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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Feep said:
My APM was hovering around 75ish. Now that I look around on the internets, it turns out that isn't very good. :lol :lol :lol

It's not enough to get you into the Pro league, but that's still pretty good. I'm about Rank 20 Gold and mine hovers around 50.

That being said, APM alone won't win you battles at that level. Start studying replays of other player's matches and your own. Learn your counters and basic build orders. Even just a little bit of studying will get you far.


So played some 2v2 with a friend (P [me]+Z)

Staring using a fair few High Templars in my army. My god Psi Storming enemy masses just wtffacestomp's things.

Now I know they don't stack on top of eachother, but they are only 4s long and the enemy can move so I can just psi storm around the place. and watch their hp take a good beating. They are obviously mixed in with Zealot's and other stuff. I generally take the ground and he's has a nice bundle of Corruptors for the air with Broodlords to help. Gotta say, works very well.

Also I chuck in a handful of Archons which get focused but they draw fire away from the other stuff and they do a fair bit of dmg with splash. They are especially awesome against zerg since all their stuff is Bio.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
New Replay analyzer




Some graphs for yall! Dunno how well this is though, just kinda testing it while writing a paper :lol


Sweet, I'm finally learning a little bit of strategy. My friend Leah is staying with me for a week, and she just crushed me in two consecutive battles. My tech-to-air and own bitches with Void Rays gets DESTROYED against Stalkers with Blink, because the beams never charge.

Extremely basic simplification, things I see with scout (PvP):

1) Only one gas for an extended period of time. This might imply that the player is going to Zealot rush me, as they aren't interested in teching up anytime soon.

Defense: Proton Cannons? Use ramp as chokepoint?

2) Stargate coming out fast. Teching up to air, presumably to Void Ray fuck me up.

Defense: Also tech to air, build Phoenixes? Or crank out Stalkers and research Blink? How do P. Cannons do against V.R.s?

3) Robotics Bay coming up fast. Since Colossi kick ass, I can assume that they're going to roll this.

Defense: I don't know, Colossi seem so fucking awesome. Help?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The first thing to know about PvP is when the Cybernetics Core goes up. In PvP you should always go for double gateway before Cybernetics Core. Chrono Boosted zealots out of two gateways can easily crush any opponent that gets the CC before another Gateway.


Unconfirmed Member
Yaweee said:
Like Sarye said, you don't need three starports for mass Vikings.

Remember, you Reactors and Tech Labs are completely interchangeable between all Terran buildings. Build a Reactor with your Factor as soon as it finishes, then float it away and let your newly built Starport claim the Reactor for Mass Viking pumpage.

Really? I never would have thought of trying that.


Corran Horn said:
I have to close steam everything I play SC2 because Ill get messages on it and tab me out of SC2, thats annoying :(
There's a better solution. Set SC2 from Fullscreen to Windowed (Fullscreen) now you can alt tab out of the game without any hassle. It acts like it's windowed so you can tab instantly, but it's still completely fullscreen.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
msv said:
There's a better solution. Set SC2 from Fullscreen to Windowed (Fullscreen) now you can alt tab out of the game without any hassle. It acts like it's windowed so you can tab instantly, but it's still completely fullscreen.
I do for streaming but while in windowed mode, if i alt-tab SC2 is still running at windowed my video card runs at loud full speed, when its fullscreen and I alt-tab video card doesnt do that anymore. I alot of time just like to have SC2 open while waiting for games etc


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ice Monkey said:
thats a little misleading i think, dont ultras have like 6 or 7 armor after all their upgrades? zerglings would be lucky to get off 1 point of damage each hit at that point.

Not realistic, but possible. Reverse the situation and put 800 fully upgraded cracklings against one unupgraded Ultra and the Ultra will still kill 90 or so zerglings before going down.

Ice Monkey said:
thats a little misleading i think, dont ultras have like 6 or 7 armor after all their upgrades? zerglings would be lucky to get off 1 point of damage each hit at that point.

Yeah they weren't upgraded either.

Still fun to look at though.


WTF, I just got rocked by a 8 scv -> barracks reaper rush on lost temple.. my gateway only just finished by then.

This seems a bit ridiculous. Either I just go straight away for a gateway at 10 probes right after pylon which just might let me make a stalker in time.. (which is too early for the my probe scout to reach him after building the pylon to make an informed decision).... or I just lose the game? Granted his build was really really tight, but I guess you just have to make do with an early gateway on lost temple as protoss vs terran?


Totakeke said:
WTF, I just got rocked by a 8 scv -> barracks reaper rush on lost temple.. my gateway only just finished by then.

This seems a bit ridiculous. Either I just go straight away for a gateway at 10 probes right after pylon which just might let me make a stalker in time.. (which is too early for the my probe scout to reach him after building the pylon to make an informed decision).... or I just lose the game? Granted his build was really really tight, but I guess you just have to make do with an early gateway on lost temple as protoss vs terran?

yep, if ypu're keeping up to date on this thread people are recommending goesnt STRAIGHT to a chrono'd stalker in PvT. some of them even build their buildings beside their nexus, because the fastest possible stalker comes out 30 seconds after the fastest possible reaper.


mcrae said:
yep, if ypu're keeping up to date on this thread people are recommending goesnt STRAIGHT to a chrono'd stalker in PvT. some of them even build their buildings beside their nexus, because the fastest possible stalker comes out 30 seconds after the fastest possible reaper.

Hmm, I've only been reading the thread from the past 10 pages or so. Do they actually place the buildings to hinder reaper movement into the mineral lines or is it just to close the distance?


Black Canada Mafia
I have something like... 10? Beta codes available to give to people, some are in my girlfriends purse but there is one in front of me right now - do people still need it or does everyone have one by now?


Totakeke said:
Hmm, I've only been reading the thread from the past 10 pages or so. Do they actually place the buildings to hinder reaper movement into the mineral lines or is it just to close the distance?

Mainly just to close the distance, although it does help to block off some of the entrances to the minerals, but thats of more use against lings, reapers can just shoot over the minerals from the back. Also I like to build close to my nexus because it allows by probe to get back to mining really fast after warping in the buildings, which gives a little economic advantage. Not much, but hey, every little bit helps.

Against lings though, you can close off one end of the mineral line with your pylon/gateway/cyber with proper placement which means you can force them to run through where you want them to. You can have a zealot or two at that end waiting for them, and once they enter the mineral line, you can trap them inside with a probe wall and kill them really fast, because they can't just run out the other end of the mineral line.


When am I going to go beyond the bronze league? I've got 36 wins and am 1st place in the league.

Edit: lol nevermind, right after I posted this the very next game promoted me to silver.


Man, is there like some kind of money hack? Opponents had like around 20 zerglings each when I did a 11 pool with 8 zerglings. Good thing I had static defense.

But throughout the match, they had more units all the time with one expansion. I can't even see the replay because all players got dropped from bnet and the match didn't save.

Did anyone else get dropped from bnet? In my last 5 matches, I dropped twice.


iamblades said:
Mainly just to close the distance, although it does help to block off some of the entrances to the minerals, but thats of more use against lings, reapers can just shoot over the minerals from the back. Also I like to build close to my nexus because it allows by probe to get back to mining really fast after warping in the buildings, which gives a little economic advantage. Not much, but hey, every little bit helps.

Against lings though, you can close off one end of the mineral line with your pylon/gateway/cyber with proper placement which means you can force them to run through where you want them to. You can have a zealot or two at that end waiting for them, and once they enter the mineral line, you can trap them inside with a probe wall and kill them really fast, because they can't just run out the other end of the mineral line.

Hmm, okay, I guess I can see why some replays don't wall off at all now.

How do I check which battle net server I'm in? I'm borrowing my brother's account but he doesn't know that either.


A quick question against reaper rush:
Doesnt Forge + Photon Cannon come out faster than the one suggested? one or two well placed cannon saves you from the trouble of the first reaper, and you can go on with the usual build afterwards.

Of course, that would also mean that you have to build a forge instead the first Assimilator, and Gateway a 10-15 sec later, but the following build order would stay the same, and you could keep pumping out probes as cannons need no food.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I'm working on a SC2 glossary for the official thread. Am I missing anything major?

# Pool - eg 6 Pool, 13 Pool, etc. Refers to number of drones made before building a Spawning Pool. Variants of this term extend to other races, eg 10 Depot, 9 Pylon, etc.

_v_ - Refers to possible race matchups. eg, TvZ = Terran vs Zerg. PvP = Protoss vs Protoss.

APM - Short for Actions Per Minute. Refers to the number of clicks and button presses that a player performs in a single minute. Used as a measurement of a player's speed.

BM - Short for Bad Manners. Can refer to "rage quitting", insulting an opponent, etc.

Build Order - A general term to refer to the timing as to when certain structures and units are built.

CC - Short for either Command Center or Cybernetics Core.

Cheese - Refers to high risk/reward early game strategies, sometimes viewed as unorthodox. Most successful against newer players. If a cheese strategy fails, then the player executing the cheese usually lose. eg. Photon Cannon rushes, "Proxy" Gateways, "6 pool", etc.

Cracklings - Refers to Zerglings with the attack speed upgrade.

Dancing - A "micro" technique. Refers to a player attacking a unit, moving away, attacking, moving back, attacking, moving back, etc. Meant to maximize the damage given to a player while minimizing the damage received. May also refer to "getting down with it", or "doing a little jig".

FE - Short for Fast Expand. A strategy of building a mining expansion very early into the game. Most commonly associated with Zerg.

Gate - Short for Gateway. Not to be confused with Stargate.

GG - Short for Good Game. Most often said by a player when he concedes the match. If a player does not declare "GG" before leaving a match, or says it first when not intending to concede, it can be considered "BM", or rude.

GL HF - Short for Good Luck, Have Fun. A common greeting at the beginning of a match.

Harassment - Using hit-and-run attacks to damage, but not destroy, an opponent. Important units and structures are generally the target of harassment the most. For example, a player might "harass" an enemy by sending mutalisks to destroy a player's workers.

Hatch - Short for Hatchery.

Hydras - Short for Hydralisks.

Lings - Short for Zerglings.

Lots - Short for Zealots.

Macro - Refers to actions performed by the player that is centered around a player's base. "Macro" actions include things such as building units, building structures, researching upgrades, expanding, etc. A player with good macro is a player that manages their resources well.

Micro - Refers to actions performed by the player when he is controlling his army. Micro actions include focus firing, "dancing", getting units into position, "harassment", etc. A player with good "micro" generally gets to most out of their units.

MMM - Short for Marines, Marauders, and Medivacs. Common strategy of using a mass of basic Terran infantry units with healing and mobility backup from medivacs.

Mutas - Short for Mutalisks.

Proxy - Refers to building structures close to your enemy, usually far away from your main base. In the early game, it allows faster rushing, but is more risky if the rush fails. Protoss may build "proxy" pylons close to an enemy to allow for faster warp ins.

Rax / Racks - Short for Barracks.

Rines - Short for Marines.

Robo - Short for Robotics Bay.

Speedlings - Refers to Zerglings with the speed upgrade.

TL - Short for Team Liquid. A well-known professional/high-level Starcraft community.

U2 - Short for You Too. A common response to "GL HF". May also refer to an Irish rock band.

Ultras[/i] - Short for Ultralisks.

Wall Off - The strategy of building structures and units at your base's choke point to help guard against early rushes. For Terran, this usually means 2 supply depots with a barracks. For Protoss, this usually means making the choke even smaller with structures and then closing the choke with zealots in the hold position.


ZealousD said:
I'm working on a SC2 glossary for the official thread. Am I missing anything major?

Looks good, off the top of my head maybe:

BW - Brood War, see it thrown around a lot in comparisons.
Timing Push
MBS Multiple Building Select


relies on auto-aim
Since two of my Protoss buddies didn't know this I'll post it in the thread.

Chronoboost lowers the cooldown time of warp gates along with the transformation time.


Hazaro said:
Since two of my Protoss buddies didn't know this I'll post it in the thread.

Chronoboost lowers the cooldown time of warp gates along with the transformation time.

the transformation time is only a few seconds..seems like a waste. unless of course you then warp right away, then i guess the chrono helps the cooldown...


START DATE FOR TOURNAMENT WILL BE 17/5 (Monday). Games must be finished on Friday (22/5 since it is the first game you will have 5 days to play the games, after that 3 days)

Of course you can play your games before start date.


Totakeke said:
WTF, I just got rocked by a 8 scv -> barracks reaper rush on lost temple.. my gateway only just finished by then.

This seems a bit ridiculous. Either I just go straight away for a gateway at 10 probes right after pylon which just might let me make a stalker in time.. (which is too early for the my probe scout to reach him after building the pylon to make an informed decision).... or I just lose the game? Granted his build was really really tight, but I guess you just have to make do with an early gateway on lost temple as protoss vs terran?

Don't forget your probes can attack.


V_Arnold said:
A quick question against reaper rush:
Doesnt Forge + Photon Cannon come out faster than the one suggested? one or two well placed cannon saves you from the trouble of the first reaper, and you can go on with the usual build afterwards.

Of course, that would also mean that you have to build a forge instead the first Assimilator, and Gateway a 10-15 sec later, but the following build order would stay the same, and you could keep pumping out probes as cannons need no food.

Would kill your tech though, and you really need 3-4 cannons to protect a mineral line fully from reapers, while one stalker can do the job.

Also, even on the fastest rush distance maps you should be able to get the stalker out in plenty of time, even without chrono boost.

If the terran stays with the reaper harass after the first one is denied, then you may want to get an earlier forge and drop some cannons, but I would almost never reccomend a fast forge build vs terran.

A forge fast expand build can work against zerg, is risky against protoss, but its pretty much useless vs terran, MMs chew through cannons way too fast. You should never really make cannons early unless going for a fast expand, because as soon as your opponent sees your cannons, he will also fast expand, and because you've given up map control by spending resources on defense, you will be unable to stop him. Even if it is effective at stopping the initial reapers, you will be basically handing your opponent the game if he is even passable at macroing and teching up.


i disagree, i think even one cannon would deter any kind of reaper rush. at least long enough for you to get a stalker out. if im rushing reapers, its probably with 2. put 1 cannon in the middle of your line and you should be able to protect all of your probes. if there are a few that the reapers can hit, move them to a closer patch. you likely wont have 20+ probes so it will be ok

and i thought it was already established (well sort of, through replays) that the fastest stalker comes out a full 30 seconds or so after the fastest reaper?


Also quick note to NA gaf, if you like to do a tournament you can use:


* Brackets (which you can post on forums, own webpage which automatically updates when you do something).

* Different types of brackets (double elimination, round robin etc)

* Notifications to the participants using email

* Randomizer of the brackets so you don't know who you will be facing.

Not sure if there is more.


Gold Member
Corran Horn said:

Wow, actual hard proof that clicking aimless helps your APM in the beginning of the game!

Notice after the drop off how HayprO's APM's are able to go up to the 170s, but LucifroN who had no warm up, don't break 70 in the first two minutes, and his APM steadily incline during the first 5 mins instead of the established max like HayprO has. HayprO does get a bit lazy between the 2 and 5 minute mark though!


Minsc said:
Wow, actual hard proof that clicking aimless helps your APM in the beginning of the game!

Notice after the drop off how HayprO's APM's are able to go up to the 170s, but LucifroN who had no warm up, don't break 70 in the first two minutes, and his APM steadily incline during the first 5 mins instead of the established max like HayprO has. HayprO does get a bit lazy between the 2 and 5 minute mark though!

this proves nothing to me


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Was playing this guy 1v1 on the Space Station TvT, took off with the SCV's at the start to the island and began then to get up to Air, took a cloaked Banshee over early to take out his SCV's and then pretty much held back 10-20 mins while he sent troops all around the map to find me. About 30 mins in I was just pissing about building up a huge Air Force and then the guy is having a go at me for not attacking or doing anything :lol He wasn't expanding or anything just doing nothing but Marines and Marauders with seemingly no upgrades, he had the entire map basically until he tried to expand and I took them out.

Then went and called me all sorts of names claiming I was 'building up to 200 supply', I was 118 and had 3 Battlecruisers and a Swam of Banshee's and Vikings just wooping him. They were all upgraded to Level 3 too :lol

Cracked the shits at the end saying he was gonna upload it to a Pro league site.

I said go ahead, you're the one in the Cooper league with me :lol


VOOK said:
Was playing this guy 1v1 on the Space Station TvT, took off with the SCV's at the start to the island and began then to get up to Air, took a cloaked Banshee over early to take out his SCV's and then pretty much held back 10-20 mins while he sent troops all around the map to find me. About 30 mins in I was just pissing about building up a huge Air Force and then the guy is having a go at me for not attacking or doing anything :lol He wasn't expanding or anything just doing nothing but Marines and Marauders with seemingly no upgrades, he had the entire map basically until he tried to expand and I took them out.

Then went and called me all sorts of names claiming I was 'building up to 200 supply', I was 118 and had 3 Battlecruisers and a Swam of Banshee's and Vikings just wooping him. They were all upgraded to Level 3 too :lol

Cracked the shits at the end saying he was gonna upload it to a Pro league site.

I said go ahead, you're the one in the Cooper league with me :lol

well done Vook! =) No matter how anyone plays, ultimately whoever wins wins and is the better player.
Anyone new to the beta wanna play some? I'm still figuring out what all the new stuff does and getting used to the new AI. Hit me up on B.Net.

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