Cheeto and I just finished our 2v2 placement matches. We were 4-1 and got placed in silver. One of our games was extremely close on Lost Temple, both Cheeto and I were Zerg, while our opponents were Zerg and Terran. After some minor back and forth battles, we made a push on the Zerg's natural expo, and ended up rolling through taking out the Zerg. At the same time, the Terran dropped into Cheeto's base and took it out, and with my natural expansion destroyed and my only army being a handful of Mutas, I decided to quickly research overlord transport and sneak away to the island corner to expand. By this point the Zerg left, but his teammate stubbornly stays with his moderately sized marine/tank/medivac army.
After destroying his island expansion with my Mutas and expanding a second time to the gold expansion, the Terran ends up dropping into my island expansion. I hurry my Mutas back, destroy his medivacs and fly away, leaving his army completely stranded (I had already destroyed his starports and half of his base so there was no getting off of that island :lol :lol) He stayed in the game until I destroyed every one of his damn buildings, he must have been pissed when I took his medivacs out and just flew away.