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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


man I had a 7 hour session last night, but barely anyone was on. Played some awesome 2v2 games with Pyro.
too bad he was drunk

played some 2v2 with mila pez and panda?

And worked alot on my 1v1 game, getting the hang of it, messing around and trying new builds. TIS FUN!


What's the opinion on setting up a pylon+gateway inside an opponent's base? Cheesy? I've never done the pylon+shitloads of cannons right near their nexus, but at least twice now I've scouted early, and if my probe goes undetected for long enough and they're walling off, I'll put up a gateway and plop out some zealots to hit their peon line with when they eventually go attack.

Is that me being cheesy/cheap, or what? Not that it really matters, but I'm curious what the general consensus is.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That's generally referred to as a proxy gateway. It's considered cheese.


ZealousD said:
That's generally referred to as a proxy gateway. It's considered cheese.

Bummer. If it makes any sense, I always tried to do it in a way that wasn't totally obnoxious (i.e. build a thousand cannons in their base), and it was never the crux of my tactics. I'll play nice from now on.


Mudkips said:
Rushing is the bane of RTS games. And so very few do anything to try to mitigate it.
My suggestion (workers' move speed gets reduced when far away from their own/ally's base) is easy to implement, will give defenders an advantage when it comes to base rushing, and will have little to no effect on other aspects of the game.

Without rushing as a viable tactic, an RTS would probably only revolve about sitting in the base and teching up.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
LaneDS said:
Bummer. If it makes any sense, I always tried to do it in a way that wasn't totally obnoxious (i.e. build a thousand cannons in their base), and it was never the crux of my tactics. I'll play nice from now on.

Don't worry about it. It's high risk. If any strat becomes unbeatable, Blizzard nerfs it. Heck, they actually nerfed this tactic in an earlier patch.

The only players you're really going to screw up by doing it is novice players, and they're going to have to learn to counter it anyway.


darkpaladinmfc said:
Try to do this all the time. This is a really solid build versus all three races, obviously if you scout something like Mutas you stop making Immortals (And would switch to Stalker/Sentry heavy for example).

Alright. But how do I know how many Zealots I make after 39? Or how many... whatever I send to the enemy.

I understand the building orders, but not really what the tactics are after that.

Also, when playing against cpu I got rushed by Zerglings at 18. :p
DemiMatt said:
I remember last night pez and I did that...or was it panda...either way people were salty. :lol

Its pretty retarded in friendly games.. Specially when you tend to want those games to be enjoyable as opposed to end in 3 mins.


I don't consider proxying cheesy at all. It's a possible part of the game mechanics for a reason - I don't really consider any style of play cheesy at that.

Winning in SC isn't about :spacehonor: it's about exploiting every weakness and every mistake your opponent makes.

Your opponent doesn't scout, or doesn't keep an eye on the probe you've placed into their base or takes no measures to keep vision around most of his base, cheese it up. They lose, they learn.


JoeMartin said:
I don't consider proxying cheesy at all. It's a possible part of the game mechanics for a reason - I don't really consider any style of play cheesy at that.

Winning in SC isn't about :spacehonor: it's about exploiting every weakness and every mistake your opponent makes.

Your opponent doesn't scout, or doesn't keep an eye on the probe you've placed into their base or takes no measures to keep vision around most of his base, cheese it up. They lose, they learn.
Chasing scout = bait.
Burrow with roaches woulda helped there a bit in that artosis battle.. and just a shit ton of zlings

Maybe Zlings and Muta combo .. dunno That is a tough match there.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Burrow with roaches woulda helped there a bit in that artosis battle.. and just a shit ton of zlings

Maybe Zlings and Muta combo .. dunno That is a tough match there.
Nydus would have helped.

Blue had a lot of black spots on the map.


Won said:
No reason to stop now!
HDStarcraft and Husky were talking about some article that said Protoss win rate was about 30-40% (zerg at 50% and Terran at 60-70%). That was 2 patches ago before 2 more nerfs.


JWong said:
HDStarcraft and Husky were talking about some article that said Protoss win rate was about 30-40% (zerg at 50% and Terran at 60-70%). That was 2 patches ago before 2 more nerfs.

What? They're both high then.

Protoss have both the highest play rate and win rate in the plat league, followed by Zerg then Terran.

FAKEDIT: Found it. Data from March 9.





ZealousD said:
Except it actually puts the rusher MORE behind, because they're foodblocked and they have to spend the time building another pylon. And remember, pylon+worker is 150 minerals. You likely aren't losing much more minerals than that by attacking their pylon. In addition, building the forge first means they're behind in the unit count.

How long does it take to kill a full-health pylon with an scv/probe/drone? A long fucking time.

If you see the probe come in and drop shit, send your workers after the shit it drops, then the probe itself. No problem, sure.

The problem is if they get in unnoticed. You can't "scout" or "wall off" to stop against this. With scouting, it's a timing crap shoot whether or not they get up your ramp unseen. Walling immediately puts you significantly behind on economy - whether or not they rush. (If they don't rush, you're economy is slowed compared to theirs. If they do rush, they'll be spotted at your ramp and won't waste minerals building a pylon or cannon.) The same goes for putting just one pylon/supply depot (for vision) at your ramp ASAP.

The only race immune to it is Zerg, because of the free overlord (assuming they use it to scout at their ramp and first expansion). If hatcheries provided supplies (and you didn't get the initial overlord), Zerg would be the most vulnerable to this by far.

ZealousD said:
In 2v2, your partner should probably be sending units in anticipation that you'll get hit again. Or at the very least, send units to mid.

No, your partner should have been scouting, walling off, and building units for himself to not get rushed. By the time you see the probe drop a couple cannons in your base, the ally can have tier one duders running up your ramp. Your partner will have to travel to your base. Doing so as soon as the probe is spotted still leaves ample time for your workers to get wrecked. And with the benny-hill worker chasing, by the time your opponent arrives with any sizable backup, you might have 3 fucking cannons up in your shit.

ZealousD said:
No, actually, it'll make it a bit harder to expand.

How so? The range I'm talking about would be about 1/3 or 1/2 the map width.
The other option is to make probes take a couple seconds to begin warping in buildings, and that would seriously alter shit.

ZealousD said:
If this strategy really was so safe, Protoss players would be doing it every game. But they don't.

I see it in about 2/3 of the games I play where I have at least one Protoss enemy.
(I only play 2v2.) It's gotten to the point where I set the rally point of my command center / nexus to my ramp for the first worker I build.


I got accused of using maphacks already, on my 10th game or so. SMH.

I'm not even good but this guy was suprised I attacked him with 2 quick waves (within 1/2 min?) of 25 units or so...shouldnt have spent all that time building 50 drones bro!


Anyone have any pointers as to how I can learn to play more aggressively ?

When the server reset I just told the game I wanted more practice, I went 0-5(previously I went 1-4 then 0 for 2 in the ranking and against a friend who made it to silver 1v1 I'm 0-6), didn't even come close to winning any of them.

I quite literally am incapable of multitasking in these types of games , even when I think I have some kind of strategy to send units to pester my opponent I end up getting attacked myself and forgetting about the attack force.

This has been a problem for me with every single RTS I've ever played for the last 10 years, I'm the type of player who likes to just sit and stare at my base and build things and never do anything with them or fail to build things fast enough, what can be done to help this situation ?


JoeMartin said:
What? They're both high then.
I found the thread about it and got the exact numbers. It's actually based off the top 387 European players which is actually a lot better to use as a test because high level play is what challenges balance.


Just to quote some guy...
duckhunt said:
NB Win NB Lose Ratio W/Tot Diff %
Protoss Top 100 637 834 43.30% -13.52
Random Top 100 749 569 56.83% -3.23
Terran Top 100 1681 1118 60.06% 7.46
Zerg Top 100 800 721 52.60% -1.80
Totale Top 100 3867 3242 54.40%
Pachinko said:
Anyone have any pointers as to how I can learn to play more aggressively ?

When the server reset I just told the game I wanted more practice, I went 0-5(previously I went 1-4 then 0 for 2 in the ranking and against a friend who made it to silver 1v1 I'm 0-6), didn't even come close to winning any of them.

I quite literally am incapable of multitasking in these types of games , even when I think I have some kind of strategy to send units to pester my opponent I end up getting attacked myself and forgetting about the attack force.

This has been a problem for me with every single RTS I've ever played for the last 10 years, I'm the type of player who likes to just sit and stare at my base and build things and never do anything with them or fail to build things fast enough, what can be done to help this situation ?

Use hotkeys on your buildings to help you micromanage your expanding and base building better. It's hard to keep up with training more harvesters to support your increasing army when you're focusing on attacking, defending and training more fighting units, so hotkey your hatchery/nexus/command center and keep pumping out harvesters as necessary. Watch replays and read strategies to get a better idea of when to expand to your natural and beyond, and most importantly never just leave a large force of units sitting around. If you've got a decent sized force based on what you've scouted of your opponent's base, send 'em out and start building units immediately to replace them for your defense. Watching my losing replays I'm always astounded at how many times I might have a big enough army to take down my opponent that I just leave sitting around in my base in fear of a pre-emptive strike.


Those numbers I posted are pulled from platinum league only.

And I don't know where he's pulling those numbers from because they're no where in the article it claims to be from.

Les statistiques par race du Top 387 du 22 mars

NB Joueurs	NB Win	NB Lose	Ratio %	Diff %
Protoss	82	3244	2744	54.18%	-0.83
Random	18	715	557	56.21%	1.21
Terran	80	2628	2025	56.48%	1.47
Zerg	93	2914	2446	54.37%	-0.64

Pour la période du 15 mars au 22 mars pour les joueurs ayant plus de 2000 points.

NB Joueurs	NB Win	NB Lose	Ratio %	Diff %
Protoss	26	1545	1233	55.62%	-2.28
Random	11	459	327	58.40%	0.5
Terran	36	1361	887	60.54%	2.65
Zerg	27	1039	756	57.88%	-0.01


JoeMartin said:
Those numbers I posted are pulled from platinum league only.

And I don't know where he's pulling those numbers from because they're no where in the article it claims to be from.
Actually, the numbers were pulled from the guy who made the article.

Apparently, he made the mistake and corrected it with the numbers you posted. :lol
Won said:
Still can't get into Zerg. Feels so....I don't know...too plain compared to the other races. :/

I really feel like others have more options to be aggressive...for Zerg I just feel like I have to play standard every time to be ready to counter whatever better tactics could be coming my way. Maybe that's just my lack of practice.


Zerg has the least spellcasting.

That may be a reason why it feels plain. The reason why I play them... don't have the APM to spellcast.


fanboi said:
sorry msv for the DTs.

*kisses and hugges*
I expect nothing less than to be totally annihilated. If you don't, I'll call you a noob. So congrats, gg

So hard to manage everything, stupid of me to try a proxy pylon on my 10th game ever. Been watching too many youtube vids :lol


While listening to Weekend Confirmed, I was doing a bit of testing.

I loved the Dark Archon mind controlling everything back in SC, so I decided to do some test with the infestor.

I managed to get an scv to build a command centre and built my own terran army. :lol
The only difference is that you don't get a new population. Terran and Zerg share one Zerg population pool.


Damn, I have to stop playing WoW, even if my guild needs me as a tank, and instead of the boring progressless ICC10/25 runs, I could do some decent practice in Starcraft II beta...

Damn Blizzard for running TWO awesome games paralell to each other... and D3 did not even came out. MicVlad: if you are still up for it, we could practice some in the weekend, when I will have time to log in at least, let alone play..


you know what, reapers are WAY too fucking cheap. i pray to god Blizzard patches them. protoss doesnt stand a chance with zealots. theyre ridiculously fast.


Ashhong said:
you know what, reapers are WAY too fucking cheap. i pray to god Blizzard patches them. protoss doesnt stand a chance with zealots. theyre ridiculously fast.

Don't use Zealots to counter Reapers then. Zealots are too slow for anything anyway early on.


Ashhong said:
you know what, reapers are WAY too fucking cheap. i pray to god Blizzard patches them. protoss doesnt stand a chance with zealots. theyre ridiculously fast.

Get one stalker, they effectively nullify the early reaper harass.


Just finished my placement matches. Got in 1v1 Gold Division 51. Quite happy since this is the first time I ever play any SC-game online.


I have a very annoying bug. Won't show what ladder division I'm in on the multiplayer tab, says undefined -- gold, and then switched to -1 gold when I'm looking for a 1v1 match. When I go to the ladder page, I can't see my 1v1 ladder division, 2v2's are fine though. On my profile page, one of the placement matches is missing, and every other ladder match I play results aren't showing up there. Though at the results screen of each game, I can see how many points I gained from the match and how far I've moved up in rank in my ghost division.

Just played 4 ladder matches, 4 protoss opponents, 3 went that very same sentry/zealot build in that new HD starcraft video, I went 4-0, two of my opponents were platinum too. So glad I watched that video earlier :lol
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