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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


Melhisedek said:
Just finished my placement matches. Won 3 and lost 2 and ended up in a Bronze league. I play as a P and my APM is around 42-49 mostly but damn I suck at keeping my money low and Chrono boosting stuff.
I also need to learn some basic timing for stuff. Last game I played I thought I had this guy, but he comes in with 2 DT and my Obs was to far away :(

Oh well, need to play more but I'm stuck at watching streams all the time

EU or US?

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Best plan is to get an eu or us gaf guy to do practice games with you, if you oblige them in return you can both practice defending certain strats, such as rushes, and trying to pull them off yourself. If your eu you wont have an issue as all the guys are good people.
NIN90 said:
Yes, you are.

Hey I rarely even build Photon Cannons, if anything it would more than likely be a waste of a Chrono Boost. If I saw my opponent use that on their Photon Cannons during a push I'd just retreat until they wore off and they will have wasted a boost on their Cannons. But used during a critical moment it could be useful and I don't see why it would be such a big deal since there's a tradeoff on your production speed for wasting a boost on them.


So, here's an interesting scenario I hadn't thought about until a buddy of mine came across it today:

TvT, both players end up losing all Supply Depots, SCV's and Command Centers. Player 1 has a few Marines and Marauders, player 2 has a Barracks and a Starport lifted off and floating out in space, out of reach of the Marines. At this point, neither player can really do anything; if player 2 lands he'll get destroyed before he can build any units, but player 1 can't kill the buildings while they float out of reach.

What should/could be done in this scenario? Should Terran buildings only be allowed to be lifted off for a certain time? Should maps be adjusted so there isn't anywhere that Terran buildings can be out of reach? Or should one of them just man up, take the loss, and move on?
Plissken said:
So, here's an interesting scenario I hadn't thought about until a buddy of mine came across it today:

TvT, both players end up losing all Supply Depots, SCV's and Command Centers. Player 1 has a few Marines and Marauders, player 2 has a Barracks and a Starport lifted off and floating out in space, out of reach of the Marines. At this point, neither player can really do anything; if player 2 lands he'll get destroyed before he can build any units, but player 1 can't kill the buildings while they float out of reach.

What should/could be done in this scenario? Should Terran buildings only be allowed to be lifted off for a certain time? Should maps be adjusted so there isn't anywhere that Terran buildings can be out of reach? Or should one of them just man up, take the loss, and move on?

The one with no units should realistically GG and leave. But, lots of players aren't like that and he will try to piss off his opponent. To combat this Terran buildings should probably catch on fire if they are lifted off for a period of time (over 1 or 2 minutes?) due to "thrusters overheating" or something. This could probably be loopholed by the player landing once every minute or so, but that at least gives the other player a chance to find him when he's coming back to land. I don't know...just an idea.

Maybe an "out of bounds" area outside of walkable distance should start draining buildings' health if they are outside of it for too long.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
is there a website that details some basic info such as some popular build orders, which units work well against others (eg HOW DO BEAT LOTS BROOD LORDS W/ PROTOSS LOL)?


Rez said:
is there a website that details some basic info such as some popular build orders, which units work well against others (eg HOW DO BEAT LOTS BROOD LORDS W/ PROTOSS LOL)?

Phoenix I guess.


relies on auto-aim
NIN90 said:
Phoenix I guess.
Maybe if you don't mind them doing 6 damage as Moustache Lords rape your entire army. :p

A healthy amount of stalkers with blink does the trick.

The collosus kill the broodlings before they do any reasonable amount of damage and after you melt the hydras in the Z army it is easy pickings for a few void rays/stalkers.


relies on auto-aim
Plissken said:
So, here's an interesting scenario I hadn't thought about until a buddy of mine came across it today:

TvT, both players end up losing all Supply Depots, SCV's and Command Centers. Player 1 has a few Marines and Marauders, player 2 has a Barracks and a Starport lifted off and floating out in space, out of reach of the Marines. At this point, neither player can really do anything; if player 2 lands he'll get destroyed before he can build any units, but player 1 can't kill the buildings while they float out of reach.

What should/could be done in this scenario? Should Terran buildings only be allowed to be lifted off for a certain time? Should maps be adjusted so there isn't anywhere that Terran buildings can be out of reach? Or should one of them just man up, take the loss, and move on?
Huge thread on this


Nony stayed in a game for 9 hours and it just disconnected after he woke up :lol

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Something im not clear on about the ladder system. So im copper, which is great for me because everyone i play is a fairly even game. Now if i get better i can move up, and eventually im sure i will, but ill reach a stage after time im sure where ill linger between bronze and silver. In the beta, i see on streams all the time people in plat playing the same people over and over again in their division, which is fine for now, but after a while you will end up playing the same people over and over again. So the question im asking is do you guys think blizzard will shake up the ladders every x months, create new-ones entirely? Seems like the only solution to me, especially since, after a while, some divisions could have alot of absentees with people moving on to other games.


Mr Cola said:
Something im not clear on about the ladder system. So im copper, which is great for me because everyone i play is a fairly even game. Now if i get better i can move up, and eventually im sure i will, but ill reach a stage after time im sure where ill linger between bronze and silver. In the beta, i see on streams all the time people in plat playing the same people over and over again in their division, which is fine for now, but after a while you will end up playing the same people over and over again. So the question im asking is do you guys think blizzard will shake up the ladders every x months, create new-ones entirely? Seems like the only solution to me, especially since, after a while, some divisions could have alot of absentees with people moving on to other games.

You don't necessarily play people in your same division, or even your same league. It's all based on each player's Matchmaking Rating (or whatever hidden system is in place), not league or division.

EDIT: And like Hazaro says, there's fewer people with similar MMRs at the much higher ratings, so you'll likely come across less variety in the people you play.


relies on auto-aim
People you see streaming are of usually much higher point value (1500+) and playing against people like that. There aren't many and if both players finish a game then immediately request another match... guess what, both are looking for the same thing and get matched up.

Divisions have no impact on who you face. It's just 100 people lobbed together at what time they did their placement.

Once the game launches there will also be many many more people to play against but if you don't want to play the same person over and over, just wait a few minutes before searching for another game.


Mr Cola said:
Something im not clear on about the ladder system. So im copper, which is great for me because everyone i play is a fairly even game. Now if i get better i can move up, and eventually im sure i will, but ill reach a stage after time im sure where ill linger between bronze and silver. In the beta, i see on streams all the time people in plat playing the same people over and over again in their division, which is fine for now, but after a while you will end up playing the same people over and over again. So the question im asking is do you guys think blizzard will shake up the ladders every x months, create new-ones entirely? Seems like the only solution to me, especially since, after a while, some divisions could have alot of absentees with people moving on to other games.

I thought they did that with WCIII and Brood War, but I could be wrong.
Aesthet1c said:
Anyone know what can be done against speedling rush cheese? I had a ZvZ match earlier, and I usually only make like 6 lings, and i use them for scouting before teching up to roaches. Well by the time I had like 4 roaches, he had made about 10 lings, got the speed upgrade and just went straight for my drones. I was able to fend them off, but he must have done nothing but pump lings the rest of the match, because it was just a non stop wave of them, and after a while they just overwhelmed me.

Now looking back, I feel like I didn't have many options. I could just pump lings, but he killed my queen, so he had lings coming faster than I could keep up with. I tried pumping roaches, but the lings eventually overtook them. I probably should have made some spine crawlers, but with that many lings, I'm not sure how much of a difference it would have made.

I guess maybe I just didn't scout correctly.. but when I went in, he had about the same amount of lings I had, with double gas, so I was expecting him to go roach/hyrdas. I didn't want to lose the 6 lings I had so I backed out and continued pumping roaches until he hit me with the intial 10 lings.
Yaweee said:
ZvZ can be a very rough match.

Generally, the answer to mass lings is banelings, due to splash damage being enough to kill a zergling even near the outer edge of the splash radius. One baneling can easily kill 6~10 zerglings if the opponent doesn't micro to pop them away from his mass with a single unit. NEVER use attack move with banelings or else they're prone to being kamikazed by just one zergling. If a baneling dies, it detonates, so just right click move on the target.

Two roaches side by side can block a ramp, and it will take a while for the zerglings to kill either to bust through, especially if they have backup. Don't let the lings stream into your base.
Fun Korean replay showcasing this strategy:


Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Ah, i always thought your games were only with guys in your divisions, thanks for the clarification.

I also wonder how popular sc2 will be in europe :O


Mr Cola said:
Ah, i always thought your games were only with guys in your divisions, thanks for the clarification.
Really not because even if you're copper you're bound to face some people from other leagues sooner or later.


Proof people GG Too fast:

I just played my last Placement match. was going for collosi, so i had some base defenses, and thought.. this is desert oasis, and i have a robo, so i'll make a prism and take a corner as my expansion since the naturals are hard to defend.

He chose this time to attack, so i picked up a probe and started my expansion, while holding off/slowing him down in the main.

I got my expo started (and a stargate, this is important) before he took out my main.. but he missed one unpowered photon cannon.

I built some void rays and started on his base, and he realised i took an expansion and wasn't revealled, he sent his void rays there.

It became a void ray base race, but i won because of that one remaining unpowered cannon in my base. It was the last remaining structure on the map.


I got promoted to Plat in both 1v1 and 2v2 Random in two consecutive games. How the latter happened, I don't know. I was only something like 11-4. Is it easier to move up in the Teams leagues?

There's something fundamentally wrong with how Blizzard has implemented in the whole league and division system. I started in Silver, moved up to Gold, then to Plat, then back down to Gold after experimenting with races, then back up to Plat, and presumably the process will repeat itself if I ever make an attempt to learn Terran. League itself doesn't really matter at all in terms of what players you'll face, but constant moving up and down kind of undermines the ranking system and having divisions for eventual top 8 tournaments.


Yaweee said:
I got promoted to Plat in both 1v1 and 2v2 Random in two consecutive games. How the latter happened, I don't know. I was only something like 11-4. Is it easier to move up in the Teams leagues?

There's something fundamentally wrong with how Blizzard has implemented in the whole league and division system. I started in Silver, moved up to Gold, then to Plat, then back down to Gold after experimenting with races, then back up to Plat, and presumably the process will repeat itself if I ever make an attempt to learn Terran. League itself doesn't really matter at all in terms of what players you'll face, but constant moving up and down kind of undermines the ranking system and having divisions for eventual top 8 tournaments.

Use custom games, if you want to experiment with other races till you feel you can use them in the ladder.


Ashhong said:
i disagree, i think even one cannon would deter any kind of reaper rush. at least long enough for you to get a stalker out. if im rushing reapers, its probably with 2. put 1 cannon in the middle of your line and you should be able to protect all of your probes. if there are a few that the reapers can hit, move them to a closer patch. you likely wont have 20+ probes so it will be ok

and i thought it was already established (well sort of, through replays) that the fastest stalker comes out a full 30 seconds or so after the fastest reaper?

it is, and it does.

also, how are you gonna protect your pylon, gateway, forge, and mineral line with one cannon? AND nexus?

the only way to protect all of these is multiple cannons, and i doubt you can get multiple cannons before reapers appear. they blow the shit out of cannons-in-progress too.
Hazaro said:
Huge thread on this


Nony stayed in a game for 9 hours and it just disconnected after he woke up :lol

Something just like that happened to me on Desert Oasis after I rushed a Terran with DT's that had wasted his CC energy on scanning me/mules, however he had nothing after it. Kinda funny how the kid said shit like "If you cant find me in 30 secs then you GG k?" while I owned every mineral spot. Had the situation been I was screwed also that flying building in the corner would of ticked me off major. IMO the fix is not to give them a flight time but just have flying buildings that have been in the air for around 1 minute not count as buildings for game ending purposes.

However it was fun using my 7K or so ore to spam the crap out of pylons for maphax :lol


ChronicleX said:
Something just like that happened to me on Desert Oasis after I rushed a Terran with DT's that had wasted his CC energy on scanning me/mules, however he had nothing after it. Kinda funny how the kid said shit like "If you cant find me in 30 secs then you GG k?" while I owned every mineral spot. Had the situation been I was screwed also that flying building in the corner would of ticked me off major. IMO the fix is not to give them a flight time but just have flying buildings that have been in the air for around 1 minute not count as buildings for game ending purposes.

However it was fun using my 7K or so ore to spam the crap out of pylons for maphax :lol
What's your build order for a dt rush? I've been meaning to try that out


ChronicleX said:
Something just like that happened to me on Desert Oasis after I rushed a Terran with DT's that had wasted his CC energy on scanning me/mules, however he had nothing after it. Kinda funny how the kid said shit like "If you cant find me in 30 secs then you GG k?" while I owned every mineral spot. Had the situation been I was screwed also that flying building in the corner would of ticked me off major. IMO the fix is not to give them a flight time but just have flying buildings that have been in the air for around 1 minute not count as buildings for game ending purposes.

However it was fun using my 7K or so ore to spam the crap out of pylons for maphax :lol
Can people stop telling starcraft 2 stories so we can play some gaf games


Uggh the hacked beta screwed me over. Now I get graphical glitches in the legit beta and I deleted everything I could find before installing.

But anyways the games pretty sweet, its alot more rock paper scissors than I remember SC1 being.
KnightM7 said:
Uggh the hacked beta screwed me over. Now I get graphical glitches in the legit beta and I deleted everything I could find before installing.

But anyways the games pretty sweet, its alot more rock paper scissors than I remember SC1 being.

If you got a Nividia card then yep grapical glitches occur under certain settings.


I destroy my friends with zerg, but get destroyed when I give them a handicap and play toss.

I really should practice with other races... don't know where to start.


JBaird said:
How good is a 44/26 win/loss ratio? Hows everyone else doing?

By the way I have no friends in-game. :(
What league are you in? For plat thats really good. I'm 30-15 or something I think
Whats everyones APM?
I get around 45 at later stages and I know it is awful but I lost last night to a gold league player with almost the same APM but he raped me. I guess his build order is perfect while I struggle and just build whatever feels right at the time


Do we have any players that wanna do their matches tonight? NIN vs MiROi?

Knives vs msv is set to happen on thursday.

Me vs pnSTYLE is set to Friday or Saturday.



valenti said:
Can people stop telling starcraft 2 stories so we can play some gaf games

:lol you really hate storytellers

gotta love amazon, did everyone get an email about them upgrading the game to release date delivery? so awesome
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