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StarCraft 2 Beta |OT| (Beta Now Reopen, GL HF)

Minsc said:
So last reported the active users were at around 2,000... how high has it gone up with this new wave of keys? I'll feel a little better if it's only about 1,000 additional keys or so, as opposed to 10,000+
Does active users go by the amount of people online? If there were 2000 active users there are probably 10000 people with keys... and maybe more if there were people who got keys who don't care about SC (WoW players).
Just an aside, once we get some decent maps and not these piles of digital garbage Blizzard calls maps, I'm really confident that at least Terran vs. Terran will be the kind of lovably campy, tank-and-turret line fun that we've all come to love from BW. Been watching some reps from BRAT_OK over breakfast and he's got a great one fac siege expand that works beautifully.

Speaking of those replays (can be found in the TL replays thread), I can (after watching a few) safely say that the Europeans are (so far, and IMO) way ahead of the US in terms of metagame development.


I tend to turtle when I play Starcraft and well Warcraft as well. I'm a fan of base building what can I say. I enjoy figuring out ways to defend it and finding ways to take down someone else heavily defend base. Though not so much that I can't send out strikes to take locations. I just hate being rushed during the few times I actually do play online. Is this viable in Starcraft 2 or does the game design lend itself toward other tactics more?


It's more difficult in starcraft 2.
Zerg can create a tunnel in your base, Protoss can warp-in and blink and terran have reapers who can jump cliffs.


Gold Member
chris-013 said:
It's more difficult in starcraft 2.
Zerg can create a tunnel in your base, Protoss can warp-in and blink and terran have reapers who can jump cliffs.

What if the map prevented access to scouting to the other bases, would these strategies still work? Probably not as quickly, you'd need flying units.


Gold Member
Were these details posted already?

StarCraft II Beta - Patch 3 (version

Balance Changes


Engineering Bay

Infantry Armor: The time required for each upgrade has been reduced by 30 seconds, decreasing each upgrade time from 190/220/250 seconds to 160/190/220 seconds.
Infantry Weapons: The time required for each upgrade has been reduced by 30 seconds, decreasing each upgrade time from 190/220/250 seconds to 160/190/220 seconds.


Vehicle Plating: The time required for each upgrade has been reduced by 30 seconds, decreasing each upgrade time from 190/220/250 seconds to 160/190/220 seconds.
Vehicle Weapons: The time required for each upgrade has been reduced by 30 seconds, decreasing each upgrade time from 190/220/250 seconds to 160/190/220 seconds.
Ship Plating: The time required for each upgrade has been reduced by 30 seconds, decreasing each upgrade time from 190/220/250 seconds to 160/190/220 seconds.
Ship Weapons: The time required for each upgrade has been reduced by 30 seconds, decreasing each upgrade time from 190/220/250 seconds to 160/190/220 seconds.



The maximum shield capacity of this unit has been decreased from 60 to 50.

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the Infestor's Neural Parasite ability could cause Reapers to lose the ability to move.
Fixed an issue that could use an incorrect HDR format on some ATI cards.
Fixed a crash that could happen on some ATI cards.

Not a whole lot of changes... maybe they're narrowing it down and releasing this month!!!
Effect said:
I tend to turtle when I play Starcraft and well Warcraft as well. I'm a fan of base building what can I say. I enjoy figuring out ways to defend it and finding ways to take down someone else heavily defend base. Though not so much that I can't send out strikes to take locations. I just hate being rushed during the few times I actually do play online. Is this viable in Starcraft 2 or does the game design lend itself toward other tactics more?

I don't think this is a viable way to play the game unless you work it out in agreement with your opponents before the match.

Terran (moreso than the other races) offers you a set of "timing pushes" where you might turtle down on one base or two and hit the enemy really hard right as a key piece of your tech completes or right before the enemy is able to start producing (in large quantities) key quantities of their army.

I think AoE3 (because of the popularity of NR15 games) or, to a much lesser extent now, Supreme Commander are a bit better games for pure turtling.
Really small patch-they just put the Terran upgrade times to be equal to the Protoss or Zerg equivalent times. Dunno about the Zealot shield change, they die really fast anyway to EMP+marines.


Gold Member
Fragamemnon said:
I don't think this is a viable way to play the game unless you work it out in agreement with your opponents before the match.

Terran (moreso than the other races) offers you a set of "timing pushes" where you might turtle down on one base or two and hit the enemy really hard right as a key piece of your tech completes or right before the enemy is able to start producing (in large quantities) key quantities of their army.

I think AoE3 (because of the popularity of NR15 games) or, to a much lesser extent now, Supreme Commander are a bit better games for pure turtling.

What about if you were playing on maps where it's inaccessible to scout to the other players' bases, either because of a ton of rocks blocking access or because players are on separate islands (which later connect via surfacing terrain), would you be able to get around such roadblocks easily enough (teleport randomly, or flying units in force fast) to discourage turtling?


Fragamemnon said:
I don't think this is a viable way to play the game unless you work it out in agreement with your opponents before the match.

Terran (moreso than the other races) offers you a set of "timing pushes" where you might turtle down on one base or two and hit the enemy really hard right as a key piece of your tech completes or right before the enemy is able to start producing (in large quantities) key quantities of their army.

I think AoE3 (because of the popularity of NR15 games) or, to a much lesser extent now, Supreme Commander are a bit better games for pure turtling.

Gotcha. I guess that's a trust issue as well. I remember some games where the description was no rushing. Only to be rushed. Ugh. Learned quickly not to believe those anymore.

I have been meaning to play Supreme Commander. I have it but at the time I didn't really have the computer to fully play it. Thinking of going back to it now that I do. I do have AoE3 though and really enjoy that.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Congratulations to all of you guys that got in. Hopefully it won't be long until I get to partake in the fun.
Lothars said:
I didn't get in but that's ok, I still love reading about it and hopefully will get in sooner than later.
oxrock said:
Congratulations to all of you guys that got in. Hopefully it won't be long until I get to partake in the fun.
That's the spirit! Even if you don't get in, we know the beta is out and release is imminent. We'll all get to play together in just a few months.


ZealousD said:
Man this is so frustrating! I never get into Blizzard betas. Wasn't invited to WCIII. Wasn't invited to Frozen Throne. Wasn't invited to WoW. Wasn't invited to WoW:BC. And time is running out for a SC2 invite. =(
I think you owe me a key by the way. ;)


Gold Member
I hope soon Blizzard lets people pre-order the game at full price through their store (or even a small premium), and get a beta key by doing so.

They're missing out on a ton of interest off all the money from people who'd pay in full to have a beta key now and the full game later.


infinityBCRT said:

got in :)

will be playing a lot of this on the weekend

Checked my email cause of your post, nothing...

Checked battle.net and I'm in \o/
Definitely going to hit 5000+ online tonight. Was just under 4k about an hour ago.

edit: All terrans need to check out BRAT_OK 's replay pack. Especially if you played T in SC1:


His TvT style is very effective and plays a LOT like TvT (tanks, turrets and goliaths become tanks, turrets and vikings) in SC1.

I'm not so much of a fan of his style of ZvT and PvT, outside of his use of siege tanks in ZvT, which is exceptional. It wins him games, for sure, but the late stim upgrade in both matches does not sit well with me.

If you play Zerg or Protoss, there are some reps in there with WhiteRa/Mondragon/DIAMAGA/Infernal and other Euro SC1 luminaries.


man, seriously fuck the people that opted in in the last couple weeks with a single cd key and got in. i cant believe this shit..
So I posted a replay with my own commentary on YouTube a few days ago on a 2v2 I had.

Some guy posts this in the comemnts

"Tip to keep your army going and give you the edge is burrowing your units when they are low on health, especially the Roach who regenerates in mere seconds."

Which is what I did. So I responded - Yep I was doing that in the game.

I even attacked one of the guys in the game with burrowed roaches.

He the replies back with this (But deletes it.. Its like he never watched the video and thought I was zerg one day and terran another)

"Uh-huh, cuz mass marines were the best you could do, right?
Uh, vikings are the perfect counter for the air he was using. You could have had a significantly smaller force than his and still won.
And Helions with their upgrade own zerglings.
And with a small marine force to support both, you would have crushed him unless he changed his strategy.
So yeah, thanks for trying. Just don't blame Blizzard for your short-comings."

What? :lol :lol

Unfortunately he deleted that comment but no idea where he was going with that.
You guys sure love your 2v2. :lol

Still having a hard time working in the Raven into my play outside of the whole 'mobile detector' aspect. The hunter-seeker missiles just feel like a gimmick and the only ability I usually wind up using is point defense drone.
Nothing wrong with 2v2.

Maybe I'm reading it the wrong way - But I've noticed a few people claiming 2v2 is pointless.. I play games to entertain myself and playing with a friend and creating a strategy for 2 different armies is something I find exciting.

I just really hate the mentality where people brush 2v2 or any form of team play off as being pointless..

Not saying that you are saying that but I've just read comments that seem to aim toward that from other users and it sounds almost snobby :\
nilbog21 said:
man, seriously fuck the people that opted in in the last couple weeks with a single cd key and got in. i cant believe this shit..

Seriously. Opted-in since day 1 with 6 blizzard products and medium to high-end computer specs and still no invite.


Freakinchair said:
Seriously. Opted-in since day 1 with 6 blizzard products and medium to high-end computer specs and still no invite.

Same here. The only difference is that I've got a MacBook Pro :lol
celebi23 said:
Same here. The only difference is that I've got a MacBook Pro :lol
I feel you man....I took a gamble and opted in on the mac side, praying that they will get the mac version up and running soon and just give almost everyone with a mac a key. But now im wondering if that was a good choice...


Gold Member
Phloxy said:
Is their any way to play against the good hacked a.i in the real version of the beta? Or am I screwed?

You could just leave both versions installed in separate folders... what's wrong with playing against real AI though? :p

Edit: Actually that probably won't work since they'd share resources. If you made a separate Windows account you should probably be able to do it though, install the beta for battle.net in one login, and use the ai in another login.

Cru Jones

Xal-Shoota said:
I feel you man....I took a gamble and opted in on the mac side, praying that they will get the mac version up and running soon and just give almost everyone with a mac a key. But now im wondering if that was a good choice...

Meh, you probably wouldn't have gotten in either way


celebi23 said:
I've got a MacBook Pro :lol


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Phloxy said:
Is their any way to play against the good hacked a.i in the real version of the beta? Or am I screwed?

I’m not in the beta yet, but from what I understand isn’t the AI hack just replacing one file in the directory? I’d think it would be as simple as just toggling that file back and forth between the Blizzard AI and the user created AI. This would of course be for offline only, to go back online I’m sure you would need to go back to the Blizzard AI file first.

I haven’t’ gotten an email invite yet, but I can’t wait to get home and check my Bnet account to see if I got in for this wave. The game is downloaded and just waiting for a key to play. Don’t make me cry tonight Blizzard! :D


Are they actually going to test the single player AI system to see what common complaints there are? Or just multiplayer to see how the sides fair against each other?


Insaniac said:
if any super noobs wanna add me insaniac.insaniac

Im still learning each races tech and the new hotkeys be damned!

new hotkeys are designed so you dont have to reach over across your keyboard to hit O, P, etc.


Gold Member
Effect said:
Are they actually going to test the single player AI system to see what common complaints there are? Or just multiplayer to see how the sides fair against each other?

I've never heard of any one releasing a Beta to test AI... the AI will never be as good as people without cheating, even Skirmish AI, which is probably the best AI made in an RTS game cheats like no tomorrow. The tactics are top notch it uses, but without a 50% bonus to resources or whatever it gets, it would never stand a chance.


Heard that a new wave of invites started, nothing here but my friend got in. Sad thing is that he's not as much interested in the game as I am. Oh well, it's supposed to be random right?
Anyway, congrats to all who got in now, the rest of us can go back to waiting.


Minsc said:
I've never heard of any one releasing a Beta to test AI... the AI will never be as good as people without cheating, even Skirmish AI, which is probably the best AI made in an RTS game cheats like no tomorrow. The tactics are top notch it uses, but without a 50% bonus to resources or whatever it gets, it would never stand a chance.

The AI never cheats with resources, at least not in Blizzard RTS skirmish games. They just have map hack.

If you find the AI in a Blizzard RTS is richer than you, it's because it was more efficient with worker production and utilization.


Zzoram said:
The AI never cheats with resources, at least not in Blizzard RTS skirmish games. They just have map hack.
With the (final) A.I in SC2 they don't have map hacks either. A.I is given 0 cheats. The A.I will actively scout after you and do all the proper routines earning their victories.
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