Ice Monkey said:there isnt ANY ANY ANY justification for it though with a 12 ling rush with 6 pool. I'm sorry there just isnt. It's almost the exact reason why they are going to nerf it to the ground soon, because it requires no effort whatsoever and you come up with 12 lings and bam you win. drones larva...wait ~10 seconds....cancel larva....wait 10 seconds.......cancel larva...wait 10 secs....cancel larva....wait 10 secs...cancel 12 lings....attack with everything.
YOU CANT DO ANYTHING ELSE in those ten seconds you are waiting to cancel larva.
He didnt even have drones back at the base because he attacked with them.
You guys need to watch the video before you spout this bullshit nonsense that he was ramping up for some later part of the game in that video specifically. THAT is what i meant. Dont just blanket defend people who spam APM. Sometimes, SOMETIMES it's actually just a sickening nervous habit that doesnt improve jack shit that has no place in some youtube video the guy puts up.
I don't yell at people for spamming APM in normal matches where they need to "warm up their hands" or whatever else they want to do that they think helps them win the game. In this video, he didnt need to do it, and all I could think of while watching it was this:
I have watched every single video from him and he do this, just as turtle says, to show an hax/bugg/etc that he thinks needs to be fixed...
Also, spamming IS a part of his game... just as you say GL HF etc... and he didn't know if he was going to succseed either... since the opponent did the same