Did my placement matches last night. Did horribly. 1/5 wins. My win was with ZvZ, kept the pressure up with lings/roaches, then expanded and teched to hydras and finally to mutas. Long match the guy kept running and trying to nydus new bases in.
Once I hit bronze it was just a streak of losses. I just cant seem to match their army sizes. With with proper scouting I appear to right on track with my build order. I might be teching too soon and not expanding as soon as I should be, which would explain my army size issue.
I can't seem to do well against terrans with zerg or toss. Banshees have made my life miserable. Stalkers/Hydras seem to work but then they whip out MMM balls which have been a nightmare still unsure of how to counter that. I have been able to tech storm and do well against them but that usually doesn't happen before they come after me in non-practice matches. I think adding some speed banelings to my ling/roach army might help while the hydras take care of the banshees. I've been able to scout well enough to find out they are going that route, but any counter attempts and the MMM ball appears out of no where and tears me apart.
Overall, as toss I have had success with blink/warp prism base jumping but during that time they steam roll my base as I steam roll theirs. Terran lift their buildings and hide them while the MMM ball hunts down my last remaining forces. Happened about 5 times so far....:lol Toss and Zerg have fallen pretty easily to this so far anyhow.
I do pretty well against Zerg. Although I did get owned in a PvZ match. Mass lings in the beginning and I couldn't push. Ended up getting swarmed by mutas which picked off my stalkers and then the lings came in and overran me. Honestly going to have to try out that strategy as it seemed to work VERY well against toss. :lol
Enough ranting, game is excellent and I'm having a blast. Just trying desperately to figure out how to counter some of this stuff.
As always, I'm always open some matches with you guys. If you are new and still learning I'd love to try some team matches against the AI or even some good ol 1v1 for some build order practice. Send a PM and I'll make sure to add ya!