The second match wasnt a comeback but it was twilight fortress and I really found out the strength of mutas and lings. I fast expanded at the beginning and basically teched to lair and not much further at first, had 5 hatcheries or so before I got any more than my easy natural, and spammed lings like there was no tomorrow. I also built maybe 15 mutas or so, and by the time they came with a huge ball of marauders, stalkers, vikings, zealots, sentries and more I COMPLETELY DECIMATED their entire massive ball of forces, basically ALONE with a good chunk of speedlings (i think they were speed) as i told my friend to go straight to carriers. He hadn't even paid attention at parts while he did some work stuff. I made a second expansion, tried for a third but got halted but i got it later anyway, got a fourth with no trouble and throughout the ENTIRE MATCH i had run out of minerals and gas almost every other second as i spammed lings like my life depended on it.
I had two evo chambers pumping upgrades, ended up with two spires also pumping upgrades and pushed with lings and mutas again, this time with my partners 7 or 8 carriers right outside their choke. We decimate their entire armies so they are left to continue making more and trying to fend us off. Eventually they manage to take all of my mutas out because the terran had spammed turrets in his nat and by this time i was freaking out trying to figure out what to do because i kept running out of gas when i made more mutas.
I made a few more mutas I think then decided to try and make a bunch of roaches as a baneling nest was almost done building. You see, they had completely changed their initial strat and started pumping high temps and vikings hoping to take us out somehow. My friend was continuing building mass carriers and had maybe two or three expansions. I had probably 2k minerals after trying to tend to all my expansions when I heard a nuke coming down somewhere. I moved all my drones every which way, they had targeted that expansion nearest their base so i sent a pack of three overseers there and started mining again. He starts another nuke so now seeing his cloaked ass I attack his ghost and kill it...with my drones hahahaha he only managed to get a few drones and my two gas, my hatch was still alive after two nukes so i just start them up again.
Anyways, before the roaches were done i selected the majority of them and canceled and went back to mass lings. Then I made about a third into banelings, I was using every damn mineral and gas I got so i couldnt make them all banes. my friend attacks a big new army of stalkers and zealots with his carriers, so i come in with banes and lings and at this point it was almost over. Pushing through their choke with just lings at this point and my friend with carriers taking out the mass of vikings the terran was trying to build, I turn half my ball of lings into banes and start taking out buildings. I think one guy had left so i asked my friend to back off with the carriers as I get ready to destroy the remaining buildings with banelings and finally he quits.
The thing I learned there was basically if you spend ALL YOUR MONEY EVAR you'll probably end up having a damn good chance of winning. I had four expansions at once at one point and still had no minerals or gas and hit 200 supply multiple times. all on LINGS AND MUTAS MUAHAHAHAH zerg forever!