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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

iamblades said:
What they need to do to make templar tech more viable is not to change the unit at all, they need to put DTs back in the templar archive and dump the dark shrine.

Templar builds would get a lot more use if you got more that just high temps from it. Right now both the templar routes are dead end tech, while robo or stargate give you more options.

I mean the dark shrine doesn't even have any upgrades, sure sign of a useless building. Is there any other tech building that doesn't give you any upgrades?

There's many reasons to make something as a building instead of an upgrade, don't forget the dark shrine could just have been an upgrade on the temp archives, but instead is a building both to make it more vulnerable to sniping as well as, and this is key and what you're forgetting:

allow you to make a proxy dark shrine off in some corner where the enemy wont notice it, and therefore during scouting think you don't have DTs and not make as many or any observers, then give you the element of surprise. Why do you think the shrine is so damn small and tall? precisely to allow more options for placing both it and a pylon is some discreet corner.

plus, aside from like a rax allowing both marines and marauders, what other sole building gives you the ability to build two more primo units? Each unit has their own building if i recall correctly, so it makes sense both high temp and dark temp would get their respective tech building. Even zerglings require a tech building.

edit: only thing I can think of is maybe robofac and tech labs, but tech labs are a special understandable building that can allow two more (not as primo) units and robo fac used to need observatory for observers but now gives immortal and observer as a balance change.


Adding to Ice Monkey, I feel like DT should be its own tech branch. If DT were made from the templar archive, protoss players will more likely go both air and templars. I feel like it's a balance issue as DTs are extremely gas-expensive. We're forced to either go for air or buff our ground armies with DTs.


Haha oh man, my Toss is gonna have a lot more trouble with Terran now.

I'm going to guess that the retail game will be vastly different from this beta patch.
Ice Monkey said:
12 patches seem to want to disagree with you.

I could be wrong but I don't even remember a patch other than the UI overhaul that even improved netcode and graphics performance (there was one patch that improved medium visuals though). The game has run virtually the same since day 1 of the beta. aside from balance changes...
Netcode probably wont even have been touched until the stress testing a week or so before release, third beta phase or whatever crap.
Still, there were plenty of other changes besides just balance. The game has changed significantly since day one:


- Right clicking somewhere while holding CTRL no longer gives the Attack-Move command, it just Moves. Often people would re-bind hotkeys while trying to run away and it would Attack-Move and suicide instead.

- Not a bug fix but If you Select Larva (hotkey S) but there are no larvae left to select, it selects all the morphing eggs instead. should eliminate the possibility of that annoying accidental Ventral Sacks Research

- Drone bug where if you tell it to move right after it starts to morph into a building, it cancels the building (some resources lost) is now fixed.

- New sound effects and some lightly edited music (& 1 new protoss track)

- Neural Parasite casts faster (tentacle shoots out quicker)

- Can now Bind Locations like you could in SC1. CTRL + F5 - F8 binds the camera location, F5-F8 recalls those locations. useful for rally points, warp-in, mule'ing, etc.

- Zerg buildings now bleed when low HP.

- Protoss buildings now have little bolts of electricity flash around when low HP AND low/empty shields (in BW, the blue flames always showed even if shields fully regenerated)

- The bar indicating the procedure of larva spawn now goes from left to right.

- Another bar has been added for hatch/lair/hive upgrade. In the previous version, it just replaces the larva spawn bar.

- Most exciting: now you can cancel a egg and make it back into a larva with full return.

- Colossus can no longer walk through/over force field

- Orbital command scanner sweep graphical change

- Hydralisk/Thor/Zerglings can now /dance and /cheer (Protoss units coming last in this case)

- 8 new player colors (possibly only accessible by map editor? dunno, depends on max # of players in a multiplayer game)

- A window now pops up showing the countdown to being revealed (25 sec), when you lose all of your Nexus/Hatch/CC

- All types of units now have a Rank description, like Disciple, Predator, General, etc

- Creep tumor seems to spread creep faster, not 100% sure

- New creep tumor texture, new baneling egg morphing texture.

- Health bars no longer turn yellow if they lose any damage at all. now they stay greenish while theyre at high HP

- All zerg buildings now have animations for whenever they are researching/upgrading/building anything. often times they just move around faster

- New mouse cursors for each race

- The preview of any structure before it is morphed by zerg, now is no longer translucent, it looks exactly the same as if the structure was finished.

- When you tell a spire to morph into a greater spire, there's a totally sweet animation!

- New hydralisk range upgrade icon. (used to have the same one as Roach Burrowed Movement upgrade)

- New texture for Fleet Beacon. high templar warping in looks different

- Hellion's flame is now blue, it may be because i researched the Pre-Igniter upgrade is what I'm guessing

- Ghost academy now animates while it's doing stuff, or did it always? (cybernetics core still does not sadly)


I don't mind DTs, think they're fine how they are. Some kinda upgrade for the building would be nice just so it didn't feel worthless.

HT's are my only concern with protoss (and mothership I suppose). There's so many reasons to not go for them over collosi.
The Lamonster said:
Still, there were plenty of other changes besides just balance. The game has changed significantly since day one:

understood. but the idea that those 12 patches weren't mainly balance changes is rather amusing :)
aznpxdd said:
Damn...in a 2v2. Imagine stimmed marauders/marines with frenzy...drool...

if beta werent ending in like 8 days i'd respond that I give it two days before frenzy is burned with fire out of the game forever :lol there's just so much potential for rape with that mechanic. and only 25 energy for 30 seconds? o_O that's less than an energy point per second.


The Everyman
rsam87 said:
Haha oh man, my Toss is gonna have a lot more trouble with Terran now.

I'm going to guess that the retail game will be vastly different from this beta patch.
was your pvt early void ray based before? that's really all that's changed


-COOLIO- said:
was your pvt it early void ray based before? that's really all that's changed

Yea I used voids to stop the early mard/rine push that I had trouble dealing with before in the early game.
This patch makes voids harder and the infantry push stronger.

Any tips for adjustments?


rsam87 said:
Yea I used voids to stop the early mard/rine push that I had trouble dealing with before in the early game.
This patch makes voids harder and the infantry push stronger.

Any tips for adjustments?

Use voids for their intended purpose and not as a catch-all?
Zealots and stalkers for marines and marauders.
If we're talking upgrade-city on the marines and marauders, get a few phoenixes and grav lift marauds.

If you're robo, Zealots for the marines and Immortals for the marauders.


The Everyman
rsam87 said:
Yea I used voids to stop the early mard/rine push that I had trouble dealing with before in the early game.
This patch makes voids harder and the infantry push stronger.

Any tips for adjustments?
i think an equal cost sentry, stalker, immortal army counters an early infantry army pretty well. especially if you break up the mards with fields since they like to kite.
I really hate to say "I told you so" but....I told you so! :p The voids really did need a change. I didn't even mention this in all those posts I put up as I forgot - their range was 7!! We tried devising strats with fungal growth + hydra and that would not work due to range. Lame. Anyway, this should really help Terran especially with the void ridiculousness.


I had no problem playing straight up before, it usually ended up in a dead-heat, then ghosts come and my ground army is pretty much done for.

I used voids to try to give myself an advantage. I find that zealots pretty much melt to the MM ball though, without charge.

Not complaining about the void nerf, just need ideas to adjust now. Yes Sentries/stalker/zealots works, but that works for everything and with this patch the MM push is going to come out sooner and stronger.
I beat some guy a couple days ago with a silly amount of VRs and he said, "This is ridiculous. I wonder if they're gonna nerf void rays soon." However, this is probably not the nerf he was looking for.


The Lamonster said:
Patch is live??

I just checked. It isn't =(. The patch loader shows up, but it doesn't fill and PLAY is orange, so you can start SC2. However, the servers are down so it is meaningless.


Yaweee said:
I just checked. It isn't =(. The patch loader shows up, but it doesn't fill and PLAY is orange, so you can start SC2. However, the servers are down so it is meaningless.

means its coming right nowwwwwwww. probably be like an hour or two...


Hm am I the only one that can't download the patch? it's just sitting there with 'preparing to download the new patch...' and the play Icon is acessable.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm happy about the removal of identifiers. I hate the whole concept.


Zefah said:
I'm happy about the removal of identifiers. I hate the whole concept.

what is there to hate? you dont see it half of the time and it enables you to be able to use a screenname without worrying that someone else already took it


In the same boat as everyone else. Once I start StarCraft II, a "sc2-" file gets downloaded to my "StarCraft II Beta" folder, & then the launcher shows the patch 13 notes & says "Finished". Maybe the Map Editor will finally be available for Macs? :D


I just installed the beta on my new comp, but it stops downloading at patch 6.
Just says preparing to download.
Anyone know what's up?


MrDenny said:
I just installed the beta on my new comp, but it stops downloading at patch 6.
Just says preparing to download.
Anyone know what's up?

I think the patch server is down at the moment. No one can download Patch 13 right now even though the patcher says it is available.
Not sure how I feel about Frenzy. Is it going to be autocast like blood lust? 25% increase in damage for 30 seconds is huge, and even if the spell has to be micro'd on each unit I can see this as being extremely overpowered.

Not sure why Blizz thought Zerg needed a 25% damage boost on their troops, I understand the need to be immune to snare/stuns/mind control though. Also yeah, imagine an army of frenzied chargelots in 2v2's. Bricks will be shat.
Guys, I don't have any clue where you are talking about, am in the beta, got my first few games massacred and need tips. Somebody wants to play with me or give me some beginner tips? Never played Starcraft before.


MisterAnderson said:
Super Blood Bath (12 players - 6v6, 4v4, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1, FFA)


I took Blood Bath's formula and multiplied it. No idea how this will play but interested to try it out. Resources are extremely limited, so the center high yield locations will be a serious battleground. Again, bare-bones on the art side of things, but I don't want to go nuts on the art for this until I figure out if it's fun to play since it's such a huge map and would be a lot of work.


So if we're SC2 pals, I can get maps through your profile or something? Has Blizz laid out how the map publishing works yet?


Prophet Steve said:
Guys, I don't have any clue where you are talking about, am in the beta, got my first few games massacred and need tips. Somebody wants to play with me or give me some beginner tips? Never played Starcraft before.

Find a youtube vid of a build order for the race you like. Practice it on the easy ai. If it makes you feel better, I played a ton of Starcraft 1 and I lose tons of games. Watch all your replays, it will help also.
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