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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

Adent said:
I just lost a match but I don't know why. He attacked my base at the same time I attacked his. He was able to take out all my ground units and my 2 hives and a lot of my structures but I took out all his workers and went back to my base and took out his units there. Then I went back and was taking out his base. I saw he had a unit in by base and he attacked something then I lost. I still had a whole platoon of mutalisks. What did he take out that made it an instant loss for me even though I had the greater force?
When you run out of buildings you lose.


Not an asshole.
played my first ever real game as zerg and won, I guess I had learned how to play vicariously through watching so many games on husky and hd's channel :lol


Yaweee said:
Yeah, it is broken. Zealots are just outright useless against early Terran (Marauders and Reapers can kite them infinitely for the kill without taking any damage at all with rudimentary micro), and you need to rush to a Cybernetics Core and then pump out a stalker to have any chance of stopping a single reaper, at all. Then Marauders still manage to beat Stalkers cost for cost.

You don't make Zealots, you make one Stalker then go back to whatever you were doing. 1 Stalker kills 4 Reapers alone if he ever sends that many.

10 Pylon
10 Gate
Cyber Core as soon as Gate finishes
Chrono Boost Stalker

I've NEVER lost to Reaper rush since doing this and I am now top 10 Platinum

Hope this helps.

If he does the shitty 6 or 7 supply barracks reaper build he will get to you 30 seconds before your stalker comes out. Grab six probes and attack click them on the reaper.

As long as he doesn't kill more than 7 probes before your Stalker comes out your economy is better because they sacrifice a lot of economy to get one out that fast. If he kills 8 probes you're still even in economy so don't give up.


Vague said:
You don't make Zealots, you make one Stalker then go back to whatever you were doing. 1 Stalker kills 4 Reapers alone if he ever sends that many.

10 Pylon
10 Gate
Cyber Core as soon as Gate finishes
Chrono Boost Stalker

I've NEVER lost to Reaper rush since doing this and I am now top 10 Platinum

Hope this helps.

That might work against a regular FAST reaper build, but I don't see that being anywhere near powerful enough to stop the 7 rax that is becoming more common.


Yaweee said:
That might work against a regular FAST reaper build, but I don't see that being anywhere near powerful enough to stop the 7 rax that is becoming more common.

You replied too fast before I realized what I left off, see my edit. I play only Random and have failed a 6 rax reaper and successfully defended them before.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
There is a 6 Rax -> Reaper strategy? How does that work? You take the 6th SCV and make a Barracks? At what point do you build a refinery to get the Vespene Gas to build Reapers? Even if you got out a Barracks that quickly, wouldn't it be pointless unless you had at least 50 gas?
Zefah said:
There is a 6 Rax -> Reaper strategy? How does that work? You take the 6th SCV and make a Barracks? At what point do you build a refinery to get the Vespene Gas to build Reapers? Even if you got out a Barracks that quickly, wouldn't it be pointless unless you had at least 50 gas?

I actually think you build a refinery first and then a barracks, that way you have 25 gas as soon as the barracks is built and you can get a tech lab. And yeah the way the strat goes is you don't build a single SCV your 7th supply would be a Reaper and you'd just keep building Reapers until you win or you fail, in which case you better start building some SCVs, lol.

Edit: 25 gas


MisterAnderson said:
I actually think you build a refinery first and then a barracks, that way you have 50 gas as soon as the barracks is built and you can get a tech lab. And yeah the way the strat goes is you don't build a single SCV your 7th supply would be a Reaper and you'd just keep building Reapers until you win or you fail, in which case you better start building some SCVs, lol.

if you start the refinery at the same time or just a little after you start a rax you can get 25 gas up by the time the rax is done if you put 3 SCV on it. that gives you enough for the tech lab. you should also have 50 gas by the time the tech lab is done. your mineral supply is going to be so dead...


Blizzard is currently holding a QA chat. Here's a link to the questions they've answered so far: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=24630604051

Q. Do you plan to implement 3v3 and 4v4 match-ups at some point during the beta? If so, when?
A. We do intend to release 3v3 and 4v4 matchmaking in the beta around the middle of May. We will likely limit the number of maps because we still want players to primarily focus on 1v1 games to continue to help test balance.
Q: Last Dev Chat, Terran was behind in all 1v1 and 2v2 matchups. How do the racial matchup numbers look now? Any outlier matchups?
A: We have several tools to measure race balance. The simplest is the win loss by race, factored by leagues. In Platinum and Gold leagues the numbers look like this.

Terrans vs. Protoss 46% - 54%
Protoss vs. Zerg 51% - 49%
Terrans vs. Zerg 51% - 49%

I do not have the more interesting numbers that factor for player skill. The last time I saw these numbers Zerg were ahead of Protoss, Protoss were ahead of Terrans and Terrans and Zerg were fairly even.

Obviously there is a lot more work to be done and more beta time in front of us but we are very pleased with the current numbers.


relies on auto-aim
Q. Currently, FPS UMS maps are viable but prevented by lag. Are there any plans to reduce Battle.net 2.0's minimum latency from 250ms?
A. In the newest patch latency network turns have been reduced to125ms latency. We'd love to see an FPS-like custom map in the beta as soon as publishing is available!
If this reduction is true this is really something great.
Q: Do you feel that micro needs to play more of a role in SC2? Will moving shot be re-introduced?
A: I don't that we need MORE micro in SC2. We have a ton of it. But we are always looking to make the game more fun. A large number of units do drift in SC2 as they shoot (I assume that is what you are asking about). However our engine is a lot more precise than the original StarCraft so when you tell a unit to do something, it does it. We did find a few units this week that we felt were less responsive than we wanted (Hellion for example) and we will be making some changes to make them more responsive in a future patch.

It is a different game, we did make a new engine. We will never be able to dupblicate the controls of the original StarCraft exactly.
Q. Are there plans for a "Do Not Disturb" option that prevents incoming messages from showing?
A. Yes. You will have options when StarCraft II officially launches to turn off incoming messages and prevent toasts while playing the game. This may not be available in the beta prior to release.
We think Force Field is a fun ability that has a lot of great uses that introduces a ton of new strategy into the game. We worry that it might be a little powerful. We are looking at some nerfs to the Sentry to create a higher cost for Protoss players who choose to bring too many Sentrys to a fight.


relies on auto-aim
SuperAndroid17 said:
the fuck? nobody asked them about CHAT ROOMS?

god damn
They answered before and they said there will be groups (like Steam) and group chat (like Steam) but have planned no open based chat channels.

Q: Are there any plans to change the current high ground advantage to the Wacraft III/StarCraft mechanic or other alternatives?
A: No. We like the high ground rules and we think they are cool for StarCraft II. The random high ground from StarCraft just didn't seem right for a such a skill based game. The clarity of "if you can see, you can shoot" makes a lot more sense to us.
Q. Will there be any more voice acting changes for the units and such before the final release?
A. No, the actors are final, though we may choose different "takes" they did in the studio or change some of the processing on their audio.
Poor Zerg players :lol
Q: Please please please let us, excited mac users, know when we can expect the client to be available on the EU realm.
A: We're targeting next Monday to release the European English, French, and German versions of the StarCraft II Mac beta. :)


Anyone up for a couple games later tonight? I'll be on around 10:15, central time. I was really shaky at first, but I've caught on real quick and am doing alright now. Message me here or on bnet @ preservative.fruit
Hazaro said:
They answered before and they said there will be groups (like Steam) and group chat (like Steam) but have planned no open based chat channels.


Poor Zerg players :lol

Looks like they're taking a step back in the wrong direction, I'm very dissapointed. Why couldn't they have Clan channels like wc3? How stupid

Even now , I feel like im disconnected from the community. Log in and get into games... how fucking social.


Ok GAF I need help here, I've seemingly won a game but it's not ending these 2 guys are still in and everything is practically gone. What the hell am I missing.Check the screenshot out


Deadly said:
Ok GAF I need help here, I've seemingly won a game but it's not ending these 2 guys are still in and everything is practically gone. What the hell am I missing.Check the screenshot out

:lol at having time to post screenshots while still playing. Don't let them out-wait you!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SuperAndroid17 said:
Looks like they're taking a step back in the wrong direction, I'm very dissapointed. Why couldn't they have Clan channels like wc3? How stupid

Even now , I feel like im disconnected from the community. Log in and get into games... how fucking social.

Yeah. I really, really dislike that they apparently don't plan to have chat rooms. Sure the new Battle.net interface is slick and match-making is great, but I would really like to see chat rooms.


FromTheFuture said:
I noticed you haven't checked the top left corner.
Yeah it was a starport in the top left corner. Why the fuck wasn't it revealed? No way was I going to lose that game :lol


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Deadly said:
Yeah it was a starport in the top left corner. Why the fuck wasn't it revealed? No way was I going to lose that game :lol
Lifted off units count as buildings.

Yeah it's completely stupid but OMG GAME MECHANIC L2P.


Deadly said:
Yeah it was a starport in the top left corner. Why the fuck wasn't it revealed? No way was I going to lose that game :lol

Congrats on the win :D

I am glad you found that. I understand people being competitive, but doing immature moves like that (hiding a building) means your SC win/loss ratio means a little too much to you.


Btw, just call me the "Bronze League Baller" :lol . Just put together a 3 game 1v1 win streak.

I should really relish this moment. Because in SC1 I think I won about 3 games on Bnet total in about 2 years. :lol


scoobs said:
I think its a limitation of the engine code right now... hopefully itll be included in the retail
IMO The game looks amazing even without AA, I mean I don't even notice jaggies half the time! :D
(Then again this probably only applies if you're running at Ultra-Extreme graphics.)


MisterAnderson said:
First things first...let's get some multi-core support. Seriously.

The article at Tom's Hardware suggest it has some multi-core support.

Tom's Hardware said:
Clearly, the game's performance is tied closely to clock speed. Having said that, playable performance can be achieved even at 2 GHz on a Phenom II X4 CPU, with a minimum frame rate of just under 20 FPS. Let's see if the number of CPU cores has much of an impact on performance.


The number of CPU cores has less of an effect than clock rate, although there is a clear performance deficit once a single CPU core is used.

This article's benchmark numbers have come into question. Not that I care.
I was told if I pre-order this I'll get a beta code. So if I went to Gamestop tomorrow and put down $5 would I be able to play the beta when I got home?


mbmonk said:
Congrats on the win :D

I am glad you found that. I understand people being competitive, but doing immature moves like that (hiding a building) means your SC win/loss ratio means a little too much to you.

seriously I hate fuckers who, when they know they are gonna lose will build random buildings all over the map to prevent the inevitable.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Zyzyxxz said:
seriously I hate fuckers who, when they know they are gonna lose will build random buildings all over the map to prevent the inevitable.
haha worst was when this dude I was playing against destroyed all my workers and I didnt have enough resources to make any more, he floated out his starports, I only had a ground army and we waiting around for 30 mins or so before he quit.


NovemberMike said:
That just suggests that the system runs faster with more cores enabled. It might be that cores 3 and 4 are being used to help you stream porn, not play SC2.

I think that is a fair point. Now I would just refer you to the last sentence in my previous post :lol


SuperAndroid17 said:
Looks like they're taking a step back in the wrong direction, I'm very dissapointed. Why couldn't they have Clan channels like wc3? How stupid

Even now , I feel like im disconnected from the community. Log in and get into games... how fucking social.

If it's really like Steam, then you will have Clan channels. No open chat still sucks though.
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