I'm still baffled by TvT. Nothing I do in the other match ups seems to work. I feel like I'm forced to go mech. Should I do more drops or some shit? I don't know. I need a go to strategy against Terran.
I don't know if you still need help or what level you are but here's TvT in a nutshell.
You have 2 main styles, bio and mech, bio is good on pretty much good on every single map but mech is map dependent. Good map features for mech are overall smallness, low number of attack paths, and easily defensible 3rds.
Bio v Bio
This is what the large majority of TvT is about. Marines, Medivacs and Tanks. The basic gasless 1 rax expo is a solid opener on all maps, 1 rax reaper expand is a good option on maps where reapers can get in at multiple points, and 1-1-1 is applicable to maps with good architecture for sieging from the low ground (antiga, metropolis).
If you see your opponent is going for bio himself (1 rax openers indicate this), upgrades are gonna be the major player here. The general safe 1 rax expo build goes something like 2 rax after command center, double gas, then combat shields + double engineering bays, tech to medivac, add tanks. On maps that are not as open, you can also opt to delay medivac numbers to build up your tank count earlier (this is important on a map like cloud kingdom).
Your goal in the midgame should be to take and defend a third right after you get medivacs, while trying to sustain economic damage to your opponent. Make sure you build turrets when your opponent is able to produce medivacs to stop drops. Keep a marine along potential attack paths to be constantly aware of your opponents position, and always control watchtowers if you can. Send a marine to the most likely 3rd position so you're aware of the timing of his 3rd.
If you see you have an opportunity to attack, do it. Experience is the key to telling when you can attack but good indicators are upgrade advantage, unsieged tanks, bigger army, and potential for better arc. You're pretty much never going to want to attack into sieged tanks unless you have far superior numbers or positioning. The method of attack should be 1a, siege tanks, then split marines lightly to form a good arc and mitigate splash.
The best time to drop is when attacking, generally you wanna drop 3rd or natural, main bases tend to be defended by turrets.
Beyond this, keep expanding, add more factories and barracks, and be constantly aware of your opponents position. You're probably gonna be spending the large majority of your energy on scans, since POSITION IS CRITICAL in this matchup. If it becomes a seige tank staredown, tech to nukes or BCs.
Here's a rep
Bio v Mech
Expand more aggressively and your composition should be A LOT of marauders with some tanks, marines, and medivacs. Bunkers at 3rds and beyond are going to be useful to mitigate hellions.
You should NEVER be attacking when large amounts of tanks are seiged, and you should focus on teching to air (vikings and BCs) fairly quick (4th base time). Make sure you have more vikings than your opponent once you start switching to air.
Bio v Mech is mainly about having your opponent have stuff to deal with so he doesn't settle find a nice spot to siege in your neck of the woods. Drops, counterattacks, in multiple locations while threatening with your main army is key.
Mech v Bio
Open up with reactor hellion expand or some type of reactor hellion banshee play. Transition into quick blue flame or siege so you don't get stomped by a medivac attack and focus heavily on defense. Add on the factories and get double armory soon after. Get the turrets up in time, keep some marines (unupgraded) in the main to pickoff stragglers that make it through the turrets.
Composition should focus on tanks, with a good number of hellions, and then vikings for positioning. Don't fight until you have at least 150 supply, but instead use the hellions (drop or otherwise) to kill his econ. Always have tanks in position and sieged. Makek sure you're aware of when your opponent is transitioning to air so you can add on more starports yourself.
Most games will end with you getting into positioning and wrecking his 3rd/4th at the same time, or you wrecking his army with 15 sieged tanks, and then proceeding to do the former.
Mech v Mech
Same as mech v bio, just make sure you have more vikings than him or you're boned.
The strongest allin is 1-1-1. This is especially potent on maps like antiga, where if you get bad spots you're gonna have to rally halfway across the map to stop him from sieging up. The key is attacking before he sieges. If you're doing the average 1 rax expand, you should have combat shields done, so just take your marines, pull 8-10 scvs and fight him when hes about 3/4ths the way to your base. He shouldn't have enough marines to take the watchtowers from you so you should be able to see it coming in time.
For cloak banshee, just get turret up (you should have engineering bays around 5-6 minutes depending on your build). You just need this for detection really, 6-8 marines is going to stop a banshee pretty easy as long as you don't chase it needlessly.