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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


What the hell did they do to the interface? Slow as hell, framerate problems in the menu are even worse than before, adding people to different teams creates random results. wft Blizzard.

Oh well, add me for some 3v3 or 4v4:

MisterAnderson said:
Oh awesome!! I didn't even realize you guys went on to play on the map after I left :lol I'm still trying to sort out the team issues. Did you guys do FFA? Any suggestions based on the game you played on improving it? (It was mainly designed for 2v2 but interested in how a FFA or 1v1 match played out, depending on what exactly you played) Thanks for the compliment too :D

Seconded with the good map comments. Real good map pyro, had a lot of fun on it. Probably the best game I've had in the beta against Panda at the end there. We did a FFA on it and it worked really well. After watching the replay.. I could have won that if those damn tanks didn't scare me off! :D
MeshuggahMan said:
Seconded with the good map comments. Real good map pyro, had a lot of fun on it. Probably the best game I've had in the beta against Panda at the end there. We did a FFA on it and it worked really well. After watching the replay.. I could have won that if those damn tanks didn't scare me off! :D

Wow, that's really kind of you to to say. Glad you enjoyed it, I spent a lot of time on that map specifically so that makes all those damned revisions worth it, lol. I really want to play on it but I want to figure out if the map editor/battle.net is bugged with melee settings or if I'm just doing something wrong...awaiting some replies on the beta map forums but it's slow going.

This might be a weird request but could either of you upload and send me a link to the replay? I'd like to see people playing the map just to get an idea of what people do on it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Dropped out of two games during 2v2 placement matches >< Definitely going to be in a lower league than I should for 2v2...
Mm reposting this anyway: If any of my old 'real friends' want to re add me, let me know. Or if any new people want to add me as a 'real friend', also let me know. This new system is kind of irritating.


Everything is moe to me
MisterAnderson said:
Oh awesome!! I didn't even realize you guys went on to play on the map after I left :lol I'm still trying to sort out the team issues. Did you guys do FFA? Any suggestions based on the game you played on improving it? (It was mainly designed for 2v2 but interested in how a FFA or 1v1 match played out, depending on what exactly you played) Thanks for the compliment too :D
it was an ffa but mostly a cross position 1v1 as one dropped and the other was accidentally double teamed xD

well, my biggest problem was that i didnt know those metal piles were destructable, so i ended up turtling hardcore because i felt that i had to take the long route everywhere.

the natural is good, chokable by terran but with effort required, giving protoss and zerg a leg up. all the ledges are a terran dream too. i more or less won the game by catching someone satanding by the middle platform bases and having my marines take the high ground and a massive arc around the protoss ball. entrenched terran seem to be very strong, but its dangerous to move out because of the harassment opportunities.

also parts of the map just beg for nydus worming. :lol

i like it, you did really good work.
I really liked the two small mineral fields and dead CC on the doodad island, that was a very nice touch.

@alu: jeffreymarklee@hotmail.com add me bro. :p
Pandaman said:
it was an ffa but mostly a cross position 1v1 as one dropped and the other was accidentally double teamed xD

well, my biggest problem was that i didnt know those metal piles were destructable, so i ended up turtling hardcore because i felt that i had to take the long route everywhere.

the natural is good, chokable by terran but with effort required, giving protoss and zerg a leg up. all the ledges are a terran dream too. i more or less won the game by catching someone satanding by the middle platform bases and having my marines take the high ground and a massive arc around the protoss ball. entrenched terran seem to be very strong, but its dangerous to move out because of the harassment opportunities.

also parts of the map just beg for nydus worming. :lol

i like it, you did really good work.
I really liked the two small mineral fields and dead CC on the doodad island, that was a very nice touch.

@alu: jeffreymarklee@hotmail.com add me bro. :p

Thanks man, :) was wondering if I was just going overboard there for a sec. Glad to see someone notice some subtle touches like that. And doubly glad that the game was fun on the map, hopefully it's not overpowered for Terran.

I was initially not going to post my email on here but this system is just way too annoying. Just add me if you guys want:


by the way, if you guys feel weird about having real info on real id friends, just go change it in battle.net homepage.

then add me so we can get some 4v4 going tyrone714 at gmail


Everything is moe to me

attention nonterrangaf:
the way is shut.
use the dirt path into the natural or the destructable routes or through the expo.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tonight I've had two awful lag-filled 3v3 games, and then I lagged out (well, the game just stopped responding so I closed it) in two 1v1 games. Awesome.

And yeah, the friends management is worse now, and the menu sound effects have disappeared. Oh well, it's a beta.


I can't get past the login screen, guess its still down? Will probably try again in the morning.

They should patch on a Monday or Tuesday not on a FRIDAY night!


Wow, was so looking forward to 3v3 and 4v4 tonight, and they decided to foobar the friends system instead. Real ID or Facebook only? How to I add people I don't want to share that information with? WTF are they thinking with this?
Slacker said:
Wow, was so looking forward to 3v3 and 4v4 tonight, and they decided to foobar the friends system instead. Real ID or Facebook only? How to I add people I don't want to share that information with? WTF are they thinking with this?

just add me and ill invite you to conversations. go to battle.net and change it if you dont want anyone to see your name.


Everything is moe to me
FromTheFuture said:
My email is xlildragon@gmail.com if anyone wishes to add me. Don't laugh at my email, I've had it since like middle school or something :lol
people like you laughed at me when i made my hotmail in 5th grade, but now i enjoy the sweet taste of a proper name email in a world of brattygirls and dragonballfans.


Slacker said:
Wow, was so looking forward to 3v3 and 4v4 tonight, and they decided to foobar the friends system instead. Real ID or Facebook only? How to I add people I don't want to share that information with? WTF are they thinking with this?
Yeah I find this pretty stupid too. What happened to simply adding someone's account/character name?


relies on auto-aim
You really can't add people by their fucking name?
Holy shit what the fuck is this?

Also this sliding tab interface sucks ass. :|


Played several 4v4's tonight.

Completely ridiculous - 1600 food running around the map is so awesome. Almost always boiled down to air control tho.


Logged in to try out 3v3 or 4v4, and all my friends are gone* with no way to add them back. Played a few 1v1 games, and got rushed and destroyed within a few minutes by people way above my level three times in a row. What the shit. I would have had more fun playing Barbie's Horse Adventure tonight.

*I understand this part; it's a beta. But I assumed when I saw it was a wipe I'd be able to add everyone back. Alas.


ChronicleX said:
At least it is not as bad as Nintendo's Friend Code system, though it is pretty darn close.
It may actually be worse. I don't mind posting my friend code on GAF. I'm not as keen on posting my real name and email address.


Wondering if anyone else is experiencing stupid lag tonight.

Never in any game that I played before did I lag. Now, laggin' like a fiend. Thought maybe it was my network and was going to call the ISP but everything looks okay after a modem reset. Tracerts are good, pings are great; came back online and my friends tell me they lagged out in the next game.

What has Blizzard done? Or are we all just unlucky (in multiple parts of the country)?

I'm waiting for a game to load now...have been throughout the entire time I've typed this. Me and the other player have been at 100% Complete since I started browsing this thread.

At least they're testing whatever this is now before launch. But damn, it was working fine before Blizz.
Slacker said:
It may actually be worse. I don't mind posting my friend code on GAF. I'm not as keen on posting my real name and email address.

Shit you got a point there. I still cant comprehend the reasoning behind that change I mean the old system worked well.. very well. It allowed people to be identified as XXX without exposing them to a billion noob spam messages and the like, and was pretty easy to add random people. Now I mean fuck.

I mentioned many pages back that Facebook fucks up everything, this new system is an example of that. If Blizz was not so big on pushing that feature there would of been no reason to scrap their working system in favour of this bullshit.


Oh my god, it lists "Playtime Expires:". That's a horrible indication that they might be doing monthly fees. Dear Lord.

EDIT: LOL, new friends system is awful. You can only friend through Email and Facebook? What shit.


Yaweee said:
Oh my god, it lists "Playtime Expires:". That's a horrible indication that they might be doing monthly fees. Dear Lord.

In some markets you can buy the full game unlimited for the equivalent of $59.99 like we have, or you can buy the game with 30 days online for a reduced price - something they are testing out apparently. Unlimited play was never discussed to be removed, so no need to fear there.

I'll come back with a link in a second... and here you go, the first one I found:


If this option does come here (a digital version maybe?), it still won't replace the traditional one we're all expecting. Blizzard is not exactly a company known for pulling the rug out from under its userbase.


Bisonian said:
In some markets you can buy the full game unlimited for the equivalent of $59.99 like we have, or you can buy the game with 30 days online for a reduced price - something they are testing out apparently. Unlimited play was never discussed to be removed, so no need to fear there.

I'll come back with a link in a second.

Hopefully that is the case, but the language is very similar to how the NA WoW does it.

As for friends, good thing all three of my bnet accounts have active beta access!


Looking for meaning in GAF
Sweet, just got into gold. 6 placement matches, won 3 and lost 3. Ironically all three wins were against people who tried to go void rays. :lol

I agree with the lag thing, though. Stalker kiting micro feels less responsive now.


Alright, done uploading all 5 of my maps!
If you don't know what maps I'm talking about, go ahead and go back a few pages in the thread to see them. :D

My maps are:
(2) Spit Shine Station
(2) Moonshine Island
(3) Trisect Canyon
(4) Forsaken Crater
(6) Disaster Plaza

Spectators are welcome to be there as well as help give feedback. All my maps are locked but available to the public as well so you may search and find it on Battle.net itself.

EDIT: Seems as though I overlooked numerous bugs in my new maps. Will re-upload again soon. Patience people!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Goddamn this lag is insane. I just got dropped from 2v2 matches 3 times in a row.

The new B.net interface sucks even more than before and the lag is crazy. Fuck this patch.
SuperAndroid17 said:
everything i log in.. i get nothing? wtf is going on.. this is my first time logging in since the new patch

be glad you cant play, words cant describe the rage after matches consistently, 3 matches in a row, froze for everyone forcing everyone to surrender to leave. the rage part is because it consistently froze after you've ALREADY TECHED TO LIKE TIER 3 FFS


Lag was ridiculous in a 4v4 game.


You can friend people that are in conversations with you, or that you've played against. I'm assuming the lack of an add username option is just an oversight at the moment.


Lag has been horrible since the patch. I can't even finish a custom game with 4 people without freezing or lagging out.

PS, the custom game hosting right now is terrible. If someone becomes host of a lobby and refuses to press Start, you can't do anything about it because every time you quit and join you rejoin the same lobby. It only creates a new lobby for the game when one is full.
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