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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

TheExodu5 said:
They're with Activision now. I wouldn't put it past them to sacrifice competitive allure to try to prevent piracy through Hamachi and private servers. =\

(not saying that's the case...I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised)
The thing is that, in my case at least, there doesn't seem to be much information on how much influence Activision has over Blizzard. I personally assumed that the merger occurred, yet Blizzard still remains its former identity. Hell, I have to be reminded that a company called Activision Blizzard exists. It just doesn't seem like something Kotick should, or even could, toy around with. Not only that, but Blizzard seems to be playing up a rise of e-sports that they plan to surge with Starcraft 2. It's entirely counter productive, and it's a major deal. They are ramping up everything else, but ultimately game play must remain king. It would be like ESPN spending all of their money on new shows, effects, advertisement, etc. for basketball, and then never actually showing any of the games. It just doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, hows the beta, you lucky, lucky bastard?
KuroNeeko said:
And this is the big stinker.

At the beginning of the merger, they pretty much assured everyone that the two devs would continue to act independently of each other.

With the loss of LAN matches in MW2 (and the ensuing kaka storm that it generated) I'm sure that SC players are a bit concerned over how it's going to play out.

To be honest, I can't see them supporting LAN matches for tournaments without allowing everyone to host LAN matches because they'd basically be admitting that Battle.net is not capable of providing high level play (which would be a reality if input lag remains.) Unless they have a way of normalizing that delay so that everyone suffers it to the same degree...then it'd just be a matter of having to get used to it.

To be honest, we're living in the age of input delays and lag. It'll probably come down to how they choose to mask / minimize the delay they have now. No guarantees that SC2 is going to be the next competitive online sport - at least not until they do something about this.

There are other ways though. They can require a connection to battle.net to ensure that your copy of the game is legit, and then allow you to play LAN while connected to the internet. Still not ideal, but it wouldn't damage the competitive scene this way.

Apparently it's something they're considering, someone said earlier in this thread.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So it's official, I've broken down and I'm starting work on an official thread. I'm just too damn hyped. :lol

But I want to make it a really, really good OT to justify how early I'm starting it. But my Photoshop skills are kinda weak. Is there anybody out that that's really good at Photoshop that's interested in helping out?


ZealousD said:
So it's official, I've broken down and I'm starting work on an official thread. I'm just too damn hyped. :lol

But I want to make it a really, really good OT to justify how early I'm starting it. But my Photoshop skills are kinda weak. Is there anybody out that that's really good at Photoshop that's interested in helping out?
9-0 in 1v1 as terran today (would have played more but got 5 TvTs and I play macro games, each one was like 30m each because the opponent didn't know just how badly he was losing).

Protoss is as bad as ever, tried a proxy pylon (countered), mothership rush (countered easily with valks), and two hidden expos on a 4 player map.

Zerg just rolled over to my +1 weapons/marine shield 3 rax pump.

Also LOLZ at the war3 players who don't expand.
Thaedolus said:


Nice stealth edit

Yeah I copied that over without doing usual sanitizing, which is terribly sloppy of me. :(

Anyway, things I really miss:

Spider Mines- on four player maps, they gave such great map control and presence. It's not so bad in TvT since you have the lightning fast Hellions that can scout for you, but it really hurts in TvP since you go bio.

Reavers-The colossus is so vanilla and dull in comparison.

All the Terrans seem to be opening with reapers against other Terrans, which seems bad. I am able to get a tank and some marines well in time to stop the harass cold, and Reaper tech costs sooo much gas early that you're left on one factory and die horribly to a Hellion drop counter or just a classic two fac+marine push.

If anyone wants a Terran practice partner and is willing to use Skype, let me know via PM and we can set stuff up. I'm trying hard to force macro games with aggressive expand builds and get away from the one base play that is getting so much attention.


Yeah seems like they've only implemented some graphical features or settings. Check the difference in between terrain medium and terrain high. High is supposed to add "shadows on creep", but the creep looks exactly the same. Funny enough, low terrain has completely different creep, but it doesn't really look worse...just different (actually it kind of looks better).

Terrain Low

Terrain Medium

Terrain High


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
CajoleJuice said:
Terrain Low looks the best :lol

The problem with it is that it's got poor contrast with the units. It's harder to see those Marauders on the low creep versus the medium creep.


I should mention that terrain affects maps with decals/foliage a lot more than space maps like this. But yeah...I don't know why the creep looks so wildly different on low.

ZealousD said:
The problem with it is that it's got poor contrast with the units. It's harder to see those Marauders on the low creep versus the medium creep.

That almost makes me think that it was the older creep design (and has yet to be replaced with the proper low alternative). I remember SC2 had some major visibility issues at first, and the higher creep setting definitely seems like Blizzard rectifying this.

Anyways, I settled on the best performance without noticeable visual quality loss in gameplay (at this point in time):



Shadows: No difference in between High and Ultra at the moment. Medium doesn't look noticeably worse either so if you're scrounging for GPU performance look here for your next tweak.

Shaders: Small lighting differences in between High and Ultra, but it doesn't really look better either, just different (and it's hard to notice unless you know what to look for). Set it to High for some easy frames gained.

Terrain Detail: Set it to Medium for best quality/performance. Setting it to High will give you realistic looking water and more foliage, so decide if it's worth the big performance drop or not (~30% decrease in performance).

Portraits: Setting portraits to 2D will give you a whopping 10%. I personally love the portraits so I'll accept the performance drop for that since I can still maintain 50-60+ fps at these settings.

Hope that helps.
Finished up 7-3 in my placing games and still only got in a silver league. Would have been 8-2 if I hadn't been a dummy and forgot how beastly Thors are in TvT if they go air and you have more bases/upgrades. :(

Oh well, least that stress is over. Also, I still think the notion that "you must hate yourself to play Terran" is still pretty true. :lol

Upgraded Hellion drops are AMAZING in TvT. It's like vulture harass only with more fire and sadly, no mines :(


Fragamemnon said:
Also, I still think the notion that "you must hate yourself to play Terran" is still pretty true. :lol

How did Terrans fare in the original Starcraft? I was always under the impression that Zerg were the weakest of the three. I can't see Terrans staying last for much longer - they seem like they have a great balance of units.

Personally, I could never bring myself to play them when I had the Protoss and the deliciously evil Zerg. Terrans just seemed sort of... bland, I guess. (At least for me.)

I couldn't get into playing human in WC3 either...
KuroNeeko said:
How did Terrans fare in the original Starcraft? I was always under the impression that Zerg were the weakest of the three. I can't see Terrans staying last for much longer - they seem like they have a great balance of units.

Terrans are probably the hardest to play, but a lot of the very best players in pro SC are Terrans because if you do know how to play them, they are incredibly powerful.

Protoss was the "weakest" of the three races. They suffered for years and years against Zerg until the Forge FE helped even out the matchup.

Personally, I could never bring myself to play them when I had the Protoss and the deliciously evil Zerg. Terrans just seemed sort of... bland, I guess. (At least for me.

Terran is pretty "bland", but I'm a bland kind of guy and really liked the way that tanks worked in the original SC. Hopefully Terran will get some changes to make tanks more relevant in SC2, as tanks right now are pretty meh.


This game is too damn addicting. Brings me back to the days where me and my friends would be on our 56k modem and phones playing this into the mornings :lol

Anyways I am trying all the races but I keep going back to the Terrans. I agree, i loooove tanks in brood wars, but sadly, all I find tanks good for now is for defensive positions. I do wish games last a bit longer though. Most of the games I been in ends with in 10 min, 15 if I am lucky.

I find that most players tech way too fast, and forgo any type of defense in the processes. I been running into a lot of toss games, and majority so far are tech straight for immortals. A little bit of Microing and you can really do some damage with a few marines and maras to a toss that have a weak base.

I use to be in love with Reapers, but recently change my tune. They are very easy to counter, and cost so much gas that it really cripples you. Plus if I do spend gas, I rather tech to my new fave unit....The Ravens!

Edit: wow nice to see a lot of T players. Out of all my friends, I am the only one that touch Ts...I still have so much to learn, if anyone wants to get together online and play a few games so we can work on strat and build let me know!


Ya especially considering how relatively easy and quick you can tech to get one haha. For T, if its preghost/emp...stimpak marines does wonders for me lol.


I have recieved my copy of Diablo 2, but I cant seem to add it to battlenet.
I think its because the key is 15 characters long in the following format:


I assume 1 of the characters did not get printed from the 3rd bank.
Can anyone confirm the key is supposed to be 16 characters long?
Paz said:
you've never played war 3 have you?

It was sort of in jest . :p

I've never played much online, didn't care for the multiplayer when it came out at all. I have watched more than a few pro WC3 matches (usually the WCG stuff and some youtube vods of players like Moon or ToD. Each time it's jarring compared to SC in how little the economic part of the game seems to play out.

Maybe it's just lack of familiarity with the game since I haven't played it. But the kind of intense macro, fast expanding play of modern SC isn't there.


Sh1ner said:
I have recieved my copy of Diablo 2, but I cant seem to add it to battlenet.
I think its because the key is 15 characters long in the following format:


I assume 1 of the characters did not get printed from the 3rd bank.
Can anyone confirm the key is supposed to be 16 characters long?

I can't find my game but I'm positive it's 16 characters... that's weird you should give them a call. I guess you could try guessing, but I suppose you don't know where it should go in that set. :S
KuroNeeko said:
How did Terrans fare in the original Starcraft? I was always under the impression that Zerg were the weakest of the three. I can't see Terrans staying last for much longer - they seem like they have a great balance of units.

Personally, I could never bring myself to play them when I had the Protoss and the deliciously evil Zerg. Terrans just seemed sort of... bland, I guess. (At least for me.)

Space marines though man...

I love the Terran aesthetic.


Anomarad said:
I can't find my game but I'm positive it's 16 characters... that's weird you should give them a call. I guess you could try guessing, but I suppose you don't know where it should go in that set. :S

I've emailed coolshop, but I dunno who I should really contact them or blizzard.

I await their reply, I also think its the last digit in the group thats missing. Since its alphanumeric, I could guess it but I would assume battlenet would have some kind of flag on attemping to enter a slightly different key 30 odd times. :|


Neo Member
So after 20 or so matches in various 1v1 and 2v2 matches, I've won only one 1v1 match coz the player kept on disconnecting and eventually timed out. On the 2v2 side I also won just once coz my partner was insane. I maybe lucked out and got teamed up with one of the top level players.

Anyways, I haven't played SC before, and I'm starting by playing competitive multiplayer, so I was ready for the slaugherfest. Here's the thing though, the last time I played competitive RTS was Age of Empires II for 1v1 matches, or World in Conflict for 8v8 matches. Basically, I like to take things slow, build base + defense, then my army and then go to enemy.

I hate all this backstabbing and multiple base building. Fuck this shit with sending in probes and building in my backyard when Im too focused to tech up. In fact, by the time I start building my soldiers, the opposition just overwhelms me (albeit with a handful of units too).

I tried playing against AI and the only option was for Very Easy. It just didn't have the urgency or tension of live matches, so I didn't bother. Right now I'm learning as I go through live matches, but fuck me this shit is hard!

I tried Protoss coz they have the +50% build boost for all buildings, but I still cant use them (or even Terrans) effectively. Haven't tried Zerg coz their unit builds and tech tree is even more obscure than the Protoss, should probably stick with Terrans for the time being.

Is there someone decent who wants to play along and semi-mentor me? Or just a bunch of ultra-nubs like me who wanna play together?


Terran's are very fun as a race to play and one race I've been sticking too for a while. I love them mainly because of the fast paced hit and run raids I can perform on the enemies base and keeping them bottled up. In a stight head on fight I'm toast, but if I can keep the enemy off balance for long enough I can win.

Had a terrible match where I crushed the enemy with 3 cloaked banshee's just raiding their base constantly - until I realised he had a expansion hidden and had ammased an amarda - it became a race to see who would destroy who first and I lost....


Gold Member
deathberry said:
So after 20 or so matches in various 1v1 and 2v2 matches, I've won only one 1v1 match coz the player kept on disconnecting and eventually timed out. On the 2v2 side I also won just once coz my partner was insane. I maybe lucked out and got teamed up with one of the top level players.

Anyways, I haven't played SC before, and I'm starting by playing competitive multiplayer, so I was ready for the slaugherfest. Here's the thing though, the last time I played competitive RTS was Age of Empires II for 1v1 matches, or World in Conflict for 8v8 matches. Basically, I like to take things slow, build base + defense, then my army and then go to enemy.

I hate all this backstabbing and multiple base building. Fuck this shit with sending in probes and building in my backyard when Im too focused to tech up. In fact, by the time I start building my soldiers, the opposition just overwhelms me (albeit with a handful of units too).

I tried playing against AI and the only option was for Very Easy. It just didn't have the urgency or tension of live matches, so I didn't bother. Right now I'm learning as I go through live matches, but fuck me this shit is hard!

I tried Protoss coz they have the +50% build boost for all buildings, but I still cant use them (or even Terrans) effectively. Haven't tried Zerg coz their unit builds and tech tree is even more obscure than the Protoss, should probably stick with Terrans for the time being.

Is there someone decent who wants to play along and semi-mentor me? Or just a bunch of ultra-nubs like me who wanna play together?

Do you watch the game from the PoV of your opponent after you lose? I believe you should be able to load up your game after its over and see everything your opponent did... just analyze it and copy/modify it as well as know what to expect.

It sounds like you already partly do, so I'd suggest finding other replays online and downloading them, and seeing what strategies/build orders are used. You need to go in to the game knowing how the first 2 minutes will play out 100%, exactly how many units, buildings, and what order. Things just start getting challenging once you need to make decisions after that, but if you don't have those first 2 minutes down perfectly, you'll be behind for the rest of the game.

All those little tactics and fast paced gameplay just are the core of any Starcraft 2 game, if you don't branch out and harass your opponent you will always lose.

Basically you want to be always pestering your opponent, distracting them from advancing, while you yourself are still focused and expanding/building/attacking.

Keyboard shortcuts and assigning buildings/group to hotkeys are a must in any RTS to gain a time advantage. I think that's really the bottom line, it's all about speed. How quick can you do X,Y & Z simultaneously, while also doing A,B & C, and reacting to your opponent. Being able to manage 3 or 4 different bases and still attack as if you only had a single focus is also very important.


autobzooty said:
Me too. And really, when a game is as balanced as StarCraft is, aesthetic is all that matters.

I can get behind this. Especially in SC2 from what I've seen in the replays. The SUVs have a lot of personality and you can get more of a space trucker kind of vibe from them and the bgm. Too bad they couldn't have kept the human medic (though the ship is pretty bad arse.)

Still, I just can't get into the other Terran units as much. I really liked the idea of "spawning" my units and "evolving" as the match went on. I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing what ideas Blizzard has for the zerg campaign.

I just love those guys. <3

Fragamemnon said:
Terran is pretty "bland", but I'm a bland kind of guy...

Hey dude, just wanted to take a second to let you know that I wasn't insinuating anything or calling you "bland" because you like Terran. I know things can get all mixed up when you parse communication down to the forum level so I just wanted to make sure that you knew that it's all cool. I <3 you, mayne.

Still wanna chew your face off with my zergling, though.


deathberry said:
Right now I'm learning as I go through live matches, but fuck me this shit is hard!

Yeah, it can really feel that way.

I used to play AoEI/II and when I got into Starcraft and Warcraft III, it was a whole different ballpark. You need to assume that your opponent is going to try to pressure you in the beginning - ANYTHING to get you behind economically or to make you lose initiative. The more they can sustain pressure on you where you're vulnerable - the safer their base is (usually.)

I remember playing Warcraft 3 for a long time and then I went back to play a few games of AoE II. I tried harassing my opponent's workers with my hero and got my arse handed to me (stoopid French.) Just takes some getting used to.

Going back and looking at replays from all sides (like Minsc suggested) is a GREAT idea. You'll see and learn SO many things that way. Once you find an opening strategy that looks interesting - perfect it and then start branching off from there.

Good luck, dood!


Neo Member
KuroNeeko said:
Going back and looking at replays from all sides (like Minsc suggested) is a GREAT idea. You'll see and learn SO many things that way. Once you find an opening strategy that looks interesting - perfect it and then start branching off from there.

Good luck, dood!

I'll follow your guys' advice. Watching my opponent rush me with Protoss soldiers (whatever they're called) was one of the reasons I tried Protoss and started understanding them better.

So replays it is. Can anyone of you tell me how to watch somebody elses replays in game? Or did you guys meant on Youtube? In either case, any helpful links as I want to figure out how to get the beginning part of a match right. This would be really helpful.
KuroNeeko said:
Hey dude, just wanted to take a second to let you know that I wasn't insinuating anything or calling you "bland" because you like Terran. I know things can get all mixed up when you parse communication down to the forum level so I just wanted to make sure that you knew that it's all cool. I <3 you, mayne.

The thing is that I actually am a bland person (and totally comfortable with it!). :D

deathberry-The best things that you can do to increase your ability to play rapidly:

1) Learn the keys. Get comfortable with having the same unit selections on each key every time-for me, I use 1-4 for units, 5-7 for buildings, and the rest for command centers for comsat if needed. Also learn the hotkeys for unit abilities and especially production choices.

2) For each matchup, pick one general build order that you'll do every time you play that matchup. Practice it against the AI until you have it down pretty well. You want to get really good at that particular build order so that it comes natural to you when playing, your hands and brain automatically process it, and that leaves spare "cycles" for you to think about the nuances of the particular game, how to best react to your scouting intelligence, and how to set up a game plan for how you are going to win.

For example, against Zerg, I have a build order where I get out three barracks, combat shield, and hit the zerg player like a truck right when the +1 weapons from the engineering bay finishes (literally, I time moving out and having start shooting right when it hits). That's my game plan for the early part of the game. Here's an example I started with from TeamLiquid:

10 Supply - <Supply Depot> 1 at choke; minor supply bottleneck here
12 Supply - <Rax> 1 @ Choke
13 Supply - <Gas> 1

Gas Finished -
2 mining SCV to gas

Rax Finished -
Rax SCV to scout

16 Supply - <Supply Depot> 2
16 Supply - <Rax> 2
18 Supply - <Ebay>
18 Supply - [Reactor] @Rax 1
20 Supply - [Infantry Weapons]
21 Supply - [TechLab] @Rax 2
22 Supply - <Rax> 3
27 Supply - <Supply Depot> 3
27 Supply - [Combat Shield]
29 Supply - <Supply Depot> 4
32 Supply - [Reactor] @Rax 3
35 Supply - <Supply Depot> 5
39 Supply - <Supply Depot> 6
49 Supply - [Infantry Armor]

(the numbers denote what to do at specific supply points, your attack starts around 46-49 and in general you have extra minerals to start your natural expansion CC right then too, which works well since you'll need to ramp up gas big time).

I would suggest you do marauders/marines for TvZ and TvP and bashee/valkyries for TvT. Very newbie friendly (the TvT much less harder to manage than a ground mech TvT).

3) Watch your replays. Take notes-specifically, try to start recognizing what behavior/buildings the opponent has mean while identifying problems of your own.

For example, I'm playing a TvT. I play a two-factory into CC opening and go hardcore ground mech on most maps (Hellion/Siege tanks). However, one of the most dangerous builds against this build is fast banshees from two starports. So I comsat aggressively/float my barracks around to the back of his natural) and watch for any hint that he's setting up two starports with tech labs. Early on I'll watch for barracks with tech labs (reaper harass) and if they show up I put down a bunker at my mineral line w/ four marines and get some marauders.


deathberry said:
So after 20 or so matches in various 1v1 and 2v2 matches, I've won only one 1v1 match coz the player kept on disconnecting and eventually timed out. On the 2v2 side I also won just once coz my partner was insane. I maybe lucked out and got teamed up with one of the top level players.

Anyways, I haven't played SC before, and I'm starting by playing competitive multiplayer, so I was ready for the slaugherfest. Here's the thing though, the last time I played competitive RTS was Age of Empires II for 1v1 matches, or World in Conflict for 8v8 matches. Basically, I like to take things slow, build base + defense, then my army and then go to enemy.

I hate all this backstabbing and multiple base building. Fuck this shit with sending in probes and building in my backyard when Im too focused to tech up. In fact, by the time I start building my soldiers, the opposition just overwhelms me (albeit with a handful of units too).

I tried playing against AI and the only option was for Very Easy. It just didn't have the urgency or tension of live matches, so I didn't bother. Right now I'm learning as I go through live matches, but fuck me this shit is hard!

I tried Protoss coz they have the +50% build boost for all buildings, but I still cant use them (or even Terrans) effectively. Haven't tried Zerg coz their unit builds and tech tree is even more obscure than the Protoss, should probably stick with Terrans for the time being.

Is there someone decent who wants to play along and semi-mentor me? Or just a bunch of ultra-nubs like me who wanna play together?

Here is my humble suggestion, take it with a grain of salt.

Try to setup an environment that is conducive to what you want to learn. By that I mean try playing on only 1 map, and try to focus on 1 specific matchup ( T v Z ) for example.

After a couple of games on the same map things should simplify for you (you will know the map and you can focus on other things). That in turn should let you learn the details of that specifc matchup faster than if you are playing a bunch of different maps with a bunch of different player counts. 2 v 2 probably play different than 1 v 1.

Of course the map dictates your strategy to some degree ( map with starting points that are far away means you have more time before an opponent can put pressure on you, where close starting points favor aggressive play, also what resources and expansions are available and how easy are they to take/defend ) so again that is why playing one map will simply things for you and let you learn other things ( like unit combinations, etc. ) quicker.

You might want to watch some of the episodes of the Day 9 Daily where he breaks down SC2 battlereports, games, and such. Just look for the episodes that say "Starcraft 2" in red. Episode 69 is the first one. The show is meant for players with a starcraft 1 background but you still could probably pick some very useful info up even w/o a SC1 background.

EDIT: The other gentlemen are correct you need an overall plan before you start the game. So pick the map you want to play on and look over it. Try to think what would be effective in the particular matchup and then how can you tailor your build order to get those units w/o dieing. Also think about where you can expand to and how easy will be to defend that expansion.
TheExodu5 said:
I should mention that terrain affects maps with decals/foliage a lot more than space maps like this. But yeah...I don't know why the creep looks so wildly different on low.
Its to compensate for missing Shadows. If they had not adjusted the brightness, then everything would look way too bright and crappy. I like that Blizzard is actually taking that into account and making sure Low quality still looks visually good. Theres a lot of games out there which have Low quality look like crap because they just disable shaders/lighting and have nothing to compensate for it.


Sh1ner said:
update on fecked cd key, coolshop told me to nicely get screwed and to contact blizzard, blizzards has given an automated reply with the following in the massively long reply:


son of a bitch :(
So you bought Diablo 2 so you could have one game on your account? Just buy the Starcraft collection for 15 bucks or however much it is, and then you have the preceding games and can catch up on the story for when SC2 comes out. Problem solved!

By the way, has anyone else been watching this dude play SC2 live (http://www.justin.tv/evaxephon#r=1wDYI0k~)? He is so bad, but it's the only live stream I can find. Earlier he was trying to rush with Orbital Command, but kept failing. Now he's cannon rushing with Protoss and has actually won a couple. The things he does makes me want to rip my hair out haha. So frustrating, but it's the only SC2 fix I can get outside of the HDStarcraft dude's replays. His are at least competent games, but I've seen almost all of his haha.


Trasher said:
So you bought Diablo 2 so you could have one game on your account? Just buy the Starcraft collection for 15 bucks or however much it is, and then you have the preceding games and can catch up on the story for when SC2 comes out. Problem solved!

By the way, has anyone else been watching this dude play SC2 live (http://www.justin.tv/evaxephon#r=1wDYI0k~)? He is so bad, but it's the only live stream I can find. Earlier he was trying to rush with Orbital Command, but kept failing. Now he's cannon rushing with Protoss and has actually won a couple. The things he does makes me want to rip my hair out haha. So frustrating, but it's the only SC2 fix I can get outside of the HDStarcraft dude's replays. His are at least competent games, but I've seen almost all of his haha.

thats the gist of it yea, except I was trying not to spend more than I had to, next step is to see if I can guess that last character and pray that blizzard dont put a lockdown on my battlenet account, well when I get home.


Sh1ner said:
I've emailed coolshop, but I dunno who I should really contact them or blizzard.

I await their reply, I also think its the last digit in the group thats missing. Since its alphanumeric, I could guess it but I would assume battlenet would have some kind of flag on attemping to enter a slightly different key 30 odd times. :|

Do you have the disc? You could install it and try entering there, Blizzard would never see that.


Wowwwwwww. This dude (Protoss) on that stream I've been watching got beat by someone (Zerg), but had one probe left and made a nexus, which by the way was in between the other player's base and expansion...right underneath an overlord, and then he typed out "has left the game" and the Zerg player bought it and just left the game. The players in the Copper bracket are amazing! :lol

coopolon said:
Do you have the disc? You could install it and try entering there, Blizzard would never see that.
Oh yeah. Good idea. Definitely do that.


TheExodu5 said:
Frag, what's your name/id, I'll add you to friends.

I'm exodus.exodus.
You have it? I'll add you tonight

havent played much of it so I'm still slow. I used to have custom hotkeys but it's been 10 years since I've played SC1 so I'm no longer as fast


Trasher said:
Wowwwwwww. This dude (Protoss) on that stream I've been watching got beat by someone (Zerg), but had one probe left and made a nexus, which by the way was in between the other player's base and expansion...right underneath an overlord, and then he typed out "has left the game" and the Zerg player bought it and just left the game. The players in the Copper bracket are amazing! :lol

Oh yeah. Good idea. Definitely do that.
Link to stream?
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