VOOK said:Cracked the shits at the end
British colloquialism?
VOOK said:Cracked the shits at the end
ZealousD said:GL HF - Short for Good Luck, Have Fun. A common greeting at the beginning of a match
Hazaro said:Since two of my Protoss buddies didn't know this I'll post it in the thread.
Chronoboost lowers the cooldown time of warp gates along with the transformation time.
Anomarad said:Timing Push
ZealousD said:I'm actually not 100% on the definition of this yet. Does it just mean that you push out with your units at an optimal time? For example, pushing out when your enemy is weak or trying to expand?
ZealousD said:I'm actually not 100% on the definition of this yet. Does it just mean that you push out with your units at an optimal time? For example, pushing out when your enemy is weak or trying to expand?
ZealousD said:I'm actually not 100% on the definition of this yet. Does it just mean that you push out with your units at an optimal time? For example, pushing out when your enemy is weak or trying to expand?
Won said:Need patch to fix that exit crash now! So annoying.
NIN90 said:Log out before exiting the game.
Yaweee said:That doesn't work for me.
Going to try this tonight. I've been going to task manager and just killing it. I imagine Blizz will rectify this with the next patch.Manabanana said:I heard alt+f4 quits without crashing in windows.
Aesthet1c said:Anyone know what can be done against speedling rush cheese? I had a ZvZ match earlier, and I usually only make like 6 lings, and i use them for scouting before teching up to roaches. Well by the time I had like 4 roaches, he had made about 10 lings, got the speed upgrade and just went straight for my drones. I was able to fend them off, but he must have done nothing but pump lings the rest of the match, because it was just a non stop wave of them, and after a while they just overwhelmed me.
Now looking back, I feel like I didn't have many options. I could just pump lings, but he killed my queen, so he had lings coming faster than I could keep up with. I tried pumping roaches, but the lings eventually overtook them. I probably should have made some spine crawlers, but with that many lings, I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made.
I guess maybe I just didn't scout correctly.. but when I went in, he had about the same amount of lings I had, with double gas, so I was expecting him to go roach/hyrdas. I didn't want to lose the 6 lings I had so I backed out and continued pumping roaches until he hit me with the intial 10 lings.
Aesthet1c said:Anyone know what can be done against speedling rush cheese? I had a ZvZ match earlier, and I usually only make like 6 lings, and i use them for scouting before teching up to roaches. Well by the time I had like 4 roaches, he had made about 10 lings, got the speed upgrade and just went straight for my drones. I was able to fend them off, but he must have done nothing but pump lings the rest of the match, because it was just a non stop wave of them, and after a while they just overwhelmed me.
Now looking back, I feel like I didn't have many options. I could just pump lings, but he killed my queen, so he had lings coming faster than I could keep up with. I tried pumping roaches, but the lings eventually overtook them. I probably should have made some spine crawlers, but with that many lings, I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made.
I guess maybe I just didn't scout correctly.. but when I went in, he had about the same amount of lings I had, with double gas, so I was expecting him to go roach/hyrdas. I didn't want to lose the 6 lings I had so I backed out and continued pumping roaches until he hit me with the intial 10 lings.
Ashhong said:i thought right clicking is the same as attack move? or is that only if you right click on an actual unit?
Yaweee said:Right clicking tells your target to move to that location, and attack if it is an enemy unit/building. However, they won't auto-acquire other targets that get within range, which is the purpose of Attack-move.
Ashhong said:wait is this Eu gaf tourney?
Ashhong said:live? whats stopping the player from opening a laptop and watching it themselves on the side :lol
Won said:Like they can make something out on that stream. *cough*
Ashhong said:if i make it fullscreen its clear enough that i can read the text. what more do you need?
Won said:I'm just wondering why your first thought revolves around cheating and not how awesome having a stream is.
Yaweee said:ZvZ can be a very rough match.
Generally, the answer to mass lings is banelings, due to splash damage being enough to kill a zergling even near the outer edge of the splash radius. One baneling can easily kill 6~10 zerglings if the opponent doesn't micro to pop them away from his mass with a single unit. NEVER use attack move with banelings or else they're prone to being kamikazed by just one zergling. If a baneling dies, it detonates, so just right click move on the target.
Two roaches side by side can block a ramp, and it will take a while for the zerglings to kill either to bust through, especially if they have backup. Don't let the lings stream into your base.
this is off topic but I can't stop staring at your avatar.Ashhong said:because once when i was watching HD play 2v2, i tried to log into SC2 and hope to be matched against him so i can beat him by watching his stream :lol
IZZO said:this is off topic but I can't stop staring at your avatar.
where is it from?
fanboi said:
Hell yeahAshhong said:kickass. its hypnotizing huh
:lol :lol Camp music and sc2 go together!Milabrega said:EU's streamed playlist is amazing.
Neckbeard said:Probably been asked a dozen times before, but anyone got a good strategy site?
I'm not looking for general tips, I'm looking for detailed build orders, (when to 9 rax, etc.) what units combat what, and so forth. Mostly looking for Zerg strats, but I suppose I'll take what I can get.
Thanks GAF
NIN90 said:
NIN90 said: