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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT5| Killing #ESPORTS

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Artosis going for Code A!

Wolf Schröder ‏@ProxyWolf
cArn and Artosis both out, 0-2 to Zergs ST.Main and Woongjin.Mekia, respectively. Whiplash still with a chance.

Artosis out of qualifiers! :/

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Azubu got a pretty decent team now

BBoong, GanZi, Genius, InCa, San, Sleep, SuperNova, Symbol, TOP, VINES, viOLet.

Some of them need to prove themselves again though, 2011ers. Wish VINES would stream again, i loved his stuff. He streamed for like 10+ hours a day of just games.


No GSL thread? Can't find one :(

Just got caught up to the most recent stuff. Sad for Ryung, but happy for Parting. The skill level between the GSL and ProLeague is night and freaking day.


AdventureRacing thanks for the reply man, I appreciate it!
I'll try and reply a bit, but at the moment I'm a bit shaken up cause I had a little car accident this morning, nothing too bad though.

Edit: That second game was much better. You still let him take a super 3rd early hatch and a 6 minute lair. I seen now that you do have a general plan which is good but i think your first pressure just hits a bit late. Try and work on getting something a little earlier than the 11 minute mark if possible.

Yeah I try and get my medivacs out at the 10 minute mark and attack together with stim. I build my factory too late so everything gets delayed.... Its something that needs work on, need to tighten up that BO

Just remember that terran is the aggressive race, like was said on the last page you should be trying to bully your opponent. In this game he was happily making rounds of 15 drones at like the 8 minutes mark because he didn't feel pressured at all. That's not how you want a zerg to feel. Once you started putting pressure on his macro and whole game just crumbled.
Yup, I hessitate waaaaay to long to attack, I can end most games way earlier then I usually do or it even ends up in a loss. I'm just so used to bronze/silver level play where the only thing players do is build army units and rush, which used to crush my first army and lose me games. It's a habit I developed which I really need to unlearn. I always think my army isnt big enough and end up not attacking

Before i look at any specifics i want to ask you this. What was your plan going into this game? Did you have a build order and a general game plan before hand? Personally i don't do that and just wing it but frankly it's a really bad way to play and you have to be really strong everywhere else to make up for it.

You noticed in the second game I have a game plan, but I only have it for the beginning. After the 10 minute mark I mostly keep doing the same unless I scout what he's producing and try to counter it. I mostly go super autopilot though, which is pretty bad.

Your first attack didn't hit until like 11:30 into the game. That is far, far too late. The zerg you were facing had poor macro, creep spread, injects and no tech and he would have died to even the most basic of pressures. Try and pick a build order that incorporates some early pressure and i bet you will do so much better.

As previously said, putting pressure on is one of my weak points, I just hessitate and I let him catch up and build up a bank. My next games I'll try attacking before the 10 minute mark, breaking my habbits.

Anyway so onto more specific stuff in the replay. First off the general build, it's almost exactly how i play TvZ. The difference is i tend to open with 4 rax instead of 3. Then when i have a decent little marine force i move across the map (try and deny scouts with a few marines leading for towers) and i go to their 3rd. If you want you can time it with stim or combat shields (i prefer the latter).

My "timing" is mostly trying to attack with medivacs + stim. But as I stated before, I get my factory too late which ends up getting my medivacs too late, its a BO problem that needs fixing.

Take this game for example. It took until the 10th minute for your opponent to get speed, 1/0 and to connect creep to his 3rd. Meanwhile you have 20+ marines sitting at home. You could have easily sniped his 3rd or at the very least put on a ton of pressure.

Again, a main flaw of mine, not putting on pressure, it needs a lot of working on and is noted on a piece of paper and pasted on the side of my screen now!

Anyway so next up is engagements, particularly the first one which will often time lose you games if it's that bad. Against ling bling you want to avoid letting them get a complete surround and maybe kite a little bit. Think about where you are engaging. For example walking up that choke with blings out could have been devastating. I would have went to the 3rd. Also don't forget that you can pick up and leave that early in the game, he had no anti air.

Banelings scare me, its why I hate playing against Zerg (and infestors). Mostly I panic and dont split when I see them. When I do, I mostly win the fights.
And youre right, the option of picking up rarely crosses my mind so I need to remember it more!

If you are going to wait for medivacs to attack maybe you should try doing a drop. Put one behind the main mineral line and one in the 3rd and let him react. Even in diamond most zergs still one hotkey their army and you will be making them work hard. Take that opportunity to expand back at home.

I'll drop more in the early game! I used to do it a lot in bronze/silver, but forgot about it for some reason.

Ok now to your macro. Your scv count was surprisingly good for a gold player. However your 3rd was simply way to late. There is no point having 80 scvs sitting around on 2 bases. Furthermore you need to learn to transfer your scvs. A couple of minutes after your 3rd went up you had 33 scvs mining 2 patches in your main. You had enough scvs to be on 4 base but effectively your economy may as well have been 1 base.

my scv count was decent, but I notice I still forget to produce them a lot. My 3rd being late is another problem I struggle with, I try to remember to build it when I do my innitial push; but mostly I forget or I do build it, but forget about it and saturate it way too late.
Also, whats the best way to check if your mining efficiently, it was 3 workers per patch/ 2 lines when you box your workers right?
And when I hit that mark and my 3rd isnt up, do I stop producing scv's for a while and build army, or do I keep building them and transfer the extra's when the 3rd is up. Most likely the latter, but I would like to ask the question anyway.

Basically i think your big problem is aggression. After his big second attack which you demolished you were up by like 50 supply. You could have crushed him easily but instead you were just sending the occasional medivac out. Instead next time try this. Send one medivac behind his main (maybe another to a different base if you can handle that) and whilst that's going on move you main army towards his natural or 3rd and get yourself sieged up. If you can handle it at our level it can be fantastic.

Late game i did like your constant pushing but when you let your opponent mass enough money to build infestors 17 at a time it's probably to late.

I think all my lost replays are of me being ahead 100 supply, and just letting my opponent catch up, its a huuuuuuuuge flaw and I think its the one that keeps me in the lower ranks.
Being more agressive is noted in bold and underlined!

Also, I can do multi attacks, I've done it before, two drops and main attack; but I need to really be in my zone that day, I need to be warmed up, no cold hands and just relaxed, which is something that rarerly happens. I can do it, I've done it a couple of times, I just need to do it more often.

I don't think you look like a gold player at all, you just need to be more decisive. I could have slapped you at the end there where you were up by like 100 supply and let him max out off like 1 hatch.

Thanks man, someone telling me that means a lot to me! I'm extra motivated now cause I'm such a huge doubter that the thought of just quitting the game starts to really make sense.
And again, I know I need to be more decisive, I think 8/10 games lost its because I just let my opponent catch up and build up a bank. I'll be more agressive from now on!

Oh and upgrade, upgrade, upgrade.

I know I know! I should just put on bays into my production hotkey, that way I keep being reminded that they are there (I did it last game)

Again, thanks for looking at the replays and giving your advice, it'll help me a lot!

I hope I can post some more replays today, but after that accident this morning, I'm really shaking and not feeling very well :(


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, profit, are you all right?


Wow, profit, are you all right?

A bit shaken up, lots of headache but thats because I'm just cramping up my body due to the "shock".
Was driving off of the exit from the highway, right next to my work when I started slipping, wasnt driving too fast but it has been raining a couple of days. Couldnt do anything about it. I think I rotated about 3 - 4 times and then I hit the railings on the side with the back of my car. I could drive away so the car still works.
I dont mind too much, but thinking about the costs for fixing the car is killing me. The two previous months were quite hard for me financially (I live together with my girlfriend but she still goes to school so she bring little income), and I'm pretty much through all of my money. Yesterday she was feeling guilty cause I'm costing her so much money, and I told her that there were just a couple of heavy months but the next month I can start saving up again.
Then this happens :(


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Shit profit, that's horrible... Hope everything will turn out good man.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
It most likely will, my girlfriend is trying to cheer me up :) It's just the money part that's killing me.
Btw Yoshi check out my replay's I need your input as well :D
I will when I get the chance man.


Profit's daily replay #2


All in all, just a terrible game from me. Miss rallies, not expanding enough, not enough production facillities, sooo many supply blocks. I tried being a bit more agressive and doing two drops while keeping a main force for penetrating his natural, but he split up his forces and had spines at the front.

Biggest thing that cost me the game.... UPGRADES!
At the end his lings were destroying me because I only had 1/1 and a bit later 2/2.

Really sloppy game of mine, but oh well I learned a bit.

Quitting for today cause I'm just not feeling it, just going to go to bed soon.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Do we know when this season ends?


Think I'm going to play Terran until HotS. I want to be aggressive and make my opponent react to me. I'll decide what to play again once HotS comes out.


The interview was pretty crappy. He either glossed over or said "i cant say" to a lot of important questions, and other times appeared quite clueless. Though i guess as the COO of a bankrupt company he should be expected to be clueless.

Pretty much no chance that any streamer will get any money. Also everyone has ~24 hours to save any vods because when they shut down tomorrow they will be gone.

Destiny has released his full own3d contract. $15,000 signing bonus plus $5,000 more to run some events. $4 cpm. Says he's owed about 20k. Dota streamer singsing is owed about 6k. Slashers sources put total company debt in the 7 figures range.


Thanks :p

Pretty much burned out on Skyrim now, gonna be splitting my time between SC2 and DotA2 with a dash of BF3 here and there. Working sucks. No time for games!

I hear you man. Luckily I have a girlfriend who lets me spend my time on games, but I have to admit I maybe spend a bit too much time on them.


I hear you man. Luckily I have a girlfriend who lets me spend my time on games, but I have to admit I maybe spend a bit too much time on them.

It'd be even worse if I had a girlfriend! Ugh.

Are ZvP and ZvT still scout his build > hold off his attack > tech to BL/Infestor/Corruptor > move deathball into base? That's part of the reason I want to try Terran, I can do timing pushes that might actually end the game and transition into a bunch of different stuff instead of having every game be "stay alive until BL/Infestor/Corruptor".


It'd be even worse if I had a girlfriend! Ugh.

Are ZvP and ZvT still scout his build > hold off his attack > tech to BL/Infestor/Corruptor > move deathball into base? That's part of the reason I want to try Terran, I can do timing pushes that might actually end the game and transition into a bunch of different stuff instead of having every game be "stay alive until BL/Infestor/Corruptor".

Nah, all Z's matchups are: build infestors -> press win button (default: f) = win!

fuck infestors


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Zlatko, I just got a new client over here with the name Zlatko... is this you?!
It'd be even worse if I had a girlfriend! Ugh.

Are ZvP and ZvT still scout his build > hold off his attack > tech to BL/Infestor/Corruptor > move deathball into base? That's part of the reason I want to try Terran, I can do timing pushes that might actually end the game and transition into a bunch of different stuff instead of having every game be "stay alive until BL/Infestor/Corruptor".

A lot of people play like that but it has never and will never be the only way to play. If you want to play aggressive and bully your opponent you can do that with every race. It's your choice if you just want to turtle to broodlords.

I'm high diamond low masters and i barely build any broods of infestors and i play pretty aggressive.

Terran is better for that stuff but zerg can be to (watch life play for example).



MLG announced their format for Dallas

We are excited to announce that Blizzard Entertainment’s highly anticipated StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm™ is featured in the MLG Winter Season via two invite-only competitions:
  • Online Winter Season Showdowns - Broadcast starts Monday, February 4 at 5pm ET
  • Exhibition Tournament at the Pro Circuit Winter Championship in Dallas, Texas: March 15 – 17
Online Winter Season Showdowns

The invite-only, Winter Season Showdowns features 56 of the top StarCraft II players in the world based on recent performances playing StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm before it is released to the public on March 12.

From Monday, February 4 through Friday, March 8, each weeknight, and select Sundays, at 14:00 PST (-08:00), MLG will broadcast one Showdown at www.majorleaguegaming.com and www.twitch.tv/team/MLG. The complete broadcast schedule is available here.

The 28 players who win their Showdowns will advance to an invite-only, exhibition tournament at the Winter Championship.

Exhibition Tournament at the Winter Championship

The Winter Championship in Dallas, Texas, from March 15-17 will include an invite-only, 32-player, StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm exhibition tournament just days after the game is released. The 28 players who win their Winter Season Showdowns will join the top four (Life, Leenock, Flash, Bomber) from the MLG 2012 Fall Championship to compete in a single elimination bracket for $75,000 and a first place prize of $25,000.
Winter Showdown Matchups:
KESPA (5) - 10 KESPA players competing for 5 spots

Parting vs. Fantasy
Rain vs. Flying
Innovation vs. TY
Roro vs. Hero
Soulkey vs. Last

ESF (5) - 10 ESF players competing for 5 spots

DongRaeGu vs. Jjakji
MarineKing vs Gumiho
Mvp vs Curious
Creator vs Nestea
Sniper vs Seed

Independent/Western (3) - 6 Western+ Independent Korean players competing for 3 spots

MC vs Alive
Hero vs Polt
Taeja vs Violet

North America (7) - 14 NA players competing for 7 spots

Killer vs Qxc
Huk vs Sasquatch
Scarlett vs Goswser
Idra vs Ddoro
Suppy vs Maker
Fenix vs State
Vibe vs Illusion

Europe (7) - 14 EU players competing for 7 spots

Stephano vs Titan
Nerchio vs BabyKnight
Mana vs Bly
Grubby vs Dimaga
Socke vs Thorzain
Ret vs Feast
Sase vs Snute

Southeast Asia (1) - 2 SEA players competing for 1 spot

Sen vs Moonglade
Kind of a weird format but I guess considering they're using HotS there's no great way to do it... will be interesting to watch a single elimination MLG


Cool. I like the format better this way, even if lots of players get screwed from no open bracket.

edit: lame i got beaten. I guess the 4 invites are flash, jaedong + 2 others


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I thought the max level in HotS was 20? I'm seeing Dragon at level 52... did they increase it?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Gotta keep people on that treadmill.
Fine by me :p But can I get this confirmed somewhere? Did they increase it to 100 (x3 races?)

MLG announced their format for Dallas

Winter Showdown Matchups:

Kind of a weird format but I guess considering they're using HotS there's no great way to do it... will be interesting to watch a single elimination MLG

eh, still lame without an open bracket but at least it beats their retarded formats of the last 2 years.

Will be interesting to see which players try to gimmick it out with the new units and get some cheap wins and which will just do the same shit they've been doing in WOL.


A lot of people play like that but it has never and will never be the only way to play. If you want to play aggressive and bully your opponent you can do that with every race. It's your choice if you just want to turtle to broodlords.

I'm high diamond low masters and i barely build any broods of infestors and i play pretty aggressive.

Terran is better for that stuff but zerg can be to (watch life play for example).

I'll check him out. Do you stream? :O


Hey guys, already have to break my promise about posting daily replays. Just got home and the garage told me today that fixing my car will cost too much money and theyre telling me not to do it.... Gotta wake up early tomorrow to take busses and subways to go to work (about two hours). Hope I can play some games tomorrow and upload the replays!


No Naniwa? Booooooooooo

From his twitter:

naniwa said:
Johan Lucchesi ‏@NaNiwaSC2
for those wondering why i decline mlg invite its beacuse i dont want to play hots and wol at same time, i rather play 100% on one b4 switch

Johan Lucchesi ‏@NaNiwaSC2
i also think its ridiculous that tournaments switch games in middle of their seasons.. its really unfair for the players ( IEM )

TBH I think he's only hurting himself by not switching to HOTS asap, but hopefully he'll do well at IPL6
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