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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)


Quick question:

If I torrent the beta, will I be able to play it at all or do I need a password to launch it? I don't mind if I play with bots. I just want to see how the game runs on my system and fool around it.



RiverBed said:
Quick question:

If I torrent the beta, will I be able to play it at all or do I need a password to launch it? I don't mind if I play with bots. I just want to see how the game runs on my system and fool around it.


You can't do anything with it. There is a patch/crack out there that will allow you to watch replays, though. No gameplay, yet.
Anybody wanna play right now?

I am a total nub, but a fast learner. Maybe 2v2 with us versus AI or something?

Lamonster.zone if you have patience for a nub


ZombieSupaStar said:
i just got an email saying im in was titled SC2BetaGB and mousing over the hyperlinks lead to eu.battle.net?

legit? Im in the us, with us accounts?

Seems fishy man. I would check your battle.net account to see if you're in.


ZombieSupaStar said:
i just got an email saying im in was titled SC2BetaGB and mousing over the hyperlinks lead to eu.battle.net?

legit? Im in the us, with us accounts?

Best thing you could do is to contact Blizzard I guess.


ZombieSupaStar said:
i just got an email saying im in was titled SC2BetaGB and mousing over the hyperlinks lead to eu.battle.net?

legit? Im in the us, with us accounts?
If you are in then just check to see if you can download it on your battle.net account. You don't even need the email in order to download the client from what I've heard.


Ice Monkey said:
what is setreals name, he msg'ed me but I couldnt figure out what the unique id from his name was.

also I keep trying to add you but it wont let me.

Uhhh Maybe our names are reverse, maybe mine is

Demi.Demimatt ?

Try that

or demi.demi

anyone know how to find out?

I know setreals name is the one I added from the match making thread, and when I play with his name it is just setreal and mine is just demi, so that makes me think mine be diff. Ill check it out tonight.


The Lamonster said:

I think I added you last night. Ill play vs comp to see what your BO is and yeah!

Forgot to mention im at work till 6 . So...tonight if me and Setreal arnt climbing the ladder!
Trasher said:
Nope. And I believe it was said that most Mac people would get a key when they finally do release it for Mac.

What, where did you read that? It was said by whom?

It stands to reason that most Mac opt ins will get in because there are simply far fewer of us.

Paper Tiger

Neo Member
Trasher said:
Nope. And I believe it was said that most Mac people would get a key when they finally do release it for Mac.

So, so awesome. Thanks for the info.

Looking forward to some GAF "Starcraft-for-noobs" type games once more people get in. And, of course, assuming I get in. Fingers crossed.
My WoW account is going to expire the 26th, already signed up for the beta, but does that effect my chances of getting in after the 26th? And WoW is my only registered Blizzard game.
My sister signed up for the beta with a Mac, but I'm on a PC. If we wanted to share her beta account between the two of us, would I still be able to log on to the game on a PC version of the beta using her login information? Or viceversa if by some miracle I get into the beta?
My sister signed up for the beta with a Mac, but I'm on a PC. If we wanted to share her beta account between the two of us, would I still be able to log on to the game on a PC version of the beta using her login information? Or viceversa if by some miracle I get into the beta?

I'm guessing that you guys could probably share the account. The beta information is synced up to the battle.net account. I don't think it has anything to do with which client you download.
PhoenixDark said:
Just finished watching; great video. Only thing I'm concerned about is expanding so quickly with no units/defense. But then again, I haven't been rushed/attacked early in many of the games I've played so far.

yeah i wouldnt have dared that if it wasnt ffa im not pro enough to survive so early hatch rush.
Planetary Defense seems so useful for terran expansions, especially in the early game. I'm not sure why more people aren't using it. Orbital Command is nice, but it aint worth nothing if it gets blown up!


autobzooty said:
Planetary Defense seems so useful for terran expansions, especially in the early game. I'm not sure why more people aren't using it. Orbital Command is nice, but it aint worth nothing if it gets blown up!

Generally you want to have your units as D unless its totally needed, I always go double comstat because the mining thing is too imba. I rarely go static D unless im toss.
planetary fortress is amazingly good at holding down the fort though, I watched a replay with this guy KHB, his fortress singlehandedly took down wave after wave of lots and stalkers
DemiMatt said:
Generally you want to have your units as D unless its totally needed, I always go double comstat because the mining thing is too imba. I rarely go static D unless im toss.

Planetary defense is a pretty special case for static defense though. It can almost perfectly defend your SCVs if the enemy is trying to raid your economy, and it lets you expend less of your army for defense, leaving you in a more suitable position for a counter-attack. It's especially useful if your expansion is right outside your main base because it'll soften up an attacking force considerably, especially if you use Supply Depots as walls to force incoming armies to go near the planetary defense.

Plus that thing hits for like a million damage. Every time I see someone make that investment, I see a huge payoff for them in their defensive game.
autobzooty said:
Planetary Defense seems so useful for terran expansions, especially in the early game. I'm not sure why more people aren't using it. Orbital Command is nice, but it aint worth nothing if it gets blown up!

Planetary Defense early sounds terrible.

150 gas when you're trying to tech, no MULEs/comsat from Orbital Command, and it doesn't even shoot down air.

Maybe I can see it being useful in a third, more vulnerable base since you can call down MULEs from your near-depleted main to new expansion, but even then it's not going to put much of a dent in an endgame army, it will only stop things like harass.

I'd rather have another Orbital Command calling in MULEs for turrets/marines/bunkers at that point, and use the gas for something else.

edit: Though it does make for an awesome manner cc upgrade. :lol
I usually use Planetary defense in my first expansion, but I haven't even been taking advantage of the MULEs --mostly because they weren't in the original and I'm scared of new stuff. :lol


Calavera520 said:
What, where did you read that? It was said by whom?

It stands to reason that most Mac opt ins will get in because there are simply far fewer of us.

i wish i had a mac. :D


Ice Monkey said:
planetary fortress is amazingly good at holding down the fort though, I watched a replay with this guy KHB, his fortress singlehandedly took down wave after wave of lots and stalkers

yeah i saw that reply as well, the building got something like 30 kills i think? almost died two or three times but 12 scv's can repair quite fast
ElJuice said:
I'm in favor of anything that increases manner Command Center appearances.

go.go to play SC2 for hite sparkyz confirmed.

watch, this is basically what i and autobzooty mean in general http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbOZnDWQpwo

I mean, that's cute and all but there is three of them and it's not doing all that much damage for the tradeoff for 450minerals/gas and the loss of mule call-ins. You could make an obscene number of hellions or marines with those minerals that would absolutely throttle that number of hydra.

(that being said, it doesn't seem like a terrible upgrade if you are pushing 200/200 and swimming in minerals already)
CajoleJuice said:
I usually use Planetary defense in my first expansion, but I haven't even been taking advantage of the MULEs --mostly because they weren't in the original and I'm scared of new stuff. :lol

They ignore gatherer saturation and get 300 minerals per call in for free. Unless you REALLY need a scout/snap detection or you bungle a supply depot on your way to a timing attack, you should be macroing in MULEs as often as possible.
Fragamemnon said:
go.go to play SC2 for hite sparkyz confirmed.

I mean, that's cute and all but there is three of them and it's not doing all that much damage for the tradeoff for 450minerals/gas and the loss of mule call-ins. You could make an obscene number of hellions or marines with those minerals that would absolutely throttle that number of hydra.

(that being said, it doesn't seem like a terrible upgrade if you are pushing 200/200 and swimming in minerals already)

argghh, you didnt pay attention enough, only one is there until there are about 3 hydras left!

Notice in particular the splash damage, it kills 3 hydras at once, showing off how much the splash really is.

with that in mind, look at what you said but instead say 150 mins/gas. Look at how many hydras were killed with the equivalent of 3 reapers :p

I know how useful the OC is, but the planetary fortress is extremely tough
Fragamemnon said:
They ignore gatherer saturation and get 300 minerals per call in for free. Unless you REALLY need a scout/snap detection or you bungle a supply depot on your way to a timing attack, you should be macroing in MULEs as often as possible.
Somehow, I didn't even realize they were free. Shit. I'm all over this now. Thanks.
CajoleJuice said:
Somehow, I didn't even realize they were free. Shit. I'm all over this now. Thanks.

they are free, but you do have to buy the OC first, and its the same mana cost as an entire supply depot and a scanner sweep, the latter of which is INVALUABLE in many situations.

so basically for every 25 mana the CC regens at a normal, impossible to be modified rate, you get either a scanner sweep, 8 extra supply for any depot, or 300 minerals, assuming you have one of the crystals that is closest as possible to your CC.

So choosing the mule although please understand i see how valuable this is, extracts 300 minerals from the easily exhaustible crystals when the alternatives are a supply depot (ACTUALLY free 100 minerals, plus if used right, extra build time) or stored energy for scans to kill burrows and such and such.

Let me again mention I know mules are great, but there ARE tradeoffs.

additionally compare this to the queen, where her heal is relatively useless unless you're defending (queens stay at base) and yet still the larva may be more profitable, the creep tumors can spawn themselves after the first, and spawn larva is well, spawn larva.

it's much more simple for the queen is all im getting at. same with toss who just basically get chronoboost macro with every nexus nothing more.


relies on auto-aim
Milabrega said:
Frag has his! I agree, keys for all.
What?! I thought we had something :[

Why must you betray everyone dear to you?
CajoleJuice said:
Somehow, I didn't even realize they were free. Shit. I'm all over this now. Thanks.
Yeah they return 6x the normal amount and mine over SCV's so you are looking at 30 minerals per trip (or 42 on high yield).
Trasher said:
What's the supply depot tech do?

for the same mana cost as the mule or the scan sweep you can basically build a double decker supply depot. it comes out of the sky like a mule and upgrades the supply depot to double capacity.
nilbog21 said:
can someone explain to me how the warp gates work?

and also the larva queen shit? WTF

anything else i should kno about o_O

its not that big a deal. you buy the warp gate upgrade from some tech building, then just morph the gateway into a warp gate.

In warp gate mode its like your gateway is now a summoner and you just click which unit you want and you can summon it within like 10 seconds to any place you have a pylon or a warp prism in pylon mode. then theres a cooldown, but overall even with the cooldown this is much faster than a gateway spawn and you can boost it even more with chrono boost.

The queen is a unit built from the hatchery that is produced rather than hatched from an egg, and you just click her spawn larva ability and target a hatch and it spawns 4 eggs that hatch into larva after 40 seconds. right after they hatch you can do it again on the same hatchery.

the queen also spawns a creep tumor that is like a super small creep colony that cant be upgraded. each creep tumor can spawn additional ones within a certain radius set on a cooldown, that doesnt cost either mana or minerals.

the queen also can heal any unit/building for 125 hp. costs 150 minerals and takes 2 supply.

what else do you want to know? reapers, thor, vikings, BCs, colossi, void rays, carriers, motherships, mutalisks, hydralisks, roaches, banelings and ultralisks all pwn, use those. everything else is like rock-paper-scissors fodder or specialist units IMO.
Trasher said:
If you are in then just check to see if you can download it on your battle.net account. You don't even need the email in order to download the client from what I've heard.

I had received an email with the CD key included. I had to redeem the key within my battle.net account before I could see the game listed there.
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