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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

you sure he wasnt building a planetary fortress? works pretty well

Watched the replay, and nope, just 8 SCVs, 290 minerals in the bank, fly over and send the SCVs in, produce new SCVs and that's it.

"Imba strat" my ass!


Well damn, this was interesting. :lol I just had a match were I was Protoss & my opponent was Terran. I literally was playing for about 2 minutes & he rushes my base with about 50 soldiers & some type of aircrafts. Oh & not to mention that he couldn't take ANY damage. :lol So, I take it that the "power overwhelming" & the "show me the money" cheats are still alive & well? :lol Oh & feel free to add me. I'm celebi.gaffer :D

edit: Does anyone know how to play custom maps in the Mac client?


Gold Member
Vangu Vegro said:
Watched the replay, and nope, just 8 SCVs, 290 minerals in the bank, fly over and send the SCVs in, produce new SCVs and that's it.

"Imba strat" my ass!

Did you thoroughly destroy him?


celebi23 said:
Well damn, this was interesting. :lol I just had a match were I was Protoss & my opponent was Terran. I literally was playing for about 2 minutes & he rushes my base with about 50 soldiers & some type of aircrafts. Oh & not to mention that he couldn't take ANY damage. :lol So, I take it that the "power overwhelming" & the "show me the money" cheats are still alive & well? :lol Oh & feel free to add me. I'm celebi.gaffer :D

edit: Does anyone know how to play custom maps in the Mac client?

what? there are definitely no cheats available in the beta, well, im 95% sure at least. upload the replay of it. im not sure where it saves on the mac version, probably in the sc2 folder in applications -> replay -> recent


will learn eventually
celebi23 said:
Well damn, this was interesting. :lol I just had a match were I was Protoss & my opponent was Terran. I literally was playing for about 2 minutes & he rushes my base with about 50 soldiers & some type of aircrafts. Oh & not to mention that he couldn't take ANY damage. :lol So, I take it that the "power overwhelming" & the "show me the money" cheats are still alive & well? :lol Oh & feel free to add me. I'm celebi.gaffer :D

edit: Does anyone know how to play custom maps in the Mac client?

Ahem, mybe the aircrafts were medivacs that healed his units?


Vangu Vegro said:
Now I've seen it all.

Someone actually flew his Command Center into my base right at the start and tried to SCV-rush me.

(and got taken out by my first batch of Zerglings).

Someone probably thought

1- Hey, I can put my SCVs in the command centre now!
2- You know, SCVs used to hold their own against other units fairly well back in the day
3- Let's give this a try
4- Oh.. they're.. weaker.
5- Fuck.


Glad to see Mac Beta has finally been released (although no without it's issues)... DLing now as we speak.

Re: Logic Board "issues."

Haha. I've had two "Logic Board issues." The first occurred when the backlight on my screen stopped working. If you held the screen in direct light you could see the screen but.. yah. It didn't SEEM like a logic board issue... but I ran with it and paid my $250 to get it fixed.

The second time a "logic board issue came" was almost EXACTLY a year after I had it fixed. Only this time... I knew it wasn't a logic board issue at all. The comp was just stuck in sleep mode in Bootcamp (running windows). I knew that a fresh HD would fix it no problem... but they INSISTED it was the logic board and told me it would cost me $1150. HAHA! I laughed at the "genius" and asked to speak with her supervisor. He helped me. Gave me the fix for free. I've been safe (knock on wood) ever since.

Seems as if whenever they wanna fix the comp... they just wanna charge the flat fee of $250. Prolly runs you a little more than a freelance dude. Just don't get caught thinking you should pay more if you aren't covered by Apple Care.


Well boys and girls, if you've been dual booting to play SC2, might as well keep doing it. Mac client sucks something hard.

Same settings on my Snow Leopard install compared to my Windows 7 nets me a fps of 22 compared to 54-75.
No AA to be seen.
Laggy, laggy, laggy.

Edit: Don't be a dummy like me! Make sure to use "Better graphics" in your energy saver preference pane. A 9600 GT makes a world of difference compared to a 9400! Macbook Pros only.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Hah, I had a real cheesy win last night. I was playing a 1vs1 with me as zerg in the bottom right and my opponent as terran in the upper left on incineration map. So I did a 9 pool opening and by the time I had my first 6 zerglings out my overlord had reached his ramp, but nothing was there. So I ran the lings to the middle tower while I scouted the base out with the overlord, while my second overlord began to look for a proxy bunker. Lo and behold, I find his depot and barracks and a bunker to the SOUTH of his base, he had built his wall in front of that little false ramp at the bottom that goes nowhere, leaving his actual ramp completely open. So I rushed my lings right up into his base and directly to the SCV line with no resistance at all. By the time he realized what had happened and moved his few marines up to counter me, the damage had been done and I had lings streaming into his base and he GG’d with a LOL and left the game. My fastest win yet at like 6 minutes.

Scouting is so important in this game.


Mengy said:
Zergling Rush story

Scouting is so important in this game.

A ton of zerg players try to do this. If I know he is zerg I wall off and rush in zealots otherwise I'm toast.

I usually have my Gateway going by the time I reach their base. I usually queue up my probe to run back and forth in a circle through the base. If I dont see a barracks or spawning pool or gateway by the time my Gateway is finished, I rush them with a 2 gate rush. Otherwise I wall off and go for some tech/try to expand.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Mengy said:
Hah, I had a real cheesy win last night.
Isn't a cheesy win if the counter is as simple as building units to defend your base.

Personally I'm moving towards holding down as Zerg early game now and getting Mutas up as quickly as possible to win the game. Seems to be working pretty well, and isn't as all or nothing as a zergling rush.


Exhumed said:
A ton of zerg players try to do this. If I know he is zerg I wall off and rush in zealots otherwise I'm toast.

I usually have my Gateway going by the time I reach their base. I usually queue up my probe to run back and forth in a circle through the base. If I dont see a barracks or spawning pool or gateway by the time my Gateway is finished, I rush them with a 2 gate rush. Otherwise I wall off and go for some tech/try to expand.

When you say "wall off", do you mean making a single aisle and blocking it with a zealot, or fully walling yourself off? I also do the first option, but I'm thinking the latter might be rather effective if I'm massing stalkers/immortals/collosi, especially if I can fully enclose an expansion as well (as in LT, Steppes, or that other 4player temple-ish map).


Effect said:

I though medics were actually replaced in SC2. Seems in this video they are actually in the single player.

Hmm. Maybe they are get upgraded to the medivac in the storyline early. If not I wonder why they aren't in the multiplayer.

The developers have stated that they are creating the multiplay and single player as two seperate experiences in order not to have to nerf one to make it balanced in the other. I expect there will be many units that will be different as well as game design that is structured diferently as well.


Effect said:

I though medics were actually replaced in SC2. Seems in this video they are actually in the single player.

Hmm. Maybe they are get upgraded to the medivac in the storyline early. If not I wonder why they aren't in the multiplayer.

Like the other guy said, they are separate experiences with different unit selections. In the Terran campaign, you at the very least get Firebats, Medics, and Wraiths, and probably even more units that aren't in multiplayer. However, all of the units are available in the map editor, I think, for makers to play with and include if they want.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
MisterAnderson said:
Okay, so here's my thinking. I'll leave the choke as is, but I rotated the minerals back around so that they are more vulnerable from the choke, and from the high ledge. I outlined all of the downsides to the third expansion and I have to say the natural is definitely the better choice, so I think it should be balanced:


And I moved the geysers on the island back to opposite end (but made the platform a bit larger/made it look more natural due to my changing it to be rocky). I think it's best to leave the geysers exposed to attack from the ledge.


Edit: What do you think about the name "Lotus Prime"?

Yeah, I think that'll work. Can't wait to play on it! :D

"Lotus Prime" sounds good.


Effect said:

I though medics were actually replaced in SC2. Seems in this video they are actually in the single player.

Hmm. Maybe they are get upgraded to the medivac in the storyline early. If not I wonder why they aren't in the multiplayer.

To add to what people said, Medics in particular make a lot of sense for single player.. Medics allow them to have early levels without air units (as well as ground-only "squad" levels) and still have a way to heal your infantry.


For anyone that has messed with the editor is it possible to create an actual urban environment? So it looks like you are fighting through city streets and between buildings instead of an open field with buildings below the platform you're on?


Trasher said:
Dude! I had the same problem with mine within the first month of getting it last year (when the new MBP's had just came out). Well it is now two winters ago, not quite two years yet though. Started crashing on me while playing WoW (in Naxx lawl), and even sometimes while just simply surfing the internet. Kernels ftl. Had major cooling issues with the fans which apparently stemmed from this logic board issue. Since I sent it in to get fixed though I have yet to have a problem with it.

@Corran: I agree dude. Would be nice to see what exactly everyone is doing. For example: if you see someone in a ladder game then you might not invite them to a Convo so they aren't interrupted. We should all just add one another as real friends. :lol I noticed that my real friends are never wiped even when Blizz wipes everything for a new patch.

"Logic board issue" is Apple speak for "fried GPU".
MrMister said:
Trisect Canyon

Questions: Is there a reason there are two ramps for the top player to defend? It looks like the other players only have one ramp (the roads are doubled up on the top). And also are those black looking things wrecked building doodads? (another question: Do you know how to rotate doodads quickly without double clicking them and clicking the rotate button?)

Looks like a fun map, the layout definitely lends itself to a quick FFA game.

Edit: Some other questions after inspecting Scrap Station for some texture references...


Effect said:
For anyone that has messed with the editor is it possible to create an actual urban environment? So it looks like you are fighting through city streets and between buildings instead of an open field with buildings below the platform you're on?

I don't think SC2 is tactical in the same way as Company of Heroes or Dawn of War 2... if you want that kind of unit level dynamics, definitely check out those games, especially Company of Heroes.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Trasher said:
@Corran: I agree dude. Would be nice to see what exactly everyone is doing. For example: if you see someone in a ladder game then you might not invite them to a Convo so they aren't interrupted. We should all just add one another as real friends. :lol I noticed that my real friends are never wiped even when Blizz wipes everything for a new patch.

Yep I noticed this too. Was nice to have them still there. We should share email addys for this feature but it also gives out your RL name so I can see if some people wouldnt want to.

This isnt the best example since this zerg wasnt that great and I cant micro that well to hold my base better....but void ray rushes against Zerg on short maps is a little hard for the zerg to fight back unless they tech straight to Hydras:
Think any nerfs happening to this soon? I seem to always win with this, only thing they can do is try to scout with overlord to see but I can also just shoot it down with stalker slow and hope it doesnt see


Unconfirmed Member
All I do is play Terran players in 1v1 who always come after me with MMM. Half the time I win, half the time I lose. All depends on how well they're build order works I guess. Still can't figure out how to counter it with Protoss aside from hoping I can get a Colossus up before they attack.


Yaweee said:
When you say "wall off", do you mean making a single aisle and blocking it with a zealot, or fully walling yourself off? I also do the first option, but I'm thinking the latter might be rather effective if I'm massing stalkers/immortals/collosi, especially if I can fully enclose an expansion as well (as in LT, Steppes, or that other 4player temple-ish map).

Single aisle. Blocking off fully seems to be a bad idea for Protoss in my experience as it gives the opponent ample reason to expand since you aren't getting out anytime soon. It takes a long time for zerglings to break through a zealot wall if they are only attacking 2-3 at a time. Not only that they usually try to run past so you get like 4 free dead zerglings most of the time :lol.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ahoyhoy said:
All I do is play Terran players in 1v1 who always come after me with MMM. Half the time I win, half the time I lose. All depends on how well they're build order works I guess. Still can't figure out how to counter it with Protoss aside from hoping I can get a Colossus up before they attack.

Have you tried high temps? Terran players avoid mech builds against Protoss because of how hard the immortal counters them. Going a high temp build keeps you safer against MMM in the early/mid game because you'll have more warp gates, although it is a bit more risk/reward than Colossus in the late game.


ahoyhoy said:
All I do is play Terran players in 1v1 who always come after me with MMM. Half the time I win, half the time I lose. All depends on how well they're build order works I guess. Still can't figure out how to counter it with Protoss aside from hoping I can get a Colossus up before they attack.

Try storm out. I used to try colossus but they would usually focus fire him down with the marauders pretty quickly. I usually go with chargelots, a few stalkers, sentries and HT. Use barriers to cut off an escape path and storm em to death. Guardian Shield is also your friend against this ranged damage.


MrMister said:
"Trisect Canyon"

I will officially request MOAR FUCKING 3 PLAYER MAPS.

I tried to make a few, but symmetry was an issue. I can make a symmetric 1v1 or 2v2 or etc., but no option to rotate arbitrarily or by 60 degrees makes 3v3 or 1v1v1 stuff hard.

Of course, none of the maps I made LOOK good - no doodads and no texture work. But they're functional. I probably won't try a polished map until we're able to publish / share.

With that said, can I get a copy of Trisect Canyon to diddle with?

(And can you edit the standard maps? I tried opening them up but the editor won't find them in the maps folder or in any of the cache folders...)


Had my first win! :D :D I think I'm finally getting the hang of this :lol I've uploaded the replay. I think I found where replays are stored on a Mac:

"/Users/[your username]/Documents/Blizzard/StarCraft II Beta/Replays/Recent"


"/Users/[your username]/Documents/Blizzard/StarCraft II Beta/Replays/Multiplayer"

It's almost an hour & a half :lol


Let me know if you guys are able to watch it. Too much awesome to describe here :lol

Oh & how to you get user-created maps?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Corran Horn said:
This isnt the best example since this zerg wasnt that great and I cant micro that well to hold my base better....but void ray rushes against Zerg on short maps is a little hard for the zerg to fight back unless they tech straight to Hydras:
Think any nerfs happening to this soon? I seem to always win with this, only thing they can do is try to scout with overlord to see but I can also just shoot it down with stalker slow and hope it doesnt see
This is just how Zerg is at the end of the day. You have to tech into Tier 2 fast and get some kind of anti-air up.

You don't need Hydras. Guy could have had Spore Crawlers. He had an evolution pit up the whole time. The alternative is going air himself. It isn't as though there are no air counters for Zerg. You just have to be actively seeking them as soon as you can.
Time to go through a lot of links in the OP. I played the first game about 7 years ago and besides that I've always been a C&C player and I'm getting destroyed. Played 2 of my 5 available practice games and have been completely overwhelmed each time.

First time I was rushed by the zerg before I even knew how to play the Protoss which I figured out right when they showed up and the second time I played as the Zerg and was overwhelmed by Protoss air units. Couldn't figure out which guys I could use to destroy air. Gonna be a long learning process with this one.

It's nice that Amazon sent me my key the day the Mac beta came out. Perfect timing.

Is there any way to watch my replays outside of the game? Going over to a friends house but don't want to install the game to my laptop.


Neo Member
Olivero said:
Well boys and girls, if you've been dual booting to play SC2, might as well keep doing it. Mac client sucks something hard.

Same settings on my Snow Leopard install compared to my Windows 7 nets me a fps of 22 compared to 54-75.
No AA to be seen.
Laggy, laggy, laggy.

Edit: Don't be a dummy like me! Make sure to use "Better graphics" in your energy saver preference pane. A 9600 GT makes a world of difference compared to a 9400! Macbook Pros only.

I did the switch, played a game, and then immediately went back to check it because I was convinced it was somehow still in the "better battery life" mode... alas, it was not :( Oh well, really not too big of a deal, hopefully they'll be optimizing it.


Mudkips said:
I will officially request MOAR FUCKING 3 PLAYER MAPS.

I tried to make a few, but symmetry was an issue. I can make a symmetric 1v1 or 2v2 or etc., but no option to rotate arbitrarily or by 60 degrees makes 3v3 or 1v1v1 stuff hard.

Of course, none of the maps I made LOOK good - no doodads and no texture work. But they're functional. I probably won't try a polished map until we're able to publish / share.

With that said, can I get a copy of Trisect Canyon to diddle with?

(And can you edit the standard maps? I tried opening them up but the editor won't find them in the maps folder or in any of the cache folders...)
I'll upload all my maps as soon as I'm done making the next one later tonight.
Standard maps are not editable as far as I can tell.

MisterAnderson said:
Questions: Is there a reason there are two ramps for the top player to defend? It looks like the other players only have one ramp (the roads are doubled up on the top). And also are those black looking things wrecked building doodads? (another question: Do you know how to rotate doodads quickly without double clicking them and clicking the rotate button?)

Looks like a fun map, the layout definitely lends itself to a quick FFA game.

Edit: Some other questions after inspecting Scrap Station for some texture references...


It's slightly easier to wall off a non-diagonal ramp so I made two to compensate, plus the top player has two diagonal ramps to defend toward the expansions.
Yes, those black things are wrecked building doodads. I've been trying to find a rotate doodad key myself. :lol
I believe the lines are called decals under doodads I believe.
The random squares are called Terran Tarmac under doodads.
Ashhong said:
except i already said it runs better on Windows 7 in Bootcamp, which has been said by other testers as well.

que que?

just wondering how shitty even 1 generation older laptops play the game

well for what it's worth, starcraft and warcraft 3 always ran better in windows on the same hardware. In particular, a netbook running OSX actually couldnt play it in OSX but had no problems in windows with the same hardware.

It not being a real mac shouldnt be an issue because most of the early netbooks have all mac parts except for the cpu. (i was referring to a dell mini 9, even running gmabooster and overclocking the cpu on both osx/win)

Also for the record I have a recent macbook pro C2D 13" with integrated obviously, and sc/wc3 ran better on bootcamp. Could be a blizzard/driver/directx vs opengl thing.
by the way, just wanted to chime in and say i'm very impressed by misteranderson and mrmister's maps.

Looks like "mister" is code for being good with the mister map editor :)
Here's my Blood Bath remake so far:





As you can see I added one geyser to your main base (since that's the standard in SC2) but in addition I made one of the small mineral clusters a high yield, and also put one geyser next to it.

It's been a while since I played SC1, I was wondering if in the original's diamond center if that terrain used is walkable or not? As in, do units need to walk around that center section or they can just walk across? I wasn't sure, so I created 4 spaces in the center to make the center not so straightforward, and it gives some interesting micro opportunities to take advantage of those spaces in the center should a fight break out there.

I'm also curious as to if 2v2 games were played top vs bottom or left vs right?

Anyway any feedback would be great, and keep in mind the textures are no where near done.


MisterAnderson said:
Here's my Blood Bath remake so far:

It's been a while since I played SC1, I was wondering if in the original's diamond center if that terrain used is walkable or not? As in, do units need to walk around that center section or they can just walk across? I wasn't sure, so I created 4 spaces in the center to make the center not so straightforward, and it gives some interesting micro opportunities to take advantage of those spaces in the center should a fight break out there.

I'm also curious as to if 2v2 games were played top vs bottom or left vs right?

Anyway any feedback would be great, and keep in mind the textures are no where near done.

I think it was walkable (although the tiny center square looks like it isn't)

As for 2v2, 2v2 placement was random in the original starcraft I think...
webrunner said:
I think it was walkable (although the tiny center square looks like it isn't)

As for 2v2, 2v2 placement was random in the original starcraft I think...

Well in that case, do you think the map is better suited for random 2v2 or a specific direction?
Top Bottom