What is the bruny?
He meant the Brony. It's a BDSM club downtown.
What is the bruny?
What is the bruny?
I've been able to pull 30-35 Mb/s pretty consistently most days, there just seems to be a 3-4 hours gap every day where it decides I barely get 10. Of course I'm in a brand new building around Square 1, so that might have something to do with it.
We hitting up the bruny after victory cafe right?
What is the bruny?
What is the bruny?
Change of plans we goin to the brass rail instead after victory cafe.
Sauga. Ew.
I tried the PvZ build that Vap showed last night, works well. I had to start off in a weird reset after holding off a 6pool though
Good to hear. It's a nice strategy for getting into a straight up macro game vs a Zerg and adaptable enough to go up against to both roach/hydra and ling/muta compositions. Here's the TL thread I got it from if you want to do more reading and see some replays of people better than I.
I did lose to it once because teh guy went heavy roach hydra and I didn't have enough storms
should i mix in a colossus or two?
The worst part about that nerf is that ZvT is balanced right now, they're going to break it.
ZvP is the one that needs some work.
The worst part about that nerf is that ZvT is balanced right now, they're going to break it.
ZvP is the one that needs some work.
One unit counters Ultras, Broods, Infestors, and to a lesser extent banelings, is balanced? Wat.
That's because, except for three or so players, the Zerg players are better.Zergs can beat Terrans just fine, and their win rates recently have been pretty much even.
flying detector that cost 200 gas and have 60 second building timeBurrowed banelings are not OP. Terran had to deal with the same thing in Broodwar with lurkers, and they dealt with it with scan and a flying detector, both of which are still available.
Zergs can beat Terrans just fine, and their win rates recently have been pretty much even.
only 200 gas? how horrible. science vessels cost 225 gas and built in 80 seconds. stay free.flying detector that cost 200 gas and have 60 second building time
flying detector that cost 200 gas and have 60 second building time
Terran typically has excess gas if going mostly bio, and the Raven has other uses too, PDD blocks muta and hydra shots, HSM is great for clumped anything, even if all you do is zone out mutas by making them fly away for a while, and autoturrets are like instant photon cannons
But right out of the gate they're mostly useless. I think the whole idea of producing casters that can't do jack for a while (including the HT in this) is just a stupid idea for the game. StarCraft II doesn't make you throw away units, but they're expendable--having you babysit units until they can do something useful isn't that fun (especially with Ravens, as they require a hell of a lot of upgrading.)
Ravens are so awesome; I can't believe Terrans still hardly build them. Reminds me of how Pro Terrans hardly even built ghosts for like the first 6ish months of the game.
But right out of the gate they're mostly useless. I think the whole idea of producing casters that can't do jack for a while (including the HT in this) is just a stupid idea for the game. StarCraft II doesn't make you throw away units, but they're expendable--having you babysit units until they can do something useful isn't that fun (especially with Ravens, as they require a hell of a lot of upgrading.)
Issue with ravens in pvt is there slow movement speed and size make them vulnerable to ht. However they can be good for PDD. Issue with pdd in the current meta game is most toss compositions are extremely stalker lite so they dont make a huge difference.
Honestly its not something I would be able to utilize effectively. I already have difficulty in hitting the toss with emp, have the vikings target firing and position army when engaging in battle. Having to add the ravens to that would not be pretty.
Ravens have an energy upgrade just like ghosts do they not?
Then use HSM instead to zone out protoss units, if you launch 3 HSM's at a protoss death ball, good luck trying to figure out which unit was targeted and peel it off, the whole death ball will retreat allowing your marauders to chase them down for free kills.
Yep. But even at high-level play I rarely see pros make more than one or two. Fully-upgraded Ravens in squads can tear up a matchup, but their disadvantages mean that you rarely see more than one or two made--and thus the upgrade is never worth it. They're not Infestors.
Alot of Zergs QQing here? Ahhh gaf cycle.
Alot of Zergs QQing here? Ahhh gaf cycle.
Well, I think it's legitimate complaining. Terrans should be able to spin their mouse wheel a few times and kill an entire Zerg army, obviously.more like terrans QQing.
Raven's are ok.
Until you compare them to science vessels.
One unit counters Ultras, Broods, Infestors, and to a lesser extent banelings, is balanced? Wat.
Nerf marines? NoooooOne unit counters Ultras, Broods, Infestors, and to a lesser extent banelings, is balanced? Wat.
Irradiate is sick nerd baller statusIrradiating death balls in SC2, oh my.
Irradiate is sick nerd baller status
D Matrix enables sweet ass plays and special tictacs
Old EMP was god tier
Bring back defilers.
Ghosts can lose EMP idgafI support this as long as Ghosts lose EMP.
I honestly think Viper+infestor is going to be more interesting.