Empire.Kas streams at the weirdest fucking hours, it's pissing me off because it's the only terran I can watch...
While you're at it, tell him that what he's doing in UNACCEPTABLE.Im gonna tell MKP that.
While you're at it, tell him that what he's doing in UNACCEPTABLE.
How am I supposed to enjoy his stream when he's only streamed three times in three months?!
What a fucking silly way to stream. WHY WOULD I WANT TO CONTINUOUSLY CHECK THEIR STREAM TO SEE IF THIS ONE (OUT OF 5000) PERSON IS STREAMING.Umm because they use a team stream now which all of them stream on?
Thank you :_:
Sorry for the rage...
edit: your link @ 37:26... I came.
Wut did I just read
hehehehehehehehefill the hole with some form of Yoshi
Fuuuuuuuuuck Miami is playing the Bulls tonight.
I'm just gonna get on now.
We have to practice the game, because suddenly it became hard.Terrans dont know how to party.
New mouse is here
It has the Korean translation of everything written on the box, so it must be legit!
What is it?
Link?SOTG is a buggy pos, I can't watch/listen to this unprofessional malarkey
I think I'm out for Mississauga Housecraft. It's a little too far for me. I will eventually meet up with you guys!
Also, I'm dying to play in GAF night one of these days but my Wednesdays are booked until mid April. However if someone is up for playing with a noob this weekend I think I have some time. I guess I'll just check the channel?
(Man I feel old having to schedule gaming time)
hi5 hereLogitech G500
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.i have never done the gaf wednesday thing, i got to say i had a ton of fun! thanks to shriek and panda for the free leassons. had a blast with the random group battle with exmark (i think) corran, and shriek but fuck i sure did help alot right *wink wink*
I wanna sleep.
But I can't.
But I really want to sleep.
But I still can't.
This is exactly what's keeping my awake. I'm constantly thinking about putting pressure against zerg, always making sure to prepare for flanks when heading out, constantly finding better routes to drop against protoss before they reach that critical "GG-PvT"-mass etc. I think of this whenever I'm in bed. Now fast forward two hours and I'll be sleeping, dreaming about the exact same events - difference is that everything goes to hell and I'll wake up one hour later, frustrated as fuck because I didn't split my army well enough against those storms.But if you really want to sleep, close your eyes and think about macroing and microing marines, works wonders for me for some reason. Maybe its the SC way of counting sheep?
Our relationship is now over. It was fun while it lasted.
Wow.Learn to like Protoss.
WOW.What race are you anyways?
Got to sleep for an hour... woke up because my brain decided to say "Fuck off".
This is exactly what's keeping my awake. I'm constantly thinking about putting pressure against zerg, always making sure to prepare for flanks when heading out, constantly finding better routes to drop against protoss before they reach that critical "GG-PvT"-mass etc. I think of this whenever I'm in bed. Now fast forward two hours and I'll be sleeping, dreaming about the exact same events - difference is that everything goes to hell and I'll wake up one hour later, frustrated as fuck because I didn't split my army well enough against those storms.
And I'm now tired as hell.
But I can't sleep.
Yeah, I miss doing thatWatching Day9 or just some sort of cast managed to put me to sleep for a period of time. Even when I wasnt even the least bit of tired. And even very exciting games. Go figure
I'm terran.What's with the wow? This isn't TL, your posts don't carry your race logo.
I'm terran.
I'll leave it at that.
I feel fucking humiliated right now.
Gotcha... it's starting to make sense.I haven't been following this thread for that long. I mostly got back into this thread during the period you were banned.