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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


The Everyman



"so nick this is an island map, do you think we'll see any... drops?"

"yes, that's definitely a possibility"


watching this is amazing, id pay full price for this in a theatre. it should get a best picture oscar


-COOLIO- said:



"so nick this is an island map, do you think we'll see any... drops?"

"yes, that's definitely a possibility"


watching this is amazing, id pay full price for this in a theatre. it should get a best picture oscar

lol, I'm watching it at the same time Coolio

Funny seeing your comments as I'm watching it at that exact moment


The Everyman
Wedge7 said:
Ah shit, I sorta cried.
me too

i think that was one of the most inspiring things ive ever seen. so many good life lessons in that.

i was able to relate to a lot of the stuff too.

i want the normal life, preferably working in games, in an office, making good pay. but im definitely going to keep making competitive videogame playing a part of my life too. it really does give oneself a unique experience that will better ones life. it goes for any competition really, but there's something about competitive gaming that's different and i really like it.

also, at the end of the video he mentions being the ambassador to e sports. this video is a good start.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
valenti said:
Ill message you today, I need some practice 1on1s with toss ><
Care to share these replays?

I'd like to see what toss strategies are giving you a hard time so I can copy them as well.


Halycon said:
Care to share these replays?

I'd like to see what toss strategies are giving you a hard time so I can copy them as well.
Its late game colossi storm..once i get home imma create some gameplay ideas. :D


relies on auto-aim
Wedge7 said:
Ah shit, I sorta cried.
ElJuice said:
Pretty badass how Tastless got his start in 'casting. Not a bad tourney for the two of them.
-COOLIO- said:
i think that was one of the most inspiring things ive ever seen. so many good life lessons in that.

i was able to relate to a lot of the stuff too.

i want the normal life, preferably working in games, in an office, making good pay. but im definitely going to keep making competitive videogame playing a part of my life too. it really does give oneself a unique experience that will better ones life. it goes for any competition really, but there's something about competitive gaming that's different and i really like it.

also, at the end of the video he mentions being the ambassador to e sports. this video is a good start.
Post in the thread! Otherwise no one will see it! :lol



Here's an interview GameInformer did with Dustin Browder. It looks like it's a week-old but I haven't seen it posted here yet.

An Extensive Interview With StarCraft II's Design Director

Did you have any radical thoughts early on in StarCraft II's development?

We went through all kinds of crazy stuff. We'd been working on some of our campaign stuff where you've got a much stronger role-playing component, and that has changed shape several times throughout the development process. It was much more of a role-playing game at one point, and now it's settled into a proper RTS with some really strong progression elements to it.
Have any glaring imbalances shown up in the beta so far?

I haven't seen anything in beta yet that's really…. Well, that's not true. We have a proxy Gateway rush that's been causing us a lot of trouble. It's still evolving even now. The basic strat is that you build a Pylon on low ground, outside the guy's base. Then you run inside his base and you build a Gateway next to the cliff edge so it's powered by that Pylon. So the enemy player is unable to get at the Pylon, which is the weak link in that whole setup, because the Pylon is on the low ground. Then you start building Zealots, or at some point warping in Zealots in that power field. This endless Zealot pressing, especially against a Terran player or even a Protoss player, is pretty unstoppable. [laughs] It's pretty grim. That one is one that we've been attacking for quite a while and we're about to attack it again. We're seeing it in Protoss versus Protoss games now. We've beaten it back pretty well in Protoss versus Terran, but Protoss versus Protoss is still really bad. If one Protoss player goes three Gateways, the other Protoss player needs to go three Gateways to counter or he is hosed. So we're probably going to do some changes to the build time on the upgrade for Warp Gates, just to push that a little bit later in the tech tree so that a lot of the early Warp Gate shenanigans that we're seeing in the beta get pushed back a little bit.


Cru Jones said:
Please elaborate

If you look on the battle.net forums you will find the build order (I can't post it here because battle.net is blocked at work).

The strat basically comes down to terran building a proxy barracks outside of your base, and going straight for a reaper. With the right build order they can have a reaper inside your base at around 2:45, then like 30 seconds later they can get a bunker with 2 reapers inside your base for an almost guaranteed victory.

Currently there really isn't a good strategy to counter this, especially if you are playing protoss.


Aesthet1c said:
Currently there really isn't a good strategy to counter this, especially if you are playing protoss.

Well, I think the toss player can scout it and attack the SCV. That should do it. That said I hope this leads to somekind of reaper revamp. The unit needs it.


Won said:
Well, I think the toss player can scout it and attack the SCV. That should do it. That said I hope this leads to somekind of reaper revamp. The unit needs it.

as i understand, you build the barracks before you build your first scv. so.... i feel that the window for the toss player to actually FIND the barracks before it gets built, is pretty low.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
I such at base races :/
He had the better army but I had the advantage of destroying his economy and escaping to create a new nexus.

Had 2 structures left to destroy to win then his army killed mine then my last base while I was re-creating stuff...orzzzzz

edit: lol I won and got reclassified as bronze afterwards...
Well damn, I've been playing as Random in Bronze and doing pretty well, got up to 3 in my division. Decided today I'm going to focus on Protoss so I switched and lost about 7 games in a row, mostly to cheesy early rushes, I even got bunker rushed by a terran. He must have started just after my scout went out.


I guess knowing I'm protoss makes my enemies a lot braver than when they weren't sure.

Or maybe I suck at them much more than I thought...


will learn eventually
Wow, I really suck at SC MP, but was great playing with ya guys :lol But I'm a fast learner at RTS, so I'm already anticipating the next games :D


Des0lar said:
Wow, I really suck at SC MP, but was great playing with ya guys :lol But I'm a fast learner at RTS, so I'm already anticipating the next games :D
That strat that nk pulled on you is pretty imba, so don't worry bout losing to that :p Good that there's finally another noob like me in the game, I have a 1 1/2 week head start so you better learn quick :D ggs


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Don't try to play Starcraft when you're sick. You'll lose matches you were suppose to win. =(

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
yall ever just stay in a match to destroy shit because you were mad you lost a bunch of matches before? Ya thats what Im doing today in bronze league :lol

also like before silver/bronze player, if anyone wants a 2v2 partner, corran.horn

Chris R

Just got into the Beta. When does my "Friend" key arrive?

I won't be seriously playing for quite some time though as I need to learn some hotkeys and get my broken MX518 back from Logitech (slow ass RMA :( )

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
rhfb said:
Just got into the Beta. When does my "Friend" key arrive?

I won't be seriously playing for quite some time though as I need to learn some hotkeys and get my broken MX518 back from Logitech (slow ass RMA :( )
Only 2 waves of friend invites came out to my knowledge and last one was like a month or so ago


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
raphier said:
Sounds like you're talking throught experience :D

Yes. Did a ladder 1v1 today, and by every measure I should have won. ZvZ, and we both did a FE, but he decided to build crawlers at his expo rather than build units. I quickly built a nydus and filled it with roaches and zerglings to hit his back door. I pretty much took out his lair and several tech buildings, but a few mutas popped out so I couldn't do as much damage as I hoped. Went to hydras, but my macro during this whole period suuuucked. I didn't bust him in time and he got all the way to broodlords. I could have come back, but my macro was just so bad that he got ahead of me and had enough corrupters and broodlords to take me out. Bleeeeeeh.


rhfb said:
Just got into the Beta. When does my "Friend" key arrive?

I won't be seriously playing for quite some time though as I need to learn some hotkeys and get my broken MX518 back from Logitech (slow ass RMA :( )

lol @ the thought that a key means an instant friends key.

and @ the thought that you need a gaming mouse to play this game.

you're sounding pretty privileged my friend

Chris R

mcrae said:
lol @ the thought that a key means an instant friends key.

and @ the thought that you need a gaming mouse to play this game.

you're sounding pretty privileged my friend
I just thought that everyone in the beta got a friend key :p

And I don't need a gaming mouse, but seeing as I'm using a super old shitty ass (ball :( ) mouse right now, I think I'll just wait until my MX518 gets back to me :lol


NeoGAF Beta Tourney 1v1 #1 Round 5. Best of 3. Milabrega Vs DemiMatt

Game 1


Game 2


Game 3


My thoughts on the matches before watching replays:

Game 1: I hope Haly was watching when I did the Zealot shuffle to break the wall, tried to explain it to him in text once. Probably would have went in if it weren't for those Hellions which are great vs Zealots. Was hoping that gave me a Temp supply cap to muscle through. I poorly managed the drop and should have had those other gates up and running before going. Smart on Demi to focus down with the little AA he had on the Prism, wish I had noticed would have switched targets to the rines. I panicked with the Thors out didn't know Protoss counter, probably Immortals but I never think about going to Robo's so I was just pumping Colossi. Was planning on playing a resource contain war and hope Demi didn't get air (either Banshees since I stupidly didn't get any observers or Vikings to counter the Colossi). Got lucky Demi decided to make that heavy push another ten seconds and he would have caught me out of position. Was also very lucky he ate the two Illusioned Colossi before the real ones.

Game 2: Got stuck with Toss again (My worst race), figured I'd go Gate -> CC -> Robo -> Gate into an Immortal drop since that's what Haly recommended me earlier in the day since I feared the PvT match up. I did just that, but Demi had some really nice reaper action and I had bad canon placement and unit micro inside my base. I got behind and just never recovered. I tried to go full speed ahead with the Immortal drop, but left it idle behind the scvs long enough for demi to move units over. I think if he delayed the second reaper/marauder attack a minute or two I could have with stood it, my plan going forward was to get defensive colossi and then maybe Voids depending on if he expanded/tech switched, alas I got destroyed.

Game 3: I went observer heavy thinking he was going to go banshees or a FE, and yet I never found the banshees until it was too late. I got aggressive at the wrong (right?) time and lost my main and got supply capp'd. Came down to me canon turtling inside my natural and a base race. I had terrible management that game, lost the colossi and some stalkers unnecessarily inside demi's base in the base race, and lost two of my observers just from not knowing where they were. Had to use the one I had hotkeyed. I also thought demi had floated his buildings into the abyss where stalkers couldnt reach instead of landing them for production. So i finished what I could find and went back to protect my base. Really well fought game by Demi, I got lucky, again that Demi missed attacking at my weak points, or catch my stalkers the couple of times they didn't have an obs around.


Ice Monkey said:
lol, looks like we may get private 3v3 and 4v4 on twilight fortress before official 3v3 and 4v4. stupid blizzard.

eh? i was under the impression private launchers could do any number of teams, and any number of people on each team, depending on the map. and people have edited twilight fortress to 12 players.
mcrae said:
eh? i was under the impression private launchers could do any number of teams, and any number of people on each team, depending on the map. and people have edited twilight fortress to 12 players.

i got the img working now, check out my post again


Ice Monkey said:
i got the img working now, check out my post again

ya i didnt see the img when i posted. i feel blizzard would release 3v3 and 4v4 if an emulator that can do it ever appears... so that they dont lose people to it. that or release more keys i suppose.


ok so i'm 3 games into my placement matches and I'm 3-0. it's good to know that I'm not the newbiest newb on the face of the earth. My play was pathetic but my opponents play was downright embarrassing!


Wow, just got a key yesterday, wasn't really expecting it :D Props to Blizzard for making this game run at playable framerates on my ancient 2006 PC, an Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB RAM and a Radeon X700. I'm a casual SC1 player, so I didn't have much luck in my first games, I finally won at the third attempt with a Terran Battlecruiser rush. Can't play anything above 2v2 though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Won said:
Well, I think the toss player can scout it and attack the SCV. That should do it. That said I hope this leads to somekind of reaper revamp. The unit needs it.

Well, the barracks can be almost anywhere since reapers can cliff jump, so it has to be a very thorough scout very early on.

Honestly, I think they should trying requiring an engineering bay for reapers, and then cut their build time back to what they were before. That would cut down on the early reaper harass while still keeping them relevant in the mid-game again.
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