Hey guys, I was wondering what are some good resources to help improve your macro and multitasking?
Playing the game is the best resource and the only foolproof method, seriously. When I first started playing I couldn't macro off of one-base even when it was the only thing occupying my attention. Once you get the fundamentals of any situation down you start doing the things you already know faster and looking to do new things to fill the gap.
For instance, at first you might send out a scout and then go back to your base and barely pay attention to it. Eventually you get quick enough that you can rally it around your opponents base while you return to macro. Then you get fast enough to actively harass the opponent and have nearly 100% of your attention occupied on your scout and barely need to take any time to flick back to your base and build something or put your workers in gas.
Same as in battles, at first I would a-move my army and then go back to my base to macro and rarely even see the first part of the battle, much less attempt positioning or micro, then I would watch the battle without microing OR macroing. Then you get fast enough to macro during the battle (at first you might not even watch it), then you learn to micro after the battle starts and macro, then eventually you spend 95% of your time watching your army and actively microing because you can macro during the other 5%.
Its just a matter of reptition and pushing yourself. First work on getting the production facilities down, and when that becomes second nature figure out what you could be doing with the spare time. This game I will queue a ling to scout for pylons on my half of the map, or I will actively manevour my observer around the opponents base, or I will load two medivacs and send them to two different places AND remember to be paying attention when they get there. There are a shit ton of small tasks like this that all add up in the end. Its just practice.
I still feel like I am nowhere near my multitasking limit, and its still easy to get overwhelmed by an opponents harass and not remember to keep up my macro, but I can see the progress from point to point.