Aesthet1c said:Anybody have any advice for a Zerg noob? I'm failing pretty badly...
My current strat is 13 pool, 15 hatch, gas, roach, lair. From there I'll work on massing hydra's and muta's. I'm doing pretty decent at scouting their expansions and knocking them out.. but it seems like any time our forces meet, no matter how many hydra's or muta's I have, I get demolished. I must be doing something wrong...
Some tips from a fellow hydralisk... some stream of consciousness is coming so bear with me a bit.
I used to use a similar build to what you have above but have found towards higher levels of play it can be a little slow. I primarily play 2v2, so you may have better success in 1v1 with it, but either way I'd be ready with a sunken or two and good queen micro to hold off early rushes.
The biggest fear always, the thing I find myself most afraid of as zerg, are air rushes. If you are not tier 2 (Lair), then you really just don't have anti-air. If you are financially surging then you can line your hatches with spore colonies but you will still be harassed and giving up map control for that. Instead, if I even suspect that an opponent is rushing air I will immediately jump to tier 2. It's always better to get that upgrade sooner, rather then later.
vs Terran the biggest worries I've seen are the early banshee rush, and the marine/marauder/medivac ball o' death. The banshee rush we've sort of already addressed above (and is honestly not terrible to prevent if you are mindful of it), but for everything else in the terran game you are going to have to use banelings or infestors (another unit that is traditionally challenging for zerg to use, but is very powerful).
Banelings not only eat through small bio units (marine mix, zealots to a degree, and holy cow they kill X numbers of lings... you fill in the X), but they are also great at busting through a terran wall in. Throw 5 banelings into the supply depot and run in your speedlings. I've had wonderful success rushing to that and attacking into a terran base that way.
vs Protoss you have an easier fight (IMO), but you must take advantage early and continue to push it. If you cut the hatchery out of the build you mentioned above, you can wind up with 7-8 roaches before the 5 minute mark (when the first 4 roaches from queen spawn pop). This is an extremely strong push into a protoss base, I've found. Great force field play from a sentry can make it difficult but you will traditionally do pretty well and knock the protoss on the defensive. Ideally they will switch to immortals and you will switch to mutalisks and continue to control the map and be aggressive. Always try to think one move ahead (ie- he will go immortals, and thus I should make mutalisks NOW.) If you let a protoss sit and macro/tech though you will lose a lot of the time. Stalker/Colossus/HT are pretty much a losing situation for zerg i've found.
All that aside though, the best tip I can give for new SC players is to a) play a lot of 1v1 obviously, and b) practice your macro game. I constantly tell my 2v2 partner that the best counter for pretty much everything is 150-200 food worth of units. You will win a lot at the lower-mid levels practicing map control and your macro game. Have a queen for each hatchery, continually spawn larva, continually use every larva you can, make sure you are always spending your minerals, lay down additional hatcheries if you just can't spend it fast enough... build, build, build. You are the swarm after all.
Any more specific questions let me know, otherwise hope it helps.