Cheeto said:Anyone want to do the 2v2 ladder with me? I'm a bronze player
Nice, do I have you on my list?MisterAnderson said:Arg I want to but I'm trying to finish editing this video for my job. After I'm done I'll see if you still want to play. (I'm bronze too)
Cheeto said:Nice, do I have you on my list?
Edit: I do if you're XMrMister
Oh yea, I got you... do you want to play later tonight??MisterAnderson said:I'm PyroGX.ptmc I'm not sure if I have you or not.
let me know too if you want another, corran.hornCheeto said:Anyone want to do the 2v2 ladder with me? I'm a bronze player
I play in 2v2 and have no idea what any of those words mean. :lol :lolJWong said:I raged. Full of retarded players in the 2v2.
I did so much harrass and control with my lings and my partner does nothing but build mutas. I told him that the opponents were mass viking and hydras, but he goes and makes corrupters and broodlords.
Jesus christ!
[Start as Zerg]czartim said:I play in 2v2 and have no idea what any of those words mean. :lol :lol
I do the same thing each time, and even if you were to tell me what the enemy was up to, I would still be clueless.
I need a flow chart or some shit. At the very least a practice mode for me to try stuff out against the AI.
Cheeto said:Oh yea, I got you... do you want to play later tonight??
Edit: I'm cheeto.bandito if you dont have me
czartim said:I play in 2v2 and have no idea what any of those words mean. :lol :lol
I do the same thing each time, and even if you were to tell me what the enemy was up to, I would still be clueless.
I need a flow chart or some shit. At the very least a practice mode for me to try stuff out against the AI.
Halycon said:[Start as Zerg]
|v[Is your opponent Protoss?] ---> [Yes] ---> [6 Pool]
v[6 pool anyway]
Sure, I'll be playing tonight once my better half is put to bed... so I'll partner up with whoever is on.Corran Horn said:let me know too if you want another, corran.horn
Flowcharts are fun!Ice Monkey said:If your 6 pool lings eventually die off after raping their mineral line, roll on the floor and die laughing as 95% of zerg enemies/enemy teammates think you are vulnerable and send 20 zerglings to their utter doom
Thanks for this.Cru Jones said:Just click create game (which is not ladder based) and then click 1v1 and change the open slot to computer. it is only very easy, but you can at least try out your builds and get your timing down.
You have a chance to.DMPrince said:if i register my SC1 game now will i get in the beta? :lol.
Trasher said:Hobart, I thought you wanted to play. Where'd you go?
Um... I'm xMrMister.xMrMister :lolCheeto said:Nice, do I have you on my list?
Edit: I do if you're XMrMister
Corran Horn said:There is those times when you forget to Hold...and go DOH!
sentry just spawn and i believe at the time I was using my observer to try to find where his army was at his base lolMisterAnderson said:Yep I've done that numerous times but have learned my lesson by now. The other lesson that gif should teach is that force field is your friend :lol
aznpxdd said:Not sure why he even bothered running all the way in. Should have attacked once he surrounded the lots.
:lol :lolHalycon said:Flowcharts are fun!
[Start as Zerg]
|[Are you Pez?] --> [No] --> [13 pool to roaches and tech]
v[Yes][10 pool, harass with lings]
|[lair, gas hack, 10 mutas at the same time]
Milabrega said:Man that gif is a thing of beauty.
Eco damage all the way.
JWong said:I raged. Full of retarded players in the 2v2.
I did so much harrass and control with my lings and my partner does nothing but build mutas. I told him that the opponents were mass viking and hydras, but he goes and makes corrupters and broodlords.
Jesus christ!
aznpxdd said:Looks like he could have ended the game if he attacked after surrounding
3 broodlords + 12 corrupters vs 40 hydras + 20 vikingsmcrae said:wait, broodlords own hydras, no? and corrupters> vikings?
what did you want him to do instead? :/
JWong said:3 broodlords + 12 corrupters vs 40 hydras + 20 vikings
That's why I told the guy to stop making air.aznpxdd said:Huh no way. 20 vikings alone would own that...
JWong said:3 broodlords + 12 corrupters vs 40 hydras + 20 vikings
Oh yeah, he wasted a lot on mutas vs vikings earlier.mcrae said:well do 3 broodlords and 12 corruptors cost the same as 20 hydras and 10 vikings?
all i was saying is that the unit choice seemed to make sense for me. if he sucked at economy and was just feeding his units to the other team, thats another issue entirely.
That's what I have. Just run the .exe and it should work.sasimirobot said:So I transfered the Starcraft 2 install folder to a thumbdrive (I use net cafes to play).
There are 4 icons in that folder.
1. Installer.exe
2. Installer Tome 1.MPQ
3. Installer UI 1.MPQ
4. Installer UI 2.MPQ
Cant figure out how to run/install it now...
If I download it again from it will take 7 hours!
yeah, that happened to me too. pretty retarded.JonAmikar said:Were we not supposed to get two friend invites? I got two emails with the same key.
Scrow said:yeah, that happened to me too. pretty retarded.
uhm... what's there to resolve?JonAmikar said:Is there anyway to resolve this?
JWong said:Oh yeah, he wasted a lot on mutas vs vikings earlier.
Scrow said:uhm... what's there to resolve?
you only got one invite, but they sent two emails for it for some reason.JonAmikar said:I was hoping I could get what might have been a second unique invite.
Banelings.Zaptruder said:So the problem isn't the unit mix, which you scoffed at... but the fact that he kept making mutas for too long?
But what would have been a more appropriate counter anyway?
Hydra's of your own? But you're talking about 1 v 2 opponents. What did you make to counter the viking/hydra army?
ZealousD said:Did everybody get their matches in for Round 3? It didn't look like too many people played games... =/