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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


Ok zerg players I need a bit of help. Can anyone recommend a good replay of a good player that shows his first 10-15 mins of early game play.
I'm still messing around with things to work out what is effective against what, but even though my early game seems to be quite solid (build wise) i need to get an idea of things like, when to expand, how many lings/roaches are enough and when to start the push to tier 2 stuff.
Whats crazy is i'm finding i get out produced by terran at the moment and protoss can match my production rate (regards power,not numbers)
I tend to build like this
Spawning pool
extractor @15ish
Overlord @16

Then i'm starting to get indecisive. before getting the queen I will get 2 x Lings, but then stumble, ive tried putting up 2 spin crawlers and find them very useful. That with the queen and lings holds any early push.
Roachs i'm just undecided on. They just feel ineffective against the early units that toss and terran produce.
I've tried with banelings early but feel they are a bit of a waste. I try to push early for Hydras which sometimes helps as I can get a nydus up around the same time and beat a slow opponent, but if they know what they are doing, i'm either rushed by ALOT of terran marine/marauders or get bashed by a large number of blinking stalkers.
Any suggestions?
spazzfish said:
Ok zerg players I need a bit of help. Can anyone recommend a good replay of a good player that shows his first 10-15 mins of early game play.
I'm still messing around with things to work out what is effective against what, but even though my early game seems to be quite solid (build wise) i need to get an idea of things like, when to expand, how many lings/roaches are enough and when to start the push to tier 2 stuff.
Whats crazy is i'm finding i get out produced by terran at the moment and protoss can match my production rate (regards power,not numbers)
I tend to build like this
Spawning pool
extractor @15ish
Overlord @16

Then i'm starting to get indecisive. before getting the queen I will get 2 x Lings, but then stumble, ive tried putting up 2 spin crawlers and find them very useful. That with the queen and lings holds any early push.
Roachs i'm just undecided on. They just feel ineffective against the early units that toss and terran produce.
I've tried with banelings early but feel they are a bit of a waste. I try to push early for Hydras which sometimes helps as I can get a nydus up around the same time and beat a slow opponent, but if they know what they are doing, i'm either rushed by ALOT of terran marine/marauders or get bashed by a large number of blinking stalkers.
Any suggestions?
Here is a huge replay pack from one of the best Zergs.


Deadly said:
Who are the copper/bronze league gaffers anyways?! The only ones I have on my list and usually see on are Alumnus, valenti, vautrin, kamina and they are all platinum league so I don't even dare play with them. Sorry guys I'd just suck compared to you and feel bad about slowing you down :lol

Im in copper, dunno who else though. instro.instro
Deadly said:
Who are the copper/bronze league gaffers anyways?! The only ones I have on my list and usually see on are Alumnus, valenti, vautrin, kamina and they are all platinum league so I don't even dare play with them. Sorry guys I'd just suck compared to you and feel bad about slowing you down :lol

I'm in copper league. Nickname on there is GUITARNINJA. Identifier is WHOA.
Deadly said:
Who are the copper/bronze league gaffers anyways?! The only ones I have on my list and usually see on are Alumnus, valenti, vautrin, kamina and they are all platinum league so I don't even dare play with them. Sorry guys I'd just suck compared to you and feel bad about slowing you down :lol

Bronze represent! Been a bit busy lately so haven't been on as much.



Copper here....


Sucks I feel like i work my way up to around rank 5 and then get my rear handed to me back down to around 10 again.


cramcakes said:
Tips on fighting cannon cheese with zerg, since that's all Protoss players in bronze can do? :(

Get an earlier pool, or scout out your base better and attack the probe/pylon with drones.


Yaweee said:
Get an earlier pool, or scout out your base better and attack the probe/pylon with drones.

Even when I find early, can't seem to break it. What's best to hold it back? My own static def or get to hydras quick?

edit: It seems I always find it when second cannon is finishing. Just go in with lings and drones at that point?
cramcakes said:
Even when I find early, can't seem to break it. What's best to hold it back? My own static def or get to hydras quick?

edit: It seems I always find it when second cannon is finishing. Just go in with lings and drones at that point?
You should be finding it earlier than that. Scout early (As Protoss I scout at 9) and you should be able to tell if they are doing some sort of cheese - then you can quickly look around/near your base for Cannons/Gateways/whatever.


cramcakes said:
Even when I find early, can't seem to break it. What's best to hold it back? My own static def or get to hydras quick?

edit: It seems I always find it when second cannon is finishing. Just go in with lings and drones at that point?

If you scout your own base early enough you should always be able to hold this off. Chase with a lone drone if you seem a probe come in, and just get lings out early, since they're fast enough to catch a probe and kill it.

It's totally frustrating at first but once you get the hang of knowing if you've got something in your base or not, it becomes completely manageable and generally lets you punish your opponent for trying it soon after.


cramcakes said:
Even when I find early, can't seem to break it. What's best to hold it back? My own static def or get to hydras quick?

edit: It seems I always find it when second cannon is finishing. Just go in with lings and drones at that point?

Spread out your first couple overlords around your base plateau if you are playing protoss. Have the first one cover the ramp, watch your mini-map, and send your second to a farther out edge. Honestly the best way is just not let it happen.

If you see a suspicious probe that is trying to get to a corner, send one drone after it. If he starts building a pylon, stick 3 drones on it and let them beat on it for a while. If you aren't super late pooling (pool at 10-13 should be ok), crank lings and add them to taking out whatever's left of that pylon.

After you stop it, use your queen for more larva and just crank lings and send them to his house. There's a good chance he won't be able to stop it between wasted economy and going (or trying to go) forge first. You probably have an easy win at that point.


cramcakes said:
Tips on fighting cannon cheese with zerg, since that's all Protoss players in bronze can do? :(

Someone tried this against me just now actually :lol, I was terran though. I was a bit caught off guard at first, but luckily I managed to catch the first stuff going up in my base and get rid of it with SCV's and marines.

Got me worried when I saw him building outside my base, but at that point my ramp was already walled off and I had marauders and marines defending. Im guessing he wasnt prepared for a reaper counter attack cause I snuck 4 out the back of my base and wiped out everything he had at his original base. It was basically over after that.

Question though, what Protoss building does the upgrade for warp gates? Is it the Forge?

Anyway 4 in row for me now, gotta keep the streak alive! :D


I really hope they fix the PvT match ups. I hate having to go rushing to core 100% of the time vs terran just incase they go reapers.
Everytime I exit the game, it freezes and I wind up having to restart my computer. Anyone else having similar problems? It started immediately after I downloaded the last game.


PhoenixDark said:
Everytime I exit the game, it freezes and I wind up having to restart my computer. Anyone else having similar problems? It started immediately after I downloaded the last game.

Yeah its been doing that since the last update, you should be able to crtl-alt-del out of it though when it freezes. Also what works is logging out, before exiting the game, and it doesnt freeze, or at least it hasnt frozen on me since I started doing that.


Ferrio said:
I really hope they fix the PvT match ups. I hate having to go rushing to core 100% of the time vs terran just incase they go reapers.

Eh, I don't think that's going to happen. There will always be match-ups, in which skipping your most basic unit is necessary.


Won said:
Eh, I don't think that's going to happen. There will always be match-ups, in which skipping your most basic unit is necessary.

I agree... but ~99% of the time the terran is going to know I'm going to go core. Doesn't even have to scout to know that, which makes it quite boring for a prot and gives quite an advantage for the terran player.


Junior Member
Ferrio said:
I really hope they fix the PvT match ups. I hate having to go rushing to core 100% of the time vs terran just incase they go reapers.

Because they go reapers. And what's so bad about rushing to it, it means you have some tech going early on. Also, you'll have to get the feeling of what seeing a baracks at which point means. Scout early, scout early.


Ferrio said:
I agree... but ~99% of the time the terran is going to know I'm going to go core. Doesn't even have to scout to know that, which makes it quite boring for a prot and gives quite an advantage for the terran player.

Advantage? If you counter the fast reapers, you are in the lead.


So I've applied the frame rate settings change and this game still shuts down my computer every time I play. If I play on lower graphical settings will that help?
Infestors and/or banelings do the trick most of the time.

Thanks for the zerg scouting advice, guys. Sounds like I just need to be okay with losing a few OVs and overseers occasionally. I'm pretty horrible at pumping them out in a timely manner so I'm always scared of getting supply blocked. I think if I get on my game about building a proper excess of supply I can afford to be more proactive with them.

I got lucky in placement and got stuck in Gold again but I'm determined not to lose it this time!


In Gold top 10 in league (i move up and down). I play gold kids and destroy them then blizzard puts me up against platinum kids and i lose 75%. Just put me in platinum blizzard gold is too easy.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
kingslunk said:
In Gold top 10 in league (i move up and down). I play gold kids and destroy them then blizzard puts me up against platinum kids and i lose 75%. Just put me in platinum blizzard gold is too easy.

Seems like you're where you should be. If you lose 75% of the time against Platinum players than you shouldn't be in Platinum.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Pai Pai Master said:
Yeah but he's probably not able to improve much playing against gold players.

So he improves while playing against the Platinum players?


Not an asshole.
I'm in for the bronze league tournament! We should set up a prize some how. 50 dollar best buy gift card or something?
Deadly said:
Who are the copper/bronze league gaffers anyways?! The only ones I have on my list and usually see on are Alumnus, valenti, vautrin, kamina and they are all platinum league so I don't even dare play with them. Sorry guys I'd just suck compared to you and feel bad about slowing you down :lol
I don't mind playing with anyone. Feel free to just ask if you want to play with me (I'm Alumnus) and maybe we can learn a little something from each other :D


will learn eventually
Oh god me and my friend just proxy rax-ed and 8pooled us to the first place in our divison (bronze).

It feels so bad, but yet so good :lol


cramcakes said:
Even when I find early, can't seem to break it. What's best to hold it back? My own static def or get to hydras quick?

edit: It seems I always find it when second cannon is finishing. Just go in with lings and drones at that point?

im 85% positive range on a cannon is same as range on a spien crawler, that being said, when cannon cheesing people usually buidl first couple cannons out of sight, then slowly build into your base, right? well once you realize they ARE building, you can build spine crawlers out of their current distance, and between your hatchery/extractor/droneline and the cannons, and they can't advance the cannon line any further than the range of those crawlers.

options now are to go fast mutas, or possibly an overlord drop, either one gets your units into his base without dying to his cannons. hopefully you have enough of an eco advantage by this point


relies on auto-aim
ZealousD said:
Honestly, much of this post seems like horseshit to me. Yeah, the editor is a bit confusing to understand and and the layout could be better. But he goes off on a lot of bogus tangents (complaining about the voice acting, b.net 2.0).

But people are already making awesome maps with the thing. Shmups, Tetris, FPS's, Third-Person Shooters. Even a survival horror game! You can do practically anything with it! And he's already swearing it off because he doesn't want to take the time to learn it.
He goes off there because it relates to him and who he is.

He is talking more about the modding than the mapping. Those examples are more slight alterations that were semi easily available.
I don't think he is lazy, look at his mods ffs. But he says that he isn't willing to work with something so exasperating as the editor in its current state for months or YEARS to work on a mod.
bluemax said:
So I've applied the frame rate settings change and this game still shuts down my computer every time I play. If I play on lower graphical settings will that help?

Not sure what your exact problem is, but if your computer is totally shutting down while playing that might suggest your power supply can't handle your system when its being pushed. Turning down the graphics might help.
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