf.. but prob won't do much.
Colossus nerf is big what are you smoking. It takes an extra shot now to kill unupgraded marines and hydras :lol


The patch notes are disappointing, I was really hoping there would be something to bring the Protoss tier 1 army up to the levels of the other races, and instead they just get some nerfs to their higher tier units that they depend on. :/
Vaporak said:
The patch notes are disappointing, I was really hoping there would be something to bring the Protoss tier 1 army up to the levels of the other races, and instead they just get some nerfs to their higher tier units that they depend on. :/
The Stalker boost seems good to me, I'm looking forward to trying that out.
wow i was playing protoss and build from the start on as soon as i cood carries and i build 5 of them then i moved south found the other protos players base and raped his main building down in about 5 seconds :lol that was fun :lol after some more ownage by my 5 carries he quitted :lol
Vaporak said:
The patch notes are disappointing, I was really hoping there would be something to bring the Protoss tier 1 army up to the levels of the other races, and instead they just get some nerfs to their higher tier units that they depend on. :/

They did buff stalkers, don't forget zealots can kill a ling in 2 hits until armor upgrade and they also do more than twice as much damage as a marine although they aren't ranged. (2 hits at 8 each versus 6 for marines) At 100 mineral cost they also have 60 more total "health" than two marines (90 at 45 each compared with 100/50 hp/shield) plus the default regenerating shield. Not to mention that a zealot as a comparison to two marines wouldn't lose half it's damage output after half it's health is removed (like a whole marine being focused down before the other).

The only real problem with them is that unless you are awesome with them, since they are a little slow and aren't ranged they can be hard to get the most value out of them.
aznpxdd said:
Speedlots were awesome in SC1...zealots with the charge upgrade still kinda blows.

i agree, I find it weird that you look at the hard stats and they seem great but they always seem to disappoint


Everything is moe to me
aznpxdd said:
Speedlots were awesome in SC1...zealots with the charge upgrade still kinda blows.
seeing them perma charge down a fast unit feels insulting because you know they could run for that 10 seconds of cooldown. :lol
valenti said:
Colossus nerf is big what are you smoking. It takes an extra shot now to kill unupgraded marines and hydras :lol

I'm pretty sure this only changes if marines have the Combat Shield upgrade. Without it they have 35 HP. 2x20 will still take that out. You have to upgrade them to get 45 HP, and since Colossus does 40 and not 46 damage, it won't kill them. So no, it does not take an extra shot to kill an unupgraded marine, only an upgraded one.


MisterAnderson said:
Disagreed. Zealots with charge are awesome.

They are easy as hell to kite. They land 1 hit with the charge and needs to wait 10 seconds to be effective again. By that time, they are pretty much dead already.
AbortedWalrusFetus said:
I'm pretty sure this only changes if marines have the Combat Shield upgrade. Without it they have 35 HP. 2x20 will still take that out. You have to upgrade them to get 45 HP, and since Colossus does 40 and not 46 damage, it won't kill them. So no, it does not take an extra shot to kill an unupgraded marine, only an upgraded one.

its 45 to 55.
Pandaman said:
i dont think the patch is live yet. i would assume they simply coloured the warpins like they do zealot deaths. [the flame is whatever colour you are]

I duno I'm playing against the computer right now and it kinda just looks the same to me, Im not sure of what the difference is supposed to be though hmm


Everything is moe to me
Orangepeel said:
I duno I'm playing against the computer right now and it kinda just looks the same to me, Im not sure of what the difference is supposed to be though hmm
are you blue? :p


I really like how they lowered gas price and raised minerals, as I've been seeing a lot of game the gas being the big bottle neck on production. Also makes the gold minerals more relevant.

And any patch that changes the early game is fine by me. It gets boring when everyone does the same thing over and over, especially when you can't play and are forced to watch =[


This patch is somewhat hilarious to me, I managed to get rank 3 plat with Protoss before quitting them out of frustration at the first ~8 minutes of the game sucking every single game, since moving onto Terran I have a 100% win ratio vs Protoss.

And now they just buffed my new race and nerfed my old one.. On the one hand I am very happy but I feel bad for all the players trying to stick with it using a race that has one single opportunity to win (the moment you have colossus) every single game.

Sure I can't marine/scv rush for a free win against protoss anymore but with the tech lab, factory, and viking buffs I can laugh in the face of players who try to use their one viable strategy (quick tech to colossus/immortal).


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Wow. That nerf to reactor build time seems a bit much. Is it even WORTH it anymore to build a reactor until after you've built a couple barracks?


Everything is moe to me
ZealousD said:
Wow. That nerf to reactor build time seems a bit much. Is it even WORTH it anymore to build a reactor until after you've built a couple barracks?
prepatch? i've seen a few people go one barracks one reactor into fast factory. its usually for one gas builds that forego stim and are very marine heavy.


ZealousD said:
Wow. That nerf to reactor build time seems a bit much. Is it even WORTH it anymore to build a reactor until after you've built a couple barracks?

I'm thinking its going to have to be Tech lab first barracks and reactor second barracks now.


AbortedWalrusFetus said:
Ah. I stand corrected then. I saw someone post that on TL and assumed it was true.

Actually... it is. I assumed they stimmed. :lol

When someone has colossus and you only have unupgraded marines with no medivacs... Might be bigger problems than damage balance ;)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Pandaman said:

No, post-patch. I went for double reactor racks rushes a couple times pre-patch. Wasn't really unbeatable or anything. Now it seems like you don't want to build a reactor until your 3rd racks.
Pandaman said:
are you blue? :p
I'm blue that I can only play comps? TT


Still hard to tell imo


Everything is moe to me
ZealousD said:
No, post-patch. I went for double reactor racks rushes a couple times pre-patch. Wasn't really unbeatable or anything. Now it seems like you don't want to build a reactor until your 3rd racks.
i agree.

That's a bad build (pre-patch) in my opinion. I'm gonna need to see how this patch affects my product in the beginning...
only when jerks snipe your tech lab seconds before your fast stim finishes...


Glad that the ladder has finally reset. But sucks having to make a new identifier, which means I'll likely have to make a new Gaf player list.

ZealousD said:
I'm guessing the visibility on creep likely only affected the lowest settings. Creep on the lowest texture settings was much darker than on the medium and higher settings.

Testing things on the lowest settings is why I'm here!
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