Seems like you've got a bit of a mental/attitude problem at the minute dude, take a break for a couple of days, watch some streams or some games from the last couple of tournaments and start afresh this weekend or something? Might help a bit anyways
Actually, I'm being a little more pessimistic than I actually feel. I'm very calm going into the games, I'm just kind of lost once I actually get into the game. I just beat a Plat guy so I guess the Silver dude was on a win streak or something. And I don't want to watch anything that isn't GSL There are some good streams on at the moment but I wanted to squeeze in as many games as I could today before I have to go back to work this week. Can't get better if I don't play a lot...
P? Drop? What they hell is he going to drop that you can't kill in 10 seconds after you obliterate his shitty army with 100 food of roaches?
Z beats P just by pure amounts of shit before P gets the death splash damage of tech.
Or go muta.
I'm no ZvP expert but it seems like you aren't putting enough importance on making tons of shit and winning an engagement at the right time. That's 80% of it right there.
I was worried about him warping in DTs, specifically. I guess the one main question I have is I am unsure of when to tech and when to spam Roaches. I feel like I have to be maxed on Roaches at all times or I'll die.
But yeah, duly noted. Thanks for all the feedback, everyone.