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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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I can understand that sentiment. The problem is that any mass scale riots or resistance would be used as an excuse to increase police presence within the country.

Violence should not be used against local businesses or members of the community. For example, Farrakhan gave a speech where he basically implied that white people should be killed which is complete nonsense.

If someone killed a person from my immediate family and there was a corrupt system in place to safeguard the perpetrator, I would probably have to think "it through"

I can get behind this post.
I agree, but what else is there to do? I'm reminded of:



Depends, if hes a thug they get a promotion.


Err I mean black person. Not thug, sorry.

Look at that dehumanizing stare.


Untrue and flippant shit like this only serves to alienate people who could otherwise be sympathetic to your cause.

Fair enough. While I don't necessarily agree that the sentiment is flippant, I understand that it doesn't help. But the contexts of these killings naturally give birth to thoughts like that for a reason. This one especially.


Aftershock LA
Why are people surprised? A black life means shit in this country, and we've been trying to tell people this for DECADES, and we keep getting ignored and dismissed because, "you're just seeing systemic racism where you want to see it because you enjoy playing the victim." So this is isolated incident #650,476?

I'm just done at this point. My life isn't viewed the same as white people. I GET IT. You don't have to keep killing my people to remind me. I'll just continue to work my 9-5 until I die of old age or a police officer decides it's my time to go.

Not surprised one bit by the verdict, but that never makes it hurt less.

What was that about cameras making a difference again?

I can't even be glib about it now. I just...I got nothing left.


Depends, if hes a thug they get a promotion.


Err I mean black person. Not thug, sorry.

NYPD officer Andrew Dunton, who shot and killed off-duty cop Omar Edwards in terrible friendly-fire incident in 2009, will be promoted to sergeant

killed off-duty cop Omar Edwards in terrible friendly-fire incident in 2009, will be promoted to sergeant

will be promoted to sergeant

I don't...I can't breath...


Fair enough. While I don't necessarily agree that the sentiment is flippant, I understand that it doesn't help. But the contexts of these killings naturally give birth to thoughts like that for a reason. This one especially.

There's absolutely a racial bias problem in America and in the justice system. No question.

That said, being white isn't going to save you if some asshole cop comes your way.


I can get behind this post.

you can get behind the idea that violent protests and riots are organized...? Because this is ridiculous logic. All around the world, people are protesting, burning shit, doesn't matter what. But black folks need to abide by riot rules based on people who aren't aware why things are out of control?

People don't care. No one is thinking logically at the point of a damned violent uprising.

All of this shit is ridiculous considering that this is the point where I'm fed up with everything, and I'm not quick to violence. Its not a stretch to understand why people are going to riot. Its not like Jamaal makes an action-item-list before he gets his riot costume on. Not sure why black people in this country have to abide by the asinine logic that there is logic in rioting/violent uprising.

Its as if people think they are waving their fingers in the eye of the collective thug mind. "Why are you burning down your own community? Dont you understand my reasons for asking?" Who are you speaking to with these questions? If you understood why its happening, you would very well understand why its chaos. There isn't a spokesperson for riots. Jesus christ. Every fucking thread with this shit.

As if America would commend them for burning down a police station. Lets just think about that. Its a non-issue. There is no communication to be had about "why do people riot and burn their shit down."


Unconfirmed Member
This would be a good passive protest. Wearing Orange Hunting jackets...
we'd still be gunned down for... *reasons America believes are true/thug*
but would make for a peaceful movement.
They could wear transparent plastic pants so you could see there is no gun in pockets/waist band, and it would still be "i thought he was reaching for a weapon"
Fair enough. While I don't necessarily agree that the sentiment is flippant, I understand that it doesn't help. But the contexts of these killings naturally give birth to thoughts like that for a reason. This one especially.

Yeah, flippant was unneeded, sorry. I just think police brutality is a problem that faces us all (it should go without saying that black men get the worst of it by far) and white people should be convinced that's it a problem for them too, not the opposite. The more people scared of cops, the better chance of things getting changed.


Jesus Christ, this is just eggregious. No justice for an unarmed man who got choked to death in broad daylight?

I'm a big black dude, and am scared of these fucking cops. An officer could be the nicest man in the world, and I can't help but feel tense. Seen and read too many fucking stories, this shit is ridiculous.



Hey listen, I'm not going to argue that white folks aren't privileged as fuck so let me rephrase that:

If some cop shoots me tomorrow it'll still be harder to bring him to justice than a normal citizen.

There's multiple problems at play; Racial injustice, power-tripping cops, socio-economic slavery, etc.

I already said in the Mike Brown thread that if I had grabbed a few cigars (I've stolen cigarettes in my wild youth) I'd still be alive today.


This is kind of tangential regardless.


There's absolutely a racial bias problem in America and in the justice system. No question.

That said, being white isn't going to save you if some asshole cop comes your way.

No doubt.

I'm not going to pretend to know every intricacy of the system that was used to come to this insane conclusion, but it is pretty obvious that the way it is set up now makes it way too easy for bias to thrive.


While 50,000 body cams is a good start, I don't see how it will achieve anything if being a cop is a free pass to murder black people.

Only benefit I could see is that maybe not all districts/cities/states would come to the same conclusion with video evidence. I'm skeptical.

The other thing is that, if every case of murder had video footage showing the cop killing, it makes it more tangible for the public so its not just a "criminal getting killed for doing a crime" or "the cop feared for his life". But I'm also skeptical, as it seems the overall public doesn't care now. So makes me wonder if seeing more things like this would suddenly make them care. Again, skeptical.

I still think in a reformed system, we need body cameras. But the reality is prosecutors and unions are going to do whatever it takes to cover things up and make sure their organization doesn't take a hit. Even video evidence doesn't stop them from protecting their own.

This is why the Feds should be doing their damn job and making sure that these things don't happen. At least to me, this goes beyond race issues (although it is heavily a racial issue). But it just shows they will go to great lengths to always clear their people of any wrong doing.


you can get behind the idea that violent protests and riots are organized...? Because this is ridiculous logic. All around the world, people are protesting, burning shit, doesn't matter what. But black folks need to abide by riot rules based on people who aren't aware why things are out of control?

People don't care. No one is thinking logically at the point of a damned violent uprising.

All of this shit is ridiculous considering that this is the point where I'm fed up with everything, and I'm not quick to violence. Its not a stretch to understand why people are going to riot. Its not like Jamaal makes an action-item-list before he gets his riot costume on. Not sure why black people in this country have to abide by the asinine logic that there is logic in rioting/violent uprising.

Its as if people think they are waving their fingers in the eye of the collective thug mind. "Why are you burning down your own community? Dont you understand my reasons for asking?" Who are you speaking to with these questions? If you understood why its happening, you would very well understand why its chaos. There isn't a spokesperson for riots. Jesus christ. Every fucking thread with this shit.

As if America would commend them for burning down a police station. Lets just think about that. Its a non-issue. There is no communication to be had about "why do people riot and burn their shit down."

Not that my opinion matters but: I think all Black Americans are at least excused to respond violently. What else can you do against a system that has historically and contemporarily sought to destroy your existence? What other response can one have when all power has been and is still stripped from you? When your own life is threatened to be destroyed throughout the society live in? When you're silenced, oppressed, marginalized, and ultimately destroyed, I can understand why. When you're powerless what else can you do to express your grievances?

I think many people, especially the ones quick to condemn rioting, should ask them why oppressed people resort to such things.
Untrue and flippant shit like this only serves to alienate people who could otherwise be sympathetic to your cause.

Shit..I know dudes on K St who believe this to be true. "Flip the scale" white as light conservatives, I'm saying. The people that would take offense are going to..regardless.

Again, not as simple as "be white" obviously..but, don't hurt.
So on the cop power level chart how demonic was Garner? If Wilson said Brown was Hulk Hogan, this cop must've pulled out the Akuma card.

This is garbage. All I can do now is make bad jokes to keep from screaming.


Is this going to reach boiling point at some time and turn into a Precinct 13 situation?

I can't imagine what the American populace must be thinking after seeing the police abuse their power again and again and again. While never getting brought to justice.

I don't think the majority of Americans suffer under this system and are not impacted by it. I assume that is why there isn't more outrage over this happening over and over because so many people are selfish and only care about what effects them.

I imagine eventually this will lead to a bunch of riots and bloodshed. And eventually then people not effected will speak out as their life of peace is disrupted. It's sad to say, but I do think that is what it will take. Unless the Feds get off their ass and actually start regulating and going after the courts and prosecutors and unions.

But I do think civil unrest is likely as the majority of the US is apathetic or doesn't care. Just look at how many times this keeps happening and outside the news covering it for views, no one really does a thing or gets outraged.

I don't want violence. Black Americans don't want violence. But if all avenues have been exhausted and there is nothing left they can do, then they have the right to defend themselves and change the system by force.


you can get behind the idea that violent protests and riots are organized...? Because this is ridiculous logic. All around the world, people are protesting, burning shit, doesn't matter what. But black folks need to abide by riot rules based on people who aren't aware why things are out of control?

People don't care. No one is thinking logically at the point of a damned violent uprising.

All of this shit is ridiculous considering that this is the point where I'm fed up with everything, and I'm not quick to violence. Its not a stretch to understand why people are going to riot. Its not like Jamaal makes an action-item-list before he gets his riot costume on. Not sure why black people in this country have to abide by the asinine logic that there is logic in rioting/violent uprising.

Its as if people think they are waving their fingers in the eye of the collective thug mind. "Why are you burning down your own community? Dont you understand my reasons for asking?" Who are you speaking to with these questions? If you understood why its happening, you would very well understand why its chaos. There isn't a spokesperson for riots. Jesus christ. Every fucking thread with this shit.

As if America would commend them for burning down a police station. Lets just think about that. Its a non-issue. There is no communication to be had about "why do people riot and burn their shit down."

First off, my apologies for upsetting you. I don't understand what exactly it was that I endorsed that set you off.

All I meant by that post was that I'm an adherent to precise, targeted violence as a tactic of social movements. That's it.

Again, sorry I pissed you off.

Edit: Just reread your post and I get it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you think I was condemning riots in the wake of injustice, especially if black people do it? If so, that's not the case. I understand totally why blacks in America would riot. As a society, we've reached a boiling point on race relations.

Now, do riots accomplish anything? Absolutely not. It makes it easier for detractors to frame protestors as a bunch of looters. You and I are going to have to disagree on your police station example. If your mad at cops and are at the breaking point, break stuff that belongs to the cops. That's a clear message that no one can spin. (Well, they'll certainly try to, but that's beside the point.)


LoL! Now a choke hold isn't really a choke hold...


I do Brazilian Jiujitsu. That's a fucking choke hold.

They know it was a chokehold. The union is going to deny it. It's their job to keep their organization from getting sued and protecting their members even if they know they did wrong. The unions, the prosecutors the entire system that looks out for their organization over citizens and justice because of $$ is what is fucked.

Same reason school districts and unions have protected pedos in schools because it getting out would mean the school getting sued. Doesn't matter if kids got molested or more will get molested. Have to protect that reputation and money. Smh
"That was a choke hold, but not really, look at this shit that is the exact same thing as a choke hold. Most people regain consciousness 30 seconds, others die.
but it's not a choke hold"


surprising they mentioned it but yeah they wouldn't deviate from the script from this heavily-sponsored commercial event.

Yeah. I still think the whole thing is revolting though. The sentiment felt incredibly hollow, especially as they had cut to the hosts putting on their best somber faces from a group of people dancing on stage.

It's just gross, and there's really nothing they could have said to make me think otherwise.

It's a tradition for language to evolve to be appropriate for the times.

e.g. Nigger => Thug

See it all the time.

Torture -> Enhanced interrogation.
"What is this salty discharge?"

I don't even know what happened. I'm sitting here and the rage just turned into sadness, and I lost control.

I'm tired.

I'm so tired.


So, is there really any point in buying police camera's now?

Maybe. But the grand jury system, unions and prosecutors need to be regulated and overhauled. There is no point if people in law enforcement won't get indicted because the system looks after their people.

Evidence doesn't matter if they refuse to charge anyone in their organization.
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