Woah, the blip.tv player is horrible. Volume control hangs all the time, annoyingly long loud commercials, and most of all, you can't ffw, daamn.Hazaro said:
-COOLIO- said:awesome
well here's a spine crawler rush. it seems a looot more effective than a cannon rush. what can i do to beat it? can 2 marines down 3 crawlers before they spawn? should i always keep an scv just out my base against zerg to block a hatchery going down?
as soon as the front is broken they can just run in zerglings and youre done. especially if you built to counter the rush
Doubt he could drop you like that. Sounds like you have just been lucky with Bnet so far, but now it is time to suffer.Zzoram said:So I cannoned a guy in 2v2 and he raged so hard. He was spewing tons of gay profanity, went silent for a bit, then my SCII dropped me, froze, and Firefox was insanely laggy for a few minutes after. The same thing happened to my partner. My wifi said it was strongly connected though, and the guy I was playing with wasn't from the same city. Did that guy drophack me or otherwise attack my computer? Or was it a coincidental B.net crap out? This is the first time I've disconnected with such a big lead before, and I've almost never disconnected since patch 13 even though a lot of people have had problems.
Im hoping they hold beta over another week to make up for all the lost time. Feels like the week is already wasted and I cant imagine they were able to get a lot of useful feedback, other than fix this crap.Orangepeel said:JEESUS lag, this was supposed to be a week of pure starcraft, instead people's views are just disgusted with any progress bnet 2.0 is right now, blizzard QA dropped the ball. WORD OF MOUTH BLIZZ
msv said:Woah, the blip.tv player is horrible. Volume control hangs all the time, annoyingly long loud commercials, and most of all, you can't ffw, daamn.
ChronicleX said:I missed the HDH final of Idra vs WhiteRa. Anyone got any links to the shoutcast/replays for it? I cannot find it.
Adent said:Can someone tell me how to win as Zerg? Zerg doesn't have any go to builds other than 6 pool ling rush which is considered cheese. We don't have anything like building to void rays for Protoss or MMM for terrans. I just find myself reacting to whatever my opponent does.
fanboi said:You can't watch the replays using SC2
ChronicleX said:Does not compute. :lol How else are you meant to watch them? Problem is where are they!
fanboi said:You can't watch the replays using SC2, and don't think there are any shoutcast for this match... might come up later on Husky or HD
Zertez said:Im hoping they hold beta over another week to make up for all the lost time. Feels like the week is already wasted and I cant imagine they were able to get a lot of useful feedback, other than fix this crap.
fanboi said:Since their games was played in Patch 12, and patch 13 cant view them.
ChronicleX said:You can view any replay in any patch, the game autoswitchs to the correct patch to play the replay.
Does not compute still stands :lol
ElJuice said:He specified patch 13, which appears to have an issue with loading up replays from earlier versions. I'm sure he is aware of the feature you mentioned. It's just not working right now.
Ashong said:one would assume its definitely coming up on their channels soon. im sure they recorded it as they casted it..
fanboi said:As zerg you should more focus on massing units/harassing.
You can build like this.
14 Pool
15 Hatch
Build extractor queen and drones + OL
Upgrade to Lair
mass Drones/lings + speed upgrade for lings
Build another extractor
Lair finish build spire
Continue drones/lings but remember to save up for 3-4 mutas so you can build em directly when spire is done.
Harass... after this, I usually 1) mass mutas or 2) switch to hydras since he will counter the mutas.
Also, since you will be weak in the early game might throw down some spine crawlers in the beginning.
Aesthet1c said:I love this build. This is how I have been playing lately, and it's really effective. I even wall off my choke with my crawlers and back it up with queens so they can transfuse the crawlers.
The really nice thing about it is, most people I play against (plat league currently) don't plan for early air (unless they are able to scout my spire), and they have nothing to defend it, so my initial push of muta's will wipe out all of their workers and I'll just continue to reinforce it with more muta's until it's gg. If they do happen to hold off your muta's, then they usually panic and start massing some kind of anti air. That's when I switch to hydra's and nidus network them.
fanboi said:Yeah, also if it is against a Terran and they put a scan on you when you build your spire, cancel the spire when scan is gone and build Hydra den + banes.
valenti said:Well mutas and hydras are both weak against marines..and any terran player must build tanks. so i would suggest build roaches and keep the mutas
The Lamonster said:So has Blizzard fixed any of the recent shit going on yet?
It would be nice if they gave us one more patch to fix the lag and other issues before the 31st.Aesthet1c said:It's still laggy.. but I haven't seen any games freeze or drop users since Sunday night.
Ashhong said::lol i dont even have to see his posts to know that it was filled with stupidity
They casted those replays and then streamed them (it wasn't live on Sunday), so I'm hoping the VODs go up on their youtube sites soon. They were great matches.ChronicleX said:I missed the HDH final of Idra vs WhiteRa. Anyone got any links to the shoutcast/replays for it? I cannot find it.
Mengy said:I think when I get the retail I am going to throw every placement match I get into and just work my way out when / if I get better.
mcrae said:i agree. know it alls who know nothing.
Akuun said:They casted those replays and then streamed them (it wasn't live on Sunday), so I'm hoping the VODs go up on their youtube sites soon. They were great matches.
Mengy said:I played a few 4vs4's last night and I gotta say they sure are fun. Finished my placement matches and I got put into FUCKING DIAMOND LEAGUE 4vs4!!!!!! I'm a bronze player in 1vs1 for reference!!! No idea how that happened, I won 3 and lost 2 but in all 3 wins I was the weak link on my team, so Holy Crap am I going to get a rough ride playing 4vs4's from now on.
I think when I get the retail I am going to throw every placement match I get into and just work my way out when / if I get better.
Yeah I know.ChronicleX said:Even more reason for it not to take this long....... gahahaha.
siege tanks almost kill any ground unitfanboi said:Hence the banes... But it might depend on the fact that I hate the roaches... also since they now cost 2 supply...